concurus (demigods in Hogwart...

By apheleiaa

264 0 0

"We found them" said Dumbledore urgently rummaging trough tons of books on the shelf in his cabinet. He coul... More

little description


17 0 0
By apheleiaa

Annabeth really wanted to punch Draco Malfoy in his stuck up face. That guy wouldn't shut up.

She would read quietly and he'd ask her constant questions, she'd talk to her new friend Piper and he'd add random things to the conversation in which he wasn't included, he almost knocked her out of their boat because she wasn't paying attention to him but to the architecture and now he wouldn't stop talking even when they were supposed to be quiet and wait for the sorting.

Go make out with my sister or something and leave me the fu- she stopped mid-thought. Proffessor McGonnagle came inti the room yet again signalled for them to follow her. The huge doors opened.

The dining hall was nothing like Annabeth had ever seen. Well she read about it but it was so kuch better in person. There was the bewitched ceiling, the floating candles, the ghosts...

"Attention students" proffessor McGonnagle started "please welcome our new first years. We will now start with the sorting."

Please pretend this is on alphabetical order I'm too lazy to sort it out.

"Hermione Granger" a girl walked up to the proffessor and she sat on a stool. The proffessor brought out a hat and placed it on her head. After a bit he shouted: "Gryffindoor!"

Malfoy was placed into Slytherin, Piper too. A girl named Hazel, some guys Ron and Jason and a few other were sorted into Gryffindoor. A boy named Frank Zhang was sorted into Hufflepuff, and a guy called Leo into Ravenclaw.

"Harry Potter" A silence followed. This could be interesting. After a while he got sorted into Gryffindor. A big applause occured and two boys were singing something like "We got Potter!" over and over again. Annabeth almost felt sorry for the boy.

After the hype died down Mcgonnagle continued.

"Percy Jackson" it was a boy Annabeth met on the train. He was kind of dense. After what felt like ages the hat shouted: "Hufflepuff!" Percy grinned and walked over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Annabeth Chase"


Well she had nothing to worry about. Sure she'd be a Ravenclaw. Just like Celia.

She walked over to the stool and glanced at Piper who gave her a thumbs up.

As soon as the hat was placed onto her head she heard a small voice.

( hat will be in bold, and Annabeth will be in italic)

Hmm you're a tough one. I wonder where I'll put you.

Just put me in Ravenclaw and get it over with. I don't want to waste anyones time.

No can do missy. I don't think you'd do well there.

What? No I have to be a Ravenclaw. You don't understa-

I understand everything. I'm in your mind remember. Hmmm you're very clever but prideful and ambitious. Such bravery aswell. Better be...

"Slytherin" the hat exclaimed. Annabeth's heart dropped.

No she thought no, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! This can't actually be happening...

Even though there was an applause there was also an unnerving amount of whispering. Everyone was stunned. How could a member of the Chase family not be sorted inti Ravenclaw. Annabeth wanted to scream. Her father would be so so dissapointed and Celia would never let this go. Piper shot her an apologetic look. She didn't even want to look at Draco. At this moment she didn't want to see his dumb face.

Annabeth was in a daze. The pricipal held a speech but she didn't hear most of it. She barely ate anything despite Piper's nagging. All she wanted was to go to bed and hang out with her owl.

It's not that she herself minded being in another house. She was glad to be with Piper. It was her family. It was the whole school. She was a Chase. She was a member of the pureblood family that was always in Ravenclaw.

How on earth would she tell her parents?

What a pain.

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