Amidst Our Hearts

By escritoraa__

90.1K 8.4K 522

Sakeena Ibrahim Abdulmaleek; Fierce, bold, challenging and brave. Never thought her life will turn out that w... More

Author's note/copyright
Cast | Aesthetics
Twenty one.
Twenty two.
Twenty three.
Twenty four.
Twenty five.
Twenty six.
Twenty seven.
Twenty eight.
Twenty nine.
Thirty two.
Thirty three.
Thirty four.
Thirty five.
Thirty six.
Thirty seven.
Thirty eight.
Thirty nine.
Forty one.
Forty two.
Forty three.
Forty four.
Forty five.
Forty six.
Forty seven.
Forty eight.
Forty nine.
Fifty one.
Fifty two.
Fifty three.
Fifty four.
Fifty five.
Fifty six.
Fifty seven.
Fifty eight.
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.
Sixty three.
Sixty four (Part I)
Sixty four (Part II)
Sixty five.
Author's note (Must read)
50k Reads💃 | New Book?

Thirty one.

1.1K 110 0
By escritoraa__

Federal capital territory,


Tears clouded my vision as I cried harder, out of nowhere, both Maymuna and Ahmad came running towards me. "I really don't know what's happening to him, he just feels and his body started jerking" I explained, my brain confused about what was happening.

"Naisa, calm down" Maymuna placed a hand on my shoulder. "He'll be fine, just give it a minute or three, everything will be fine"

"I really don't think he will be" Ahmad said. "It's really not like the ones he normally gets. This is taking more than three minutes" he normally gets? He has gone through this before? Several times?

I terminated the questions in my head for a while going back to the issue at hand. "Let's get him to a hospital, I'm going to call Amma and let her know to meet us there" Maymuna did as she said and with the help of the security guards present, we carried him to the backseat of the car and drove away to the hospital.

I held his hand tightly in mine, saying any prayer that comes to my head. The ride to the hospital was short. A few nurses and Amma stood by the entrance of the hospital waiting with a stretcher.

He was rushed into the operation room, leaving only the four of us outside, waiting anxiously.

"Here" Maymuna passed a pack of wipes and a bottle of water to me. I muttered a thank you and walked away to the ladies restroom.

I wiped off all the makeup on my face and rinsed it with the water I came in with. Never did I ever thought something like this will happen. My heart kept beating like it'll burst out of my chest any minute. Fear gripped me as my brain began flashing images of Khalifa's health condition getting worst.

I muttered a silent prayer, erasing all the bad thoughts from my head and walked out. Deep in my thoughts, I accidentally bumped into a woman wearing a jilbaab, with a niqab covering her face, only her eyes are visible.

Her hand bag fell down and I crouched down to pick it up, gave it back to her and walked away. I was too caught up in the mini catastrophe going on in my head to notice the familiar eyes.

Walking back to the waiting area, I found only Ahmad there, leaning against the wall. "He got transferred to a private room minutes ago. I knew you'll come back here so I stayed back waiting for you" he led the way to the room where Khalifa got transferred.

The beeping sound monitor showing his heartbeat filled the room. Amma sitting on the couch in the room and Maymuna beside her on the other end of the three sitter.

Amma noticed my presence in the room first and gestured for me to sit beside her. I did exactly the same. "I know you're confused about what is happening. You have so many questions in your head that need to be answered. I know you're wondering why we all didn't tell you about his health conditions in the first place" Amma took a deep breath in and released it before continuing.

"We are so sorry from hiding this away from you Naisa and I'm going to tell you everything in details. Khalifa has a medical condition called Grand Mal seizures. He had his first seizure when he was eleven years. At first we thought it wasn't something serious but as he grew, even though he gets less and less seizures, each time he gets one it is more intense than the previous one. We managed to keep it under control through drugs and he hasn't had one in months" this explains all the drugs I found in a drawer inside his room few day ago when I went to retrieve my phone charger.

"I think the spot lights and flash lights from the party triggered it. And also the stunt Imran pulled added more to it" Maymuna chirped in. "I really shouldn't have forced him to go prom when he said he doesn't want to go in the first place" Maymuna sighed and looked at Khalifa who has an oxygen mask on his nose and mouth, unconscious.

"Whenever his seizures last more than five minutes, his brain swells so, the doctors heavily sedated him to keep the swelling down which means he's going to be out for at least ten hours. Why don't you go home and rest? You must be exhausted from the party and all" I looked at Khalifa first then turned and nod my head. He's stable now and only sleeping, besides, I need to get out of this dress.

"Why don't you go home and pack some clothes? You'll be spending the night at Sameera's house together with Ammar" Right on cue, Ya Abdul walked into the room. He greeted Amma while we all greeted him and they both walked out to the doctor's office to inquire about Khalifa's health, leaving only Maymuna, I and an unconscious Khalifa in the room.

