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By Lupins_Boy1710

58.1K 1.7K 588

- in which ๐„๐ƒ๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐…๐ˆ๐๐‚๐‡ of Hufflepuff House stumbles through her final year at Hogwarts School of Wi... More

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3.8K 112 38
By Lupins_Boy1710


" Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Something wicked this way comes !"

Edith's boot tapped rhythmically agaisnt the stone of the floor of the Great Hall, a smile on her face as she listened to the incredibly talented choir. The song ended, and the students parted, the toads and ravens in their arms brought back with them to their seats.

The sorting ceremony had once again came and went, with the three triplets that Edith and Murphy came across on the train having been sorted into Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, respectively.

At the choir's parting, Dumbledore stepped upto his owl crested podium, a grin on his face as he greeted his students.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor RJ Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor." The Headmaster held out an arm in the man's direction.

Lupin stood, hands laced together as he gave a bashful bow towards the students, an applause rising soon after Dumbledore had spoken.

Murphy held their chin in their palm, an excited glint in their eye. "Oh-ho-ho, this year's gonna be great."

Edith had the same feeling of exhilaration in her stomach, the thought of having a proper teacher for her second favourite subject in her final year was a blessing.

"Secondly, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, has decided to retire, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken, by none other than our own, Rubeus Hagrid."

Another applause began, and Hagrid sat with a small smile on his face, in-between Flitwick and McGonagall. The latter elbowed the half-giant, and he stood, pushing away the table, even towering over Dumbledore on his podium.

The applause increased, particularly from the Gryffindor table and the Hufflepuff table.

Hargid sat down once again, with the sounds of clapping following soon after began to Dumbledore speak again.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban, until such a time as Sirius Black is captured."

A murmur echoed through the halls as students muttered amongst themselves.

Edith watched as Murphy physically deflated at the man's words. She reached over, placing her hand over theirs. Murphy blinked, a thankful, but weary smile being sent her way in response.

Dumbledore continued. "The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not distupt our day-to-day activities... a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you... give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving."

The hall listened through a somber air, with Edith's thumb now tracing a small sweeping pattern on the back of Murphy's wrist.

"But you know," Dumbledore started, raising a finger. "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times," the man swept a hand, and a candle flickered out. "...if one only remembers, to turn on the light."

The candle flicked back alight.

Edith watched the flame dance through its motions, a thoughtful frown on her face.


"As soon as we get settled into the term, I'm teaching you the Patronus Charm."

"Woah, woah, Edith—"

"Don't 'woah, woah' me, Murph. If those things are going to be around so much this year, you're deluded if you think I'm going to let you walk around without any idea about how to cast one. I might try to talk to some of the House Heads as well, see if we can't get some kind of training done with the students–"

"Edith, for Merlin's sake, breathe for a second!" Murphy tugged her to a stop in the corner of the Great Hall, pulling the two out of the thick stream of pupils leaving the hall.

"What?" Edith retorted.

"I- I get you want to be prepared, but Dumbledore said they shouldn't disturb us. It's Black they're after, not us."

"And what if one of the first years ends up trapped with one or... something, I don't know!"

"Then we let the teachers deal with it. Edith," Murphy began, their hands holding her shoulders. "You can't protect everyone ."

"I can try. Besides—"

"Miss Finch! A word m'dear?" The two teens looked over at the Professor walking over, Pomona Sprout hurried towards them.

Murphy sighed to themselves and hugged the girl, with Edith's stare softened, her arms circling Murphy's back, before they let go, flicking her cheek with a softer grin than usual.

"I'll meet you back in the common room, Finch."

"Okay." Edith relented, and Murphy gave a small nod to their Head of House, jogging backwards and falling into step with the last few groups of students that had left the hall.

There were a few others still there, the Professors and Dumbledore, as well as Percy Weasley, Talbott Rothley (the other Head Boy along with Percy) and Mallory Norden (The Head Girl for Ravenclaw).

Edith turned to her House Head. "Good to see you again, Professor."

"You as well, Edith. Come over here now, we'd like to have a wee word with you." The short woman's arm came around her back, guiding the girl to stand with the three teens at one of the House tables, the other Professor now sitting or standing across from them.

"Ah, Miss Finch, thank you for joining us." Dumbledore smiled at her. Edith gave a hesitant smile back.

