BTS Academy

By DeeOhhAlex

115K 4.7K 1.2K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

3.4K 119 16
By DeeOhhAlex

Today is the start of the preparation for the upcoming PSOK Olympics. The students are all preoccupied in their field of specialty and the management has been supporting them through various necessities like proper training grounds and equipments that could harness their capabilities to the fullest potential.

The entire academy has been so busy.. but not busy enough to escape the rumors.

Mina has been the talk of the town. With the boys always around her, she can't escape the growing attention of the people. Because of course, BTS is the star of the academy and whatever connects to them becomes as popular as them may it be in a good or bad way. They are the primary reason why the academy was ever even built. Their parents were also the best of friends before and so decided to form and open up a institution for their children. But the academy isn't the only thing to brag about, each of their families had different spotlights in the business industry. May it be about electronics, construction, or even just fine dining.

And Mina, who was just a new transferee does not fit in their perfect picture. An average looking girl thats secretly a bastard daughter and the half sister of NamJoon popularly known as Rap Monster, hanging around with the high profiled BTS is just illegal.

Mina hurriedly walks through the corridors towards her classroom as she was running late because of the sleepless night. She gets hold of the doorknob, but before she had the chance to open the door, V holds her other arm.

" Why are you here? " V asks her with curiousity.

" What do you mean 'why am i here'? I'm going in our class duh! " She answers the weird question that V asked.

V lets go of her arm and laughs. " Only the academic students have real classes, pabo! "

" Oh right. " Mina realizes her mistake and hits her own forehead. She still isn't used to the unusual program this school has.

" Do you want me to go with you to the gym? " V politely asks after he recovers from his laughing spree.

" But you'll get late in your own club. " Mina thinks about the offer.

" They won't care. I'm a VIP anyway. " V brushes the thought off since he knows the priviliges of being a VIP. He then holds Mina's arm again runs with her towards the gym. They continue running even with all the people looking at them.

He lets go of Mina's hand to point at Jimin who was now in the boxing ring with a partner to do a sparing session. " Hyung is so cool! "

Mina stares in awe too and watches Jimin as his muscles flex in every movement.

" Mina, were going to start in 5 minutes. " A taekwondo member calls out to her and she heads to the locker rooms.

She comes out with her very own kimono and walks to her club's side of the gym. V sits by the benches with some taekwondo members and holds up a thumbs up.

" Won't you practice your singing? " Mina asked V as he just hanged around with her.

" Nah. I just roam around every practice time. " V says as he recalls his adventures when he escapes from practice.

" If you say so.. " Mina gives up and proceeds to stretch along with the other members.

As Mina focuses on the training, V catches something with his sense of hearing. He sure could hear the murmurs of the people around him and they were not pleasant ones.

" Why is V here? I thought he was a musical arts VIP. "

" I saw him with that girl. "

" Is she his girlfriend? "

" I dont think so, she isn't even that pretty. "

" I know right. She doesn't fit in with BTS. "

V doesn't stop them even if he wants too but he carefully listens to their conversation.

" Maybe theyre relatives thats why theyre close. "

" But she doesn't look like any of them. "

" Maybe theyre business partners? "

" Whoever she is, I don't like her hanging around with BTS. "

V stands up from his seat and faces them. " Will you please shut up? " He politely asks them with a smile, but his emotion inside is the exact opposite. He was never the type to show his anger, instead he resolves it with a smile. Immediately, those people bow and walked away, ashamed of what theyve done.

V waves to Mina as a sign that he was leaving and she nodded. He walks around the campus with his hoodie on to hide a portion of his face. He continues to listen to people's conversations without them knowing.

" Do you know that girl thats always with BTS? "

" I heard that she is their classmate. "

" I also heard she's a new transferee. "

" She's just using them to be popular "

" Yeah. She's playing with them. "

" I saw her with Rap Monster one time by the lockers and it seemed like they had a very intimate moment! "

" Jinjja? I saw her with Jin too on the first day of school at the canteen. Jin was even holding her waist! "

" And then awhile ago, I saw V running while holding her arm! "

" Ugh. She's such a bitch. "

" A total slut. "

V walks off to another area from another to witness people talking about the same thing. Mina sure was a hot topic. He decided to go the music room to have peace. He couldn't defend Mina when people looked at her that way since they dont even know the real story.

