Naruto the dragon sin of wrat...

By KZ1818

22.6K 381 48

Orochimaru put a seal on Naruto hoping to cut off his connection to the Nine-Tails.This was his mistake.This... More

Naruto Bio
Chunin Preliminaries
Chunin Preliminaries 2
Chunin Final
Konoha Crush
Demon Vs Tailed Beast

Naruto's dark awakening

5.5K 76 11
By KZ1818

We now see Orochimaru placing the five pronged seal on Naruto to cut of his connection to the Nine-Tails.This was Orochimaru's mistake.When the sealed was placed on Naruto a dark power started coming from Naruto and he was surrounded by a dark a aura.

When Sasuke and Sakura felt this power they fainted.Orochimaru was doing better than them but he felt a little a scared.After a while the dark aura that was surrounding Naruto disappeared.There now stood Naruto.He looked different.He now had a appearance of a vest-like coat that only covers his armpits, which flares out at ragged ends, and has a very high collar which is spread wide. He also has two wrist bands, made up of the same darkness as the rest of his clothes. His pants are connected to his feet look like a bird's talons, but with five toes.He had black eyes and a mark on his forehead.(assault mode).

So the captain has awakened - thought a woman

Back to Naruto and Orochimaru
How dare you a filthy human touch me- Said Naruto in a dark voice

Orochimaru was surprised by this.He first thought this was the Nine-Tails talking to him but he remembered he put the seal on Naruto so this could not be the fox.

Who are you - Orochimaru

A filthy human like you does not deserve my name.- Naruto

After that Naruto created a blade with his darkness and appeared in front of Orochimaru and attacked him using One thousand divine cuts slashing him multiple times.After slashing Orochimaru he turned into a mud clone.Orochimaru was surprised, excited and scared to see this.Orochimaru was thinking Naruto would be a good specimen to experiment with.After Naruto's attack he went to where Sasuke was laying on the ground.Orochimaru then bit Sasuke on his neck thus giving him the curse mark.Naruto saw this but he was not concerned for Sasuke.After this Orochimaru decided to leave.

Well Naruto-kun or whoever you are.By the way my name is Ochimaru.This is goodbye for now.- Orochimaru said as body flickered away

Well next time I see you might end up dead- Said Naruto

After saying this Naruto collapsed to the ground.Naruto then suddenly woke up to see he was in a sewer.In this sewer he saw two figures one was the Nine Tails and the other was a short yellow haired man.

The Nine-Tails and who are you- Naruto

I am Meliodas and you are my reincarnation.- Meliodas

I am your reincarnation.You are my past self.- Naruto

Yes I am.- Meliodas

Did you take over my body just now.- Naruto

Yep I did.- Meliodas

So what will happen now.- Naruto

We will merge becoming one.You will gain all my memories and abilities.You will become a demon.An elite demon with seven hearts.- Meliodas

So the villagers was right when they said I was a demon.- Naruto

Naruto demons and human are the similar.They can bleed, they die ,they have emotions and etc.So don't put yourself down because of that.You should not concern yourself with the opinion of others.- Meliodas

Okay thanks Meliodas.Can we start merging now.- Naruto

After that the two began merging.After they finished merging Naruto looked a bit different.He now was a little taller and muscular.

While Meliodas and Naruto were talking the Nine-Tails was thinking about something.He thought about telling Naruto about his parents and about what happened on the day of his birth.The Nine-Tails decided it will tell Naruto after the Chunin exams.

After the merger was complete Naruto woke up in the real world to see Sakura surrounded by 3 sound genin.He then stood up from the ground.Naruto decided to speak.