"It's okay. What's-uh... what's going on?" Edith asked, gloved hands slotting in her front trouser pockets as she took a seat, leaning on the table behind her, ankles crossed.

The three teens beside her seemed to exchange glances.

Edith looked from them to each Professor, with Lupin being honest enough to shrug as her eyes found his.

Professor Sprout seemed to take a breath. "Edith," She began. "Miss Belmont had to return to her family in Iceland this term following an emergency -- you'll all understand why we can't make it public, of course - - and so, left Hufflepuff House without a Head Girl or Boy."

"Uh huh..." Edith muttered, raising a brow at the expectant looks she was getting from Percy, Talbott and Mallory.

"Miss Finch, we would like to offer you the position of Head Girl for Hufflepuff."

Edith blinked, her jaw slackening.

"It's a formality, of course, but it would come with a good sense of responsibility, and a chance to represent your House, along with access to the Prefects Bathrooms on the fifth floor—"

"I-I'm sorry, wait a second–" Edith waved her hands, standing upright, the back of her robe swishing with the action.

The Finch stared at Professor Sprout. "You want me to be a Head Girl?"

"That's usually what those words mean, Miss Finch, yes." Snape drawn from the end of the line of Professors, arms hidden under his black robes.

"But that's– I'm not– no, no no no no no. I'm sorry, but I can't accept that."

Professor McGonagall raised her brows over her spectacles. "And why can't you, Finch?"

"Because I'm not– That's not me. Discipline and professionalism and- and all that 'being a role model' are not me."

"I thought you were the Captain of your Quidditch team?" Mallory inquired from her place on the long bench.

"I'm Co-captain, and it's just helping Murphy manage five other people. Not the entirety of the student body!" Edith exclaimed, sweeping her arms around incredulously.

"Leadership aside, Miss Finch, the Professors and I have all agreed that you would be a fine candidate. Your grades and your magical ability certainly grant you the experience required to watch over your peers. Why is it that we can see your greatness, yet you yourself cannot?" Dumbledore questioned, a small smile quirked his mouth upwards.

"I can barely keep Murphy in check, never mind the rest of the year! And just because I can do a few spells doesn't mean I'd be in any way good for this role."

"If I may," Lupin cleared his throat, prompting the group to look towards him. "I witnessed Miss Finch's defensive ability first hand on the Hogwarts Express this afternoon. As you all know, a couple of Dementors boarded the train, searching for Sirius Black. Miss Finch casted a frankly fantastic corporeal Patronus Charm that drove the creature away from her and Mx Munroe, not to mention stopping it from reaching any more students."

"A witch of your age casting the Patronus Charm without direct guidance from a teacher is nothing short of special, Miss Finch!" Flitwick chimed in, a proud smile on his face that was shared by Professor Sprout.

Edith stared at Lupin with a slightly betrayed gape.

Said man coughed into his palm, sleeve covering the smug smile on his face.

"An excellent point, Professor Lupin, Filius. Someone of such ability is no doubt a strong candidate for the position. Wouldn't you agree, Pomona? Minerva?"

"Absolutely." Nodded McGonagall.

"Without question!" Sprout beamed.

In a pleading manner, Edith turned to Dumbledore. "Please, Headmaster, I'm begging you. Please reconsider."

Dumbledore smiled to himself. "My apologies, Edith, but the decision seems to have already been made." The man turned to Professor Sprout. "Professor."

The woman fished a small black box out of her pocket, a golden Hogwarts insignia was stamped at the top. She held it out towards the girl.

Reluctantly, Edith reached out, taking it between her gloved palms. Through a frown, she opened it, and the fairly sized pin that read 'Head Girl' stared back at her, a bright yellow background was behind the small golden, metal banner.

Edith sighed. "There's no way I'm getting out of this, is there?"

Talbott smirked over the girl's shoulder, his hand reaching over to ruffle the back of her hair. "Afraid not, Finch."

"Don't worry, Edith. It'll come to you quick. And we're always here if you need any advice, aren't we Percy?" Mallory smiled at her kindly, patting Percy's shoulder.

The Weasley met the girl's eyes, his chin held high. "You wouldn't have been chosen, had you not proven yourself. So yes, each of us will be here, should you need any assistance, as will the rest of the Professors."

Edith took the pin from the box, it's metal warm on her fingers. She pinned it near the lapel of her robes, in around the same place that the others had their own.

