Supers of Arcantia - Sanders...

By ariww19

647 25 1

In this world supers are treated as nothing more than weapons. Many of them are imprisoned while others hide... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

25 1 0
By ariww19

"Well, like I said, I'm proud of you. Overcoming your fears isn't easy but you did it," Roman tells him as he moves his hand to grab Virgil's. 

"Thanks. I suppose I'm proud of myself too. I mean I never thought I'd be able to do it but I did," Virgil says. Roman smiles proudly at him. Virgil looks down with embarrassment. 

"Anyway. I've been wondering what we're going to do now that we got you back," Virgil says. 

"What do you want to do?" Roman asks. 

"I think I want to stay with the rebellion. To help out other supers who need it," Virgil says softly. "Of course I'll be going wherever you all go," he adds. 

"Well. I wouldn't mind joining up with the rebellion and helping other supers. Plus I'd be with you. I'd be happy," Roman says. Virgil smiles and squeezes the hand holding his.

An hour passes and the other recruits start to wake up. Patton opens his eyes first and notices immediately that Virgil isn't in bed. It's not rare for him to awake before everyone else but it isn't common either. On a hunch he unwraps Logan's arm around him and sits up. The first thing he does is look over to where Roman slept. He's gone too. Patton stands up and starts to leave. 

"Patton," Virgil says as he leaves the sleeping quarters. 

"There you are kiddos," Patton says as he walks to them. "Have you two talked?" he asks. That's when he realizes they're holding hands. 

"Yeah. We talked," Virgil says. 

"Good. I'm glad. You two are adorable together by the way," Patton says grinning. Virgil looks down and aside, embarrassed. 

"Alright. I'm gonna go freshen up," Patton tells them. They both nod and watch him walk away.

Patton leaves and heads back into the sleeping quarters before heading to the bathroom. 

"Roman? What are we now?" Virgil asks softly. 

"Depends. Do you want to be my boyfrie-?" Roman asks but Virgil cuts him off. 

"Yes!" he says before Roman even gets the full question out. Roman grins happily but Virgil just covers his face with his free hand. 

"Can we pretend I didn't say it that fast?" Virgil asks with embarrassment. 

"Absolutely not. I'm gonna tell everyone who will listen that you agreed to be my boyfriend before I even got the full question out," Roman tells him with a playful smile. Virgil uncovers his face and glares half-heartedly at his new boyfriend. Roman's smile seems to grow. 

"I'm not sure if that look is cute or something I'd never want aimed at me again," he says. Virgil rolls his eyes with a small smile.

An hour and a half passes by before everyone is up and the trainers have arrived. Edith came downstairs half an hour ago to start cooking breakfast. Patton helped her. When breakfast is ready everyone takes a seat. Patton and Edith place two plates full of pancakes on each table before sitting down themselves. The toppings are already placed around on every table. 

Damien and Luisa give up their usual seats so Roman and Sarah can take their spots. Everyone chats throughout breakfast. Mostly getting to know the two newcomers and what their lives have been like. Roman answers every question that's asked. Sarah only answers when the question is aimed at her since she is preoccupied with eating. That and she's still shy around new people. 

The questions die down once breakfast is over. They all stand up and head to the training area.

Parker calls for Logan and friends. The group walks over to him. 

"Isaiah asked me to talk to you about your plans going forward. Do you all plan on staying with the rebellion or?" Parker says. "If you stay, you may be asked to help out on other missions," he adds. 

"Do you mind if we talk alone for a moment?" Logan asks. Parker nods and walks off. 

"Well? Are we staying? If we're not, we may need to find a new place to live. Who knows if that house we stayed in is still unoccupied?" Janus says. 

"Okay. So that no one is pressured to choose either option, I think we should all say whether we'd like to stay or go. Alright. On three, say stay or go. 1, 2, 3," Logan says. 

"Stay!" they all say at the same time. 

"Oh thank the gods! I was terrified we'd split up," Tara says with relief. 

"Let's let Parker know," Logan says. He then calls out for Parker to come back.

"We plan on staying. We'd also be happy to help with any missions," Logan tells Parker. 

"Alright. I'll let Isaiah know at lunch. For now you can all go back to your trainers, As for you two, what are your abilities?" Parker says and asks. Roman tells him. 

"Okay. Sarah, you can come with me. Roman. There are two people who could help with your ability. Dion who is training your brother and Damien who is training Virgil. You can go ahead and choose who you want to be with," Parker tells them. 

