Mistress Of Middle Earth


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Athena,Daughter of Galadriel,she has taken a liking to the King of Mirkwood,King Thranduil,however he is marr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

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Morning came and Athena slowly went to consciousness..
She felt something warm and fluttered her eyes open seeing Thranduil and a part of her wanted to sleep still and a part of her want act so she go on with it..

He was opening his eyes and she closed it..She felt his gaze on her so she fluttered her eyes open once more and looked at him..

She fakely whimpered and using her elbow,she brought herself up,avoiding him on purpose..she acted scared at him

Thranduil reached for her but she does not interact..

"Athena,my Starlight...Please..don't be scared of me..Not the one I value..Please..Athena..Starlight?"He says

Starlight.Why does he even still call her starlight?She thought

"But you hurt me"She whined and inside she was dying to smirk

"No..No,Starlight...I'm sorry for that..Please don't scare Thrandy like this"He said and was almost crying

She faintly smirked at him begging to her..
So instead she threw her arms his neck and fake sobbing

"Oh,Thrandy...I'm sorry...My Anxiety just took over me"She cried out but was deviously smirking

"No...It's okay...It was my fault..I should've known you were listening to our conversation"He said

"She hates me"She whined

"No she does not..She was just jealous...Do please forgive her,Athena..Caladhiel is the one I truly love"

'I bet you do,you fool'She thought

"I understand"She whispered and pulled away with fake tears pouring
"Don't you love me too?"She asked

"Ohh...Of course I do,I love you like a little sister.."He said and kissed away her tears

Inside she was dying to chuckle and compliment him the funny thing about love

Then suddenly someone cleared their throat as they looked up finding her and it was time to settle Athena's new plan

"Athena..Look I was sorry..Please forgive me"She pleaded

Athena mentally smirked and raised her one brow

"Why should I?"She asked in a stern voice as they looked at her in disbelief


"Save it."She cut her off and glared at her
"You think your apologies can make me any better?If you really think that then I'm sorry but you got the wrong idea..I am not soft hearted like you see me.."She paused
"I am only soft towards people I value"She lied
"And you are not one of them"She says before sliding off the sheets,standing at her full height,looking down at the queen with her hair sweeping the ground

"Then you do not deserve my apologies then,Princess"Caladhiel hit back

Thranduil looked at his wife in pure disbelief..She was rude to his friend and little sister-like

Athena Chuckled darkly confusing them
"Of course I don't..I don't deserve apologies from someone unworthy of being queen..someone who is no one"She said with malice fakely caressing Caladhiel's cheek

This is how she do it to her enemies..

She hate them with passion but no mercy

"Athena..I think that is enough"Thranduil said coming in between them as if protecting his queen

"Of course..Save your queen...Put the blame on me Thranduil..Just because she is your wife doesn't mean you can go cold towards me"She accused

"Athena that is not what I mean..Caladhiel is older than you and you are still young,my dear.Understand the older ones"He said putting a hand on her shoulder

The Queen discreetly smirked behind him and Athena did not miss that

"Older ones?Just because she is older than me doesn't mean it was my fault,Why are you doing this to me?"She asked with a stern voice

"Athena..Please..Don't get the wrong idea"He said getting close to her but she stepped back

"I thought you loved me like a little sister?Then why do you defend her over me when it was her fault?"She asked and looked at him as if he had struck her

"Don't look at me that way,Starlight"He warned

She just glared at them as Haldir entered with a curtsy

"Marchwarden,prepare my swords and bows..you will come and train me once more"She ordered in Elvish as he followed quickly

"Why him?"He asked gripping her wrist

"Because he can protect me Unlike you who can't even protect me from this whore"She gestured at Caladhiel before retrieving her hand back harshly

"Athena you have gone too far..Do not call my wife a whore"He snarled
"The whore I only see here is you"He said without thinking and struck her out causing gasps coming out of the two woman's mouth..

Tears started streaming down and she couldn't hold it back .She cried and shook her head violently
"I hate you!"She screamed slapping him before walking out

The slap made him realise what he had done..
He was about to follow her when Caladhiel stopped him

"Thranduil stop trying"

"I will,until she will forgive me..It is not as easy as it seems,Caladhiel..If you wouldn't have talked back rudely..She would have still be happy in my arms this morning"He said

"So you are choosing her over me?"She asked

"No...I like her like a sister..She means the world to me and you act as if you wanted to ruin our relationship..If I would choose between who I'm gonna save..It will be her..You know why?Because she was the one who helped me get up,she cheered me up and made me happy when my parents died and I can't could never hurt her nor hate her"He said before leaving her shocked

Once she was out of sight,she couldn't take the smirk off her face,her cheek hurt but it didn't matter that's when she felt a hand on her wrist preventing her from walking away..Caladhiel watched from afar

She looked back and saw Thranduil with reddened cheek and teary eyes
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..I was taken back..Please,Forgive me..Athena,Please"He pleaded and embraced her tightly

"Why should I forgive you?"She asked

He rest his head on the crook of her neck before sobbing
"Please..Give me a chance..I'll do anything to make you forgive me"He pleaded

She smirked of a new plan
"Kiss me"She whispered making his eyes widen

She giggled
"Just joking...Give me a peck on my forehead"She said

He sighed in relief and kissed her forehead
"I love you,Starlight"He said in a brother way of saying I love you

"I love you too,Thrandy"She said like a baby making him chuckle

"My lady,Your weapons are ready"Haldir interrupted

"I'll be there"She said

They finally pulled away and smiled sweetly

"I'll train with you"He said and she nodded

Caladhiel was sad and angered

Jealousy and anger

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