"Congratulations, Miss Finch. I'm sure you'll do extraordinary." The confidence in Dumbledore's words were almost enough to make the girl feel good about the turn of events.



"You absolutely betrayed me back there, by the way." Edith voiced, walking side by side with the newest addition of the Hogwarts staff as they headed in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room.

Lupin chuckled incredulously. "Oh?"

"Showing me off like that. It was just a Dementor, not like I faced down a dragon and walked away scot-free."

"You're right. A Dementor is worse."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"...are we truly acting like children over this, Miss Finch?"

"You started it. And just call me Edith, everyone does."

"Well... in that case, call me Remus."

Edith smiled genuinely for the first time since leaving the Great Hall. "That's a nice name."

"Thank you?"

"It was a compliment."

"Oh no, I'm aware it was a compliment, It's just not one that I've heard before."

"Well, now you have." Edith smiled over her shoulder. Lupin wore an expression she couldn't quite place, it was soft but oddly stunned in some way.

"Indeed I have. I'm certainly looking forward to having you in my class, Edith."

"And I look forward to being in your class, Remus. I can't get across just how much of a blessing it'll be to have a competent teacher."

Remus quirked a brow. "Were my predecessors that bad?"

Edith snickered, shaking her head. "Quirrell was okay, besides having Voldemort's soul taped to the back of his skull. Lockhart was just painful to even breathe around. That man was so far up his own rear end that he might as well have used his own eyeballs as mirrors."

Remus blinked. "That's quite an... expressing image."

"It's true. I hated that man. You wouldn't believe how glad I was when I got to whack that idiot unconscious." Edith glared to herself.

"Should...should I be afraid?"

"Of me? Nah. Now, Murphy, I'd be afraid of. But you'll be fine, they're patient." Edith's words weren't able to tear away the pale complexion that had crossed Remus' face.

Her steps slowed, walking directly at his side. She bumped her elbow against his arm. "Hey, Professor, that was a joke."

Remus let out a short laugh, looking around the space he was in with nostalgia. "Sorry, I think I'm still adjusting to being back here. It just seems so...unreal. Not to mention intimidating."

Edith nods. "I get that." She breathed, the home had walked away from on her mind for the first time in a couple of days.

"It's oddly humbling though. Dumbledore sought me out, so I should probably sound as grateful as I am."

"Must be a damn good Professor to have the Headmaster seek you out."

A flush creeped it's way up Remus' neck. "One can only hope."

Edith stopped walking, pivoting on her booted heel to face the man, who had also stopped walking.

Remus looked to the wall, a blank expression crossing his face before something in his memory seemed to click, and he stared at the organised pile of barrels with less confusion than before.

"Ah, here we are. It's easy to forget that not all common rooms have password accepting portraits."

"Nope! We've got something better." Edith grinned, facing the wall. Even with her gloved palms, the rhythmic tune played loudly under her fingers as she tapped the barrels, with Edith swaying side to side slightly at the music she made.

A chime sounded from behind the barrels, and the two stepped back, watching as the pile of barrels swung open, revealing a circular, wooden doorway with a dark, ring shaped handle.

Remus laughed slightly. "I had only ever heard of how to open the door. I've never seen it done. Usually I would be slightly biased, but you're right, that is better."

"Told you." Edith crossed her arms.

"I, uh, I'd better let you head to bed, then. It's been an... interesting day."

Edith seemed to deflate, reaching up to fiddle with the pin on her robes. "You can say that again. Murphy might actually tackle me once they see the badge."

"Is that why you were so reluctant? You're afraid of losing them." Remus' question sounded like a statement, one that Edith couldn't disagree with.

"Murphy isn't a... rule kind of person. We've been through thick and thin, but I don't want this to change us, y'know?"

"I understand. I was chosen as a Head Boy when I was at school, my friends were... well, to say they were troublemakers would be a kind way of saying it. I think Minerva expected me to set them straight. I didn't." Remus admitted.

"...does it get less scary? Being given that responsibility?"

Remus thought for a moment, a ruminative expression on his face. He let out a breath. "Given enough time, yes. It's very much a... learn on the job, kind of role. But," His face changed, and he smiled at her, a comforting hand finding her shoulder, straightening her robes.

"-given your actions today, and given what I've heard from your Professors, I have no doubt that you'll do wonderfully. Mr Weasley was right, the rest of us will be there if you need anything."

