Butterflies and Puppets

By Kimmi369

4.7K 118 0

Mayumi Inuzuka. She's not really an Inuzuka but Tsume pretty much has raised her best friends daughter. Mayum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 7

128 4 0
By Kimmi369

"Well I'm glad the both of you got here safe." The Kazekage said. He started talking to Kakashi about the mission he wanted us on for him. I looked over to my left sensing a pair of eyes on me. And there he was. The puppet guy, beside of him was Temari. Gaara was standing next to the desk listening to the Kazekage talk. Noticing that they are done talking I look back at Kakashi.

"Let's go" Kakashi said turning to exit out of the office as I follow behind him.

"So we are finding some girl that has been captured?" I ask walking beside of him.

"Wow, I'm actually suprised you were listening."

"Well of course I was listening you seem to underestimate me sometimes." I says sighing crossing my arms. We soon stop in front of the three Sand Siblings and I raises my eye brow at Kakashi.

"You seem to not have listened long enough." Kakashi said chuckling.


"Come on. Let's get going slow pokes!" Temari said leading the way out of the village.

"So Do you have a name?" Temari asks walking next to me.

"Yumi." Kakashi said sliding next to me. "She doesn't talk much."

"What cat go your tongue?" Kankuro said smiling at me.

"Only cat I see here is you, and by the looks of it doesn't look like you could ever get my tongue."

"Hey come on now, I was just messing around with you."

I stop walking and look at Kankuro. "You must be the reason the God of Shinobi gave us the middle finger, you are very annoying."

"Excuse me?" Kankuro said in shock.

"You're excused." I said as I gesture in front of me for him to start walking. He looks at me dumbfounded as I start walking again next to Kakashi.

"You need to stay out of trouble and don't start things with them." Kakashi said letting out a big sigh looking down at me. "Now I see where Iruka was talking about your mindset."

"I am. He asked a dumb question." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I like you Yumi" Temari says slapping my back. "You seem to be the first girl to ever leave him speechless."

"Oh? Is that so?" Kakashi says looking at me.

I stop abruptly. "I sense someone up ahead."

"Maybe it's our guy?" Temari says as they hide between then trees.

I look down at the ground seeing a big man holding tightly onto a little girls hand who is crying. "That's definitely our guy." I say looking over to Kakashi. He nods at me "let's go"

The four of them jump down stopping the guy in his tracks.

"Give us the girl, and we won't harm you." Gaara said emotionless.

"Yeah right! Just get the hell outta my way brats!" He man retorts.

"Looks like he wants to fight Kankuro." Temari says pulling out her fan.

"Man, I haven't fought in a long time, kinda hoped to keep it like that." He huffs.

I look at Kakashi already know what he's thinking as i disappear into the trees.

"Maybe you three should sit this one out." Kakashi says stepping forward. "I think the two of us have this covered. Besides we're here to help with this."

"I'm not afraid of you! Besides where did the other little girl go?" The Kidnapper shouts.

"Don't worry about her right now. It's just me and you buddy." Kakashi says cooly.

I reached the tallest tree I could find watching at the man and Kakashi fight.

Hm, he keeps going back to the same spot every time they attack each other. Well this will be easy... I gotta time this just right...

I focus my chakra around me then jump down off the tree I was on. Doing some hand signs and spinning in a rapid speed. "Kaze no Yoroi (Armor of Wind)" Debris start to pull into the rapid growing cyclone shielding me from any harm. I aim for the exact same spot at the kidnapper keeps going too.

Kakashi looks up at me smiling to himself and grabs the little girl shielding her from what is coming. "Get out of the way. Get out of the way, get out of the way." He shouts as fast as he can running. The three Sand ninja also follow suit and hides behind the trees. I  rapidly plummet the ground with a great force sending wind and debris everywhere knocking the kidnapper out into a crater in the ground.

"Wow that was great!" Temari said running up to me. "So you're a wind user also?"

I look at her and nod. The little girl starts running to me and I freeze in place. Oh god. Kids.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! You saved me!" The little girl cries clinging onto me. I shoot a desperate help me look at Kakashi.

"It seems you have a fan now, Yumi." Kakashi says smiling putting cuffs on the kidnapper and throwing him over his shoulder.

I stare at the little girl clinging onto me. I step to the side and the little girl looks up at me. "Thank you lady!" She cries more clinging tighter onto me. Help.

I just stare at her long feeling very uncomfortable. "You're welcome, now can you please get off of me?" I pull away only for the girl to follow me.

"But you saved me."

"I don't like being touched." I say with a hard tone.

"Yumi, Since you have a new friend. You get to escort her back to the village." Kakashi said smiling at me. Man, this sucks.


"No but's lets go."

"I could have done it faster." Gaara says.

"Then you should have stepped up and took control, then you'd have a little girl attached to your leg." I shoot him a glare.

"Blonde hair." Gaara says.


