My Player Bestfriend (Book #1)

By NiallsPrincessxxoo

93.1K 1.4K 109

Love is a scary thing. Life is a crazy ride. Mary is Austin Mahone's bestfriend. She has watched him play gir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Six

3.5K 56 5
By NiallsPrincessxxoo

So there's the tragic truth. He cheated on me. The one person I trusted. Even though I should be mad at the guys, I'm not. I know that if it would of gone on much longer, Robert would have told me. They don't like to see me hurt. The only thing that could cheer me up right now is my girls. I slowly walked over to Sarah's house. I must have looked like a mess. I faintly knocked on the door. Sarah opened it.

"Mary, hey-oh my gosh! What happened!?!" She asked.

"A-austin..." I couldn't say anymore.

I just started crying. She managed to get me inside. I broke down and curled up in her livingroom on the couch.

"Mary, explain to me calmly what happened." She said while sitting next to me.

"W-what about Jackie?" I asked.

"Do you want Jackie here too?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded after a small sniffle.

Soon Jackie came inside. When she saw me her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?!" She rushed over to me.

"Can you tell us now?" Sarah asked.

I nodded.

"So, Austin cheated on me." I said after I told them everything that happened.

"No. Way." Jackie said in bewilderment.

"Holyshit, I'm kicking his ass." Sarah said.

"Uh, yeah." Jackie nodded in agreement.

"Guys." I cleared my throat. "Leave it."

"We need to let him know how much he hurt you." Sarah said.

"I-I don't want him to feel how I feel. I don't want to see him hurt, and in pain." I choaked out.

"Are you kidding me!?!" Jackie half-screamed.

"After what he did to you!? Oh, hell no. I don't care what you say, I'm paying a visit to Mr. Mahone." Sarah said.

Jackie was quick to follow. Before they could turn the doorknob I stopped them.

"Not now, all I need now is my girls." I said.

"Right, sorry. Chocolate ice-cream, movie night?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I shrugged.

"Woah, he like... killed your spirit." Jackie said.

"Well, no duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, I just can't wrap my head around it." Sarah shook her head.


Soon we were all cuddled up in Sarah room watching 'The Notebook'. I was still sitting eating a tub of chocolate ice-cream and I had mascara stains on my cheeks. I had a box of tissues next to me, and I was in the process of healing. Soon I saw a flash of light. Sarah took a picture. I didn't think anything of it until my phone buzzed. Twitter... I clicked on the notification.

@SarahWrightTX: Helping @MeezyDMATB get over her heartbreak. See what you do @AustinMahone... she's broken because of you Mister.

Above the caption was a picture of me. I looked like a mess. It was horror. But, I don't care. Then my phone buzzed again. I looked.

@AustinMahone: Oh my god @SarahWrightTX I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her. She's the love of my life. I promise, I'll never do it again.

Does he realize how much he hurt me already, he thinks he's getting another chance. As if. I sighed and threw my phone down gentley next to me. Sarah gave me a sympathetic look. I dismissed it and went back to watching the movie.


The movie was over. I decided to bring my tub of ice-cream back downstairs and throw it away, because it's all been eaten. I pigged out, I have a broken heart. So what? Don't judge. I shuffled back up the steps to Sarah's room. Jackie and her were talking on the phone. Before I walked in I decided to evesdrop.

"Well, Austin sorry doesn't cut it. Not this time. You really hurt her bad." Jackie said.

"Yeah, I think she's done with you. For good. I mean not even friends. She's pretty bad." Sarah added.

"Look, I know. Could you just let me come over?" Austin asked hope in his voice.

"Austin-" Sarah started.

"-Good. See you soon." He said quickly and hung up.

I waited a few seconds then walked back in. The last thing I want to do is see him. The absolute last thing. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. I took my place on the bed and got comfy again.

"How you doing?" Sarah asked.

"A little better. I think I just need some rest." I said.

"But, it's only eight." Jackie looked surprised.

"I'm emotionally exhausted. I need to take a nap or something." I said.

"Okay, well then take a nap, and when you wake up we'll be downstairs. I don't want to wake you, we'll be in the livingroom if you need us." Sarah said.

Jackie nodded in agreement and followed Sarah out of the room. I slowly but surely let drowsiness take over me. I feel asleep.


I woke up with arms around me. Then, realization hit me. Those aren't just anyone's arms. I looked up quickly, to meet those green orbs I've been avoiding.

"Hey, Boo." Austin said in a whisper.

"Go away." I said.

"Boo, please. Just let me be in your life. I love you, more than anything. You're my everything. I was wrong to do what I did. I'm truely genuinely sorry, I'll never do it again. I promise, I'll never hurt you ever again." He said like he was desperate.

"Austin, I don't need this now." I said sitting up.

I tried to get up, but he pulled me tighter. I was now super close to him.

"Babe, I need you. Please say yes." He whispered.

I could make or break this relationship. It's on my fingertips. Do I really want to throw this away? Yes. No. Maybe. Not really. Ugh! Why is he so.... him?

"Austin, we can be friends, but I don't know about a relationship right now. I'm not ready for that yet." I said.

It broke me, yes, but it's for the best.

"Fine, but I will win you back, Mary. I will." He said.

Sounding determined he got up and stopped at the door.

"I love you, see you soon." He winked and walked out the door.

What just happened?


A/N: Hm....waoh. What did just happen? Weird. Comment, vote. Love it? Hate it? More? Less? Talk to meh. ;)

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