adopted by Billie eilish》

By bilz_zanny12380

95.8K 2.2K 309

meet one year old kaia who's parents abandoned her at birth. that was until the one and only Billie eilish me... More

cast members
lost cause
quarantine party
the play date
secret agent
kaia truns two
baby sister
Billie bossa nova
sister love
met glala
moral of the story
date night
sick night
mila turns one
Big sisters
Baby shower
Mom life
Baby #3
Mothers day
pre school
Watermelon 🍉
Kaias parents
my pepper
What was i made for?
Kaias solo
thank you!
mommy and mama day
Taylor's version
Uncle Finneas
willow turns one!
trick or treat? 🍫
day out
all mine
my baby
Ember Marie O'Connell
kaias turns four
getting older
Everything stays
Terrible two's
Back home
Almost there
Update 💓
Mommy and mama
Ballet class
Burn marks
Cover your coughs
My Future
Q&A/ get to know the author

day out

706 18 1
By bilz_zanny12380

Billies p.o.v

I wake up to something wet licking my face I open my eyes and sit up and see shark sitting on top of my me wagging his tail

Billie: hey buddy

I say and pet him giving him belly rubs and he licks my face and lays on my legs

Billie: okay come on let's get up

I say and get out of bed shark following behind me I walk into my bathroom and started to brush my teeth after that I was about to do my skincare routine until I heard mila crying

I quickly run into her room and pick her up rocking her back and forth

Billie: good moring baby

Mila smiles and kicks her legs I laughed and placed her down on the changing table and started to change her diaper after I was done I go back to my bathroom and started to do my skincare routine

After I was done mila started crying rubbing her face on my shirt I walk back into my room and sat down on my bed I pulled my shirt up and put my boob in her mouth and once she started to feed I brushed my hair and put in in two buns

My phone started to ring and I grabbed my phone and smiled seeing it was Acelyn calling me I answered the phone

Acelyn: good morning beautiful

Billie: good morning babes

Acelyn: what are you doing today

Billie: probably nothing I was thinking about having a day out with the girls cause I been so busy lately

Acelyn: what have you been busy with my love

Billie: I been busy with getting things ready for my tour I had to postpone the last tour because I was pregnant but now I can finally go on tour again

Acelyn: your going on tour that's amazing Billie I'm so happy for you baby

I blushed at the name and mila unlachted I sat her up and started to burp her

Billie: thank you I'm really happy I can do tour again

Acelyn: hey what about me you and the girls have a little day out today

Billie: oh that sounds like fun I would love to do that

Acelyn: okay great I'll come and pick you and the girls up in a little bit

Billie: okay sounds great

Acelyn: okay bye princess

Billies: b-bye

I say blushing at the Name and hang up the phone mila burped then squealed loudly

Billie: let's go wake up your sister

I say and she giggled and grabbed My face with her tiny hands I laughed and placed her on my hip and walked to kaias room

Kaia: hiii mommy

She says bouncing around in her crib I laughed and took her out of the crib then placed her on the floor

Billie: good morning baby did you sleep good

Kaia: yeah I had a dream about me riding a horse

She says looking up at me I smile and kissed her head

Billie: that sounds like a amazing dream but we gotta get ready

Kaia: otay mommy

I grabbed a pull up and a outfit for Kaia and got her changed and ready for the day and did the same for mila

I brought them both back to my room and sat them down on my bed  and put paw patrol on the TV for them

I quickly got ready and put my outfit on
and packed a diaper bag and put My shoes on and then put the girls shoes on

Suddenly there was a knock on the door I picked up both of the girls and the diaper bag and opened the door and saw Acelyn standing there looking really hot

Acelyn: hey princess hiii girls

Kaia: hi hi

Mila squealed and I laughed and walked outside and locked the door behind me

Billie: I gotta get there carseats out of my car

Acelyn: wait let me help you princess

I smile and walk to my car and grabbed the girls carseats Acelyn placed them in her car and I placed the girls in the car seats and me and Acelyn got in the car and drove off

Billie: what are we doing first

Acelyn: that's a surprise

Kaia: we ride horses mommy

Billie: maybe baby

I say and we arrived at a park and I looked over at Acelyn

Acelyn: were gonna ride bikes and have a little picnic

Billie: awe that sounds so cute

I say and Acelyn smiles and got out of the car and opened my door for me

Acelyn: my lady

She says I laughed and got the girls out of the car grabbing the diaper bag as well

Kaia: were at the park mommy

Billie: we are at the park baby

Mila squealed loudly and Acelyn smiled at her Kaia ran up Acelyn and held her hand Acelyn eyes widen but she held Kaias hand

