The Walking Dead Eye For An E...

By Blakewolf1

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Months have passed since Joan was killed by Violet, but there have been some issues with Violet. Is Clementin... More

What Is Wrong?
What Have I Done?
What Am I Seeing?
It's Not Your Fault
I Don't Want To Be Saved
Nightmare Come True
Feeling Ok
Her Mind Is A Mess
Sick In The Head
Eyes Filled With Tears
She Needs To Know
I'll Be Fine
Am I Allowed To Feel?
How Can I Help Her?
It Was An Accident
Would I Do It Again?
Meeting Someone From The Past
You're One Of The Good Ones
We Talk But Argue More
Are The Walls Finally Breaking?
The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Image Of The Past Are Scary
Destroying Myself
Photo's Tell A Story
What To Feel When You Don't Want To
A Trip For The Family
Anger Is Not The Best Medicine
What Is Normal?
May We Meet Again Some Day

Who Am I?

91 0 1
By Blakewolf1

(Violet's Pov)

I get up from my spot on the ground and Clementine helped me as best as she could. I grabbed my wound a bit and I look to her as she got worried and I waved her off a bit.

"It's fine, I'm sorry just a pinch." I mutter to her and she nods. We both head inside and she takes me to the bed. I lay down and I had passed out once my head hit the pillow. We had been working on getting me better but it seemed like I still had this fever for the past week, and it won't go away.

"Was she bit?" I hear.

"No, she would have turned by now if she was... plus I didn't see any bites on her." I hear as I wake up slowly and I rubbed my head as I sit up and look to see Joan again and I back up.

"Hello, Flower, seems they are having some doubts about you." She tells me and I back up a bit.

"Don't." I say to her and clench my hands into fists.

"Listen to them though, they think you are bit, you are running a fever, and it won't go down at all." She says and comes closer to me and I fall off the bed as she comes closer to me.

"You know they want to shoot you down like a dog, they don't trust you either, you have gone a bit crazy." She tells me and I try to punch her but she moves back.

"G-Get back." I say and feel around the floor for anything to hit her with.

"Flower it's ok." She says and I feel her hand on my cheek. I freak out and shove her off me and I get on top of her about to hit her.

"VIOLET STOP!" I hear and turn to the side to see Marlon and I glare at him as I get up and clench my hands again.

"Mother fucker." I say and they look at me confused.

"Being difficult hu?" He says and I look around for a weapon before I am tackled to the ground. I see Joan on top of me and I punch her in the face and she gets off of me and I hit her again.

"FUCK HELP US!" I hear and I look to see Marlon and I get up and put my arm around his neck and placed my other hand on his head to keep him in place. I look to see the door open and I see Louis and AJ looking at me.

"I got them... I got them heheh." I laughed and they pry my hands off of Marlon and Louis is looking at him worried.

"Jesus fuck Violet." AJ says and I look at him confused as I look to still see Joan and Marlon.


"Violet... who are you talking about?" AJ asked and I look to see Joan holding her nose and I see blood pouring down her face.

"Joan." I say lowly and I get up but was held back.

"Violet that isn't Joan, that's Minerva." He says and I shake my head.

"No, no that is her, she is right there for fuck sake lock her up." I say getting pissed that they weren't doing anything.

"Violet that is Minerva look." AJ says and makes me look at Joan and nothing changed I still see Joan and I glared at her.

"Get them out." AJ says and I see Louis helping Joan up and I try to go after her but AJ stopped me and I glare at him. I rubbed my head a bit and did a few taps to my head before I took a breath and looked to AJ again confused.

"Violet where are you?" He asked. I look around to see my old office in Joan's old community. I put my hand to my head and look to AJ as he was a kid and I chuckled.

"Home?" I asked him.

"Yea, you're home... but where?" He asked and I think a bit.

"Uh... I don't know." I tell him and I look around a bit.

"Is it in Texas?" He asked and I think and looked to him then nodded a little and they seemed to make him happy.

"Good, ok, least you know where you are." He says and I rubbed my head as I see the window and I go over to it and looked to see Delta, and Juliet. I backed up a bit as they waved to me and I look to see AJ staring back at me confused.

"Who... who did I hit? Sorry I just... sorry." I tell him.

"Minerva... and then you had Willy in a headlock." He tells me and I nod.

"I'm sorry I just... I freaked out." I tell him and he nods.

"It's ok, I think you need some sleep." He tells me and I shake my head.

"No, I need to... I need some fresh air is all, it's hot in here." I say and grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled it from me.

