Their Love Life....

By Mrviber

135K 13.5K 2.9K

She: I wish I get Beautiful Love Life.... He: Love is not my cup of tea, I'm Very Much Happy in my Life witho... More

Meet Them...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43 (21+)
Part 44 (21+)
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61 (18+)
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 9

2K 195 34
By Mrviber

Inline comments are welcomed, plz do if u loved this Part....


At Restaurant,

In Nandini's Cabin...,

Manik: your stress won't decrease until we talk, I want to complete the morning conversation...,

Nandini: That means u agree for my proposal..,

Her eyes twinkle in happiness, while Manik looks on...

Manik: Nandini can we please talk without any arguement and anger..,

Nandini: Hello, only u get angry not me, Fine if u are saying then let's talk.., (They both sit on couch) Bolo..,

Manik: That day in Restaurant, u agreed for my deal right, The Offer I gave to u right (Nandini nods) then what happened suddenly that u denied for the deal and u proposed me for marriage in exchange of that Land.., Like really, I just need an proper explanation for this what changed your mind and what's all this marriage nonsense..,

Nandini looks down, as she knows Manik will definitely get angry hearing her Parametric love wala thing..,

Nandini: First Promise me your won't scold me..,

Manik: Hmm, that mean the weirdest girl on planet have an weirdest explain right (Nandini nods innocently), then I can't promise as if your explanation is nonsense the definitely I'll loose my temper..,

Nandini: see ya re saying this again that u will shout on me like morning..,

Manik was really pissed of being short tempered but he was trying his best to control it...,

Manik: Listen Nandini, this deal very very important for me, My Business and all the employees who work their, if I loose this deal my business will be in a huge crisis, and I can manage, but not my employees who will loose their job and come on roads, fine, I can agree this marriage offer only if you have some solid reason, so without any nonsense, tell me..,

Nandini looks at him and nods, as she understood Manik was serious and what he was talking was also right.., she takes out her dairy from her purse and opens the Page of her Love  Parameter..,

Nandini: Read This..,

Manik: Okay, Dead Dairy, According to me,
according to me, my life partner should get 10/10 in my parameters...,

First :- He should be Tall

Second :- He Should Be Handsome

Third :- Six Packs Off - Course

Fourth :- Looks, Perfect smile, eyes like I get lost instantly in them

Fifth :- He should be very kind and humble to other

Sixth :- He Should Be Financially independent, I mean pretty Rich

Seventh :- I should be his first PRIORITY always, He should love me more than I love him

Manik was hell confused and looks at Nandini surprised..,

Manik: what is this Nandini, This Parameters and kya hai ye..,

Nandini: This are the seven parameters to find my life Partner, My Mr. Perfect.., so since last two years I'm dating many boys with the help of dating sites, so that I can find my Mr. Perfect and then I mark the guy out of 10 for each parameter, like First one if the Boy is Tall then 10/10, And If He's Handsome then 10/10, and Third he should have six packs (Manik raises his eyebrow) then 10/10, then his looks like in 4 th parameter, and in 5th he should be kind and humble, 6th he should be rich and 7th most important, I should be his first PRIORITY..,

Manik holds his head as Nandini was giving him a real Headache..,

Manik: I understood, but How it is connected to this deal and Me..,

Nandini: woh after searching a lot I didn't got My Mr. Perfect and then u enters my life, remember noodle incident...,

Manik remembers it and unknowingly smiles..,

Manik: How can I forget it..,

Nandini: so, when u held me from falling I saw in your eyes, your looks, your jawline, remember I told u 10/10 in 4th parameter..,

Manik remembers her saying 10/10, He was speechless

Manik: Please continue your fairy tale..,

He speaks in sarcastic tone but Nandini smiles..,

Nandini: so after that me and Navya discussed about you and I saw your Face on Internet pictures as I didn't saw it when me met due to noodles, and u were damn Handsome, 10/10 in second parameter..,

