Supers of Arcantia - Sanders...

By ariww19

647 25 1

In this world supers are treated as nothing more than weapons. Many of them are imprisoned while others hide... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 20

25 1 0
By ariww19

Six months later. 

"Come on Virgil!" Damien says as he watches Virgil spar with Dion, Parker and Luisa. 

"I'm trying!" Virgil snaps. 

"Try harder!" Damien tells him. Damien is having Virgil spar against the three trainers because he wants him to get used to fighting multiple opponents. Virgil blocks an attack from Dion only to have to dodge an attack from Parker and Luisa. He's on the defensive and getting more annoyed by the second. 

"Use a command!" Damien says as he watches. 

"You told me not to use any!" Virgil says back. 

"I told you not to use the 'stop' command," Damien says. 

"Well you should've made that clear!" Virgil says and blocks another attack from Luisa. He racks his brain on what command he can use. He doesn't want to hurt them too bad. Otherwise he'd just use the 'strengthen' command. He's gotten much better using commands on himself.

"Shock," he says as he creates lightning in his hand. He punches Parker who is then pushed back and slightly electrocuted. The lighting covers Virgil's body as a type of protective shield. 

"Ahh. Fuck," Parker says as he backs off along with Dion and Luisa. Virgil then shoots his hand out and lighting leaves his body. It shoots towards Dion and Luisa. It's so fast that even Dion can't dodge it. They're both struck and sent flying back a couple feet. 

"Cancel," Virgil says. 

"Good," Damien says. 

"Next time you can spar with him," Dion says as he stands up. 

"I'm sorry. I made sure that it was just a shock. You shouldn't be injured," Virgil tells them. 

"Thanks for not frying us I suppose," Luisa says. 

"All right. We're good for today. Go shower. You stink," Damien tells Virgil.

Virgil glares at him for a moment but leaves. He walks to the sleeping quarters and goes to his bed. He opens his chest and pulls out clean clothes. With them in hand he makes his way to the shower. He walks in and goes to his cubby to grab his body and hair wash. As well as his washcloth and towel. He showers quickly. 

As he's showering he wonders when the others will be back. Logan, Tara, and Roman went on a mission. Patton, Remus and Janus went on one as well. They're not the only ones either. Half of the other recruits are also out on various missions. He and a few others were the only ones left behind. They've been gone for two days. Virgil has no idea what they were sent to do. Let alone when they'll be back.

Virgil finishes up showering and dries himself off. He gets dressed and heads back to the sleeping quarters. He puts his dirty clothes in a bag next to his chest. He sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands. Damien's been pushing him a lot the past few weeks. He has no idea why either. Not only has Damien been pushing but he also stopped him from being able to go on missions. He hates it. 

"Virgil," Damien says as he walks into the sleeping quarters. 

"What Damien?" Virgil asks blankly. 

"Someone is here to see you," Damien says reluctantly. 

"Who is it?" Virgil asks as he stands up. He turns to Damien who's standing next to Patton's bed. 

"My mother," he says sadly. Virgil catches onto his tone and immediately his mind goes to the worst case scenarios. 

"What does she want?" Virgil asks, keeping his face calm although his mind and heart are racing. 

"She's here to assign you your next mission," Damien tells him. His heart calms down.

"You scared the hell out of me with that tone. Why do you seem so sad?" Virgil asks. 

"Just come with me. She'll explain," Damien says and starts to leave. Virgil narrows his eyes but follows. 

"Virgil. Good to see you again," Serena says with a friendly smile. Isaiah is with her. 

"Uhh. You too.." Virgil says. 

"Here you are," Isaiah says as he hands him a small suitcase. Virgil takes it from him, confused. 

"Are you ready to go? I would assume you'd have some belongings so I brought this suitcase for you to carry your stuff," Serena asks and says. 

"What are you talking about? Why would I need my stuff?" Virgil asks. Serena looks at Damien. 

"You haven't told him?" she asks her son. 

"I didn't know how," Damien says softly. 

"I see. I suppose I'll tell him," she says and looks at Virgil. 

"You'll be coming with me for a year to Cradonia. You're going to be my bodyguard, my aid and my apprentice," she tells him. 

"What? Why me?" Virgil asks. 

"Your ability," she says. 

"I can't leave for a whole year. My family is here," Virgil tells her. 

"Virgil," Damien says softly, "You don't have a choice."

"What exactly will I be doing that someone else can't do?" Virgil asks a little heatedly. 

"You'll be helping me secure Ordania and Breeand. We need to convince the Cradonian government to let us purchase those lands so that we may build. We have people with abilities that can help us build despite the barren lands. I've chosen you because according to my son your ability is rather versatile. It's only for a year. Coming with me guarantees a home for yourself and your family. You'll also be set for life," Serena explains. 