If you guys give me your scroll I might be merciful and let you live.- Naruto

Yeah right as if a punk like you can kill us.-said Zaku one of the Sound genin

Zaku decided to attack Naruto.But before he could Naruto appeared behind him.Naruto grabbed one of his arms and broke it.He then ask the other two sound genin to give him their scroll while using a bit of killing intent.The two other sound genin got scared and decided to give Naruto their scroll which was a earth scroll.The scroll Naruto and his team needed to complete the second phase of chunin exams.After getting scroll Naruto told the three sound genin to get out of his sight before he decided to kill them.Sakura wad surprised to see this.She always thought Naruto was a loser and that he would never achieve something great in his life.

While Sakura was thinking this Sasuke woke up.His face was covered in dark markings and chakra became darker.He had has two tomoe Sharingan activated.

Dobe fight me- Sasuke

Not interested you are not worth my time- Naruto

What did you say - Sasuke

Sasuke wanted to attack Naruto but before he could Naruto had appeared behind him chopping on the back of his neck knocking him out.Sakura was surprised that Naruto defeated but she shrugged this of.She was about scold Naruto for knocking out her precious Sasuke-kun.But then she passed out.Naruto was surprised by this.Suddenly the proctor of the second phase of the chunin exams Anko Miterashi greeted him.

Hello captain it so good to see you - Anko

Merlin is that you if it is then how dare you show face to me again- Naruto said as he went into assault mode

Yes captain it is me- Anko

You betrayed me and the rest of the seven deadly sins and now you greet me as if never happened.Give me reason why I shouldn't kill you right now- said Naruto in a dark tone

Well captain because Big sis would be upset if she learned you killed me.- Anko

What Elizabeth also got reincarnated.Who is she now.- Naruto

Well I will tell you if you spare my life and also if you go out with me- Anko

Well if you tell me i won't kill you and you know I only love Elizabeth.- Naruto

Yes and I love you captain.In this world captain you are part of a clan that is practical extinct.There is a law that let's you get to marry as many women you want to restore your clan.That law is the clan restoration act(CRA).- Anko

Well I will have to ask Elizabeth if it is all with her.If she decides that she does want to share me. Then I will use that law.-Naruto

So you will marry me if big sis says yes- Anko

Well Merlin I don't trust that much.I will take some time to trust you again.But if Elizabeth says yes I will try to make our relationship work- Naruto

Okay thank you captain I won't betray your trust again.Big sis is currently Hinata Hyuuga.She doesn't remember her past life like us.-Anko

Okay thanks Merlin.I have will be going now.- Naruto

Captain while we are in public call me Anko.- Anko

Sure - Naruto

Naruto then created a shadow clone to carry Sasuke.He carried Sakura.And decided to head to the tower located in the forest of death..After he made it to the tower he decided to open both scrolls.After opening them Iruka appeared.He greets Naruto.

Hey Naruto what happened to Sasuke and Sakura -Iruka

They were knocked out by Orochimaru.- Naruto

Iruka was surprised to hear that Naruto and his team fought against Orochimaru of the Sannin and lived to tell the tale of it.Iruka decided to get Sakura and Sasuke medical help and take Naruto to see the Hokage.After getting Sakura and Sasuke help he took Naruto to the Hokage's office.When Iruka and Naruto arrived.He told the hokage of Naruto's encounter with the Sannin.

So Naruto what happened with Orochimaru- Hiruzen

He gave Sasuke a mark on his neck and put a seal on the Nine-Tails seal.- Said Naruto as he revealed the seal

So Orochimaru gave Sasuke the curse mark and used the five pronged seal on Naruto.-thought Hiruzen

Naruto I can this remove this seal for you- Hiruzen

Okay - Naruto

Hiruzen made the handsigns for the five pronged seal release.After finishing handsigns he then slammed his fingers on the seal. Removing it

So old man can I go now.- Naruto

Yes Naruto you can go now.- Hiruzen

Orochimaru just what are you planning.- Thought Hiruzen worried

Iruka took Naruto back to the tower at the forest of death.

End of chapter 1

In this Naruto,Anko and Hinata will be the only reincarnation of the characters from the seven deadly sins.

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