"Ok, do you want Clem?" He asked and I nodded as he took me outside and I see Clementine just like she was but without her hat. I was confused as she came up to me and I put my hand on her head and she laughed.

"Did you give her the medication?" She asked and I look to see no one and I rubbed my eyes.

"I didn't even get the chance to, she started to fight us." I hear and I see Minerva.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Uh... Violet are you ok?" She asked and I pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought.

"If you are here so are the others, have you talked to Joan yet?" I asked them as I looked to them.

"Violet what are you talking about?" Clem asked and I look to her and roll my eyes.

"You know Joan has to be informed of new group members, that's the rules Clem... look I'll have a chat with her just don't do anything stupid." I tell them.

"Violet, what in the world?" I hear and looked at them confused.

"What? I'm not breaking rules for friends." I tell her.

"Violet, we are in Texas, we aren't in Joan's community, are you ok?" Clem says and she places her hands on my cheeks.

"Uh, duh we are in Joan's community, we never left... why would we leave such a great place?" I asked her confused.

"RUBY!" I hear and turn to see said woman running up to us just as Clem move her hands off my face.

"What is going on?" Ruby asked and I look at her.

"Ruby tell her I ain't crazy." I tell her.

"She think's she's back in Joan's community, what is going on?" Clem asked worried and I look at her.

"Violet, I need to ask you some questions." Ruby says and I nod.

"Uh sure I guess but I have to get back to work on the wall soon, Walker got through and almost took a bite out of Delta last night." I laugh and they look at me and I place my hands on my hips as I wait for the questions.

"Ok, where are you?" She asked.

"Valhalla of course." I tell her.

"What is your job?" She asked.

"Second in command of the entire community." I tell her.

"How... how many people are in your family? Can you name them?" She asked and I nod.

"Mary, AJ, Clementine, Snow and I, that makes five." I tell her.

"Where are you right now?" She asked and I looked around.

"Standing in my front yard?" I asked confused.

"Do you remember what happened to Tenn.?" She asked.

"He was shot by a bunch of bastards, look I'm done with the questions, and why the hell isn't AJ in school Clementine?" I asked her and she looked to me a bit shocked.

"He uh... he said he wasn't feeling good, that's why, and you said he should stay home but it seems he's better." She tells me and I rubbed my head.

"Eh, I'll let it slide I wanted to skip school a few times so I don't blame him." I tell her and she nods.

"Um, say why don't you go inside and read for a bit, Joan said you had the day off." She tells me and I think.

"She did? Hu that was nice." I mutter and head to the door and stop.

"Wait I have to get Mary." I laughed as I felt for my keys.

"No, no I got her, they wanted to talk to me about her grades." Clem says and I look.

"Well, if she is having problems with school I can-."

"Nope, no I have it, they wanted to talk to me personally, just go inside and read, ok?" She asked and I rubbed my head.

"Do I need to get your hat?" I asked out of the blue and she looked to me.

"Right my hat, it's in the truck I got it." She tells me and I nod.

"Oh... ok... uh I still need-."

"The list of ammunition I'll get it for you." She says and I nod and head inside. I grabbed a book from the table and read for a little while. I guess I had passed out because I felt a shake to my shoulder and I move away and look to see Clem and I smiled at her.

"Hey." I yawned a bit and got up but then felt a pinch and sat back down.

"You, ok?" she asked and I look at her then around the trailer.

"Yea fucking... gunshot wound sucks." I mutter and felt my head a bit.

"Did I hit my head too?" I laughed and looked to her.

"Do you know where you are?" she asked and I nodded.

"Texas." I tell her.

"Ok... do you know what happened to Joan?" She asked.

"I bashed her fucking brains in why?" I asked her.

"Nothing you were just acting weird is all, um... Ruby and I wanted to talk to you if that is ok." She says and I nod.

"Oh yea of course." I say and sit up a bit. I see Ruby come in and she has a few cups an I get up and help her set the cups down.

"Ok, so you needed to talk to me?" I asked her and she nods.

"Where are you?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Texas, like I told Clem." I tell her and take a drink from one of the cups. It was tea.

"Do you remember what happened today?" She asked and I shake my head.

"No, I mean other than I was asleep here." I say as I point to the chair I was in currently. I looked at them a bit confused and rubbed my head.

"Did something happen or am I just missing something?" I asked and they looked to me then to each other. They were whispering something and I sigh and get up.

"Look I must have done something weird, just tell me now or... fuck keep it a secret." I mutter and looked to the side.

