Behind the Fire (A Fred Weasl...


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As a long summer comes to a close, Leah is ready to return to Hogwarts for her 6th year and see her friends a... More

~ Chapter Two ~
~Chapter Three ~

Chapter One ~ Behind the fire

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This chapter is for one of our most valued readers LilyP thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting we appreciate the support so much. And not to forget a very happy birthday to you enjoy the chapter :) X Jess and Sophie


Shamrock weaved in between my legs as I sat at the breakfast table reading the Daily Prophet. Ginny was sat next to me scribbling what seemed to be a letter on an old piece of parchment, a look of pure concentration on her face.

"What you smiling at?" She huffed, sitting back in her chair while, shaking her fingers out.

"Just you." I smirked laughing slightly at her puzzled face, "Who you writing the letter to?"

She looked at me quizzically and ran her fingers through her long ginger hair before sighing once again.

"Hermione." She confessed. "She isn't here yet and cause everyone's gone to get Harry you know? I can't just sit here and nervously wait."

I raised an eyebrow, "Ginny Weasley? Nervous? I can't believe my ears."

"Oh shut up." She replied, attempting to throw her quill at me before it pathetically flopped to the floor.
"How can you not worry?"

"Watch and learn." I remarked, turning back to the paper in front of me. "Harry will be fine, for Merlin's sake, Dumbledore is going to be at his hearing." Ginny sighed again and left the room. Grimmauld Place was a freezer in the summer, as I had quickly learned after arriving here two weeks ago. I constantly have to wear jumpers, not that I'm complaining.

Earlier that morning, most of the order members had gone to get Harry from his house. Apparently he had used illegal magic, he wasn't of age yet and still couldn't use magic outside of school. Unlike some people. Ever since the twins has turned 17 they wouldn't stop popping up around the house.

I turned over to the next page of nonsense in the Daily Prophet and Fred and George appeared next to me.

"Morning Leah." They said in unison.

Unfortunately for me, they had cut off their shaggy hair after term had ended so I could no longer call them mop-heads.

"Hey," I replied, "What time is everyone arriving today?"

The order was suppose to be arriving after Harry's trial at the ministry.

"We don't really know," Fred said, sitting opposite me.

"Mum said they'll be back later."

"Great. Hermione is coming at Tea so we can all wait for them later." I replied.

While they were eating breakfast the twins explained some of the new prank concepts for next year.

"A portable swamp?" I asked, "It could get a little messy.."

"That's why we were hoping you could help us with transfiguration and charms" George said.

"Okay" I smiled "It might work, but it's gonna take some time..."

"Great!" They smiled together.

"Your mum told me that the order are having another Meeting, Snape's arriving after dinner." I told them.

"What about Dumbledore?"

"Doubt it, but he might come if Snape is."

George nodded and put his bowl in the sink.

"We have been making extendable Ears and do you remember the Vomiting Toilet we were trying out last year?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked,

"Well we put one in the upstairs bathroom." George grinned.

I couldn't help laughing at that - Mrs Weasley wouldn't be pleased.

"Hey, come on," Fred said pulling me out of the kitchen, "we need to test the ears. "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ten minutes later, I was stuck at the bottom of the stairs holding a wriggling ear next to my head.

"Can you hear me?" I asked the ear, this has got to be one of the weirdest moments of my life.

"A bit!" George shouted from four flights up. "You're slightly muffled!"

"It's your connection charms!" I said, "they need to be stronger!"

"Well sorry if we are not as good as you." George huffed as he tugged the ear out of my hand.

I watched as it floated up the stairs.

A flash of flaming red hair and Ginny was two stairs up, "Oh God, mums gonna kill you.."

"What?!" I asked,

I must have jumped about four feet as someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"Gaahahah" I ruffly screamed. Calming down when I saw it was only Sirius.

"Mollys going to kill who?" He asked staring up at the boys.

"Them!" Ginny sighed, looking slightly exasperated, her brow creased with worry. " You know mum went berserk last time she saw those ears!"

"Who's ears?" Sirius asked, smirking.

"George's." Fred shouted from the top.

"Wait George has lost an ear? Molly's going to kill me!" Sirius called.

"Hey! Haven't lost any ears!" George shouted, causing Ginny to loose it, Sirius to panic, Fred to freak out and me to try and keep the peace.

"If you hadn't shown Ginny in the first place." Someone, who I could only assume was George, shouted.

"It's not my fault!"

"So nobody's lost any body parts?"


Everyone was panicking. It must be either the temperature, the stress or the worry.

"Shut up!" I screamed, barely above the rest of the ruckus but, Fred stopped and then his twin and then Sirius. Gosh, I didn't think that would work.

Ginny sort of stood there.
"Harry is on trial and we are standing here, shouting at each other!" She said turning around and slamming her door shut.

"Well, sorry." George remarked.

A strange screeching voice started screaming in the front hall,

"Blood traitors in the house of Black! Abomination! Heresy!"

"That'll be mother dearest," Sirius sighed, "Kreature must of unveiled her again."

"Sounds like a lovely woman." I said as sarcastically possible.

Sirius chuckled and ran up the stairs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"How long has it been?" I asked as the cards spontaneously exploded as I put mine down.

"Four hours?" Fred guessed, leaning back as he shuffled the cards, "shall I deal another round?"

"No," I replied, " I'm going to find Shamrock, do you want to come?"

"Sure." Fred said, George shook his head,

"No thanks, I'll let you two have some alone time.." He said grinning mischievously.