I sighed and leaned back into the sofa, fatigue catching up with me and my eyes lids felt heavy.

"You seem pretty scared earlier" Maymuna chuckle while I glared at her. "You didn't think he was going to die, did you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I did, no one ever told me that Khalifa has been getting seizures since when he was eleven years old. I even thought it was some spiritual problem" Maymuna laughed at my sudden outburst.

"Calm down gurl, nothing is going to happened, well at least not what you imagine. He's stable now so stop worrying" She handed me my phone and Khalifa's before she went back to typing in hers.

Maymuna stood up no, she literally jumped up from the sofa. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She sat back down before answering me. "You are on every northern blogger page on Instagram. You are trending tonight" she shoved her phone screen in my face and she's right, the dance video is everywhere.

"Why are you surprised though?" I raised my brows at her. "I saw this coming so it was expected" I shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't seem bothered"

"I am bothered, every single person present in that hall had their phone in their hands recording every single move we made during that dance" I turned on the mobile data on my phone and notifications from Instagram and Snapchat flooded my phone.

I entered Instagram first. Anyone who posted that video made sure to tag both of us in the post. The 'mentioned you in their story' filled my DM.

"I can't handle this much attention" I turned off my phone and tossed it aside. "I'm pretty sure my name is going to be everywhere" I grunted, wondering how I'm going to step foot in that school again.

"The comment section is flooding with your names. Many are asking who you guys are? Which school it is? And many others are criticizing you with comments like, which parents even let their children do this? Whose children are they?" She kept on reading and reading all the negative comments till I can't take it anymore.

"I think that's enough now" I rubbed my eyes, feeling sleepy.

"One more" I looked at her, ready to hear what nasty comment this person made about me.

"Someone post one of the pictures from the slides the projector displayed. It says 'how on Earth did two kids who are still in high school get married? Is it because they are so in love or they is another reason behind it?'. Then another person commented: 'Maybe it's because he got her pregnant. Their families were trying to conceal the whole issue and not face all the disgrace, thus, they got married'" I let out a cry, why on Earth someone will say this. This is so freaking frustrating. How can you judge a person when you don't even know that person based on a picture.

Maymuna rubbed my arm. "Trust me when I say this, there are much worst negative comments here. Just be patient, everything will pass soon" I held my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down. She's right, everything will pass soon.

Ya Abdul and I walked out of the hospital together with Maymuna after saying goodnight to Amma. I really wish I can stay but I don't want to be uncomfortable in a hospital myself. The last time I was here was the time I had an asthma attack, which I actually I don't remember.

We dropped Maymuna off at their house, the house where the biggest traitor in the world lives in and also dropped by at home to pack some clothes. Ya Abdul carried a sleeping Ammar in his hands while I packed my pajamas, clothes I'm going to wear tomorrow and other necessary things I'll need in a duffel bag together with Ammar's belongings.


I made myself comfortable in the room shown to me by Adda Samee. I plugged my phone first, took off my contact lens before carrying my body to the toilet where I took a bath. I got dressed in a hoodie and matching sweatpants then covered my hair with a cap.

My stomach the same time I exited the room. I made a bee line to the kitchen. "I have a feeling that you'll come down here looking for food so I made this" she passed me a bowl filled with custard with fruit topping.

I took a seat on one of the bar stools there. "Thank you" I grabbed a spoon and digged in immediately.

"How are you keeping up?" She sat down beside me, a hand under her chin.

"I'm fine" I took a spoonful of custard into my mouth and moaned at the delicious goodness.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, what happened?" I kept the spoon down and looked at her through my glasses.

"You came in here disheveled, turban untied, makeup wiped, you looked sleepy and terrible" Adda Sameera pointed out all that I was in the hospital. To be honest, it's true.

"What do you expect me to do when I actually thought Khalifa was dying?" I shrugged my shoulders and finished the remaining custard in the bowl.

"As soon as Abu Zahrah told me Khalifa is in the hospital, my mind went back to you. This is all new to you and the fact that no one told you he gets them" the stare she's giving me right makes me want to tell her everything that I feel. Hell it'll make anyone blurt out their secrets due to fear.

"I guess you all didn't want to scare me away, but I should be been told anyway. And it's too late to back out now, not after all that has happened from the very start" not after my heart has started beating for him. I wanted to add but what she said completely threw me off guard.

"Naisa, are you in love with Khalifa?" My jaw literally me the floor at what she said. No word came out of my mind and I didn't know whether to deny it and just tell the truth.

She hit her hand on the counter top. "Now I have my answer, your silence says it all. Close back your mouth" she laughed at me and I looked away, embarrassed. Busted.

"I'm..I.. I don't know" I managed to say.

"You don't have to say anything sweetheart, I can see the love you have for Khalifa swirling in your eyes" I blushed and looked away, flustered.