He sighs and looks at Jungkook who was busy playing the piano with a lively melody. " Why are you so happy? " V asks Jungkook who has been smiling so much since yesterday.

" Is it wrong to be happy? " Jungkook counters while still playing the piano.

" Haven't you heard? " V asks the clueless one.

" Heard what? " Jungkook stops playing and worriedly faces V who was also so worried.

" The growing issue about Mina. " V answers while looking worriedly at Jungkook's eyes.

" What issue are you saying? " Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow.

" Well, she's been the topic of everyone around the campus since she's always with us. " V explains.

" Its normal to be talked about. Don't worry too much. " Jungkook taps V's shoulder.

" It's normal for us, but what about Mina? She's having a bad reputation. " V answers clearly showing his care for Mina.

" Lets just talk this out when the others are around. " Jungkook suggests.

" Yeah sure. " V just agrees even when he was in doubt.

" Lets practice for the contest okay? " Jungkook lively asks V to change the topic. A sad V makes him worried.

V doesn't buy Jungkook's liveliness and still sulks in his seat.

" Don't worry the hyungs will fix this for sure. " Jungkook gives his last statement and they start practicing the new song that Rap Monster has written while they had theyre vacation.

Back at the gym, Mina tries her best to meet with the captain's standards.

" Harder! " He shouts at Mina who throws a left kick at the kicking pad

" If you want to win a gold medal, you have to do better than that! " The captain shouts and Mina tries out a combo technique.

" No wonder your members get injured before the games, you push them too far. " Jimin comments as he stood by the mats laid out on the floor where the taekwondo team was practicing.

" This is none of your business. Go back to your boxing team. " The captain replies.

" Don't tell me you're not over her yet, Choi Jaehyun. " Jimin stayed in his position and smirked. He knew exactly what Mina's team captain was mad about him.

" Shut up, Park Jimin. " Jaehyun glares at him.

" Hey Mina! Its lunch time, lets go! " Jimin didnt mind Jaehyun and instead called Mina

" But I'm not yet done. " Mina says as she wipes off the sweat dripping down her chin.

" You're not going anywhere, until you work that left kick! " Jaehyun commands and Mina positions herself to kick again.

" You're abusing your members. " Jimin states as he grabs Mina's hand and drags her out of the gym to have lunch.

" You don't have to drag me you know. " Mina states as Jimin lets go of her hand.

" If I hadn't dragged you, you can never go out of that gym. " Jimin reasoned.

" He was just being a responsible captain. " Mina defended for Jaehyun.

" Ani, he was using you against me. " Jimin fights back.

" What do you mean? " Mina curiously asks.

" Its an old history between us. We always fought and compete about everything, then there was this girl that he liked, but she liked me instead. Now, he's trying to revenge on me. " Jimin summarized it up in an instant. Jaehyun was always compared to him and vice versa. They had alot in common but they refused to acknowledge each other. The fact that they were always compared, made them despise each other. They both wanted to look better than the other.

" Well its not like you like me. " Mina brushes the topic off.

Jimin stops at what Mina had just said and turns to face her. He holds both of her hands and looks deeply into her eyes. Maybe this isn't the best place to say it. But there's no better time than to tell her now. " I like you. I really do. "

Mina blinks at him and it takes her moment until she got the guts to reply. " You shouldn't play with feelings, Jimin. "

" I'm serious. " Jimin holds her hands tighter but Mina only looks down, trying hard not to believe.

" Just let me show you how much I like you.. " Jimin squeezes her hands lightly and they continue walking with an awkward silence.

They were all complete already, as they reached the table. Jin serves them food that he just cooked awhile ago during the practice time and the members swiftly finished his delicious servings.

" You guys should have showered first. " Jin comments as he saw Jhope, Suga, Mina, & Jimin still sweating from their practices.

" No time. " Jhope plainly reasons and wiped his mouth as he ate the last spoonful of food.

" Here's a new song. " Rap Monster hands out a paper to Jungkook.

" When did you write this hyung? " Jungkook asks in awe.

" I already knew what the teacher was discussing so I just wrote some lyrics instead. " Rap Monster plainly answers as if listening to the teacher was a waste of time.

