Crossing the gangster

By lovewrites1601

71.2K 2.5K 769

. "What the hell is he saying?" I asked smith, who was still persistent on not meeting my eyes. "He is tellin... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53


1.2K 39 14
By lovewrites1601

Hazel's pov

It's Not always mandatory to have only bloodline family and sometime you even don't get one but there will be such people who will come and unexpectedly will become your family, same happened with me , i meet a most unexpected person in most unexpected way and fell for him in most unexpected manner but he made me realised the love a true family gives ....

I always asked for such people in my life, on whom i can trust , i can live and can expect to get equal respect and love and now i am getting everything from this family , A handsome and Caring husband , Sweet parents , Lovely brother , sister and true friends!

Today , i am realising that i am not alone  there are people who really wish good for me and most importantly who respects me , for a girl there is nothing more than love and respect, today i am realising that now i will be someone's wife , daughter - in - law, sister - in - law , and sister , today i actually feel that i have got some responsibilities other then to care or to protect myself and i am happy to get it , i hope and pray i would be able to fulfill responsibilities and play my each and every role perfectly ...
And obviously who thought that 'Crossing the gangster's ' path will be this luckily for me ,i am glad to come across his way 😉

Chris's pov

There are different type of love in this world , i luckily got few of them , i got loving parents, loving siblings and true friends but the only thing which was left and because of that i was incomplete is now with me , the love of your mate , She came in my life unexpectedly, i saved her to save her life but instead she became my life , i still remembered those days without her , were the most painful one , but today i am getting one more chance to complete my one more responsibility which is of a husband! I just wish that i can keep her happy and safe... She has gone through a lot and now i don't want her to give her any pain or any insecurities and now i just wish for a ' perfect complete family '.

" Damn man you are looking too hot " Izzy commented as she entered the room

" Izzy....  " I glared and she started laughing

" What ?" I asked seeing her laughing like a small kid without any reason

" For the very first time , THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN CHRIS WALKER IS NERVOUS" she announced and continued laughing

" Shut up Izzy " i glared again but she won't stop laughing, too stubborn

" Ohkay ohkay but mr. Groom let me inform you that you are not the most gorgeous here coz your dear bride is probably looking more hot then you " she said with pride and overacting

" Ohh really? " I asked and she nodded yess with the same confidence

" Well then i had too see " i said with a wink and continued adjusting my dear tie who hate my neck and would never fix on it

" Yes , yes you will surely get to see her but i am scared " she reacted

" Why !" I asked

" That she won't marry you after knowing that you still struggling to get that tie around your neck " she said while pointing towards my neck and had glance of my unprofessional tie after looking at her

" Wait let me help you out " she said and approached me and started fixing my tie , which she has been doing since she was 15 , i never liked tie , i only wear them rarely but every time i do , she is the only who fixes it

" You know what i am afraid that from now someone else will take my job " Izzy said as she completed are work

" What work ?" I asked

" The work of fixing your tie " she explained with a straight line of lips

" Don't worry , this work will only belong to you " i winked and she laughed


Hello my dear friends, won't you like to welcome the most handsome man of the world Noah Steve ?" Noah suddenly jumped inside the room taking all our attention

" You know what i am really concern about my sister if you are going to be her husband " i reacted to his most unexpected entry

" Come on bro , she is going to be with you only .... Like at the end we all living the same house right " Noah huffed

" By the way , i am here to talk something very important with you " Noah said being serious and i just nodded giving him permission

" Well then you guys continue, i had to see the bride , i just came here to fix your tie 😉" Izzy winked and left the room

" Chris , listen buddy " Noah called and stood right infront of me

" It's not i doubt you , but you know the same way you care for your sister , i care for hazel , she is like my sister , you know right i didn't had any sis and she is the one and only and before she came to our lives she had already gone through a lot and after also a lot unexpected happened so , i just request please keep her happy , i know you both love eachother but i also know that she is tired from every thing, she once told me that now she only wishes for peace and happiness , promise me you will always keep her happy " he asked and i can genuinely see the same concern in his eyes , i have for Izzy and so i smiled and hugged me

" I promise, i will always keep her happy and safe " i promised and got apart after a brotherly hug

" And if you break it , i swear it won't take me a second to go against you " Noah warned and then we both ended into unstoppable laugh...
Hazel's pov

" You know what you are looking tooo... Gorgeous, Chris is just gonna be dead after seeing you "  Mom commented , while giving final touch to my veil and my cheeks suddenly started turning red
well honestly i didn't realised when she Became this close that i started calling her mom rather than Elina ( those who forgot , Elina is Chris 's mother )

" He is seriously going to be dead " Izzy reacted while entering the room , she told that she had to go to Chris for some work and so she went after completing my most of the make up

" Is Chris ready ?" Mom asked and Izzy nodded yess

" Alright then tell Noah to take him to the church , Hazel will be there soon " mom commanded and the next moment i know Izzy was talking with Noah about it ..