"Sorry we just want to make sure we are right." Ruby says and I shrugged and I go back in the chair after I got a drink and I take a drink.

"Look we can talk about this later, ok?" Clem asked and I nod and then pull the recliner seat handle and laid back down.

"Tired?" Ruby asked and I nod.

"Alright... need a blanket?" She asked and I chuckled.

"No, no I am good." I wave her off and I hear them both leave. I woke up again and looked around the room a bit and rubbed my head as I got up and went outside. It was the afternoon and I shake my head a bit then went over to Clementine and I smiled as I walked up to her.

"Hey Clem." I say and she turned to look at me.

"Hey you, ok?" She asked and I nod.

"I am good, and what about you?" I asked her.

"I'm concerned about you." She tells me and I chuckle.

"And why should you be concerned?" I asked.

"You are acting strange is all strange hu?" I asked and she nods.

"Well sorry if I have been acting strange these past few days, I guess getting ready to head out and look for David and Javier is just getting to me." I tell her.

"We aren't looking for them." She tells me and I scratched my head.

"Violet?" She asked and I look to her.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Where are we?" She asked me and I look around.

"Seems like a trailer park of some kind, looks like our old home, don't it?" I chuckled and she looked at me.

"Violet, what is going through your head right now?" She asked and placed her hands on my face.

"Trying to figure out how to capture Javier and David... I mean after what they did to Romeo, I think they need to be taught a lesson, don't you?" I asked her.

"I uh... Violet that happened in the winter time." She says and I nod.

"I know, it's been a few months but I think I have their location pinpointed." I tell her.

"I think you should hold off on trying to get them, I mean your leg is still busted right?" She asked and I look down at it.

"I mean it only hurts a little but not that bad." I tell her.

"I-I know but uh... Mary said she uh wanted to give you something." She tells me.

"She did? I mean it can wait." I tell her.

"No, no she said that she needed to give it to you right now." She tells me and brings me over to the house.

"I uh, sure but you and I need to go back and look at the maps." I say as she pushes me to the house.

"Sure, sure but don't you want to see the surprise?" She asked.

"I mean sure but can't she-."

"Nope she can't wait to give it to you, said it should make you feel better." She tells me and then I take a seat on the couch.

"Sure, but I have to-."

"Get back to work I know I know but come on humor her, ok?" She asked and I nod.

"Alright, I will." I say and then watch her leave. I was waiting for a while before I saw Ruby come in and I was a bit confused and then I saw Mary and I smiled.

"Hey Clem said you wanted to show me something Mary." I tell her and she looked to me confused and I was a bit concerned.

"Is she ok?" I asked as I looked up to Clem and Ruby.

"Oh yes, she's just tired from wanting to give you your gift." Clem tells me and I nod and look to Mary and she hands me a drawing and I see her, AJ, Clem and I. I chuckled and nodded.

"Is this it? Well, it's nice Mary thank you; we can put it on the fridge back home." I tell her. She nods and then leaves and I get up and set the drawing on the table and look to Clem but Ruby and her get up and block me and I roll my eyes.

"Come on you two, I need to get to work." I tell them.

"We know but uh... Joan just called, not that long ago." Clem says and I look at her and smile.

"Ooooh so you finally see how good we have it at the community." I say and smiled at her.

"Yes, I do, but Joan told me to tell you that you need to take a break, you've been over working yourself." Clem tells me and I rubbed my head and laughed.

"Oh well it's good that you two are making up, now she can stop beating on me." I laughed and looked to her.

"She's been beating you?" She asked.

"Oh, yea but nothing too bad, or damaging." I tell her.

"Do you mind if I see your wounds?" She asked.

"Not now, Ruby is here." I chuckled and she nods.

"Ok later today?" She asked and I nodded at this.

"Well Ruby and I are going to have a quick chat, but you stay here for a bit, ok?" Clem asked.

"Sure but-."

"I will be right back I swear." She says and I nod. She then leaves the room with Ruby. I sighed and rubbed my head a bit and looked to the side of the trailer. I then got up and headed into one of the rooms and saw my bag and I open it up to see some black shirts and my black cargo pants. I change my outfit and looked into the mirror as I saw scars up and down my chest and arms. I see one scar that has Joan's name and I traced it a bit and then looked back into the mirror. I look at my dog tags and gripped them in my hands and looked at the name on them.

"Violet Everett, second in command, fighter." I mutter and look back to the mirror.

