Blood and Betrayal (Yandere S...

By PandatheSeahorse111

32.6K 912 942

Sequel to Belle of the Night. Five years after your marriage, you are living in the castle with Nightmare and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Bloopers :)
Final Editor's Note

Chapter 16

726 25 60
By PandatheSeahorse111

Author's Note

Howdy! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

                                                                                                                        - Adelle

Editor's note

Oh fudge, let's go. Half way done with the book.

                                                                                                                       ~ Valery


Shattered stood there for a long moment, scythe in hand, a body on the floor. He let out a shaky breath, then allowed his weapon to dissipate. 

It was done. 

He did it. 

Well, almost. 

He was so close to all he had been working for over the last few excruciating years. Shattered immediately ordered the Nightmare Papyruses to clean up the ballroom, and he quickly reviewed the castle.

When they arrive, he'd greet them, then, however they reacted, no matter what, it would end with him fighting Nightmare and Y/n fleeing with the kids. So, preparing for this, he prepared Dusk so he would lead them straight into his hands. He had executed the first part of his plan; he would not fail now.


"Vince! Vivian! Do you have your suitcases all packed?" 

Your kids nodded their affirmations, and the Nightmare Papyruses loaded their luggage into their carriage. You felt Nightmare take your hand, and you turned to receive a kiss on your forehead. 

"It's too bad we can't stay longer." He sighed. 

You smiled, "It's a good thing Dream made us come, hm?" 


When you had finished packing, you gathered Vince and Vivian, then began the journey home. Vince and Vivian chatted happily with the driving Nightmare Papyruses while you and Nightmare simply adored their adorable conversations. Nightmare wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and you cuddled close to him.

"We should do this more often. Maybe even send the others on their own vacations."

You smiled at the idea, then replied, "That sounds like a lovely idea." 

You traveled in silence for a while before you began to fall asleep on your husband's shoulder.

You felt Nightmare worriedly shaking you awake, and you blearily looked up at him. "What's up?" 

Nightmare wore a look of concern. You began to worry. "What's wrong?" You asked again, a note of panic in your voice. 

"Look." Nightmare said anxiously, and you looked out the window to see you were now inside of the castle grounds. It took you a moment before you saw hundreds of pitch black Nightmare Papyruses guarding the gates all around.

Vince and Vivian then ran up to you, crying, "Mom! Dad! Shady and Shadow are being scary!!" 

You looked up sharply to see your escorting Nightmare Papyruses had lost their color and were now stone faced. You felt Nightmare's hand on your shoulder, and Nightmare pointed to the castle entrance. You looked to the gates to see... Nightmare? A monster that looked like Nightmare when you had first met him stood expectantly at the doors. 

"What's going on?" You asked Nightmare worriedly, and he shook his head.

"I don't know. But I do know one thing." You looked at him desperately, and he continued solemnly, "Whoever that is, they don't mean well. I'll talk to him. You need to take the kids where it's safe." 

"But, what about you?" You asked anxiously. It was becoming harder to breathe. 

Nightmare gave you a reassuring look before kissing you and your kids on the head. "I'll be fine." You nodded solemnly and took Vince and Vivian's hands in yours as the carriage came to a halt.

Nightmare stepped out of the carriage, and you looked down to your kids. "I need you two to listen closely." Vince and Vivian looked up at you. 

Vince asked nervously, "Where's daddy going?" 

You took a deep breath, then continued, "He's going to talk to someone. Now, don't talk to the Nightmare Papyruses, they aren't who you think they are." 

Vivian spoke, worry laced with her voice, "What's happening, Mom?"

You squeezed Vivian's hand and gave her a sweet smile. "You don't need to worry. Mommy and Daddy have everything under control. Now, I need you two to follow me. We're going to play the quiet game." Vince groaned, and you added, "Whoever wins gets extra dessert, ok?" 

Vince and Vivian nodded excitedly, then you led them out of the carriage. You began to lead your kids to enter through a hidden entrance. You were unsettled as all the Nightmare Papyruses watched as you crept to the castle.

You felt Vince tug on your hand, and you looked down to see Vince's nervous expression. You weren't the only one who was scared. You looked to Nightmare and made eye contact with the being he was talking to. The monster stared deep into your eyes with a ferocious hunger. You felt chills crawl down your spine, and you hurried to the entrance. That monster reminded you of someone... And not of your husband.

You led your kids behind a few decorative apple trees to reveal a small door. You quietly opened the door and led your kids inside. The door was hidden behind a hanging tapestry, which you brushed aside to reveal an empty hallway. 

