𝔻𝕚𝕣𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕪...

By Angsty0Vibes

83.4K 3.3K 869

[ON GOING]/HIATUS] "𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵...𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴... More

Before We Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 (New Year's Special)
No Chapter (UPDATE)

Chapter 31

1K 50 25
By Angsty0Vibes

Authors note: Please note that there will be more explicit language from here on out. I do not own the original story line or characters, just my added plot line.


Takemichi's POV

November 19th , 2005

   "Seriously? Fuck off guys, you know they're my friends!" Hakkai looked unfazed, maybe more on the end of irritated on the situation.

   "Hina, you'll want to stay out of this. They don't take mercy on girls." Yuzuha warned her, more fear in my heart now that she could risk getting hurt at all.

   "Come on Hakkai, you know this. Friends or not, these fuckers need to be taught a lesson for coming on our turf!" Kokonoi smirked, he didn't seem to take anything Hakkai said into concern.

   "Kokonoi, this was an obvious mistake on our part. I'll take full responsibility, so please let Takemichi and the girl go." (Y/n) stepped forward.

   I found it interesting how he didn't address Hina by her name or that she was my girlfriend. But from what Yuzuha said it might have been for her safety, they already knew who I was. Maybe if they knew her direct connection to me, they would be a lot worse.

   Immediately I could hear the disembodied voices of everyone talking in the crowd, mocking who we were and threatening us just to do so. Hakkai pushed (Y/n) back gently behind him and got up into one of the Black Dragon member's faces.

   "I told you to not fuck with them." Hakkai stated again, just as clear as before.

   "We don't take orders from you!" The guy he stood in front of shouted, not seeming to be intimidated by the height difference. "We will kill both the girls too."

   Hakkai smashed his fist into the man's face, taking him to the ground with the power behind his punch. I could hear the crack of the man's nose and the impact of the body on the ground.

   "I said fuck off!" Hakkai looked up, veins in his forehead looking ready to burst. He stood back up and turned to me in the moment of silence we got. "I'm sorry for getting you three involved."

   "I knew better Hakkai, don't apologize. But as for you two." (Y/n) looked at Hina and I. "We seriously need to get you out of here. These guys don't joke around about murder."

   "What does this have to do with you Hakkai?" I asked, at this point I was even more confused with the title the Black Dragon's had given him.

   "Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn't know. The leader of the Black Dragons? It's Shiba Taiju, our older brother." Hakkai explained.

   'Wait, they're all siblings? Then that would mean....'

   "Where is he anyways?" Hakkai asked to anyone in the crowd, but Kokonoi was the one to answer.

  "The convenience store."

   "Only home for shit like this, huh?" Hakkai rolled his eyes, but whipped his head to the side when he felt cold metal on his neck.

   "Keep your words to yourself dick, don't fuck around." Inui threatened. "You know I'll kill you."

   I didn't see her rush to his side, but the next thing I knew was that Yuzuha had jumped kicked Inui in the side of the head. Such a move could have gone much worse with the blade he held to Hakkai's neck.

   "Don't you dare touch my little brother!" She hissed out, the serious look in her eyes was scary.

   Inui didn't even take a moment to get back up, but he swayed as he did so. Already readying himself to confront Yuzuha directly.

   "They're the boss's siblings, lay off a bit." Kokonoi warned, looking more entertained.

   "So? I already swore my loyalty. I don't give a shit who they are, man or woman, I'll show you who's above you." Inui held out his large pocket knife again.

   "Get out of here. (Y/n), I'll take care of this situation so don't worry." Yuzuha motioned us away.

   "Like hell I'm leaving you guys!" (Y/n) insisted, but continued to push me into Hina and shooed us off.

   "Wait guys!" Hina shouted as (Y/n) was pushing me. We turned to the other side and saw a huge man barreling towards us.

   I didn't see it coming, the man taking both of us in the same shot and throwing us onto the ground hard. The impact for me landed right on my neck. I fell to the ground coughing and trying to regain my breath.

   "You ready to get fucked up!?" Taiju shouted, a deranged smirk on his face. "Already having so much fun without me? How's that fair?"

   Taiju's eyes landed on me first, he didn't give me time to catch my breath as he picked me up by my collar and punched me back into the ground.

   "Takemichi!" I heard Hina call out, but was blocked by Yuzuha.

   "Don't lay a hand on him!" (Y/n) ran up to Taiju, I wasn't sure what his plan was with the reckless action. It didn't even look like Mikey would stand a chance against this guy.

   "You too? (Y/n), it's been so long!" Taiju whipped him around, picking him up by his torso. "Gotten even more spunk in you from the last time. To think I'd see you on my territory. Were you wanting to die that much?" Taiju then took (Y/n) by both his arms, and threw him onto the ground straight onto his back.