"You don't even need to ask. Between spending time with me or Virgil. He'd always choose Virgil," Remus says. Virgil goes slightly red. 

"That's not completely true. I'd simply hang out with you both," Roman says as he puts an arm around his brother's shoulders. 

"Of course you would," Remus says with a roll of his eyes.

"Come on Roman. Damien is waiting," Virgil says as he grabs Roman's hand and begins pulling him away. Janus raises his brows with surprise. 

"Are they?" Janus asks his friends and boyfriend. 

"Mhm," Patton says smiling. 

"Finally," Remus says. 

"Yeah. It was just a matter of time," Tara says with a smile. "Come on Sarah," she adds as she begins walking to Parker. 

"Love you babe," Remus kisses Janus' lips before running off to Dion. Logan kisses Patton's cheek and says he loves him before he goes to Luisa. Janus and Patton smile at their boyfriends backs before they walk to Heather. 

Virgil lets go of Roman's hand halfway to Damien. Roman frowns slightly but doesn't say anything. He and Virgil approach Damien. 

"Oh so now you decide to show up," Damien says, barely looking up from his phone. 

"Shut up. We were talking to Parker," Virgil says.

Damien puts his phone in his pocket. 

"Whatever. I see he dumped you on me as well Roman. Hopefully you aren't an asshole like this one here," Damien says, gesturing to Virgil. Roman looks at Virgil to see his reaction but he just looks annoyed. 

"You're the asshole," Virgil says. 

"I am not," Damien says offended. 

"You tripped me down the stairs!" Virgil retorts. 

"You didn't actually fall. Far. Besides, you made my pants fall down in front of Luisa," Damien says. 

"At least I didn't almost kill you," Virgil says in response. 

"That's fair. Alright. What's your ability Roman?" Damien says. 

"It's called Morph. I can turn any inanimate object into a weapon that isn't a gun," Roman tells him. 

"Can you fight with them?" Damien asks. 

"Yeah. I'm alright," Roman responds. 

"All right. Cool. Finally someone I can spar against that won't cheat and I get to use my weapons training," Damien says.

"I do not cheat," Virgil says. Damien pointedly ignores him and starts asking Roman what weapons he can use. Roman lists them off and Damien seems excited before he masks it, trying to be cool. 

"Okay. I'll be right back. You, go practice some more commands," Damien says and points at Virgil who rolls his eyes. Damien walks off to the side where there's a bunch of random stuff. 

Virgil looks at Damien and mutters, "Stumble." Damien stumbles and Virgil smirks. 

"Virgil!" Damien yells, not even looking back at him. Roman laughs lightly. 

"You seem close," Roman says with a chuckle. Virgil looks at him. 

"Not even," he says. Roman raises his brow. 

"Fine. I mean he's like an annoying older brother but don't tell him or anyone I ever said that," Virgil tells him. 

"You have my word. So what commands are you going to practice?" Roman asks. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe something I haven't done before? Oh I know. Want to see the ones I've been able to use since we last saw each other?" Virgil asks and Roman nods.

Virgil shows him how he can make it rain, make explosions and even cause tornadoes. He keeps it small with the last two. 

"That was amazing," Roman says. "You're amazing," he adds. Virgil smiles. 

"Thanks," he says. 

"Alright! It took me a minute but I found them!" Damien says as he approaches. He's holding a bunch of weapons in a box. He sets the box down and pulls something out. 

"Since you can create a weapon out of well, anything, I figured you can use these. Actually, go ahead and keep these for now. I'll look into getting you better ones. That way you'll always have something on you to morph," he adds as he hands Roman a set of 3 throwing knives in a sheath that can be strapped to his forearm. 

"Thanks," Roman says as he puts it on. "How's your mobility?" Damien asks. Roman moves and flexes his arm. "It's fine," Roman says.

"That's good," he says and looks at Virgil adding, "What are you looking at? Practice your commands." Virgil rolls his eyes in response but walks away from them to do his own training.  

"Okay. I might be a little rusty but I assume you aren't. Let's start with something not sharp," Damien says as he pulls out a wooden practice sword from the box. Roman slips out one of the throwing knives and morphs it into the same thing. 

"Alright. Let's begin," Damien says. He readies his weapon while Roman does the same. They move at the same time, weapons clashing. They hold there in a stalemate until Damien moves and swings his wooden sword to which Roman blocks. They go back and forth for a few minutes before ending up in the same stalemate. 

"You said you were rusty?" Roman remarks. They push each other back. The fight goes on to the point that everyone else is watching.