" I have to go. I still need to teach dancesteps. " Jhope stood up to leave.

" You shouldn't dance, while your still full. You might get appendicitis. " Rap Monster reminds Jhope. His knowledge is always useful as a leader.

" Fine. I'll stay here and rest for awhile. " Jhope sits back down and rests.

" How's your training going? " Jin asks no one in particular.

" Jaehyun is giving her a hard time. " Jimin shares a bit of what happened earlier.

" Jaehyun? That rival of yours? " Suga perks up for the first time.

" Neh, he's trying to use Mina against me. " Jimin adds simply and Mina looks away. Its weird. Very weird for her to talk about it so casually.

" Then it must be working effectively huh? " Jhope asks but he clearly knows the answer to it. He knows Jimin likes Mina, he's figured it out long ago, but he isn't sure whether Jimin is really serious about it. He always say he's serious about it, but then he ends up playing around.

" Right. I want to tell you guys that from this day on, I'll be courting Mina. " Jimin casually says to the others and it makes Mina want to shrink in her seat. She's dying to escape the situation but all she could do is lower her head and hide her face.

The members does not react that much, but they doubt on Jimin' sincerity.

" She's our friend now, Jimin. And we don't want her to have a broken heart in the end. " Jin looks at Jimin seriously.

" She's still not my friend. " Suga adds and crosses his arms.

" Aside from Suga, she is our friend. " Jin corrects himself and the others nod in agreement, including the once enemy Rap Monster.

" I'm serious. I really like her. " Jimin tries to win their trust and pleads.

" Thats what you always say, but then you end up playing around. " Jhope recalls all those times Jimin would introduce his new girlfriend one after the other.

" This time, I'm not playing around anymore. " Jimin says seriously.

" Is that a promise? " Jungkook asks him, he too does not want Mina to end up like other girls Jimin has dated before.

" I promise. " Jimin answers.

" Its so easy for you to say 'promise', make sure you'll fulfill that. " Jhope looks at him sternly with no hint of playfulness as of the moment.

Jimin just nods and the leader speaks " Then prove it. "

" Prove that you're really serious. " Rap Monster continues.

V who was silent most of time as they took their lunch, now looked at Jimin. V is still bothered with the growing rumors around the campus and if the studentbody finds out that theyre dating, it might ruin Mina's reputation more. Getting called as bitch, whore, slut behind Mina's back hurt V. He didn't want Mina to go through that. Thats what his female friends has been experiencing when they get close to BTS, thats why no girl lasts with them.

But if Jimin could protect Mina away from all the discrimination, then he gives his permission.

He finally spoke up his thoughts " Can you protect Mina? "

" Of course! What do you expect from me? A coward? " Jimin says with all determination.

" I can protect myself without Jimin. " Mina also for the first time spoke up. She wasn't your typical girl. She is brave and she's gone through alot, but here she is still standing strong.

" Thats not what I mean. I meant from all the hate that she might receive, can you protect her? " V seriously asked. He may say alot of nonsense most of the time but right now all he cares about is Mina's safety. Jimin himself is alot of trouble already and they just couldnt risk Mina with him.

" Even if I had to introduce her to my parents. " Jimin answers with certainity.

They grew silent. The members knew Jimin had the most strict parents. Most picky. Most mean. In short, he had the worst parents among them. If Mina meets his parents, she might die from emotional heart failure. Their words sting like alcohol poured over a wound, their glares can bore holes throughout your body, and their judgement is like a mind of a dictator. Perfectionists you may say. They'll interrogate you like theres no tomorrow and their presence will make you shake like an earthquake.

" I want you guys to believe me. I'll prove to you now that I'm really serious. " Jimin looks into their eyes and clears the plates in their table. He steps up and stands tall on the table creating enough attention. He then clears his throat and gains more attention. The whole canteen fell into complete silence as he started.

" From this moment on, I'll be dating this girl. Her name is Kim Mina. Whoever dares to interfere and hurt her, will be my enemy. If I hear any rumor behind our back, be ready to deal with my wrath. Whoever and wherever you are, I will deal with you. Mark my words. " Jimin ends and goes down of his little stage.

But thats not it, Rap Monster also adds to Jimin's speech. " Correction everybody! You will have to deal with not just Jimin, but all of us. " He clearly states and they went out of the canteen to proceed with their practices.