   I could see the wind leave his lungs as (Y/n) laid there gasping for his breath.

   "Who's the blonde?" Taiju asked, looking in Kokonoi's direction.

   "You beat him up and didn't even know who he was?" Kokonoi laughed. "Hanagaki Takemichi's his name. The 1st division captain in Toman. Hakkai's friend apparently."

   "Stop jokin' Koko, it's pathetic to even consider that." Taiju covered his eyes as he laughed loudly.

   "It's a surprising truth ain't it?" Kokonoi insisted.

   "You're tellin' me!" Taiju directed his attention back to me, kicking me square in the chin after I had just stood back up.

   "You brought them then Hakkai? To our sacred family home? You already disgrace us by not joining us and now by bringing an opposing gang here?" Taiju calmed down his manic laughing, looking down on Hakkai. "Go ahead and kill him, both of them."

   "They didn't know.... this was your territory." Hakkai looked terrified in the face of his brother. I don't doubt anyone would be scared shitless.

   "I don't care, does it look like I do? I'm your brother, you listen to me first. Family always comes before friends."

   "Taiju! Knock it off, stop cornering him!" Yuzuha walked up, defending her little brother. In return, she only got punched hard on her cheek, sending her swaying.

   "This happened because of you. You didn't discipline Hakkai correctly so now he's paying for his mistakes." Taiju glared at his sister. "You'll be paying later as well."

   "Taiju!" (Y/n) had pushed past me, trying to get Taiju's attention.

   "Don't touch them, nobody has done any damage to anything! I told you I would take responsibility for this all so let's deal with it alone! What good will it do taking out my captain and vice-captain? If you want to do any real damage to Toman then take on one of the big guns! And Yuzuha doesn't need to be involved! Let them go!" (Y/n) held his hand to his heart, motioning to himself as he yelled out. I didn't like the sound of him trying to take everyone on himself. But I guess that was what he thought was best.

   'Always wanting to save everyone else.'

   "Oh (Y/n), trying to be a martyr?" Taiju directed his attention to (Y/n) finally.

   "Should I pity you and let you take the sharp end of it?" Taiju had a large vein bulging through his temple.

   "Okay, since you begged for it." Taiju punched   (Y/n) in the face, but he didn't let him fall. Instead, he grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up. "You know you've really got a mouth on you. It's pretty annoying." He looked over to Inui and tossed (Y/n) to him. (Y/n) was barely caught by the man but was then handed to two other guys. He was restrained as Inui took ahold of (Y/n)'s tongue.

   "You really like to talk huh? Wouldn't do a mediator much good if his tongue was cut off." Inui threatened. Flipping out his blade and letting it rest on the side of (Y/n)'s exposed tongue.

   "(Y/n)!" I shouted, but now Taiju was back in my face.

   "Now that he's taking the sharp end of this, I can finish off the rest of the problem." His eyes bulging with adrenalin. "Don't worry Hakkai, your big brother will do his job and take care of our problems!"

  I was once again punched. Over and over again, I couldn't even hear Hina's constant pleads for it to stop. I just knew I couldn't take much more of this before I'd pass out.

   "Wait! Please!" Hakkai finally shouted, Taiju didn't stop though.

   "Oh? Gotta offer something in exchange for a favor. Has to be of equal value, otherwise-" Taiju shouted over to Inui. "Go ahead and cut his tongue off!" He looked over at Hakkai for a second. "And this punk dies here."

   "I'll!" Hakkai spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

   Then there was the sound of screaming, muffled slightly before Hakkai stopped hesitating.

   "I'll quit Toman and join the Black Dragon's, just like you want." He lifted his head to look at his brother. "But let them go! Don't harm them anymore!"

   I was dropped to the ground; I could barely process what was going on around me. I looked up to what was behind me and saw an excessive amount of blood pouring out of (Y/n)'s mouth. I wanted to react but I couldn't, I was out like a light.


   When I woke up, I was being carried by Hakkai on his back with Hina following along. It took me a moment to fully regain my consciousness.

   "Takemichi! Thank God you're okay!" Tears spilling out of Hina's worried eyes.

   "Huh?" I allowed myself a moment to wake up, remembering what had just happened.

   "Hakkai, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I muttered.

   "It was time honestly, I decided I was going to do this eventually a while ago. So don't blame yourself or anything." Hakkai held a sad smile.

   "Regardless, I need to do something while I'm in the Black Dragons." His expression became serious, holding a sense of dread in it.

   I only had a bad feeling with that. Hakkai killed the previous leader of the Black Dragons in this past timeline. If that wasn't already bad, I now knew it was his brother who he had killed.