"I am Violet, I am married to Clementine, AJ and Mary are our kids, and... and..." I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror more. I place my hand on my face and too a breath then shook my head.

"I am Violet... Everett... I am second in Command and I am married to Clementine." I mutter and placed my hand on my face.

"I am Violet." I mutter and I sighed then put my shirt on and I grabbed my rifle on the side. I headed out the house and I see Clem and the others but I don't care I sling my rifle to my back and head out the gates.

"Violet, Violet what are you doing?" I hear and Clem gets in front of me.

"Where is Mary and AJ?" I asked her.

"They are playing right now, what are you doing?" She asked and I look around.

"We have to get back home, back to Valhalla, we've been gone too long." I tell her.

"Look, we are a bit-."

"WE HAVE TO GO HOME NOW!" I yelled at her and grabbed her hands and looked at her then I am pulled back and I pull my rifle to my front and aim it at Louis as he got between Clem and I. I glared at him as he looked to me.

"Put the gun down." He says and I glare at him.

"Clem and I need to go home." I tell him as he looked at me.

"You are home." He tells me.

"No, we aren't, now back off." I tell him, then I looked to Clementine as she looked back to me.

"Come on, you go on and get your things and we can all go home." I tell her.

"Vi, we are back home, in Texas." She says and I shake my head.

"No, we need to go back to... we just need to go." I say keeping my gun on Louis.

"Violet, please put the gun down." I hear and I shake my head.

"No, I ain't doing anything ya'll say, I am taking my god damn family back home right now." I tell them.

"Ok... ok." I hear and look at Clem and I nod.

"You can't be serious." Louis says and I glared at him.

"I am... Violet says we need to go home than we need to go home." She tells him and I nod and turn to the side and saw AJ as he looked at me.

"Come on, we are going home." I tell him and he looked to me.


"I ain't in to mood for arguing AJ now come on." I tell him and looked to the others.

"Violet maybe you should lower the rifle, we can leave on good terms." Clem says and I look around and I look back at her and nod. I lowered my rifle and looked to everyone as they looked to me with confusion but I didn't care right now, right now I just had to get home, I had to take Clem and them all home.

"Ok, you say we are heading back, right?" Clem asked and I nodded.

"May we go pack up?" She asked.

"You can't be serious." I hear Louis says and I glare at him.

"Louis stop." Clem tells him and I smirked as he shut up.

"We can head back but, you have to be nice to the others before we go." She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, fine yes I will be nice, now come on before Joan radios us." I tell her and she nods as she and Ruby head on inside the trailer.

"You... Violet are you ok?" I hear and turn to Aasim.

"Yes, I am fine now stop asking me." I tell him and he raised his hands up then Omar comes over to me.

"Hey while Clem and AJ pack up why don't you and I talk, like old times?" He asked and I think a bit and shake my head.

"Nope, got to stay sober." I tell him.

"Ok, we don't have to drink, we can just talk." He says and I look to the side and sighed a bit.

"Alright, fine, we can chat, but once Clem and AJ are done, we are heading out." I tell him.

"Understood." He says and we walk off to the side and I look to him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I am feeling good and you?" I ask him back.

"I am feeling fine as well, you seem to be wanting to get back home." He tells me and I nod in agreement.

"Yea, Joan likes it when we get back on time, I think we have been gone long enough." I tell him.

"That's fair, so do you know who you are?" He asked and I look at him confused.

"Uh, Violet." I tell him.

"And you work with Joan, right?" He asks me and I nod.

"Second in command yes sir." I tell him.

"You're a soldier." He says and I nod.

"Yes, sir I am." I tell him.

"That's why you need to get back?" He asked.

"Well, yes." I tell him and he nods.

"I get it, you have important matters to attend to, must be a big responsibility being second in command of a whole community, right?" He asked and I nod.

"Yes, sir it is." I tell him.

"You know you don't have to call me sir, right? You and I have been friends for years." He tells me.

"Sorry, I was just... being respectful." I tell him.

"I get it, I do, have to keep a reputation." He tells me and I nod a bit.

"Yea." I mutter.

"Are you stressed out?" He asked and I rubbed my neck.

"I just know if we don't make it back Joan is going to get mad... I mean I think she was if I have all these scars." I tell him.

"Scars you say? Now why would she give you scars if you're a good soldier?" He asked and I think.

"I must have done something bad I-." I stop as I see Clementine and AJ come out and they had their bags packed and they set it in the truck.

"I think you should think a bit, it's a pretty long drive you are going to be making." Omar says and I look back to him.