"Ha ha. very funny." Fred said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

I could swear I heard George whisper, 'I know' before we left.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where is that silly, little cute kitten!" I said, running my hands through my blond hair once again.

Shamrock wasn't anywhere on the top floor and that's where he was supposed to be.

"He is just being adventurous, lea" Fred comforted, "don't worry, we will find him."

"Do you want to try your clothes draws again?" He asked, reaching for the top draw.

"Don't you dare move your hand closer to that draw, Weasley!" I said, jumping over the bed and simultaneously falling over. I still managed to push his hand away.

"Sorry." He said a light blush on his cheeks, "I wasn't thinking.."

He had in fact managed to catch me, but only by my shoulders.

"That was quite a dive tho..." he said, and then it was me blushing, "maybe you should be a keeper."

I grinned, "I can't wait for quidditch again!"

"I know, it's so squishy in here, it will be great to get outside."

"No, i mean so I can kick your ass again."

He grinned, "you can try."

Fred winked and flopped down on my made bed.

"You should find that cat before it gets into trouble" he warned,

"We need to find that cat, you're helping too, thank you very much.."

"Maybe he is behind the Fire?" Fred guessed, "he likes it where it is warm..."

"I've looked there, in fact the only place I haven't looked is with the hippogriff and With that evil house elf." I scowled, "Did you know he tried to burn my shoes before Sirius caught him in the act?!"

"No I didn't..." Fred raised an eyebrow looking slightly puzzled before looking back at me, " but we should ask Kreature, he might have seen him, he has been cleaning the same stairs for days..."

"Right," I decided, getting up. "Come on Weasley, Let's go!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kreature was a very old house elf and it was instantly noticeable that he didn't do any work at all. I don't blame him but it didn't surprise me when we found him on the second floor sitting in the corner.

"Kreature?" I asked.

"What does the blood traitor want? Mistress says master Sirius would never come back, but here he is."

"Yes..uh," Fred started. "Sorry about that.."

"What he means to say is, Have you seen my kitten?" I asked

"Depends." replied Kreature, standing up and walking slowly past us.

"On what?" Fred said, following the elf quietly.

"Kreature likes Creatures, what does yours look like?" He asked.

"Well, he has black fur, white feet and brown eyes." I described.

"Umm, well Kreature did meet Creature." He said.

I smiled in relief as Kreature turned around and lifted Shamrock into my arms.

"Mistress never let animals like creature into the house, and now there's two." He said grumpily.

"Two?" Fred inquired.

"Hermione must be here!" I said, "Thanks Kreature!"

I quickly walked past Fred, carrying Shamrock tightly in my arms. By the time I reached the front hall, I was flustered and fred almost bumped into my back.

"Hermione!" I almost screamed, crookshanks, who was in a carrier like a normal cat, meowed.

Hermione herself was wearing and oddly striped jumper and her hair was a mess,

"Ginny, Ron! Hermione is here!" Fred shouted up the stairs.

"Hey!" I said running awkwardly to give her a hug. "Have a nice holiday?"

"Yeah, though I wish we could have written to Harry! And now he is in this dreadful mess."

"He'll be fine!" George said popping out of thin air beside us. "Welcome to the creepy house of Black!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Molly was up making food when we directed Hermione into the kitchen. And it seemed like most of the order members had returned while Mr Weasley and Harry went to his trial.

"This is a safe house." I explained to Hermione, "Its where the order are now meeting."

"The order?" She asked raising her brow.

"It's a secret society." I said,"Dumbledore's technically in charge, he founded it. It's the people who fought against You-Know-Who last time."

"Yeah and there taking up all the rooms in the house." Fred and George sighed, "Better get yours quick!"

I stifled a laugh but, Ginny quickly kept at the opportunity to ask Hermione about their letters and dragged her upstairs.

"When did you lot get here?" George asked, regarding Tonks and Remus who were drinking tea at the table.

"Magic." Tonks replied rolling her eyes.

I laughed pulling up a chair and sitting opposite them.

"What's for dinner mum?" The twins asked sitting down next to me.

"Just roast chicken dear."


"Does anybody know what time Harry is getting back? Remus? Sirius?" Molly asked, stirring some kind of liquid.

"It's hard to tell," Remus sighed, "Depends on what Dumbledore says."

"He'll be fine." Sirius said, perching his feet up on the table.

It seemed like everybody was saying that today.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Harry's back!" Ginny screamed for the room above me.

Gosh it's about time, half nine and we haven't even eaten because of that boy.
There was loud elephant steps down the stairs as me and the boys apparated to the front hall. As we popped out of thin air, I crashed into them and fell flat on my backside.

Using Fred to pull myself up, I looked to see a very tired Harry Potter. Damn he has had his hair cut too. Guess I can't call anyone mop-head anymore.....

"You two passed your Apparition tests, then?" Harry asked the twins grumpily.

"With distinction," I added rolling my eyes, maybe things might start to liven up around here with the one and only Harry Potter.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hellooooo we are finally back sorry for the MASSIVE DELAY but we were writing this story ready for you beautiful people. Hope you liked the first chapter and we should be updating regularly again very soon!

We hope you enjoyed our first book! If you haven't read it you probably should it's called

'Borrowed Time' it should come up if you type that in but who knows!

Thanks again for reading it means the world, comment, read, vote if you liked this chapter ect. See you soon!!!

~ Jess and Sophie

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