Manik: what do u mean were, am I not handsome now (He opens front Camera and starts checking his face)

Nandini: shut up, u are still handsome, listen me first na Manik (she pinches him while he frowns) and after that I wanted to check if u have six packs or not so..,

Manik was curious to know about this..,

Manik: so, don't tell me u did something weird again as I don't have shirtless pic of me on Internet as I'm a Businessman not any superstar...,

Nandini: woh remember u went to change your clothes in store room, so I.., I..,

He looks at her shocked..,

Manik(shouts): what the hell, that means u, u saw me while changing my clothes (He holds himself like hiding his assets) u, (He makes a crying face) seriously, I even changed my boxers and u...,

He was thinking she saw him naked..,

Nandini: No, No, No, I.., I.., was looking at u via ventilator window, so I just saw that u have not six, but 8 packs and just marked u 100/10 and in third parameter and before u can remove your boxers I went from their, as We should leave something for first night also na...,

She blushes while talking about First Night, while Manik look at her amused and shocked..,

Manik: Tum Ladki ho ya aafat, u are impossible (Nandini was about to speak something) don't speak anything, I understood what u wanna tell, People don't call me Top Businessman like this only, so according to u I passed all this parameters and I'm your so called Mr. Perfect right...,

Nandini nods while Manik looks at her in disbelief, He takes her diary and starts reading her parameters again...,

Manik: okay I can understand first four and sixth parameters as I'm Tall, Handsome with good looks and six packs with immense wealth, but what about 5th and 7th parameter, I literally threatened u that day by saying I'll harm u and then tried to defame your this restaurant.., then how can u think me as kind and humble person plus main that u will be my first PRIORITY ever..,

Nandini: oh please Manik, don't pretend as if u are very cruel, although when u threatened me, I gave u -200/10 in this parameters, but u changes my thinking..,

Manik thinks " everyone thinks me as a monster then how can this girl find me gentle and humble, this is really getting on my nerves..."..

Manik: And What specific happened, please elaborate..,

Nandini: See regarding your humbleness and kindness, I read many articles on Internet, about Charity u do for NGO's, Orphanages and many other kind activities..,

Manik: oh really the same Internet has Many articles which state that I'm a Playboy, Casanova, Womanizer what about that..,

Nandini: I thought about that too, but when we were attacked the way u helped that waiter in restaurant and also told him to come to in future if he needs any help in future, That explains your generosity and now regarding your that anti publicity on Internet, if that was true na then we were literally sleeping very close in that tent in forest, u had all chance but u never made me feel uncomfortable or touched me inappropriately, and most important the seventh parameter, u proved that repeatedly from the attack till now, that I'm your first PRIORITY.., and saved me from goons by risking your life, then in forest too, u could have left me alone, u left also but u came back running and ensured my safety during whole trip, and u also confessed that I'm your first PRIORITY in that situation...,

Manik: coz u were trapped in that situation because of me, so it was only my responsibility to save u, either it be that day or today, that doesn't mean u will be my first PRIORITY always.., Nandini u failed in Marking me in seventh parameter, so I'm not your Mr. Perfect, clear..,

Nandini: u are Manik, u are perfect in everything and I know if u accept or not, but  I can see in your eyes, u care for me..,

She smiles while they have an eye lock.., Manik's phone rings, Then feel awkward and look other side, Manik picks the call..,

Manik: Yes Cabir..,

Cabir: Manik, Board of directors want to meet u..,

Manik: what but why..,

Cabir: Actually the investors want to talk to your about this your dream project, They want a proper explanation as The Investors got to know that u still didn't got the land..,

Manik: what nonsense, we asked for 7 months time na..,

Cabir: yeah but still they want to talk about all this, what did Nandini said..,

Manik: she just speaks nonsense as usual, Weirdo..., I'll try to convince her..,

He hangs up and sees Nandini playing games on her Mobile, He snatches her phone angrily..,

Nandini: what the..,

Manik: Nandini, please understand I can't marry u, but I want this deal, My and My complaint employees future, everything depends on this deal..,

Nandini: then what's the problem in marrying Manik, one day u will definitely marry someone na, then why not me..

