One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 41: One nasty cold

41 0 0
By lipgloss1989

Madeline: Stella girl! Come on let's get ready for school

Stella: mama Seya nek *points to her neck*

Madeline: that is your neck you're right!

Stella: Seya nek owy mama

Madeline: your neck hurts. You probably slept funny on it

*Madeline brings Stella to school*

Mrs. Gracey: Stella welcome back!

Madeline: thanks! She was telling me this morning that her neck hurt. I think she may have slept funny last night

Mrs. Gracey: okay I'll keep an eye on her!

Madeline: thank you!

Madeline: *leaves*

Mrs. Gracey: okay my little people today we are learning about the color purple! I have a coloring page for you and your going to color all the pictures that need to be purple!

Stella: cuhya

Mrs. Gracey: yes ma'am we're gonna color!

Mrs. Gracey: *hands out color pages*

*kids start coloring*

Mrs. Gracey: Stella are grapes purple?

Stella: gapes puh pool

Mrs. Gracey: yes! You're right! Color the grapes purple

Stella: *yawns* *then puts her head down*

Mrs Gracey: Stella what's wrong? you tired?

Stella: Seya nek owy!

Mrs. Gracey: your neck hurts? Look you want Laityn to help you color?

Stella: yeah yay yay hep Seya pees

Mrs. Gracey: Laityn can you help Stella color her picture please

Laityn: sure Stella

Mrs. Gracey: thank you Laityn!

*laityn and Stella color*

*an hour later*

Mrs. Gracey: okay kiddos it's lunch time!

Mrs.Gracey: *brings the kids sandwiches and juice for lunch *

Stella: *takes a bite of her sandwich and gags and spits it out*

Mrs. Gracey: you okay stella?

Stella: Seya go nih nih

Mrs. Gracey: it's almost naptime sweetie

Mrs. Gracey: look why don't you take a sip of juice *opens Stella's juice box*

Stella: * takes a sip* is yuddy

Mrs. Gracey: it's not yucky silly. You drink this everyday

*lunch ends*

Mrs. Gracey: okay everyone go get their nap mat

*kids all grab their mat's*

*naptime starts*

Mrs. Gracey: *covers all the kids up*

Stella: *shivering*

Mrs.Gracey: you cold Stella? I think I have an extra blanket. *puts extra blanket on Stella*

*all fall asleep and take naps*

*30 minutes later*

Stella: *wakes up crying*

Mrs. Gracey: what's wrong Stella? *picks her up*

Mrs. Gracey: *wipes Stella's tears* your face is warm let's go take your temperature. *buzzes the front desk*

Shelley: hey what's up?

Mrs. Gracey: can you come take one of my kids temperature? She's warm and crying

Shelley: I'll be right there

*Shelley walks over*

Shelley: hey you want me to take her so none of the others wake up?

Mrs. Gracey: yeah you can take her. I'm gonna come check on her in a little bit

Mrs Gracey: go see miss Shelley

Shelley: *takes Stella* come see sweetheart

Stella: *still crying*

Shelley: *grabs thermometer and sits with Stella on the rocking chair*

Shelley: okay I'm gonna put this under your arm *puts thermometer under Stella's arm*

Stella: *shivering and teeth chattering*

Shelley: let's wrap you up. *wraps Stella in blanket and holds her on the rocking chair*

*thermometer beeps*

Shelley: *checks thermometer* 100.5 yeah you have a little fever.

Stella: *crying still* Ma ma

Shelley: I'm calling her baby

Shelley: *calls Madeline*

Madeline: hello?

Shelley: hey this is Shelley from daycare. Sweet little Stella woke up from a nap crying and with a fever

Madeline: poor girl! Okay I'm coming

Shelley: okay bye

Shelley: mamas coming Stella

Shelley: *rocks Stella on the rocking chair*

Madeline: *gets to daycare*

Madeline: hey baby girl

Stella: *crying* mama *reaches for Madeline*

Madeline: *holds Stella* aww honey you don't feel good *rocks Stella and kisses her*

Mrs. Gracey: hey! I wanted to come check on her

Madeline: Say I don't feel too good Mrs Gracey. I'm thinking her complaining about her neck meant that her throat hurt

Mrs. Gracey: ah that makes more sense. She didn't eat lunch. She tried to take a bite but gagged on it. Took a sip of juice and said it was yuck. She was extra sleepy today. Definitely not herself.

Madeline: aww poor baby! Okay I'm gonna bring her to urgent care. Probably just a cold but want to make sure!

Mrs. Gracey: absolutely. Bye pumpkin. Hope you feel better!

Madeline: say thank you

Stella: *crying* dan koo

Mrs. Gracey: Sha baby

*madeline and Stella leave*

Madeline: *brings Stella to urgent care*

Secretary: hi sign In please

Madeline: *signs Stella in*

Stella: *whining*

Madeline: shh shh shh *snuggles Stella*

Doctor: Stella?

Madeline: *goes back with Stella*

Doctor: aww what's wrong sweet thing?