"...Thanks, Professor."


"I'm so proud." Dramatically, Murphy fanned their eyes, clinging onto Edith as they walked through the courtyard.

"I thought you'd hate me." Edith commented.

"What!? Why would I hate you!?" Murphy's head reared upwards, flashes of white rippling through their hair.

"Because I'm a Head Girl now, Murph. I have to do patrols, and keep an eye on everyone, and coordinate with the others Heads, not to mention the Professors. I've spent the last six years blending into the background, hiding behind the various gravestones that float over me like a red-flag fireworks display. And now, I'm the party pooper of the year." Edith frowned, tugging her satchel further up her shoulder.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! You're an asset, a valuable, fantastic asset ! Don't you see!?" Murphy shouted, sidestepping in-front of her, a wide grin on their face , the bright yellow in their hair returning.

"See what?" Edith choked out a smile.

"You, Edith Finch, are it."

"....This isn't a game of tag, Murph."

"You're it , Edith. You don't understand yet, but you will. One day, you will. Trust me."

"Hey Edith!" Ron's voice called, and the seventh years turned, watching the iconic trio of Hermione, Harry and Ron walk towards them, each of them gripping the Monster Book of Monsters under their arms.

"Hello you three. How was your first period of the year?"

"Absolutely dreadful. Divination is a joke." Hermione scoffed.

"Hermione, you're speaking my language." Murphy pointed towards the girl.

"At least you're honest with your cards. You leave room for interpretation, you don't tell us we're all going to die using grains of tea leaves in a silly cup!"

Edith's brows flew up at Hermione's rant. "Thank you?"

"It's preposterous, honestly." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Murphy flung an arm around Edith's neck. "Head Girl and I are heading to Defence Against the Dark Arts. Can't wait to see what Lupin has in store."

"What? Edith, you're not a Head Girl."

"I wasn't. Until last night after the feast where I was basically voted in." Edith deadpanned, pointing towards the pin on her robe.

"Edith! That's fantastic! Congratulations!" Hermione gushed.

"Yeah, that's amazing, Edith." Harry chimed in.

"Mum's gonna collapse if you tell her that!" Ron exclaimed. "You'll get a howler that's filled with cheers and confetti! You'd better tell her before Fred and George do, Percy as well!"

"I'll send her and Arthur a letter tonight. Don't worry Ron, they'll hear it from me."

"You said you were going to Professor Lupin's class? You'll tell us what he's like, won't you?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"Sorry, Granger, that would ruin the surprise of having a competent teacher for once in our academic lives."

"Like you listen to teachers." Ron scoffed.

"Excuse me, Weasel. I listen to some teachers–"

This time, Edith scoffed.

Murphy waved their hands in annoyance. "None of you have enough faith in me."

"I have too much faith in you." Edith stated.

Harry seemed distant, so Edith nudged him. "Hey, you okay?

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay."

"You're not. Somethings got to you, I can tell. What's going on, Potter?"

"In Divination, it's nothing really– just–"

"Harry had an 'omen of Death' in his teacup. An 'omen of rubbish' more like." Hermione grumbled.

Edith held the boy's shoulders. "Professor Trelawney is a... questionable source of truth. It's a coincidence, Harry. I promise." The girls eyes flicked over to the two standing beside him, a questioning glint in her eyes as she looked back at Harry.

"They know." Harry said quickly.

"Of course they do, I don't know why I even thought they wouldn't. Murphy knows too, because... well, of course they do."


"He won't touch you, Potter. Any of you. If anything, being a Head Girl makes keeping an eye on you three easier. I need you lot to promise us something. If anything happens, find us. And I mean anything. Okay?"

"We're with you, misfits. Just say the word."

"Thanks guys." Harry replied, looking as if a small weight had left his shoulders.

"Right! We're going to be late if we don't start to head out. Murphy." Edith nod to the three, turning around and kneeling slightly from her place side Murphy.

Murphy grinned, leaping onto the girl's back, much like they did back on the Platform at King's Cross.

"Come on, Beater! Use that broom balance!" Murphy shouted as Edith walked them towards the towering doors from the courtyard back into the castle.

The three third years watched them go, amusement temporarily breaking through the ominous mood set by the first class of the year.

Harry, Hermione and Ron headed over the rickety bridge, heading for Hagrid's cabin for their next lesson.


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