"You have blonde hair." He says again as he turns to walk away.

We start heading back to the village and Kankuro walks up to me. "So, you don't like kids?" He asks.

"You heard me earlier. I don't like being touched." I say softly eyeing him.

"Yeah, I heard."

"Then why ask a dumb question?" I retort.

"Why so rude?"

"Why do you question me so much?"

"Well, why do you ask questions and never answer my questions?"

I stop walking and turns to him and open my mouth only for Kakashi to interrupt me. "Yumi. Come on. We need to get him to the village. Stop playing with your prey." Kakashi scolds.  I smirk at a Kankuro and we continue to walk back to the village in just a few hours time.

We enter the gates and Kakashi takes the kidnapper and the little girl to the Kazekage.

"I appreciate your help Kakashi. Thank you for everything." The Kazekage says. The little girl looks over to me and steps forward to me. I run behind Kakashi and hide.

"She's not going to hurt you, you know Yumi." Kakashi laughs at me.

"I don't want her touching me." I growl.

"Let's go get something to eat, it's getting late." Kakashi says walking out with me following close behind.

"Hey Kakashi, mind if I join you?" Kankuro says following them Kakashi stops abruptly making me walk into his back making an 'oof' sound.

"Sure Kankuro. I'm sure you and my student here could get along long enough to eat." He says patting my head.

"Well I'm sure." Kankuro says rubbing the back of his head. "I know where we can go!" We follow Kankuro to a small restaurant and sit down and a waiter comes and asks what we would like.

"Miso with eggplant please" Kakashi says.

"I want a cheeseburger." Kankuro says.

"Fruit bowl please." I say.

"Fruit really?" Kankuro asks raising an eye brow at me as the waiter leaves.

"I like fruit." I reply. "I like the sweetness."

"But that's an awful lot of sugar. Shouldn't girls like your watch what you eat?" He asks.

"Are you calling me fat?" I shoot him a glare.

"Uhh no that's not what I ment." He says sweat dropping.

"I think he means is why do you only ever eat fruit?" Kakashi speaks up. "I've never seen you eat anything other than fruit."

"Like I said. I like the sweetness."

"You're impossible." Kankuro complains face palming.

"Oh, I need to go see something. I'll meet you back at the cabin. Just bring my food when you come back." Kakashi says before leaving.

"Great, now I'm stuck here with you." I put my head down on the table.

"Hey I'm not that bad!" Kankuro exclaims.

"For a guy wearing cat ears as a hat with his face painted. It's pretty bad."

"Hey, that's not nice. At least I don't cover my eye and use a hood over my head to conceal my head. You're always trying to hide your face."

"Yeah, I'm having a bad hair day and my eye is sensitive to light." I retort . "What's your excuse?"

"Wow, you actually said more than five words." Kankuro says shocked.

"Don't get used to it"

We get our food and I look at him as my stomach isgrowling loud.

"I'd say you're hungry huh?" Kankuro says in a mocking way.

"Shut up." I tell him eating my food. We eat in silence and I finish my empty fruit bowl and my belly still growling. Must be hungrier than I thought.

"You know, if you're hungry just say that." Kankuro says as he slides some fries and half a cheeseburger he cut in half to me. I stare in shock at him almost offended.

"Why- why would you share w-with me?" I stutter out.

"Well I'm not going to let a girl go hungry. Eat."

I look at him a moment longer. A small blush creeps across my face. "Thank you." I say softly. We finish their food and I get Kakashi's in a box then I pull out my wallet to pay.

"Don't worry about it. I got you." Kankuro says putting his hand on mine. I stiffen and glare at him. He quickly takes his hand back and pays and they leave.

"Want me to walk you back?" Kankuro asks as he rubs his neck nervously.

"No I think I'm good. Thank you. Kankuro." I turn to walk away Kankuro follows behind me.

"Well, do you even know where you're going?" He asks. "Because your cabin is the other way." I turn around to him pointing in the opposite direction I freeze and sweat drop.

"Oh yeah I knew that." I laugh awkwardly.

"Come on. I'll walk you there." He says stepping beside of me.

"It's a rather big village." I comment. "It's nice."

"Yeah I guess so." Kankuro replies looking up at the night sky. "So, why don't you wear a leaf headband?"

I turn to Kankuro eyeing him. "Because I haven't graduated yet." I mumble.

"What?! You haven't even graduated yet?" He shouts.

"Shhh don't be so loud." I cover his mouth with my hands. "No I haven't."

"Well I figured you've already graduated. You seem very skilled and strong."

"I'm not strong." I reply.

"Well could of  fooled me. Looks like we are here." Kankuro stops in front of the cabin. I turn to him and look up at him.

"Thank you Kankuro." I give him a small smile and walk into the cabin closing the door. Placing Kakashi's food on the table "I guess he's still out." I mumble then walks to my room and goes to sleep for the night.

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