You Saved Me

By Raihantheruler

154K 2.3K 1.3K

Fem Sasuke x Naruto. The Council wary that Suki Uchiha might betray the Leaf again, issued an ultimatum. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

5.9K 111 23
By Raihantheruler

"Naruto, I'm scared." Suki admits.

"What's wrong?" The blonde asks his wife.

"Shino. He's smiling. It's terrifying." The brunette answers and takes a step back, behind her husband.

"Hey! Shino. So I take it you got the proof?" Naruto questions him.

"I got the proof. I don't recommend you watch It. We don't need you flying into a rage. The important thing is that we can convict them with this and Suki is safe." He assures them.

"What did they say?" Naruto demands to know.

"Naruto, you don't want to know. Just leave it at that. We can put them on trial for this and do it properly." The insect lover states.

"I want to see it. NOW!" The future Hokage orders him.

"I really don't think that's a good idea." Shino says and tries to have the butterfly fly away from Naruto.

"I think it is!" Naruto says and grabs the butterfly.

The blonde plays the tape. Suki saw it. Uh oh. The Council was talking about causing her to miscarry. Damn it!

"Naruto, don't!" She says.

It was too late though. She could already feel Kyuubi's chakra swirling violently around the blonde. Suki tackles Naruto and cries out in pain when the chakra touches her.

"SUKI!" Naruto says, immediately vanishes the chakra, and rushes to her.

"Alright. T-That wasn't my brightest idea." She murmurs.

"It's okay. I'm right here. You just got stunned. I think." The blonde says, pulling her into his arms, and holding her.

"Yes." She murmurs and leans into his hold, her breathing slower than normal, and she passes out.

"I hate them!" Naruto growls, picking Suki up, and takes her back to their home.

Shino follows. Honestly, he wasn't really sure if there was much he could do if Naruto truly snapped. But he should at least attempt to do something.

"Shino, will you watch her? I need to go talk to Kakashi about this. But I don't want to leave Suki alone." Naruto asks.

"I will. She'll be safe with me." He promises.

"Thank you. I owe you one." The blonde says, flirting off with the butterfly and camera in hand.

He bursts into Kakashi's office just a few minutes later. Kakashi was in the middle of a meeting. The silver haired ninja had never seen Naruto look so furious before. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He dismisses the people he was having a meeting with immediately.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" The Hokage asks.

"Watch this. You'll see." The blue eyed ninja states and he gives Kakashi the butterfly.

Kakashi delicately removes the tiny camera. The Copy Cat ninja watches the video, as asked. His eyes widen. Damn it. It was worse than he thought. Truly, he was shocked that Naruto hadn't leveled the village yet.

"I'll have this displayed publicly in the Village Square during the trial. As she is the last blood member of her clan, this constitutes in genocide in a way. That carries a penalty of execution." He informs Naruto.

"I want to be the one to kill them." The blonde snarls.

"Naruto, I really don't think you should. Your anger is understandable, but you do not want to lose yourself to it." His former Sensei warns him.

"They wanted to kill our child. I'm killing them personally. I won't do it in public. That would tarnish my image. Suki and our baby need me to be the hero in the village's eyes. If I torture a bunch of old people to death, that image won't hold up." He continues and Kakashi felt something was off.

Something was very wrong. Naruto's voice was different. It wasn't Kyuubi. But he'd never heard Naruto talk like this before. It was hard to describe his tone. Bitter, steel, sadistic, and calculating was the closest that Kakashi could come.

"Perhaps you should ask Suki how she feels about you being their executioner. It is possible that she might want to do it herself." He suggests.

"Good point. If she wants to kill them, I'll help her." He replies.

"Where is she?" Kakashi asks suddenly.

"After I saw the video. I got mad. Kyuubi's chakra lashed out. Suki tackled me. She wanted to stop me from doing something 'stupid.' I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear I didn't, but I stunned her. She passed out. Shino is watching her." Naruto explains.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt her. But you have to watch your temper." The Hokage warns him.

