Treat her Better

By calamiller

23K 448 39

Abused mentally and physically by her fiancé, after being fired from many jobs, she is hired at the WWF as a... More

Chapter 1: New job
Chapter 2: First night
Chapter 3: A small world
Chapter 4: First impression
Chapter 5: destroyed inside
Chapter 6: Do not provoke Undertaker
Chapter 7: be a free woman
Chapter 8: An angel date the devil
Chapter 9: A hell of self-confidence
Chapter 10: An eerie calm
Chapter 11: A birthday/a breakup
Chapter 12: A new beginning
Chapter 13: Victoria
Chapter 14: Closer
Chapter 15: Unexpected guest
Chapter 16: A light in a black heart
Chapter 17: A stormy night
Chapter 18: A feeling keep growing
Chapter 19: Bleeding love
Chapter 20: A Bad side
Chapter 21: The news goes fast
Chapter 22: Promise
Chapter 23: A concussion
Chapter 24: Stay
Chapter 25: A Last provocation
Chapter 26: An unexpected Invitation
Chapter 28: Improvisation

Chapter 27: Meet my family

449 10 1
By calamiller

Mark never told Diana about his family, but he never thought they would call him over for a family dinner. It's a little too early for the presentation but he can't back out, he's already said yes. He knows his family has already heard rumors that they are dating, but he hopes they won't bombard her with questions. She's already seen Mark Calaway's life, now she's going to meet his family. She's a little anxious on the way, wondering if everything will be okay and how will they react to seeing her. When they arrive in front of Mark's parents' house, Mark turns off the car engine, takes a deep breath and looks at Diana who is as stressed as he is. "Be yourself, everything will be fine." Said Mark, trying to reassure her before kissing her tenderly.

They walk hand in hand towards the front door, Mark knocks on the door while Diana still holds his hand, squeezes it a little from the stress. The door opens and Mark lets go of Diana's hand when an elderly woman with glasses hugs him. "How are you, my son? How is your head?" Asks Catherine, Mark's mother, who looks at him while holding her face in her hands. "I'm fine, Mom." He said, reassured her by hugging her back, he took Diana's hand who was behind him, brought her closer, and she smiled at the old woman.

"Mom, this is Diana Fox, my girlfriend. Diana, this is my mother, Catherine Calaway." Said Mark introducing Diana to his mother who smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Calaway."

Diana reached out to shake Mark's mother's hand but Catherine hugged her.

"Call me Catherine, darling, come in." She said looking at her, very happy to finally meet her youngest son's girlfriend.

Mark and Diana enter the house, she follows Mark who greets his four brothers, and he introduces her to his brothers who seem delighted to meet her. Diana sees in the distance an old gentleman arriving, Mark goes to greet him, he chats with him a little and the gentleman looks at her. Mark and the gentleman go to Diana's house. "Dad, this is Diana Fox, my girlfriend. Diana, this is Frank Calaway, my father." He said to his father who smiled at the beautiful blonde who smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Calaway." She said greeting him, he greets her delighted to tell her about it. "Nice to meet you too, Diana, please call me Frank. Let me tell you, you have pretty eyes." Said Frank sincerely, Diana smiled and accepted the compliment.

"Thank you, Frank."

Suddenly, six children appear out of nowhere to hug Mark, they haven't seen their uncle in a long time. Mark kneels down to hug them all, he looks so happy to see them again. Tim's wife comes up to Mark, with a child of about 3 years old, Mark gets up and takes the child in his arms. Mark approaches Diana with the child.

"This is my goddaughter, Angela, she is 3 years old, do you say hello to Diana, Angel?" Said Mark to his little protégé, Angela shyly looks at Diana and buries her face in the crook of Mark's neck. Diana smiles at her, she's so cute.

"Okay, let's have an appetizer before we go eat." Said Frank going towards the buffet, Diana and Mark look at each other lovingly hoping that everything will be okay.


The evening starts very well, Mark's family seems to like Diana, they were not surprised that Diana is the WWF medical assistant that everyone has heard about recently. They had all heard that Mark was dating someone but didn't know it was true because Mark was a ladies man, he liked to flirt with women and even sleep with them. Mark told them that he didn't want them to meet Diana right away since they had only been together for a few days, but since his mother called him over for a family dinner, he was stuck. They wanted to know things about her, to know her, where she comes from, what studies she did, etc... She notices quite quickly that Mark is very close to his brothers even if they don't see each other much. a lot since he is still at work most of the time.

Dinner started and they all had their drinks first for the new member of the family which is Diana. Frank said he and the whole family were happy to meet her and she was the right woman for his young son, he hopes it lasts.

