A Cup of Blood... Creepypasta...

By GooseTown2020

113 13 3

Y/N lives a pretty normal life with their Younger 16 year old cousin Amanda, and their 8 year old brother Mic... More

# [A/N] Order Up #
Order # 1 - A 'Punch' of Caffine
Order # 2 - Red Eyed Doctor
Order # 4 - A Change of Plans
Order # 5 - Hold me tight
Order # 6 - Meetings and Greetings
Chapter #7 Im Dreaming Right?

Order # 3 - Coincidence?

14 2 0
By GooseTown2020


The cold wind blew in my face as I walked alongside Micheal and Alex. We all woke up early, it made no difference for me because I had to wake up anyway to open the cafe.
But it was 4:00am, and Micheal had school today. I looked over to my right and noticed that Micheal looked tired.
I stopped in my tracks and I picked him up and carried him towards the cafe. His winter coat and his backpack made it difficult to carry him but eventually we got to the front of the cafe where I unlocked the door and walked in.
I set Micheal down with Alex at one of the booth tables so Micheal could lay down and sleep until school started.
I go into the staff room and take off my coat and put on my apron and I put my hair up into a hat.
I walk out to the front, waiting for any early morning customers.

Eventually 3 guys walked in, one of them being much shorter than the others.
One wearing a yellow jacket, the other wearing a tan jacket and the shortest one wearing a striped brown shirt.
"Can I get 1 black coffee and 1 hot chocolate" the one wearing a tan jacket spoke up. "Of course, will that be all?" I asked politely, the man in the tan jacket spoke again "Do you have anything, *cough* for Adults?" He asked.
I knew what he meant, we sell flasks of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages, but in coffee cups with lavender colored lids.
The normal lids are a light brown color that match the cups.  "Of course we do, Anything you prefer?" I asked. "I'm good with anything" he replied. "Ok, that will be 16.75$, is the order to go?"
"Yes" he replied.
"Ok, I'll go get your order now!"
I turned around and started the coffee machine and the hot cocoa machine, then I went into the back to get a flask.
I poured the whiskey in a cup and closed the lid. Then I go back to the front and finish the other 2 cups of coffee.
"Here you go!" I said while handing them the take out tray. "Thank you!" The one in the brown- striped shirt said Happily while grabbing the cup with hot chocolate in it. The one wearing the yellow jacket handed me the money.
"Bye! Have a great day!" I said waving to the 3, only the shorter one waved back.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

Eventually it was 7:15 am. My younger brother woke up and still had 45 minutes till school started, I got him a plate of waffles and a cup of hot chocolate then I went back to make him a sandwich for school.
"Hey Y/N?" Micheal spoke up while walking towards me.
"Yes?" I replied,
"Can you pack me some cookies or muffins to take to school today?" He asked
"For you, Amy and Sammie right?" I asked smiling, "Yah! But can you pack an extra one? There's a new student coming today and I want to give them something nice!" He said excited.
"Of course!" I said while grabbing one of my take out boxes and putting 4 giant muffins inside, each a different flavor, then I gave it to Micheal.
"And here give them this!" I also gave Mike a bag that had a bunch of cookies in it as well as the name and address of my cafe, so if they end up liking the baked goods they could always come back.

"Thank you Y/N!" Mike said leaving with the muffins and cookies.
"No problem!" I said happily.


Eventually I checked the time again after Mike had finished his waffles. '7:50am' he had ten minutes to get to school.
"Hey Alex! You mind dropping Mike off at school?" I asked.
"I don't mind! As long as I get a free meal later!" He said while getting up from his seat with his hot chocolate. 
"Of course." I said rolling my eyes as he walked out with Micheal while trying to do a happy dance, he dropped his hot chocolate in the process.

"Dammit, this is the 2nd time this week!!" Alex shouted while I chuckled quietly. Soon after they left I got back to work until my other workers could start coming in for their shifts.

POV- Micheal

Alex walked me to school, we got there 3 minutes early. I high fived Alex and then I went to join my friends who were waiting next to the classroom door.
"Amy, Sammie! Hi!!" I said excited
"Hi Mikey!!" Amy and Sammie said in unison.
"Did you meet the new kid yet?" I asked after taking a breath.
"No, the teacher said she'll join us a few minutes after class starts!" Amy said excited.
"Yah, and the teacher said she's sitting at our table because ours is the last one with an open seat!!" Sammie said happily.
'That's good!" I said smiling.
'It will be easy to give her the muffin and cookies without any others getting jealous!' I thought to myself.