"I will. It will be better once they are dead." Naruto says.

"Maybe you should go check on her and talk to Suki about all this." Kakashi suggests.

"Yeah. I will. I think I'll stop by the market before I go home though. Maybe pick up some flowers and tomatoes for her. I owe her an apology for stunning her like that." He says.

"That's a good idea. I think she'd like that." The Hokage agrees.

Twenty minutes later, Naruto heads inside their home. He'd bought some red roses for Suki and some tomatoes. Suki loved tomatoes, almost as much as he loved Ramen.

"Hey, Shino. How is she?" Naruto asks.

"She's awake now. A little disoriented but fine otherwise. I get the flowers, but why tomatoes?" He raises an eyebrow.

"She loves them." Naruto says defensively.

"Whatever works. She's laying on the bed. I think her head is probably still spinning." Shino warns him.

"Alright. Thanks, man." He says and heads into the bedroom.

"Hey, Suki. I'm really sorry." He mutters, climbing onto the bed, and sitting next to her.

"It's alright. You didn't mean it. I'm the one who lunged at you. I knew what your chakra is capable of. It was a dumb move." She says, taking the flowers, and sniffing the roses.

"Yeah, maybe a little. I talked to Kakashi. He's going to arrange a trial. I told him I want to kill them myself." He states in such a cold voice that it actually made Suki shiver, not with desire but with fear.

"I'm glad you didn't go off halfcocked." She teases him, trying to snap him out of it.

"I told you, when it comes to you…I'm always fully cocked." He murmurs and pushes her onto her back.

"Mmm glad to hear it." She murmurs and kisses him.

"I like the whole kissing and making up thing." He whispers to her, returning the kiss.

"Me to." Suki agrees and wraps her arms around him.

"I just don't want to lose you. So I kinda lose it sometimes." He murmurs, licking her Mating Mark.

"It's alright. I get it. I don't want to lose you either. And if you go off and do something stupid, I will. So don't." She orders him, though it lost some of its bite when the brunette moans from the lick.

"I love how the Mark gets you going." He says and lightly bites down on it, causing Suki to moan and arch against him wantonly.

"Tease." She growls.

"Says the woman who just started touching herself with me watching while I was in handcuffs?" He asks and slowly starts sliding off her shirt.

"Yes, that's right. You are a tease." Suki says and returns the favor, running her hands along his muscular chest.

"Uh huh. Well just let me make you feel good. Shino told me you felt dizzy." He says and caresses her cheek.

"A little yeah. But it's nothing." Suki protests.

"It's not nothing. Let me take care of you." He says and kisses her neck

Suki closes her eyes and leans into him. That did feel good. It went against her nature though. She liked to give as good as she got. But maybe this once, she'd just go along with it. Let him completely take the reigns.

"That's better." He says approvingly and quickly strips them both.

"You can tie me up if you want." She murmurs.

"You sure? You said that you…don't like it." Naruto replies.

"I trust you and it's really the only way that I'd be able to just…let you do everything." She murmurs.

"Suki, you are way too competitive sometimes. There isn't a scoreboard for who gives who the most orgasms. You know that right?" He asks.

"I know. It's just I don't want you to think I'm boring or a selfish lover." She says.

"Suki, you are definitely NOT in any way boring or selfish in that way." He assures her and goes to find something to tie her up.

Warning Lemon

She bites her lower lip as she waits. It was fine. It was Naruto. It's not like he was going to inject a bunch of poisons in her. She watches as he comes back with the purple rope/belt she used to wear during her Sound Years. Finally, a use for that ugly thing other than to keep her pants up.

"If you don't like it, you can tell me, and I'll untie you." He assures her as he ties up her feet and hands.

"Alright." She says and lays back down.

Naruto couldn't believe that Suki had actually agreed to this. But there was just something HOT about seeing that purple rope wrapped around her. That she was completely at his mercy.

Well he knew that she could get out if she really wanted to. His wife had a natural fire affinity and in the worst case scenario, she could burn the rope off of her. Still it was fun to pretend anyway.