"I really don't have a choice?" Virgil asks. Serena doesn't answer but Virgil can tell by the look on her face that no, he doesn't. 

"This is for you. So that you may keep in touch with your family," Isaiah says as he hands Virgil a cell phone.

"Do we have to leave now?" Virgil asks as he takes the phone. 

"I'm afraid so," she says with sympathy. 

"Can you give me 15 minutes?" Virgil asks, resigned. She nods so he walks back to the sleeping quarters. He goes straight to his bed and opens his chest. He puts his few changes of clothes in the suitcase and his other little things. His favorite book, notebook and sketchbook. 

"I'm sorry Virgil. I should've told you sooner," Damien says as he walks in. 

"Is this why you've been pushing me so hard the last few weeks?" Virgil asks him. 

"Yes," Damien says softly. 

"I wish you would've told me sooner. At least then I could've said goodbye to Roman and the others," Virgil says but he doesn't sound angry. Just sad. 

"I know. I really just didn't know how to tell you. I tried to have my mother pick someone else. She insisted on you though," Damien explains.

"It's fine. Thanks for trying. Can you tell the others? Give them this number so I can talk to them," Virgil asks. 

"Of course," Damien responds. 

"Thanks," Virgil responds. "Guess I'll see you in a year," he adds. 

"Just be careful alright? It could be dangerous. We want you to come back unscathed," Damien says as he puts an arm around Virgil's shoulders. They walk out of the sleeping quarters and over to where Serena and Isaiah are. 

"I'm ready," Virgil says. 

"Let's head out then shall we?" Isaiah says and walks over to the door. Virgil and Serena follow him. They leave the bunker and head upstairs. 

"You be careful alright," Edith tells Virgil as they're about to leave. 

"I will," Virgil responds. Virgil, Serena and Isaiah leave the house. They walk over to an SUV and climb in. Isaiah takes Virgil's suitcase to put in the way back. Virgil and Serena sit in the back seat. 

"First thing we need to do is help you look the part. You need a suit," Serena says, looking at Virgil.

"Really? Why?" Virgil asks. 

"We'll be meeting with some very powerful people. It's good to look the part. Like I said you're going to be there as my apprentice just as much as you'll be my bodyguard," Serena explains. Virgil nods in understanding. They drive to the city and stop at a nice shop to buy suits. They climb out and head inside. They're greeted by a posh looking older man and young woman. 

"Welcome. My name is George. How may I help you?" the man says. 

"We're looking for some suits for this young man here. Any style is fine but they must be black," Serena tells him. 

"We can do that. Follow me," George says. He leads them to where there is a big selection of black suits. 

"Pick any three you like," Isaiah says.

"I don't know anything about suits," Virgil says. Isaiah nods and starts to look through them. He pulls one out. It's a slim fit black suit with both a vest and jacket. He looks at Virgil for his opinion. Virgil simply shrugs with a nod. Isaiah hands the suit off to George and continues looking. He picks out another two more casual black suits to which Virgil just nods his agreement. He doesn't really care what he looks like. They seem like they're getting his suits in black so he just assumes they'll do the same with shirts and whatever else he needs. 

"Now for your dress shirts and ties," Isaiah mumbles to himself. He walks over to the shirts and grabs one white one and two black ones. Then he goes to the ties and picks three different black ties. 

"Now to make sure they fit," he says to Virgil who reluctantly goes into the changing room. Serena asks to see him in all three so he does as he's told, despite how uncomfortable he feels.

"Those will do nicely," Serena says from where she's sitting. Virgil sighs in relief causing Serena to laugh lightly. 

"You'll get used to wearing them," she tells him. 

"If you say so," Virgil responds. 

"Would you like to look at our selection of dress shoes and boots?" George asks. 

"Yes," Isaiah says. Virgil goes in and changes back to his regular clothes. When he gets out Isaiah has two sets of shoes in his hands. One is dress shoes and the other is dress boots. Virgil makes a face at the shoes without realizing it. Isaiah chuckles. 

"These will do," he says as he hands the boots to the woman who takes them up front. Virgil and Serena head outside while Isaiah pays. 

"Now that that's finished we can head to the airport," Serena says as they climb into the SUV. 

"Can I ask you something?" Virgil asks. Serena nods. 

"Just six months ago you were a prisoner. You don't seem to care though since you're going out in public. Aren't you worried that you'll be caught again?" he asks.

"No, I'm not too worried. There are many people who need me to be free. You see, I know too much. I know the names of every donor we have. Now although they believe in the fact that supers should be free they don't want to risk their own freedoms. That's why only I know their names," she explains to him. 