"I also saw the video. You are the trending topic on Instagram tonight" I placed my head my in hands.

"I know and I hate it. I had to turn off my phone due to how people are tagging me" I groaned, frustrated.

"Don't worry, it gets better. But I do hope you enjoyed the party before things went south" Adda Sameera patted me on the back lightly.

"Did something happened between you and Imran before?" She asked out of the blue.

"Yeah and I don't want to talk about it" I said not wanting to down memory lane.

"It gets better" she continued patting me on the back.

Adda Sameera's phone beeped on the counter. "Got to go, wifey duties calling. Don't ponder over it so much and get some sleep. You need some" she walked out, leaving me all to my thoughts.

My head started hurting, recalling all that happened in the past five hours till now, which is almost midnight. I brushed the thoughts away and decided to get some sleep, which I barely did.

The morning sun shone through the uncovered window. Right on cue, the door flew open, with Adda Sameera and six months old Zahrah in her arms.

"Wakey wakey" she walked further into the room. There goes my sleep. I sighed and peeled the blanket off my body.

"Get ready and come downstairs for breakfast, we'll be leaving for the hospital soon" she winked at me and walked out of the room. I unplugged my phone from where it was charging all night and powered it on.

I reorganized the bed and room then walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Dressed in a mint green coloured two piece abaya set, combed my seriously gelled hair and tied it in a bun then covered my hair with a cap.

I reached the dining room connected to the living room where Ammar is playing with Zahrah. She waved her hands wanting me to pick her up.

"Good morning" I greeted Ya Abdul.

"How was your night Naisa?" He asked.

"Alhamdulillah" I replied.

"Time to eat" Adda Sameera came out of the kitchen with a food warmers in her hands. The maid has already set the table. I kept Zahra in the high table meant for her and served myself some avocado toast with omelette and sausages.

"I figured out you like taking coffee so I made this for you" Adda Sameera kept a cup of steaming hot coffee in front of me on the table. "One more thing" she added marshmallows on top and it melted right away due to the heat of the coffee.

I took the first sip and even though it burned, the taste is the best thing my taste buds have ever had before. It is a delicious heaven.

"I can see that you're enjoying that" Ya Abdul broke me out of my reverie. "Khalifa needs to prepare in buying marshmallows then, just like I did" he looked at Adda Sameera with adoration in his eyes. It's a cute sight to behold.

"We need to leave, I'll get the food basket and meet you all outside" we all cleared our plates and I took the ones I used to the kitchen. I walked back to the guest room I slept in and states some Oud perfume, wore my glasses, smeared clear lip gloss on my lips and finally wore the veil the abaya came with.

"Someone's eager" I turned back and came face to face with Adda Sameera with a smirk on her face.

"I'm just excited to go home" I defended.

"You only spent a night here"

"Well..." I shrugged my shoulders. "You can't  blame me for being eager" I grabbed both phones laying on the bed.

"Let's not keep you waiting them, let's go" I carried the duffel bag and made my way to the door when she stopped me. "Since we are going to the hospital, you should leave it in the car" I nodded and together we walked out.

The drive to the hospital was quiet, only Zahra's gibberish filled the silent environment. The drive took longer than expected with me patiently and anxiously waiting.

Pushing the hospital door open, considering me being the one at the front, I walked in further and met Amma talking on the phone. A now conscious Khalifa sitting on the bed with his hair messy, falling onto his forehead.

I plopped down on the couch with Zahra sitting on my lap, Ammar sitting on Amma's laps, Adda Sameera beside me and Ya Abdul on the plastic chair available in the room.

Greetings and pleasantries were exchanged. " The doctor said that he will be discharged later since he's now stable. New medications have been prescribed for him but you know how Khalifa is, he's never serious with the drugs" Khalifa groaned. He does have taking drugs.

Ya Abdul adjusted his posture and created his throat. "Khalifa you're old enough to know what is right and wrong. I know just how stubborn you can be but you have to take your medications seriously" Khalifa nodded while Adda Sameera served some soup in a bowl and handed it over to Ya Abdul.

Ya Abdul handed the bowl over to Khalifa. Just then, his phone rang. "Amma the doctor wants to talk to us about something" they both walked out of the room to the doctor's office.

Like he was waiting, Khalifa placed the soup bowl, barely eaten, on the side table beside his bed. "Don't you dare, I spent all morning making that. You have to finish it all" Adda Sameera narrowed her eyes at him. Khalifa looks like he's about to cry which made me chuckle.

"But I don't want to" Khalifa spoke for the first time since we came.

"You must" Adda Sameera left no room for argument. Khalifa sulked then entire time he ate the soup.

I remembered his phone being with me, I handed Zahrah to her mum and walked up to the bed. "Here" I placed the phone in his hand.

"Thanks" he said to which I nodded.





I'll see you when I see you🚶🏽‍♀️

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