"I can't believe that I ever thought it was just friendship." He mutters as he leans over her and kisses her.

"Mmm you are really dense sometimes. But that's okay. I'm the brains in this relationship." She says, returning his kiss.

"Oh really and what does that make me?" Naruto asks while tracing his thumb over one of her nipples in a circular motion, causing the rosebud to tighten and drawing out a mew of pleasure from Suki.

"The heart." She answers.

"I can live with that." He says and flicks his tongue against said rosebud, making Suki squirm.

God that felt good. His mouth was so warm and when he ran his rough tongue over her sensitive skin like that, she shudders in arousal. Fucking evil tease. Suki tries to grind against him, Naruto blocks her from doing it though.

"Bad Suki. I told you that I was going to take care of you." He says and bites down lightly on her breasts to "punish" her.

"Don't bad Suki me!" She growls.

"You agreed to be tied up. That means you don't get to set the pace." He says and slides her hands between her legs, rubbing against her core.

"Nhh!" She moans and bucks against him.

"I love how sensitive you are and how sweet you taste." He says, burying his head between her thighs.

"Naruto, don't you dare tease me like that when I'm tied up! Oh Gods and Goddesses!" She suddenly moaned when his started making love to he with his mouth.

"What was that? You want me to stop?" He asks slyly.

"I'll kill you if you do." She growls.

"You are the only person I know that can make a death threat sound sexy." He murmurs and goes back to licking her, enjoying the sounds of her moans, and the feeling of her writhing against him.

Suki was going to come up with a witty comeback. She really was, but fuck that felt good! How was she supposed to be sarcastic when his tongue was doing THAT?!

"So I was looking over some of Jirayia's old books and found something interesting. We haven't done this one before." He says, moving away from her, and cuts the rope around her feet.

"Y-Yeah?" She pants out.

"I think you'll like it." He says sitting on his knees and throwing her legs over his shoulders, before thrusting into her.

"Naruto!" She moans his name.

"Lets you go deeper." He explains and slams into the sultry brunette powerfully, angling for that special spot that made her scream his name.

"NARUTO!" She cries out again and Naruto smirks, yeah he found it.

The blonde leans over and kisses her passionately, slowing his thrusts. It was hard. She always felt so fucking good, that his impulse was just to fuck her raw. So hot, so tight, and wet. The sounds she made. But he'd gotten better at controlling himself long enough to make it last.

"Fuck!" Suki moans and Naruto apparently takes this as an order because he starts thrusting faster, driving them both to the edge, and he came with a roar.

Suki wasn't far behind him. She came with a whimper. He really liked it when she whimpered. It let him know that she had completely lost it. She was far too proud to make that sound consciously. Naruto slides out of her with a satisfied smile and pulls her into his arms.

End of Lemon

Suki smiles as she lays against Naruto, a short awhile later. Her back was towards him. She could feel him tracing his fingers over her back, outlining her faint scars. They were barley noticeable, silvery lines more than anything thanks to Karin's healing. But Naruto definitely noticed them. She feels him kiss them lightly.

"I don't think they meant kiss it better literally." She teases him.

"Maybe not. I can't help it. Leave it to you to have beautiful scars. You shouldn't have got them in the first place though." He states seriously.

"It doesn't matter. I have you to protect me now." She says.

"I must have screwed your brains out. Normally you say you don't need me to protect you." Naruto says.

"That's true. I don't need you to. But I never said that I didn't like it." She says with a smile and turns around, kissing him.

"I really have to get better at Sukiese." He murmurs and kisses back.

"You were speaking it rather fluently a few minutes ago." She says and when she looks at him with those ruby red eyes and her long lashes, Naruto considers going for a round two.

He decides against it though. She'd been unconscious for an hour only a short time ago. It was probably best to let her get some sleep.

"Yeah. Get some sleep. We have a Council to deal with tomorrow." He tells her.

"Alright. Promise you won't do anything stupid?" She asks.

"I promise." He says.