"So, Diana, so you're the WWF medical assistant?" Asked Mark's mother looking at Diana who smiled politely at her.

"Yes, I love my job, I always loved being a nurse but I never thought that one day I would be hired in the wrestling business and meet your son." She says before shyly looking at Mark who looks at her lovingly and takes her hand in his before drinking his drink, Mike who is next to him pushes his arm. "You have to be really sick for her to take care of you if you know what I mean." His brother said winking at him while Mark smiled at his brother's comment. "You have no idea. She takes very good care of me, if you know what I mean." He said winking at him, smiling in turn at his brother, Mike gently patted Mark's shoulder.

Tim, who is in front of Diana, eating, swallows his food before speaking. "Tell me, Diana, is this your real eye color? because they are beautiful." He asked, she looks at him while drinking her drink. "yes, it's true, I have my grandmother's eyes." She said kindly then Frank, the father, listening to the conversation. "I bet you fell in love with his eyes, didn't you Mark?" He asked his son who finished his plate before answering his father. "Honestly, yes, I was fascinated by his eyes." he said. From Mark's words, Diana blushes a little, they look into each other's eyes, lovingly before continuing to eat.

"Did you manage to make Mark no longer look like his character at work? Good job!" David said congratulating her by clapping his hands while Mark looked at him with an amused frown. "I've always been in character at work, David, so no." Said Mark before Paul finished his drink quickly to ask his little brother a question. "So how did you get a date with her?" He asked, looking at Mark who looked at him in turn.

"I just asked nicely." He said simply before Tim spoke up.

"It's a first for your character to ask something nicely." Said Tim laughing, the five brothers start to have a debate about Mark's character, which annoys Frank.

"Alright guys, are you done? As long as Mark is happy with her, it doesn't matter if he approached her in character or not." Said Frank before the room regained its calm. "Thanks Dad" Mark says as Paul, who is sitting in front of Mark, mumbles when Mark thanked his father and gets kicked under the table. "Ouch! I didn't do anything, Mark!" shouted Paul looking at his little brother while rubbing his shin, Mark looks at him amused. "You mumbled." He said before drinking his drink putting his free arm on the back of his girlfriend's chair. Diana smiles at them, not believing her eyes and ears that Mark and his brothers are debating how Mark won her heart.


The evening ends at the Calaway house, Diana and Mark are ready to go home. They had a pleasant evening, they talked and laughed a lot. Mark's family was very happy to see Diana, the one who lit up Mark's heart, and hope to see her again very soon. She was very happy to be able to meet Mark's family, his real family. They are kind, caring people who welcomed her with open arms even if the meeting was premature.

Mark is with his father while Diana speaks with her mother and brothers. Frank wanted to talk to his son, he knows his son's tantrums, he knows what happened last year with the brunette, so much so that it was violent, that he was warned on sight but covered by his own boss so that the information does not get out.

"I think this girl is for you, Mark." Said Frank looking at Diana, Mark also looks at her thinking that maybe she is too good for him while just a violent man. "She's too good for me daddy." He said looking at the ground really thinking that's the case as his father nodded. "Exactly, but she can make you a better man." He tells her still looking at Diana while Mark looks at the ground with his hands behind his back.

"I can't tell him everything about me, Dad, especially what happened last year." Said Mark sadly having the anxiety that if she knew what happened, she would leave him and no longer see him the way she likes. Frank looks at his son who is looking at the ground. "Be honest with her, she will accept your past if she truly loves you." He said, meeting his son's eyes. "That's not it, Dad. It's just... she's only known violence in her relationship before this one. I saved her from that monster but... I don't care. am one too but I never dared to tell him... because..." Mark stops talking, not being used to talking like this to his father, it's the first time he's in love, his father knows that Mark has had conquests here and there but he knows that his son has never been so attached to anyone.

"You love him, don't you?" Frank asked looking at his son who was looking at him with a frown at this question. "a lot." He said sincerely, having never loved a woman as much as she did.

"Then tell her... Be honest with her."


As soon as they get home, Diana has gone to take off her makeup, while Mark is on the bed, still in his clothes, watching television while waiting for Diana. As soon as she finishes removing her makeup, she comes back into the room, she sees Mark lying there, his head in his hand, calmly watching the TV. "Do you think they like me?" She asked before grabbing her hair and putting it over her shoulder to try to remove her dress. Mark watches as she tries to reach the zipper of her dress behind her back. He gets up, helps her unzip and looks at her through the mirror.

"I'm sure of it. Who couldn't appreciate a beautiful woman like you?" He reassured her, started kissing her neck and put his arms around her waist, she blushed at his comment, she turned around, put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you princess."

"I love you too Mark."

She responds to him before kissing him gently again before going to bed with the man she loves.

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