" Hazel " mom called and i looked at her

" Dear , you going to be a very important part of this family , you are not just going to be wife of Chris but the entire linage of our family will be in your hand , After us you and Chris will be the one to continue this family so i want you to give your best to build and continue this family " mom explained and i listened her carefully and nodded yes while holding her hands firmly, i completely understand her concern about the family as now Chris is her only son to continue the family and the business but i promise to keep her words

" I promise i won't let you down " i replied confidently and she smiled brightly and hugged me

And then after half and hour , i was finally standing in the garden of the church where my wedding was going to take place, it was beautifully decorated with white and pink rose ... i am really very eager to see Chris and his reaction to see me as his bride... It was then Noah approached me with shocked expression

" Ohh my god , you are looking gorgeous" Noah said and placed a kiss on my forehead

" Thank you" i replied with a bright smile

" Are you ready?" He asked one last time and i nodded , he then forwarded his hand and i firmly accepted it as he was the one who is going to walk beside me in aisle

And then he took me to the main gate of church where Chris was standing with dad , Blake , Richard and few other mates while Blake was standing covering his eyes preventing him to see me ... As soon as I entered the beautiful gateway everyone cheered and then Noah took me to the Chris and i stood right infront of him and signed Blake to take off his hands

" Okay than 1 , 2 and 3 " Blake counted and took off his hands and the next second Chris was just awestruck, she was left opened mouth as soon as he saw me

" I told you , your wife is looking more gorgeous then you " Izzy chuckled from behind but it seemed Chris didn't bother to hear her as everyone except him were laughing including me ...

While he stared at me for few seconds and then came forward held my hands and kissed my forehead

" You are looking like an angle " he commented and my cheeks were again pink

" Please don't blush" chris asked moreover he warned in my ear carefully that no one listens

" I guess we should go inside" dad suggested and we all nodded and then Chris carefully forwarded his hand and i covered my hand around his arm and we then walked in the long red carpet of the church and stood on the stage, where father stood with Bible

Soon the father started reading words and we both agree as he would ask us for our consent and soon he announced us as legally husband and wife and asked to kiss ....

As i looked in his hazel eyes the entire journey of mine with him flashed infront of me , from the starting when he took me with him to his house , the fight , him taking care of me , our first kiss , the days of pain without him ... Every single thing was flashing in my mind as if a film and then Chris held my both the hands softly and came more close and asked for the permission with his eyes which i gave the same way and he titled his face and captured my lips and we shared our first kiss after being legally married, and it was the most satisfying and amazing kiss of our till now ..... And finally our family was completed....

After a month Noah and Izzy also got married and even Blake and Richard but their wedding was very simple as they  opt to get married in court rather the in church but for Noah and Izzy we had a big wedding and after wedding they directly went to their honeymoon to Maldives, mom and dad got there Paris house back as dad again started his business there so they got shift there , Blake and Richard were also on leave and so i and Chris were alone in Santorini....

" Happy 1st marriage anniversary wifey " Chris wished as we cut our cake of our 1st anniversary

" Sane to you mr. Handsome hubby " i chuckled while making him eat the piece of cake which he then make me eat and we celebrated our first anniversary

" I am really very blessed to have you in my life " he said and captured my lips into a mesmerizing kiss

" well i want to show you something" Chris said while breaking the kiss

" What ?" I asked being totally clueless

" Come with me " he asked and tied a silk cloth around my eyes and guided me somewhere

" Chris where are you taking me ?" I asked being excited

" It's not a new place but today it's much special then usual " he replied and then i heard him opening a door ...

" Can i open my eyes ?" I asked and this time he actually opened the cloth and let me see...

And scenario infront of me was unexpected, it was our room only but he had decorated it beautifully with flowers and candles and it looked too beautiful

" It's too beautiful" i reacted as i entered the room and then the looked at him and hugged him tightly....

" Thank you so much" i said while looking up at him still hugging him

" I don't want tank you , i want my gift " he replied with a smrik and i exactly what he is talking about but I guess today he deserves it and so with out wasting a second i pulled him for kiss and we were again lost in our beautiful world , this time he didn't break kiss but continued it on my neck , coller bone and the again back to lips , while i started opened his shirt which was soon lying on floor with my top which he had already taken off from my body , he then guided my hands around his neck and i locked my hands around his neck and then he lifted me up and made my legs cover his torso and then he started walking and pinned .e to a wall without breaking the kiss

" Thank you for everything" he breathed out and took me to the bed and made me sleep while he hovered on me and soon i know we were all naked and making love , he made sure it wasn't to painfull for me but at the same time he gave me intense pleasure... It was just him and me without any tensions, no worry , no borders between us ,we were completed into eachother and i loved the way it was and glad that it's him ......


So heyyyy guys , the story has finally come to end hope you guys enjoyed please do give reviews about the story ...

Also how much would you rank Crossing the gangster from 10

Who was your favourite character?

Tell me if you have any favourite scene from the story ?

Do you have any song to dedicate to our chrizal ?😉

And lastly your friendly auther is here to talk with you so please shower your views!!!!

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