De TimeLady42024

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It's 3050. Anything from the past thousand years has been demolished. Scientists' experiments have gone horr... Mais

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De TimeLady42024

Lillith and Emelio reached their home by dawn. When they reached the door, Emelio said the password without his usual vigor and tease, so Barry immediately knew something was wrong.
"What's up with you guys?" he asked, "and where's Kira?"
Lillith looked up slowly with tears in her eyes. "She was kidnapped and-" Lillith broke down, unable to go any further.
Barry's head snapped up and he looked at Emelio for confirmation. Emelio nodded slowly, and Barry sat down and pulled Lillith onto his lap.
"Shhh... Babydoll, hey its okay, we can get her back. It's okay. She's a tough chick she'll be fine." he held her closely, and she threw her arms around him and sobbed into his shirt.
"It's all my fault. It's. It's. It's all my fault." she sobbed, quickly becoming incoherent.
Unable to take this scene any longer, Emelio walked off to break the news to the others.
Lillith gave up on trying to talk, and just sobbed into Barry's shirt as he comforted her. And, judging from the sounds of crying that sprang up, the others had found out too.
Soon, the front hallway was filled with tear stained kids hugging each other. Once they had all cried their eyes dry, Emelio stood up.
"Yes. It's true. Kira was abducted today." this led to another bout of sobs, so Emelio had to wait to continue. "Kira is a brave soldier. And no matter what happens to her, no matter what they do to her. We have to get her home. Cause that's what we do. We take care of each other. And we watch out for each other. And we are going to get her back. I swear on my life. We will get her back. I promise." Everyone gave a cheer, and Lillith looked greatfully up at Emelio. He gave her a smile in return. After the speech, they all shuffled off to the breakfast room to stratagize.

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