Cluster Of Idiots

By Anon_Author-420

177 3 1

Mementicspielt lost all of his money due to his addiction of gambling. Can't pay his taxes, so he has no choi... More

Chapter 1 - Starvation And Debt
Chapter 2 - Spiritually And Psychopathy
Chapter 3 - Breaking And Entering
Chapter 4 - Gas Station Simulator
Chapter 5 - The Nice Devil
Chapter 6 - Sheep In Wolf's Clothing
Chapter 7 - Vegetarian Megalodon Shark
Chapter 8 - A Cruel Angel's Thesis

Prologue - Dramatis Personae

44 1 0
By Anon_Author-420

~ Mementicspielt Cordogan: The human who has gambling addiction. Paid the price and is on the run from the government. Committing tax evasion has never been his style, but he is going to adopt it given the situation that he is in.

~ Cyanitratick Lindigo: A humanoid wolf who has been found by Mementicspielt on the road. He seems to be starving, therefore Mementicspielt assumed that he is "one" of his people.

~ Narrator: Just a schizophrenia in your head. Don't mind them.

= Line Break =

Narrator's POV

A male human just entered the casino building named "Rigged System." He earned enough money to gamble and multiply his earnings. Assuming he thought that earning money through luck, this is one of the last places he should be going.

Oh. Here we see the male human, let's call him... Mementicspielt. Since that is his name... I just searched him up on Reddit. Don't ask.

Jumping from one place to another, he finally found the one machine that he can somehow exploit, despite this casino is known for having a rigged system in their gambling machine. He grabbed a handful amount, and when I say handful amount I meant 1k dollars, and put it in the slot machine, pull the lever, and wait for his prize to come out.

There's one diamond on the left side, then there's another diamond on the right side. Only the middle one is still rolling. This is getting intense if you ask me. I don't know the equivalent dollars for a single diamond... hol' up. Let me search it up.

*Searches it on Discord*

According to the users of Discords, it's $69,420. What source? Just trust me my guy. Anyway, back to the intense moment.

It's still rolling... geez, talk about long suspense.


Oh. Oh my funamusea. That can't be good. Remember when I said he inserted 1k dollars into the slot machine? Yeah... that's his entire bank account. His face turned paled, paler than the anti-void itself.

He's not going to have a good time with this one. He walked out of the casino with his pocket being empty. He walked home, about 10 kilometers or so, to only be greeted by the landlord outside the apartment complex.

"You haven't paid your rent. WHERE IS IT?" The sheer intensity and terror from his voice can strike even the most evil being which is Satan himself.

"...Sussy amogus ballz." Mementicspielt tried to change topic... Among Us is not the best to have a conversation with.


Oh Funamusea! Mementicspielt need to think of something before he's history.

"I- Um- I'm going to pay it tomorrow, I promise." And he said it with a straight face. No emotion is being express on his face. You could say he's wearing a mask. Metaphorically, I mean.

"...You said that ten years ago."

Both of them were quiet. No sound is being made, not even the mother nature is making a sound. Just silence, and silence it appeared.

Mementicspielt kneel down and-


-Grabbed a pack of dirt from the floor and threw it at the landlord's face. He took this opportunity to run away and never return from this place again. Sure, he might lose all of his stuff in the apartment, but his life is more important than some random garbage. Besides, Discord is overrated anyway.

Mementicspielt is already far away from the apartment complex. He assumed that the landlord didn't bother to chase him and instead burn all of his stuff. 'Good,' he thought. 'Those suggestive magazine, my history, and my homework files needed to be destroyed from the face off the planet. In fact, the landlord is doing me a favor... I don't know his name though.' This guy got his priorities straight. Fr doe.

He walks on the side of the road then turned his direction and into the alleyway. After exiting the alleyway, he saw someone on the ground. Probably unconscious.

"Need... need... food... food..." Nope, never mind.

Mementicspielt got closer to the person, no wait, this guy has wolf ears? And wolf tail? 'Oh no. It's one of those.' Yes, indeed. ONE of those. 'But...' But? But what now protagonist? Tell me! '...This guy looks one of my people... ape together strong.'

...But this guy is a wolf, not an ape- you know what, do what you have to do.

Mementicspielt tried to wake up the furry, but forgot that he's already awake with this dying breath of needing food.

"F-food?" He looked at him with a pitiful face.

"No. I'm Mementicspielt Cordogan, little one." He doesn't know what his age is, but he can guess judging from his appearance.

"I- I- I- I need food..." Mementicspielt looked around. He saw a dumpster, then goes over there to get a dirty hamburger. It's better than nothing though. He gave it to the unnamed humanoid wolf person.

"Thank- Thank you. *Proceeds to violently eat the dirty hamburger*" Mementicspielt thought that he's eating like a wolf, then he probably thought that he's an actual wolf. He dismissed that thought.

After finishing the healthy borgor, he introduced himself.

"He-hello, my name is Cyanitratick Lindigo. Thanks for the food. It was delicious."

'Wtf is wrong with this humanoid wolf? Maybe being a humanoid wolf has its own perks. Hmm...' He just accepted that the person is a humanoid wolf like I accepted any death threats from my DMs...

Anyway, Mementicspielt asked him a question that would probably determine Cyanitratick's life.

"Hey... which is first, cereal or milk?"

Silence came back once again.

"Uhh, milk, I guess."

Then all hell breaks loose.

Mementicspielt saw a truck about to approach on them. He grabbed the neck of Cyanitratick's neck. "I'm sorry little one."

"W-wait! I like Among Us! I played it when nobody is at the computer shop!"

He let go of Cyanitratick's neck and he fell on the floor. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

He shook hands with Cyanitratick to symbolize that they are friends?

"We are now friends. Do you accept?" Mementicspielt said in a very reddit user fashion.

"Umm... yes."

This friendship would... probably make everyone who is not a retarded idiot life a hell... no, scratch that. It's an equivalent of listening Gustav Holst - The Planets: Deep Fried Version over and over again... especially on Sunday.

= Line Break =

Comments: N/A

Author's Note: This is the prologue, so expect it to be short. As the chapters progress, it may probably increase, but I'll leave that problem to future me. If you know funamusea and their stuff, then the more you know. That'll be all.

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