Eventually the bell rang and we all walked into class with the other students. We sat at our table and noticed a new name tag on the seat that used to be empty.

"Sally Williams'

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

After morning announcements there was a knock on the door. The principal walked in, behind him was a brown haired girl with green eyes, she wore a pink jacket and blue jeans, as well as a pair of white snow boots.

The teacher clapped her hands twice waiting for everyone to stop talking,

"Everyone, this is the new student, Sally! I hope you all treat her with kindness and respect." Mrs. Kelly said happily as the principal walks out and closes the door behind him .

"Your seat is at the table in the back next to Micheal. Micheal will you raise you hand?"Mrs.Kelly asked calmly.

I raised my hand and waited for sally to walk over. Then I put it down.

"Hey I'm Micheal!" I said. "I'm Sally" the girl said with a soft calm voice. Both Amy and Sammie started getting impatient. "I'm Amy!" Amy said pushing Sammie out of the way, "and I'm Sammie!" Sammie said after he got up and pushed Amy to the side.

"Amy, Sammie, stop fighting." Mrs.Kelly said in an calm yet slightly annoyed tone of voice.

"Okay!" They both shouted at the same time.


The bell rang, It was lunch time.

"If your getting a hot lunch, line up!" Mrs.Kelly yelled to the class.

Luckily everyone at our table bought a lunch from home.
While taking out the sandwich Y/N packed for me, I remembered the Muffins and cookies.

'I should probably give her the cookies later so none of the others get jealous' I thought to myself.

Instead I took out the takeout box that had the muffins in it.

"Hey sally, what muffin would you like?" I asked while opening the takeout box and showing her the muffins.

"Ooo... is that a double chocolate muffin?" She asked pointing at one on the top left.

"Yah! You want it?" I stayed happily,

"Yah, I love chocolatey stuff!" Sally said excited.

Although I also really love double chocolate, Sally is a new student and I'm at least happy she didn't choose one of the flavors Amy and Sammie like.

"I want Plain vanilla!!" Amy shouted trying to grab the vanilla muffin and succeeding.

"I want Blueberry!" Sammie said reaching over to grab it.
"I thought you liked chocolate chip?" I asked surprised.
"I do but my mom told me that I should be more healthy" he said taking a bite of it.
'So I get chocolate chip, my second favorite!'

It had been an hour since Alex dropped Micheal off at school.
Because of the time and the weather it was no surprise that the cafe wasn't getting many customers. I casually made myself another cup of coffee and waited.
The bell Indicated that someone had entered. I look up only to see the same red eyed doctor from yesterday.
I almost dropped my coffee.

'What are the odds that HE comes to MY cafe the day right after we meet, especially because he's never been here before?! Unless he usually comes at a different time?'

I quickly fixed my posture as Devin walked up to the counter.

The Hospital I was working at yesterday started getting suspicious because most of their supplies were being stolen.

For once, it wasn't me. I have many supplies in my room and I know some people who can me lend some.

X-Virus probably took the opportunity to steal a bunch of syringes during the night shift while I and barely a few nurses and doctors were working.

Speaking of which. I'm exhausted, but I have to pick up Sally later and Slender's holding a meeting later and I don't have the time to go back home and rest.
I saw a cafe next to the street where Sally's school is located.
'L/N's Cafe'
Well, if it's a cafe, it has coffee, and I need some coffee  right about now.

I go up to the door and enter, once I go up to the counter I notice who is working here.
Y/N, the same person I saw yesterday at the hospital. this is a great improvement.

If Y/N works here, no doubt their cousin also comes here too, this will make it much easier to capture my new victim. 
I smirk, knowing that if I want Y/N's cousin to be my next victim, I should probably befriend Y/N in order to get closer to them.

Who knows? Maybe I can kill their entire Family...

The end of Chapter 3!!
Here's a drawing for this chapter:
I made it; the @ is my embarrassing YouTube channel

"I stuck a pencil up my ass"
"I want to kiss the Chicago grass"
"I want to talk to the glass"
"I want to thrive to the sound of bass"
"I want to show up in a cast"
"I want to dive for the last"
"I want my drive to be a blast"
- My sister who won't shut her ass

I think you should all know the people who came in the beginning, and yes I know two of them are from Marble Hornets.
Anyways, Ima start introducing more character's, and If you want a specific character to be introduced face to face, tell me!
As well as any love interest Y/N will have.
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3, 'This is new'

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