They've all stopped their training. Even their trainers have stopped what they were doing to watch this even match. Roman and Damien keep their focus on each other though. When one swings, the other blocks. Again a few more minutes go by and Damien is beginning to feel the lack of his own weapons training. He's getting just a little tired. He decides to end this quickly. A few seconds pass before he does a move that disarms Roman. The wooden sword falls to the ground. Damien holds his wooden sword up to Roman's neck. 

"You've got to teach me how you did that," Roman says with a grin. 

"Pretty cool right?" Damien responds. Damien lowers his weapon and finally notices that everyone's staring. 

"What?" he asks. 

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone but Dion give you that much trouble," Parker says.

"Yeah. I gotta admit. You're good kid. How long have you been training?" Damien asks Roman. 

"I started only when I was captured. So, about three years," Roman responds. 

"No way. You're that good and you've only been training for three years?" Dion says. 

"I picked things up pretty quickly. At least that's what my trainer told me," Roman says with a shrug. 

"I'd say," Damien mutters. 

"That was awesome bro!" Remus yells. 

"Give me a few minutes and we'll go again," Damien tells him. Roman nods and morphs his wooden sword back into a throwing knife. Everyone goes back to what they were doing. Damien turns to Virgil and observes him as he practices commands. Roman watches as well. 

"Try lifting something else," Damien tells him. Virgil looks around and stops on Damien. Roman watches his eyes light up as he gets an idea. 

"Float," he says. Damien lifts off the ground and starts to rise higher and higher.

"Not me!" Damien yells as he tries not to flail around. Virgil laughs. 

"Virgil! Put me down!" Damien exclaims. "You sure you want me to use the down command?" Virgil asks as he looks up at him. Damien goes paler than he already is as he remembers what that command does. It just drops whatever is floating and he's already high enough that if Virgil used that command his landing would hurt. Any higher and he'd break something. He's relatively sure Virgil would never really hurt him but the thought is still worrisome. Why? Because he could and so easily. Everyone is laughing at Damien's movements while he tries to stay right side up. 

"Okay. Virgil. Put him down. Gently please," Parker says once he stops laughing. 

"No fun," Virgil says but adds as he looks at Damien, "Descend." Damien by now is almost to the ceiling. He slowly starts to come back down.

"Oh thank the gods," Damien mutters once he's on the ground. Virgil laughs because he heard him. 

"Why you little shit!" Damien says as he looks at Virgil. 

"What?" Virgil asks innocently. Damien walks up to Virgil. 

"Don't what me," Damien says as he punches Virgil's arm. Not hard but enough to hurt a little. 

"You told me to try lifting something else," Virgil says as he rubs his arm. 

"Yeah. Something else. Not me," Damien responds. 

"You should've been more clear then," Virgil says with a smirk. Damien lifts his hand to punch his arm again but Virgil dodges him. 

"Go try lifting something else," Damien tells him. Virgil gives him a look. "Not another person," Damien clarifies. Virgil bites back a laugh. Damien walks back to Roman. They start to spar again.

Virgil watches them distractedly as he tries to think of what to lift. Then he gets an idea. If he can clearly picture it when using those commands then he may be able to fly. He smiles at the thought. How cool would it be if he could fly? He looks down at himself and thinks about what command to use. If he uses the same he used on Damien then he'd just keep going up. 

"Levitate," he says softly and feels himself lift off the ground. He takes a second to steady himself as he just hovers. "Blow," he says softly again. 

Just as he imagined, he feels the wind push him a little to the left. With another thought and command it pushes him a little to the right. He looks up to see if anyone saw that but no one is watching him. They're all focused on their own thing. 

"Okay. I can do this," he says. He needs to think of a command to give him control of the winds around him. He closes his eyes to think.

They open when he figures it out. He looks over at Sarah who is practicing with her flames. 

"Wind control," he says as he imagines himself controlling the winds around him. He takes a deep breath and uses his newly acquired control to move himself again to the left. Then he moves himself backwards. After a moment he lifts himself higher and back to the right. He laughs with disbelief as he makes himself spin around. 

"Holy shit," he says to himself. He looks up and makes himself go higher until he's halfway to the ceiling. He makes himself go around in a circle. He continues to move around in the air. He has to keep his concentration on the two commands he used or he feels himself start to fall. Then someone calls out for him, making him lose that concentration. Then he's falling with his back to the ground. 

"Virgil!" he hears again but instead closes his eyes to focus back on his commands. Barely catching himself a few feet from the floor.

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