You knelt before your kids and began in a hushed voice, "Ok, you did wonderfully. We're almost there, just a little longer." 

"Mommy, what's happening? Who was that monster?" 

You paused, rushing to think of something to say. "Daddy knows the monster, it's ok. Daddy will be back soon. For now, we're going to go to your room."

Vince and Vivian nodded, and you pulled them close in a hug, whispering, "Everything's going to be ok. I promise." You were talking to yourself as much as you talking to them. 

You then stood, taking their hands, and began to lead them through the halls. You walked in nervous silence for a few minutes, luckily running into no Nightmare Papyruses.

You soon saw your children's room and let out a deep sigh of relief. You rushed to their room and quickly entered. You released your children's hands and leaned on the door, exhaling loudly. 

You tensed as you heard Vince and Vivian exclaim in unison, "Manny!!" You spun to see Dusk embracing Vince and Vivian. To your utmost relief, Dusk looked perfectly normal. 

"Dusk! What's going on?!" You asked desperately.

Dusk summoned two of his blasters that the kids loved to crawl over and play with, then walked to you. "I Think That's Something We Should Discuss In Private, My Dawn." He replied quietly, so that the children would not hear.

You nodded and asked, "How about we discuss this in my room?" 

Dusk shook his head, "No, There's A Particular Room That Will Explain Everything." 

Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, but you nodded in acceptance. "Let's go."

Dusk nodded and opened the door for you. "Vince! Vivian! I'm going to go talk with Dusk, I'll be back before you know it." You looked back to see Vince and Vivian on top of one of the blasters, and they both said their good byes. 

You then exited and walked with Dusk when something dawned on you. "Dusk?" 

"Yes, My Dawn?" 

"Where are the other skeletons?" 

"I'm taking you to them right now." 

"Oh, good." You said thankfully. 

Dusk was fine. The skeletons were fine. Whoever that monster was, he probably meant no harm.

Dusk then escorted you to Dream's room. "Dream's room? What are they doing here?" 

"You'll See." Dusk responded casually, and you nodded patiently. 

Dusk opened the door for you and you entered. The room was tidy, covered with golden and purple decorations. 

"Where are the others?" You asked curiously as you turned to Dusk. 

Dusk motioned for you to follow, and you did. You followed him to Dream's closet. Why would the skeletons be hiding in here?

You opened the closet door, and, in horror, stumbled backwards. Before you stood stone figures of the skeletons, each in different positions, all with unique expressions of agony, sadness, and of lost hope. You turned to Dusk, tears in your eyes, "What happened??" You asked, your voice cracking with emotion. 

"Shattered Dream." Your face contorted in disgust as you remembered the monster at the gate. He had reminded you of Dream!! 

"Dream did this?!" You asked furiously, anger rising within you.

Is this why he had sent you on a vacation? 

"No. Shattered Dream Did This." Dusk replied calmly, and you paused. Why was Dusk so calm? Why... If Dream had done this, then Nightmare was in danger! 

"Dusk!!" You shouted anxiously. "Nightmare's in danger!! We have to warn him!!" 

You moved to run to the door, but felt Dusk catch your wrist. You turned to see Dusk, who had lost his gold coloring. "I'm Afraid I Can't Let You Do That, My Dawn." You began to panic. You tried to yank your arm away from him, but to no avail.

"I'M NOT YOUR DAWN!! AND YOU'RE NOT MY DUSK!!!" You screamed furiously, tears beginning to pour down your cheeks in fear. 

Nightmare wasn't safe. Vince and Vivian weren't safe. You didn't know who you were with. Dusk pulled you towards him and began to drag you to Dream's bed. You pulled, screamed, kicked, but again, to no avail. 

Dusk threw you onto Dream's bed, looked you dead in the eyes, and commanded, "DON'T. MOVE." You nodded, frightened, and crawled onto the bed, curling up against the bed's backing.

"Vince And Vivian Are Safe. As For Nightmare, I Can't Say The Same." 

You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. This was all a bad dream. This wasn't happened. Nightmare would wake you up any moment and hold you tight in his arms. You were safe. Everything was fine. 

You looked up when you heard the door being opened, and you shrunk back as you saw Shattered Dream enter the room, a cold look on his face. His icy expression melted immediately when he saw you, and he said breathlessly,

"My Queen, you're finally here... You don't know how long I've waited for this moment."


Author's Note


                                                                                                                 - Adelle

Editor's note

Oh no O-o Now it begins

                                                                                                                ~ Valery

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