F4 Thailand: MJ story

By XiomaraRivera627

17.2K 471 21

"That's Rose Chantharat. She's known as F4's flower... She's not mean like F4, but she is very close to them... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:

Chapter 8:

1.2K 34 5
By XiomaraRivera627

"Let her go!" The voice yells. I feel my body fall to the ground as the male students let go of their hold on me. I still am unable to see the bag that's over my head, but I can hear a commotion going on. The sounds of someone getting punched fill the air

"What the hell are you all doing?" The voice continues to yell. I now recognize the voice to be Thymes. The sound of running catches my attention before I feel a pair of hands grab ahold of my bare shoulders. I pull away, not wanting to be touched. More tears were falling from my eyes now.

"Don't touch me," I cry out, trying to move away, which proved to be hard to do with my hands tied behind my back still. I wanted so badly to cover up myself, knowing very well that everyone around could see my bra, especially since my bra was the only thing covering my chest now.

"Rose, it's okay. We're here." I hear MJ's voice say, just as the bag is pulled off from over my head. With bright light shining into my eyes, along with the constant stream of tears, I can just barely make out MJ's face as he kneeled down in front of me. I turn my head and am just barely able to make out Kavin and Ren right beside MJ and me. Upon seeing them, I broke out into more sobs. MJ pulls me close, hugging me tight as I cry into his chest.

Kavin reaches across the ground, grabbing what I now recognised to be a pair of scissors.  They had been discarded onto the flooded stadium floor. He moves behind me and cuts the binds that hold my arms together behind me. As soon as my arms are free, I quickly bring my arms around to cover up my chest.

"Here, let me put this on you," MJ says, pulling off his jacket before he then wraps it around my shoulders. I allowed him to wrap his arms around me as he helped to pull me to my feet.

I cry in pain as I stand to my feet, now feeling every one of my injuries. "We have to take her to the infirmary. She's bleeding all over." I hear Kavin say.

"Take her, I'll deal with everything here," Thyme says. I don't dare to look at him, knowing that he was the reason I was in this situation, to begin with.

MJ doesn't waste any time in picking me up into his arms and carrying me bridal style. As MJ rushes out of the stadium, I bury my face into his shoulder. That is until I hear more yelling and cheering. Looking up, I see the girl from yesterday run past. Gorya, I remembered her name to be. She was chasing after a group of students who were kicking around a shoe.

I watch on in worry as she gets led toward the stadium. I become worried for her, especially after what had just happened to me. But there was nothing I could do to help her.

Gorya and I seem to lock eyes for a moment. She pauses momentarily, taking in my appearance before a girl pushed her forward. I don't see what happens next though as MJ keeps on rushing toward the school.

As we make it to the school entryway, I hug MJ's jacket more tightly around my shoulders.

"Don't go in." I all but whisper, burying my head into his chest. MJ stops walking when he hears me say this.

"Why'd you stop? Let's quickly get her inside." Kavin says as he and Ren open the school doors for MJ to carry me in.

"Please.... take me home," I say, now loud enough for them all to hear.

The boys look at me in worry. I know they just want what's best for me, but I couldn't bring myself to enter the school. Not yet at least. To have to face the rest of the school, the teachers, and our peers, I just couldn't do it. 

Soon, MJ is helping to strap me into the passenger seat of Kavin's car." Take her home. We'll follow right behind you and call a doctor to come to the house." MJ tells Kavin before closing the door of the car.

Slamming on the breaks, Kavin speeds away from the school, driving in the direction of my house.

Sitting frozen in my seat, I barely paid attention to my surroundings. I was unaware of the worried look on Kavin's face. Unaware of the voices of our friends talking over the phone's speaker. And unaware of just how fast Kavin was driving to get me home.

Only when the car slams to a halt and the passenger door swings open do I realize what's going on. Ren is there, unbuckling me from the seat and lifting me into his arms. I could hear more panicked voices, as the others rush to get the doors open.

"A doctor will be here soon. They said if there's any bleeding try to put pressure on the wound to stop it until they get here." MJ says as Ren brings me to the living room and places me gently onto one of the couches.

"I'll go grab some water and towels," Ren says, running out of the room and disappearing into the hallway.

Kavin and MJ stayed with me. They both wore looks of anger and worry on their faces. I didn't pay attention to anything they were saying. I just continued to keep a tight hold on the jacket around my arms.

Ren soon returned with a bowl of warm water and some towels in his hands. He kneels in from of me, saying a few words but I still don't hear them. In my head, I keep replaying the events of earlier. 

I flinch when something touches me, I back away, seeing Kavin holding a wet cloth.

"Hey, it's alright. We just need to clean the wounds." Kavin says gently. He slowly reaches the cloth towards me but I can't help but jerk back again.

I close my eyes, trying once again to push back the feelings from before. Even though I couldn't see the people that had attacked me, I could almost imagine it. I can imagine the disgusting smiles on the boys' faces that were holding onto me, even while not knowing who the boys were. I can hear the laughs. Feel every cut and the pushing of the other students.

I then hear MJ's voice break through my thoughts. "Here, let me try." His voice says. There's a moment of silence before the seat beside me dips down. My eyes shoot open as I try to move away from the person beside me, only to see MJ sitting there. 

"You're okay. We're not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you." He says, lifting his hands, showing that he meant no harm.

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