Manik: Coz I don't believe in Marriage, it's not my cup of tea that's I go to club and have many one night stands and as I'm commitment phobic, my life is not simple like you, plus my temper issues, and most important, Ms. Nandini, I don't believe in love but My friend Cabir, always gives me lectures about love as he's in a serious relationship and according to him Love is a  emotion which makes u selfless and u only think about the betterment of the person u love and by that way, u should think about my betterment, if u love me..,

Nandini: who said I Love You..,

Manik was surprised hearing her..,

Manik: I passed all your love parameters na, so isn't it obvious..,

Nandini: Exactly, My love definition is based on my love parameter, by that way I Love you, but I don't love u according to Cabir's definition of love..,

Manik scratches his head hearing her..,

Manik: are u understanding what u are saying, u love me not love me, what are u mad..,

Even Nandini was confused what she was saying and starts playing with her hairs..,

Nandini: Manik, for once n all.., My decision is final, now u tell me your decision either u get the land by marrying me or else loose everything..,

Manik was hell angry hearing her..,

Manik: u need a mental treatment bloody psycho (He throws his phone in anger) and fine if we marry what after that, coz I can't be a good husband, neither we can have any relationship between us that marriage will only be a deal for me, so will u be happy like that all life.., what if I sleep with other girls even after marriage, won't u have a problem, coz I can't change my habits neither I can give u the love u want..,

He speaks Angrily while Nandini was shocked hearing her...,

Nandini thinks " oh god, He's right I didn't thought of this angle, Manik can't cheat me as He's not of that character but will he love me back...".. she gets thinking..,

Manik: now will u speak..,

Nandini: u said u have seven months na.., u asked 7 months from investors right..,

Manik: now u are eavesdropping ..,

Nandini: oh hello, u were shouting on phone, and I'm not deaf so I heard everything...,

Manik: Fine, but why are u asking this..,

Nandini: What If we do a contract marriage of six months..,

Manik: what, Contract marriage for six months, Marriage is joke for u na..,

Nandini: at least I believe in marriage, not like u who doesn't even believe in marriage so listen me, we will sign a contract in which we marry each other for this land and after six months also if u still want to break this marriage then we will break it and I'll give u the land and leave from your life by annulling our marriage..,

Manik: so u mean I don't have to continue this marriage for life, I can break this marriage after six months if I want, and I'll get the land too..., (Nandini nods)

Nandini: listen u remember many people's who come to US and want a US citizenship they marry a girl over here and then divorce after some the contract period is over, I'm talking about same way.., Manik I believe in myself and as much I understood u, you are not bad, maybe u just have a bad past so u don't like marriage but one day in future u will marry na, think practically who will handle your Business after grow old, obviously your kids right and for that your have to marry...,

Manik: Their are many process to have kids Nandini, and it's not India, It's U.S.., I can hire a girl easily and she will give me a kid..,

Nandini: by that way your child will be motherless, will he get his mother's love, Manik we stay in a foreign country doesn't mean we will forget our culture, just think once..,

Manik: Contract Marriage is not our culture so stop lecturing me on culture..,

Nandini thinks " I know that Manik, also I know that we are perfect life partners for each other, and I'll prove that in this six months but u have to agree for that..."..

Nandini: now it's your call, u were insisting so I changed my offer from lifetime marriage to 6 month's marriage, now u decide what u want..,

Manik frowns more but gets thinking...,

Manik: Fine, I'll Marry you..,

Nandini smiles broadly..,

Manik: but I have some conditions..,

Nandini: So do I...,

They look at each other...


Their Conditions for The Marriage...


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