   Reality forced its way back to me as I had remembered what I saw right before I passed out. Shooting my head up in panic.

   "Where's (Y/n)!?" I asked, I didn't even know what happened to him and he wasn't here.

   "Ah that's where were going right now." Hakkai reassured, not looking too panicked but still worried.

   "Yuzuha went with him to the hospital so he should be fine. It wasn't too far from our house thankfully." Hakkai said, I didn't really recognize where we were until we did come up upon the hospital he mentioned. It was just at the top of this street.

   When we got to the hospital, we were directed to a waiting room until he was available to have visitors. I could only guess what happened, the worst fears coming to my mind.

   "When did they get here? How much longer do you think it'll take?" I asked either of the two was with.

   "They left about half an hour before we did. They called an ambulance so it shouldn't have taken them long to arrive here." Hina told me.

   "Yuzuha told me they got him in immediately too, she said they're just waiting to get him a room in recovery." Hakkai mentioned, looking at his phone and showing me the message she had sent him.

   It made my anxiety calm down a little bit. Yet I still had a lot on my mind to worry about with both this situation and now Hakkai's. Twenty minutes later we were taken to see (Y/n) in recovery.

   Yuzuha was already in the room and motioned us over, adjusting a few chairs around the bed for us to sit.

   (Y/n) laid in the bed, awake but looked exhausted. His mouth looked stuffed like he had tons of cotton in his mouth.

   "(Y/n)?" I asked, hoping for an answer but he just looked at me.

   "He won't be able to talk for at least a few days." Yuzuha explained.

   "What happened?" I asked, I felt bad for not knowing what even sent him here but after everything I could barely remember the majority of things that were going on around me then.

   "Inupi cut his tongue." Small tears welled up in her eyes.

   "Wait, what!? They actually, did it?" I asked, panicking full force.

   "They only got a little under an inch in. He still has his tongue." Hakkai reassured.

   "He got stitched up, and thankfully mouth injuries, well tongues at least heal a lot faster than other parts of the body. There might be nerve damage but they said he should make a full recovery. He just has gauze in his mouth to help catch the extra blood. That and his tongue is swollen to all hell. The main reason he can't speak." Yuzuha explained. "He just lost a good amount of blood because of the spot. Blood loss, pain, and pain killers kind of knock you out."

   I looked at (Y/n), tears gathering in my eyes too. Taiju didn't go easy on us at all, the only reason we got spared is because Hakkai made a deal with him. The whole situation was upsetting as it was. I could only imagine what (Y/n) was feeling right now. No doubt he had a lot to explain to Mikey and Draken.

   Then there was a snap, then another until it finally caught my attention. I looked up and saw (Y/n) snapping his fingers at me. A very tried look in his eyes, he held out his phone, pointing to it. I caught on and looked at my phone to see he had just sent me a message.

   From: (L/n) (Y/n)

   "I'm so sorry about everything that happened. If anyone blames this on you then send them to me. I know I'm going to be getting my ass whopped by Mikey and Draken already so I'd rather be the one explaining the situation."

   I looked up from the message and (Y/n) was giving me a thumbs up. I nodded, a ting of guilt resigning in me if I were to blame him.

   "Hey Takemichy, do you know where (Y/n) lives?" Yuzuha asked.

   "Well, I know where he lives..." I spoke.

   "Good, can you give the address to us? Hakkai and I will take him home. (Y/n)'s mom is handicapped so she can't get him." Yuzuha handed me her phone so I could type in the address.

   "She is? Can his dad come here?" I asked, not that I didn't want to help but I figured it'd be better if he had a parent come get him.

   (Y/n) shook his head, signaling no with his fingers in a 'x' motion.

   "Oh uh, that'd probably not be a good idea." Hakkai said, not really giving an explanation. "Besides we were there so we need to tell his mom what happened and everything. We'd ask you to go but you need as much rest as you can get too."

   "About that, I know where he lives but I don't know his address...." I frowned, not wanting to add more to this situation as I handed Yuzuha her phone back.

   "Sorry (Y/n), that means we gotta contact them." Yuzuha sighed.

   (Y/n) shook his head again but more violently, continuously crossing his fingers in an 'x' again and again.

   "Wait, who are you talking about?" I asked, seeing (Y/n) so against the idea piqued my interest.

   "Mikey and Draken. We all know they're going to be pissed, and until (Y/n) can talk he didn't want to see them." Hakkai frowned as well.

   "Pissed yes but overall, they'll be worried as shit." Yuzuha added.

   "Huh?" I looked at (Y/n) surprised. He looked really stressed out already and now even more so. I sighed, I could put off some sleep for just a bit longer and help them out.