Mila and Kaia haven't really been around Acelyn that much because me her usually go on alot of dates alone so moments like this are probably special to Acelyn she tells me all of the time how much she wanted a family because her family abonbed her

Kaia: can we ride bikes mommy

Billie: of course we can Bubba

Acelyn: let's go get the bikes

I nodded and we walked over to where the bikes were and we all got on one my bike had a little carseat for mila and Kaia had a toddler bike and training wheels on it

Acelyn: okay you guys ready to ride

Kaia: yess I'm ready let's go

I laughed and Acelyn started to ride her bike Kaia following behind her and I started to follow them as well

After we were done riding the bikes we set up our picnic and had lunch

Acelyn: I have a surprise for you my love and you too Kaia

Kaia: urprise for me

She says happily and Acelyn laughed and nodded her head

Acelyn: yeah a surprise for you are you all done eating my love

She says to me I nodded my head and started to burp mila and fixed my shirt

Billie: okay I'm ready to go and see what your surprise is

Acelyn: okay let's go then

Acelyn started to clean up the picnic with Kaia trying to help her Then we all go back to the car and drove off

Suddenly we arrived at some place and Acelyn looked in the backseat and saw mila sleeping and Kaia wide awake looking around

Billie: where are we

Acelyn: you'll see once you come inside come on

She says smileing I laughed and got of the car got mila grabbed her diaper bag and Acelyn got Kaia out of her carseat

We walked Inside the building and my heart melted at the sight infornt of me

There were horses and a lady walked over to us

Lady: hello are you Acelyn

Acelyn: yes iam

Lady: okay great the horses are out back ready for you to ride there will be a worker out there to make sure everything goes okay and nobody gets hurt

Acelyn: okay thank you

Lady: your welcome have fun

She says and walked away and I looked over at Acelyn

Acelyn: oh I heard Kaia saying she wanted to ride horses earlier so I rented out this place just for her and you too because I know how you love horses too

She says and Kaia ran up to her and hugged Acelyns leg and I hugged her too

Kaia: tank you elyn

Billie: yeah thank you so much

Acelyn smiled and hugged me back and picked up Kaia and hugged her too

Kaia: no need to thank me now let's go ride some horses

Kaia: yea let's go mommy

Me and Acelyn walked to the back where the horses were and Acelyn got on a horse with Kaia and I stood of the side with a sleeping mila in my arms

I smiled widely watching Kaia and Acelyn interact with each other and Acelyn looked so happy and that made me happy

After a couple of minutes they came back and Acelyn got of the horse with Kaia on her hip

Acelyn: you wanna ride the horse baby

Billie: yeah but I got mila so I can't

Acelyn: don't worry I'll take her go have fun and ride one princess

Billie: thank you

Acelyn: go on I know how bad you want too

I smile and gently placed mila in Acelyns arms and run over to the horse and got on it and started to ride

I laughed loudly and pet the horse having a really fun time after twenty minutes I get of the hore and walked back over to Acelyn and the girls

Kaia had fallen asleep in Acelyns arms and mila was still asleep

Billie: we should get going it's past there bed time

Acelyn: yeah we probably should it's getting late let's go baby

I smile and hold her hand and we walked back to the car I placed mila in her carseat while Acelyn placed Kaia in her carseat and then Acelyn drives us back to our place

Billie: h-hey can I ask you something

Acelyn: of course love

I blushed and looked down at my lap playing with my fingers

Billie: d-do you wanna stay the night at my house

I say and Acelyn placed her hand under my chin and made me look up at her

Acelyn: I would love too princess

I smile and she smiled back once we arrived at my house we carried the girls inside and I got them ready for bed and then placed both of them in there cribs and kissed there heads

Billie: goodnight my loves

I walk back to my room and saw Acelyn sitting on my bed

Acelyn: ready for bed princess

Billie: yeah I'm really tried

We both got into my bed and we started to talk about the day we had until Acelyn looked over at me and blushed

Billie: what is it

Acelyn: can I ask you something Billie I been wanting to ask you this for awhile

Billie: yeah of course babes

Acelyn: d-do you wanna be my girlfriend

Billie: y-yes

I say and she pulls me on her lap and licks her lips and looks at my lips

Acelyn: can I kiss you

Billie: y-yeah

She placed her lips on mine and I instantly kissed her back I placed my hands in her hair and she started to kiss me with her tongue eventually I was ontop of her and we broke the kiss

She looked up at me and I looked at her

Acelyn: I love you

Billie: I love you too

I kiss her again and we started making out and things started to get heated until she pulled away

Acelyn: let's go to bed my love

I nodded and we both comfortable and went to sleep who knew kissing a girl could be so amazing

This is a pretty long chapter 🤠

Anywaysss I have more ideas and chapters coming

Yeah that's all byeeee

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