Madeline: her throat hurts, she's shivering and running a fever. Just want to make sure it's not the flu or strep or anything

Doctor: yeah of course. I'll test her

Doctor: so the strep test I need to swap the back of her throat

Madeline: let's see how this goes

Madeline: Stella open your mouth

Stella: *opens her mouth*

Doctor: *swabs Stella's throat*

Stella: *gags then starts crying again*

Doctor: I know sweetheart I'm sorry!

Madeline: it's okay baby!

Doctor: I'm gonna go ahead and do the other one and get it over with. This one goes in her nose

Madeline: *holds Stella's head still* you got to keep still baby

Doctor: almost done I promise

Doctor: *swabs Stella's nose*

Stella: *coughs* *crys*

Madeline: *picks Stella up and rocks her *

Stella: *lays her head down on Madeline's shoulder*

Doctor: okay good news no flu or strep so just a cold. You can give her over the counter medicine to help with fever and her throat. I would give her soup and bland food for meals and lots of water!

Madeline: okay sounds good thank you!

*they go home*

Madeline: okay love bug you want to watch Mickey Mouse?

Stella: pees mama

Madeline: *kisses Stella* okay sweet darling *puts Stella on the couch*

Stella: Uh! Mama! *reaches for Madeline*

Madeline: okay I'm coming. Let mama get you a blanket. Do you want Minnie Mouse?

Stella: mee mow pees

Madeline: *gets Stella a blanket and her Minnie Mouse plush*

Madeline: okay here we go *wraps Stella in blanket and gives her Minnie mouse*

*few minutes later, door bell*

Madeline: okay let mama go get the door

Madeline: *gets the door*

Caroline: nanny's got some chicken soup for Stella girl

Madeline: oh thanks nanny!

Stella: *laying on the couch watching Mickey Mouse and dozing off*

Caroline: has she eaten today?

Madeline: she ate some eggs this morning but not as much as she usually does.

Caroline: she's about to knock out

Madeline: yeah she only took a little bit of her nap at daycare. She's sleepy. Plus I gave her medicine for her fever so that's probably making her sleepy as well.

*few hours later*

Stella: *wakes up from her nap*

Madeline: hey sweet girl

Stella: *starts crying* mama hoh Seya pees

Madeline: *picks Stella up* oh honey come see *feels Stella's head*

Jason: does she need more medicine?

Madeline: yeah she's still warm. And soaking wet

Jason: oh no did she pee?

Madeline: some pee and lots of sweat

Madeline: *bring Stella to clean her up* let's put some Jammies on *changes stella*

Caroline: Stella maybe some soup will make you feel better?

Madeline: ooh come see let's try nanny's soup!

Caroline: *warms Stella a little bowl of soup*

Madeline: mmm let's try it! *gives Stella a spoon*

Stella: *eats the soup*

Caroline: I bet that feels good on your throat

Madeline: *gives Stella another bite*

Stella: *sneezes mid bite and spits soup all over herself*

Madeline: oh no. Yuck. Okay definitely need a bath after this

*finish feeding Stella soup*

Caroline: I'll go run some water for her

Madeline: *picks Stella up* come see let's go take a bath

Madeline: *puts Stella in the bath*

Caroline: look you wanna play with your ducky!

Stella: *grabs Duck and hugs it*

Madeline: aww you need some snuggles

*finish Stella's bath and puts new pajamas on her*

Madeline: y'all wanna watch a movie?

Caroline: I'm down

Jason: sure!

*all sit on the couch and watch a movie*

Stella: *laying on Madeline*

Caroline: you need me to watch her tomorrow?

Madeline: if you can that would be great

Caroline: yeah I can!

Stella: *whines*

Madeline: Jason can you get her some Tylenol

Jason: yeah sure thing *gets stella some medicine*

Caroline: poor Stella

Madeline: I hate seeing her sick. It makes me so sad

*all watch the movie*

Caroline: Sha she's knocked out

Madeline: I know poor girl

Caroline: okay do you want me to stay with her here tomorrow or at my house?

Madeline: whichever you want. I'd prefer your house because I'm gonna be distracted if she's here and I know she's sick

Caroline: yeah I can pick her up in the morning

Madeline: perfect!

Caroline: okay I better get home to my crew

Madeline: okay goodnight we'll see you tomorrow!

*all go to bed*

*2:00 am*

Stella: *coughs really hard and spits up mucus*

Stella: *starts crying* mama

Jason: *wakes up* Madeline wake up, Stella's calling for you

Madeline: *wakes up* *goes into the nursery*

Madeline: what's wrong baby girl? *picks Stella up* oh no you spit up on yourself

Stella: *crying* Seya yuddy

Madeline: okay let's put some not yucky clothes on

Madeline: *changes Stella*

Stella: *crying* Seya nek owy!

Madeline: your throat hurts okay mamas going get you some cough medicine

Jason: I'll get it you just cuddle with her *goes grab medicine for Stella*

Madeline: *sits and rocks Stella* *kisses her head*
Mommy's so sorry you're sick

Stella: *crying* Seya ick

Madeline: yeah Stella's sick

Jason: Stella look what daddy has

Madeline: look daddy got you some medicine

Stella: *crying* nah no dada!