   "I'll go, I'll be okay." I ran a hand through my hair.

   "Really? Well don't push yourself." Yuzuha affirmed.

   I nodded, slumping in the chair a bit as I tried to calm my headache and swore muscles. Hina grabbed onto my arm softly and leaned her head on my shoulder.

   "You're a really good friend Takemichi. Always there for everyone who needs you." She smiled, praising me.

   My cheeks flushed, it felt good to be told that kind of thing. I looked at (Y/n) who nodded, trying to smile but could barely do so.


   It had taken about an hour and a half later until (Y/n) was released. We were given paper work and medication, and gauze. Hina decided to walk with all of us instead of going home. I think she was actually planning on taking me home after.

    "Thank you again Takemichy, all of us appreciate the help." Yuzuha said, stuffing the papers, medication, and gauze into a paper bag. I recognized it as what (Y/n) had been holding earlier.

   "Oh geez, we're definitely a few hours later than he had wanted to be out." I chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "What was he picking up earlier? Nothing perishable I hope."

   "Oh, just some pain meds." Hakkai explained.

   "Pain meds? For what?" I asked, looking at (Y/n) who held onto Hakkai for support. "Oh yeah." I felt a bit awkward for asking him when he clearly couldn't speak.

   "It's for his mom." Yuzuha started. "She struggles a lot with chronic pain. I'm glad we still were able to get these after everything. The poor woman shouldn't go without them."

   "What exactly is wrong with her? I keep hearing you guys say things but I don't know what's actually going on." I asked.

   Yuzuha smiled and waved her hand.

   "She just hurts sometimes." Trying to avoid explaining, maybe for the sake of (Y/n)'s privacy. I decided not to push.

   When we did make it back to (Y/n)'s house I wasn't surprised to see the panic on his mother's face. I'm sure my appearance didn't help the situation. It took me by surprise to see his mother in a wheelchair.

   "What on earth happened! You're hours late!" His mother looked him over and he just gave her a quick hug.

   "Sorry (L/n)-san." Yuzuha handed the woman the bag with everything in it. "Your medication is in there along with the papers and gauze from the hospital. We ran into some trouble with a gang. None of us initiated anything, (Y/n) was just trying to protect us and got the worst of it."

   Yuzuha continued to explain the situation to   (Y/n)'s mother. Changing the situation slightly from what actually happened. With that we left, (Y/n) was home and now in the care of his mother. Until we got back down to the street did we continue talking. Stopping under a street light so we could clearly see each other.

   "Honestly, it sounded like you guys were closer than you actually seem to be." Yuzuha started. "(Y/n)'s mom is bound to a wheelchair as you could see, and suffers from a lot of chronic pain. I don't know the details but she's been like this as long as I've known him."

   I nodded in acknowledgement, thinking the small explanation was all I was getting. Yet she kept talking.

   "His dad is something I'm not very comfortable talking about, it's a question for (Y/n) if he wants to explain further. But I will say he's an asshole with no care for his family. That being said, both of (Y/n)'s parents are pretty much out of commission for most things. So, he's pretty much the caretaker for his siblings and mom."

   "Ah, and he's okay with that?"

   "Does he have much of a choice? He obviously loves them and would go to those lengths. The thing is, his family doesn't know his involvement with being in a gang. Only recently did his mom find out that he had friends in a gang, that being because of Baji's death."

    My eyes widened at hearing that.

    'He was able to keep the gang situation secret?'

   "He doesn't want to worry his mom with that kind of stuff. He doesn't want to break his appearance as the good son who takes care of the family and is a great student."

    "Oh yeah, he's supposed to be a really impressive student, right?" I asked.

   Yuzuha nodded.

   "Yeah, and he is. (Y/n) is wonderful in so many aspects, he tries so hard for everyone. Even for his dad, just to get the minimal praise he can get."

   "I won't ask you to explain any further, but why do you know all this?" I asked, curious as to why he opened up to someone.

   "Well, some of it I just picked up on. Like he wouldn't say somethings so willingly. But I think the three of us, Hakkai, him, and myself, we have some similar situations. I do joke about it sometimes but I really do feel like he's a little brother. He's told me he sees me at his older sister too and I am glad I could be that for him. It's hard to be the older sibling. He has no siblings to look out for him either. He's the one looking out for his younger siblings."

   "Don't talk about him anymore. I'll feel guilty, it's like we're gossiping." Hakkai interrupted. Yuzuha sighed, silently agreeing.

   "Anyways, thanks for the help, Takemichy, Hina. I know (Y/n) really appreciates it too. Once he can talk, I'm sure he'll be telling you himself." She smiled.

   "Have a good night!" They waved to us as they headed back from where we came.

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