"How long have we been here?" I ask him.

"Just a day, you must be tired right?" He asked and I think.

"No, I feel refreshed, fine actually." I tell him.

"That could be the adrenalin you know." He tells me and I think and look around a bit.

"No, I think I'm fine, look I know you worry Omar but we really need to get back home." I tell him and he nods.

"Ok, sorry for taking up your time but I think you and Clem should have a talk while you drive." He tells me and I nod.

"I will." I tell him and he nods and I head over to the truck. AJ and Clem get in and I look around for Mary.

"Where is Mary?" I asked.

"She's sleeping in the back." AJ tells me.

"Oh, yea it is pretty nice out." I mutter and then get in the truck and I turn it on. They opened the gate and I can see Louis making some hand movements at the others as we drive off and I keep my eyes to the road and look around.

"Violet." Clem says and I look at her then back to the road.

"Yea?" I ask her as I keep driving.

"Do you know where we are going?" She asked.

"Of course, I'm taking us home.... Look I know you still have your... hatred to Joan and I'm glad you two are trying to get along, but you know we can't stay out too long or we could get in trouble." I tell her. I look around the road a bit and I rubbed my neck as I keep a look out on the road for any signs or hell even Walkers.

"When will we take a rest stop?" AJ asked and I rubbed my neck as I think.

"I think we can make a stop in an hour or two, not really sure on this." I tell them.

"Why couldn't we stay back there?" AJ asked.

"I just told you, Joan will get mad if we don't make it back home bud." I tell him.

"But the place is-."

"Going to be happy that we are coming back." Clem says and I look to her then to AJ a bit confused.

"Yea... look we just have to get back home is all." I tell both of them and I nod as I drive some more.

"Look I am sorry we had to leave our friends but hey snow must be worried about us; we've been gone for so long she's going to be wagging her tail at us like crazy." I tell them and look to Clem and smiled.

"I... yes, she will." Clem says and again I am a bit confused at her reaction but I keep it to myself. I drove for a good while before we had finally made a stop at a housing area and I park the truck in a hidden spot. I make them all wait in the truck and I head into one of the houses and find nothing bad at all. No walkers around and I nod at this and then signal for them to come in. They follow me in and I lock all the doors and make sure the windows were all good and sturdy. As I finished with securing the house, I look to the both of them and I look at Clementine as she sat on the couch and covered her head with her hands.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"No, nothing is fine." She says and I look to the side and rubbed the back of my head a bit.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me and then she looked to the side.

"No, no you didn't do anything wrong at all." She tells me and I nod.

"Good... good... um... look I know you two must be mad but... I've got to do this... I have to do this." I tell them.

"Why bring us though?" AJ asked.

"Cause family sticks together, right?" I ask them.

"Yes, family does stick together." Clementine says and I rub the back of my neck.

"We will rest here for the night and then head back out if that is ok with you two?" I ask them and they both nod at this. We then made some food and ate, once we had finished though AJ leaves and heads into one room and I look at Clementine as she nods a bit then we head on into one of the spare bedrooms. I look around a bit and then take my boots off and laid down in the bed for a bit. I feel a dip and looked to see Clementine as she took a seat on the bed and I smile a bit at her. She smiles back at me and I pat her leg gently.

"AJ is mad ain't he?" I asked her.

"A little bit yes but you have to understand why." She tells me.

"I know, I know, moving around a lot and everything, but when we get back home, he'll be happy to see all his friends and we can throw a big party hu?" I asked and she looked to me then to the bed for a bit.

"Don't you think our other friends will miss us?" She asked.

"They have been on their own for years... look we can come and visit them if that makes you feel better?" I ask her.

"That would be nice but I don't want you getting into trouble." She tells me and I chuckle.

"Nah I won't get into a lot, just need a set date and time, along with location." I tell her.

"Well maybe we could radio Joan?" She asked and I look at her as she looked back at me.

"I mean... I could." I tell her and I sit up in the bed.

"When we get close to the radio signal than you can message her, say you want to spend some time with your other friends, maybe we can expand to Texas?" She asked and I nod a bit.

"Yea, yea we should do that, the bigger the community the more people will join... hell why didn't I think of that?" I say and laughed a bit at this.

"Ok, I think you need some sleep, ok?" Clem asked and I nodded a bit and lay back down on the bed I then close my eyes for some much-needed sleep. I feel Clementine move closer to me and I placed my arm around her and she moved closer onto be and I kissed her head gently and I was slowly going into a deep sleep.

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