Jason: it's gonna make you feel better

Madeline: it taste like cherry Stella!

Jason: *gives Stella medicine*

Stella: *takes medicine* *makes a face*

Madeline: I know it's yucky

Madeline: *try's to put Stella back to bed*

Stella: no mama *crys for Madeline*

Jason: you wanna sleep with mommy and daddy tonight?

Stella: *starts calming down* yeah pees

Madeline: okay honey *brings Stella to her and Jason's room*

Madeline: okay let's lay down

*all go to bed*

*next morning*

Caroline: nanny's here for Stella girl

Madeline: I'll go get her

Caroline: she's still sleeping?

Madeline: she woke up for about an hour and a half last night

Caroline: aww sweet girl. I'll put her back to sleep

Madeline: I actually might be able to grab her without waking her up *goes grab Stella from her and Jason's room*

Stella: *stays asleep*

Caroline: you want to just walk over with her so she doesn't wake up

Madeline: yeah that's smart

*go over to Caroline's*

Caroline: you can lay her on the little Minnie pullout couch

Madeline: *puts Stella down*

Madeline: thank you so much!

Caroline: of course! I have pedialyte for when she wakes up

Madeline: I brought her medicine. Let me go ahead and check her temperature while she's asleep *puts thermometer under Stella's arm*

*waits for thermometer*

Madeline: 100.3 okay not as bad as yesterday

Caroline: I'll give her medicine when she wakes up

Madeline: sounds good! Thanks. I'll come get her when I'm done

Caroline: perfect

*madeline leaves*

*few minutes later*

Stella: *wakes up*

Caroline: good morning sweet pea!

Stella: nahnee Seya ick

Caroline: you're right Stella is sick. Come see drink some feel better juice *gives Stella medicine*

Stella: *coughs*

Caroline: Stella you want some pink juice?

Stella: yeh nahnee pees

Caroline: *gives Stella pink pedialyte*

Stella: *takes a sip* num num

Caroline: ooh you like it!

Stella: nahnee Seya wahss mimow pees

Caroline: yes ma'am *turns on Mickey mouse*

Stella: *watches Mickey Mouse*

*few hours later*

Madeline: *goes to Caroline's*

Madeline: hello

Stella: mama

Madeline: hey baby how are you feeling?

Caroline: she took a nap, ate a banana, drank some pedialyte, I did give her medicine so she's feeling better from that too

Madeline: good! You feel better my girl?

Stella: Seya ick mama

Madeline: yeah Stella is sick

Madeline: the medicine is definitely working. Come see Stella let me feel your head

Stella: *goes see Madeline and gives her a hug*

Madeline: aww sweet girl! *feels Stella's head* still warm but not as bad as earlier

Caroline: yeah that medicine is helping

Caroline: y'all wanna stay for dinner?

Madeline: sure! She's clearly feeling a lot better

*daniel and addy come home*

Stella: ahdee pay wit Seya pees

Addy: let's play blocks

Stella: ya bocks

*addy and Stella play blocks while Caroline cooks and Jason comes over*

Jason: Stella girl how you feelin?

Madeline: better with the medicine. We're just gonna have to keep giving it to her every few hours

*few minutes later dinners ready*

Madeline: Stella come see come eat some chicken

Stella: nuh no mama Seya fuh

Madeline: your full? Come taste it

Stella: *goes see Madeline*

Madeline: *gives Stella a bite of chicken*

Stella: *makes sour face and spits it out* I no yike id mama

Madeline: her taste buds are probably messed up

Jason: you want some pink juice?

Stella: yea pees dada

Jason: *pours her a cup of pedialyte*

Stella: dank doo dada

Jason; you're welcome Stella

Stella: *goes lay down and watch Mickey Mouse*

Madeline: I can tell she feels better but she's still not herself.

Caroline: yeah she's just very sluggish which is not normal for her

Madeline: right!

*they finish dinner and visiting*

Madeline: alright let me bring munchkin home

Caroline: she's out

Madeline: she probably needs more medicine. What time did you give her some?

Caroline: around 2:30

Madeline: yeah it's time for some more

Caroline: *gets medicine for Stella*

Madeline: *wakes Stella up*

Stella: *coughs and spits up all over herself*

Madeline: *quickly grabs her so it doesn't get on the couch*

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: you're okay!

Caroline: you wanna give her a bath here

Madeline: yeah let's do that

Madeline: addy can Stella borrow one of your pajamas that are too small for you?

Addy: yes I'll go find some

Caroline: *runs Stella some bath water*

Jason: here stella take your medicine *gives Stella medicine*

Stella: dada Seya yuddy

Jason: you have some yucky on you. That's okay mommy's gonna wash it off

Madeline: *puts Stella in the bath*

Addy: it got some paw patrol Jammie's that don't fit me anymore

Madeline: that's perfect thank you so much addy girl!

*madeline bathes Stella*

Madeline: okay all clean!

Stella: mama Seya go nih nih pees

Madeline: okay come see mommy *picks Stella up*

Stella: *puts her head down on Madeline*

Madeline: tell nanny thank you for taking care of me!

Stella: dan doo nahnee

Caroline: anytime baby

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