"Why did they wait ten years to rescue you then?" Virgil asks. 

"Once I was captured I was taken to an undisclosed location so they could get information out of me. They had no way of getting to me. That is until someone high up the chain of command in the Arcantian government sent down the orders to finally have me transferred," she tells him. 

"Do you know who?" he asks. She simply smiles at him. 

"I'll take that as a yes," he says. 

"To the airport?" Isaiah asks as he climbs in. 

"Yes," Serena says. Isaiah starts the SUV and starts driving.

"Are we really going to take a plane with other people when we're supers? Don't they have that thing to tell we're supers?" Virgil asks. 

"Yes they do but not for private planes which is what we'll be using. More a jet really," Isaiah answers. Virgil nods with understanding. They drive for over an hour before they reach the airport. When they reach it Isaiah pulls the SUV up next to the jet. 

"Woah," Virgil says as they get out. 

"I'm assuming you've never been on a plane. Unless you get motion sickness you should be fine," Serena tells him. 

"Here you are Virgil," Isaiah says. Virgil turns and grabs his suitcase from him. 

"Serena. Have a safe flight," he adds, holding out another suitcase to her. She takes it. 

"Is he not coming with us?" Virgil asks as he and Serena walk up the stairs to the jet. 

"No. Isaiah's job is to recruit supers here in Arcantia. We'll be meeting up with the Cradonian recruiter. Her name is Lettie Dranger," Serena tells him.

14 hours later the plane is landing in a private airport in Cradonia. During the plane ride Serena was briefing Virgil on what he needed to know. 

"Where are we?" Virgil asks. 

"The capitol. Layymas," Serena tells him. "Don't forget your bag," she adds, grabbing her suitcase. Virgil grabs his and they exit the plane. 

"Serena! Good to see you," a short woman with long black braids, sepia brown skin and amber eyes says. 

"Lettie. Good to see you as well. This is Virgil. My new apprentice," Serena responds. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lettie. The Cradonian recruiter," Lettie says. 

"Nice to meet you," Virgil says. He's glad he's gotten used to meeting new people. 

"Let's get you to your destination," Lettie says and leads them over to a sedan. She opens the trunk for them to put their suitcases in. They then hop in the backseat.

"This place looks a lot different from Arcantia," Virgil says more to himself than anyone else when they reach the city. Whereas Arcantia looks more modern, Cradonia seems to be as if you walked straight into the past. There are modern things like cars and lights but it's the look of everything. The buildings are old and historic. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" Serena asks. 

"I'd say," Virgil responds. They drive for about 15 minutes before they reach a large beautiful building. It looks like the other buildings but a bit fancier. 

"Here we are," Lettie says as she parks in front of the building. Virgil climbs out first and then Serena. 

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you to the city hall," Lettie tells them.  The two of them grab their suitcases and head inside the building. 

"Hi. Would you like a room?" a clerk asks as they approach the front desk.

"We have a reservation under the name Park," Serena tells the clerk as she pulls out her ID card. She hands it to the clerk. He looks at his computer. 

"Yes. Ms. Park. We have your two rooms ready on the third floor. Rooms 305 and 306," the clerk says as they grab the keys. They hand the keys to Serena. With keys in hand they head over to the elevator. 

"I wonder what this looked like before they modernized it," Virgil says. 

"I'm sure it was beautiful," Serena says. 

"This is where we'll be staying for the rest of our time here in Cradonia. You're welcome to order from room service whatever you'd like. Our benefactor for this trip is quite generous," she adds. Once the elevator reaches the third floor they step out and head to room 305. 

"Here's your key. I'll call for you in a bit to continue briefing you," Serena tells Virgil who nods and takes the key to 306. He goes over, unlocks the door and heads inside.

It's a nice room. The full sized bed is in the center of the left wall with a nightstand on either side. A large TV across from the bed. A desk on the right side of the far wall. There is also a small balcony straight across from the door. Virgil walks over to the bed and sets his suitcase on it before sitting on it himself. 

"Such a large bed and I have to sleep in it all alone. Every night for a year... I hate this. I didn't even get to say goodbye in person," he says to himself. He flops backwards and stares at the ceiling. He glances at his clock. It's 7:21am. He has the whole day. He doesn't feel jet lag so he doesn't know what to do. He pulls out the phone. He hasn't gotten a call yet so that likely means Roman and the others are not back yet. 

His stomach rumbles and he groans. He's hungry. He walks over to the hotel phone. Next to it is a menu and instructions for calling room service. He looks through it and picks the cheapest breakfast item. Then he makes a call. While waiting he pulls out his book and begins rereading it.

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