But before they all separated ways, V hugged Mina one last time. He finally was able to breathe as he believed that no one will hurt Mina anymore. He felt safe and contented with Jimin's announcement awhile ago.

" V stop hugging her. She's mine. " Jimin tries to pull V away from Mina.

" Just one more minute jebal~ " V pouted.

" You can hug me all you want, were bestfriends afterall! " Mina states.

V sticks his tongue out to Jimin and lets go of Mina before he gets hit by Jimin. He smiled as he ran to the music room. True enough as he passed by no student ever talked about Mina anymore.

They went back to practices and Jimin carefully set an eye for Mina because he didn't want Jaehyun to abuse her.

Jaehyun focused on the other members and left Mina to practice with the other female members of the team.

As Suga was walking back to the basketball court, he thought deeply about what had happened earlier. Was Jimin really serious? He can't be, right? If he was then all his plans were to fail. But on second thought, maybe she isn't that bad at all..

Maybe she was good for the group afterall.. maybe.. just maybe..

He was now fighting over his original plans and his new realizations. Was she really good for them? As he can see, the group has been better than ever. Because of Mina, Jin has changed back to normal. And if Jimin does stay with Mina, then he'll also change his habits for good. She also does make V occupied most of the time instead of bothering the hyungs. But then again, the fact that he doesn't like girls does not change. He still hates them.

Suga was now back into the game and was dribbling the ball. He aimed for 3 points and successfully shoots it in. He was concentrated into the game when he saw Mina watching him by the benches. In an instant, his muffled thoughts came back to him. He seemed to stare longer at her that he missed the ball. It hit his head and he fell straight to the ground. His coach called for a timeout to see if he was alright. Mina then rushed towards him, and aided him to the benches while waiting for the medical assistance.

" What happened to you? Didn't you see the ball right in front of you? " Mina worriedly checked his head.

" Why are you here? " Suga asks straight to the point.

" Jimin was buying water and he told me to wait here. " Mina replied.

" Oh.. " Suga simply replies and the medic arrives.

Thankfully nothing was wrong and he just rested as the practice game went on. Jimin came back with 3 bottles of water and gave it to Suga & Mina.

" You got benched hyung? " Jimin asks Suga.

" I just got hit by the ball and fell thats all. " Suga answers and drinks up the water.

" Bwoyah? Are you that old hyung that you cant see clearly? " Jimin laughs at his own comment.

" I think you're the one who can't see clearly. What did you see that you liked in this girl? " Suga redirects the question back at Jimin and was referring to Mina.

Suga's little break was over and he was called by the coach to play back in the game.

Jimin and Mina went back to practice and Jimin noticed that Mina wasn't wearing the bracelet he bought for her. " Where's your bracelet? "

" I left it in the locker. Accessories aren't allowed during practice time. " Mina quickly covers up.

" Oh yeah. " Jimin nods his head.

Mina went back the their side of the gym and tried to recall where she has placed the bracelet. She hadn't noticed that it was gone. She tried to look into her locker but it wasn't there. She looked at the mats but couldn't find it either. She decided to head back to the basketball court to try and find it but Jaehyun interfered.

" Where are you going? " Jaehyun asks Mina because they had start practicing again.

" I'm just looking for something. " She admits.

" Oh you mean this? " Jaehyun smirks and raises a bracelet in between his fingers.

" Oh thanks for finding it. " Mina was about to reach for the bracelet when Jaehyun pulled it away.

" You want this? Then you'll have to earn it back. Remember, finders keepers, losers sweepers. " Jaehyun places he bracelet in his pocket.

" What do I have to do? " Mina asks, desparate to get the bracelet back. It would hurt Jimin if he knew that the bracelet was with his ultimate rival. Worst is, she lied when he looked for the bracelet.

" Oh its easy. You just have to go on a date with me. " Jaehyun says and walks closer to Mina.

" 8 pm. Celestial bar. See you there. " Jaehyun winks at her and goes back to the other members who were busy practicing combo techniques.

Mina stood there and fixed her thoughts. Should she go?


Author's note:

I really am adding new characters guys to make the story wider. lol.

Share your thoughts!

All the comebacks are killing me! Spazz~

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