"Good." She says with a yawn and settles further into his arms, closing her eyes, and falls asleep almost instantly.

"Guess I wore her out." He mutters and smiles, kissing the top of her head.

The next day, Suki walks with Naruto to the Village Square. Kakashi, true to his word had called for a village meeting. He sighs, this was probably going to end in disaster.

"I have evidence that the Council has drugged a member of this village and had plans to attack her if she were to become pregnant. Naruto, Suki?" He asks cautiously and they walk to the center of the village.

The Council all turn white as sheets and try to run off. They are blocked by giant wall of sand though. Gaara looks at them with what could only be described as utter contempt.

"Thanks, Gaara." Naruto calls out.

"Anything for you, my friend." The red head replies.

"I think the video speaks for itself. I want their executions for threatening to murder our unborn children." Naruto says.

"SHE'S PREGNANT?!" The audience asks.

"No, not yet." Suki says and rubs the back of her head sheepishly.

"She will be soon though." Naruto adds.

"Naruto, I think you should play the tape." Gaara sighs in exasperation.

"Yeah, I do too." He says and lets the audience watch.

The audience watches in shock. While some of them were to put it mildly, a bit skittish about Suki…Naruto was different. He was the hero of the Ninja World. That and threatening a pregnant woman? For most people, it didn't matter who the pregnant woman was…that was despicable.

Naruto was gratified to see that it looked like the metaphorical pitchforks might be busted out on his and Suki's behalf,bBut he was going to do this himself. Kakashi somehow manages to quiet the roaring crowd down.

"Council members do you have anything to say in your defense? The evidence is very solid against you and if you can't come up with a reason why it should not be considered legitimate, I will grant Suki the right to have you executed in a manner she sees fit, as it was her life you were potentially threatening." The silver haired man says.

"Are you all out of your mind?! You think we should let the demon's bitch breed?! Her clan tried to mount a coup and the child would likely be just as much a traitor! You should be thanking all of us." The council members roar right back at Kakashi.

"I'm going to take that as an admission of guilt. Suki?" Kakashi asks.

"I don't know. There are a lot of possibilities." She says tilting her head to the side as if considering what to have for dinner.

The Council tries to bolt again. Gaara's sand prevents them from leaving once more. The Kazekage says something to them that Naruto didn't quite catch. But sounded suspiciously like, "You can't even die with dignity. I'm going to enjoy watching the Uchiha turn you into her scratching post."

"Gaara, would you be so kind as to restrain them while Suki makes her decision?" Kakashi asks.

"Of course, Lord Hokage." Gaara says and suddenly the sand forms giant chains around them.


"Shut up." The red head says and gags them with his sand.

"Do you think he could teach me how to do that?" Suki asks Naruto.

"I don't think so. The sand responds to his will. It's instinctive more than anything." The blonde says.

"Oh. Damn." Suki replies.

"I want them taken to the Forest of Death where they will be hung. No one is to see their bodies. They can be left for the animals." Suki says.

"Very well." Gaara forms an enormous hand made out of sand and hurls them into the Forest of Death.

"Thanks." Naruto says.

"It was most…enjoyable." The Kazekage admits.

Gaara touches his cheek in surprise. Hinata had leaned over and kissed him there. He blinks and looks at her.

"It was also most…sexy." She says shyly.

"Really?" He asks.

"Really." She says.

"No one's ever called me that before." He muses.

"Would you like to see more of the village?" She asks.

"I'd like that." He says and walks with the beautiful heiress.

Someone had called him sexy! Maybe Naruto wouldn't be the only one of them wed a woman from a Noble Clan! He follows her obediently.

"Well damn. I didn't see that coming." Naruto mutters.

"Me neither. Let's go deal with the Council once and for all." She says and flits off to the Forest of Death, with Naruto right behind her.

Suki starts hanging them up. Naruto places his hand on hers, stopping her. She tilts her head in confusion.

"They should suffer more than that for what they did to you. What they were going to do to you. I can't let them get away with it that easily." He tells her.

"You…want to torture?" Suki asks in disbelief.

"Yes, I do." He says firmly.

"Who are you and what have you done with my very much goody two shoes of a husband?" She asks dryly.

"I'm a goody two shoes until someone threatens you and our family." He says.

"Naruto. That's not how this works. I'M the bad girl. You are the good guy. If anyone tortures it would be me. I just want to send them straight to Hell where they belong." She states.

"It's not enough. I want more than that. Not after what they planned to do to you, it's not enough." He says.

"Alright if you want to slap them around a bit before they die, they do deserve it." She admits and figures, It's not like he knows how to torture anyway.

Suki was soon proven wrong though. Naruto "borrows" her sword. For the woman, he slams it straight through where her womb would be. The men he castrates with one swing. Then he hangs them up and lets them bleed out.

"…" Suki was speechless.

Naruto had done that? Her lovable idiot? He had dismembered them and was going to let them bleed to death slowly?

"Naruto?" She asks cautiously.

"They deserved it and you know they did. They deserved worse actually." He says and walks over to her.

"I can't argue with that, but it's not like you. You don't do things like that. I…" She trails off not sure what she wanted to say exactly.

"Would do anything to protect you and our family." He says and kisses her.

"I know." She says and kisses back.

His kiss was different. It was so possessive, darker. She noticed his eyes were red and his teeth were sharper again. But there was no Kyuubi chakra. She wasn't sure whether to be intrigued by this or if she should run like Hell.

"There's no need to be scared." He tells her and caresses her cheek.

"I'm not scared." She tells him.

"I can tell by your scent that you are. They hurt you Suki. So I hurt them. You spent years pursuing revenge. Are you really going to hold it against me? I was protecting you. I'll always protect you." He tells her.

"You didn't need to do that. We could have just killed them instantly. You…enjoyed it." Suki mutters.

"I'm not going to lie. I did." He answers honestly.

"Don't do it again. Don't torture for me. It's not like you. I don't like it. You're my light." She says.

"I won't do it again." He promises her and Suki leans into him, wanting to believe the blonde.

"They're dying. It's over now. We can just be us again." She says with a smile.

"Yes." He agrees and heads home with her.

He knew that he had scared Suki. He hadn't meant to, but the blonde had wanted to hurt them. They hurt his mate. They had to pay. It really was that simple.

She'd left him twice, he wasn't going to let anyone take her away from him. They had been planning to make her miscarry, it could have cost her her life. They deserved no mercy.

"It's only natural to want to protect your mate. But…something's different about you brat. I'm not entirely sure if I like it." Kyuubi says.

"You would have done the same thing to them." Naruto argues.

"I would have done worse. But it's not like you. Your mate certainly noticed. She is…unsettled. Such stress is not good for her condition." Kyuubi says.

"What condition?! Is she sick?!" Naruto demands to know.

"She is pregnant. The poison has been out of her system for awhile now. It was only natural that she would end up conceiving. She is a perfectly healthy and fertile female and you mount her quite frequently. She doesn't know yet. Her scent only changed this morning, but there is a very slight change to her chakra patterns that indicates she's been pregnant for little longer. I'd say she likely conceived that night when you mounted her over the edge of the bed. I told you it was the proper position." Kyuubi continues.

"She's really pregnant?! I can't wait to tell her!" Naruto beams with happiness, his eyes reverting back to their vibrant blue.

"Naruto, you're doing it again." Suki murmurs.

"Doing what?" He asks.

"Sometimes you look like you are spacing out, but I know you are talking to the Nine Tails. What did he say?" She asks.

"He says you're pregnant!" Naruto answers and spins he around joyfully.

Suki beams with pure joy. She smiles and snuggles into his arms. Then she tensed up.

"Naruto, put me down right now! Please stop spinning me. I think I'm going to be sick." She says and Naruto obediently sets his wife down.

Suki races to the bathroom. The sounds of her vomiting could be heard. Any doubts about Kyuubi's were now banished from his mind. Yep, she was pregnant and suffering from Morning Sickness.

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