Eyes of an Uchiha, Body of a...

By elicixcook

8.8K 190 24

Glowing red eyes glinted in the moonlight as she stared with wide, terror filled eyes at the bloody scene in... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1 - An Eventful Morning.
Chapter 2 - Team Selection
Chapter 3 - Team Introductions
Chapter 4 - Team Survival Exercise Part 1- Morning.
Chapter 5 - Survival Exercise Part 2.
Chapter 6 - Survival Exam Begins!
Chapter 7 - Missions... yay?
Chapter 9 - Fighting Zabuza
Chapter 10 - Tree Walking
Chapter 11 - Water Walking
Chapter 12 - Midnight Trainings.
Chapter 13 - Zabuza and Haku
Chapter 14 - Back to Konoha!
Chapter 15 - Stealing Scrolls and Meeting Sand Nin
Chapter 16 - Chunin Exams!
Chaper 17 - Chunin Exams Part 2
Chapter 18 - Chunin Exams Part 3
Chapter 19 - Chunin Exams Part 4
Chapter 20 - Chunin Exams Part 5
Chapter 21 - Chunin Exams Part 6, The End of the Third Hokage.
Chapter 22 - Journey to Find Tsunade!
Chapter 23 - Back to Konoha.
Chapter 24 - Why..?
Chapter 25 - Akari vs Naruto & Sasuke

Chapter 8 - Zabuza Momoochi

260 5 0
By elicixcook

WAKING UP TO THE BOAT Rocking back and fourth isn't the best way to wake up. According to Naruto, leaning over the edge of the boat and shouting about how big the bridge is, rocking the boat in progress is the best thing to do in a place that could be swarming with Gatos thugs or Rouge Shinobi.


I slowly open my eyes to a lot of fog.

'We are almost there, The Land of Waves has a lot of fog due to it being the Land of Mist. Aka The Bloody Mist.'

I look down at Sakura seeing she is asleep, so I gently shake her shoulders to wake her up.

"Sakura, wake up we are almost at the Land of Waves" I whisper to her.

I see her waking up slowly, So I shake her shoulders gently until she is fully awake.

She opens her eyes and looks at me with her emerald green eyes.

She looks at Naruto, and her eye twitches.

She gets up and slowly goes to Naruto as he is still rocking the boat so its hard to balance. 

She picks him up by his collar and plops him back in his seat.

"Quiet down Naruto!"

I just watch this going down in bemusement.

'I'm surprised she can pick up Naruto that easily'

We arrive at the Land of Waves and leave the boat.

10 Minutes Later, Naruto shoots up after having a race with Sasuke, He opens his Kunai pouch and grips a Kunai and launches it into the bushes


"Naruto! What are you doing!? Stop wasting your Kunai" Sakura scolds him.

"But there is someone here Sakura-chan!"

Me, Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi walk over to the bush he threw it at.

We look over and see a White Rabbit, shaking in its fur with the Kunai inches away from its head.



'The Rabbit is white, but it isnt winter... This rabbit must have been kept indoors meaning its a pet, or a Substitution Jutsu?!'

Me and Kakashi share a look.

"DUCK!" Kakashi shouts in alarm at the GIANT ASS SWORD COMING FOR OUR HEADS.

I grab Tazuna and Sasuke and bring them to the ground while Sakura saves Naruto from getting his head sliced clean off by jumping on him and pushing him out the way.

We all look up to see the Sword stuck into a Tree.

I look at the sword and my eyes go wide in realization.

That's one of the Swords owned by the Seven Swordsmen, Only one person who would be in the Mist and would have that sword is very known in the Bingo Book.

"Well, Well if it isnt Zabuza Momochi. The Kid who ran off and left the Mist!"

" Kakashi Hatake, The Copy Cat Ninja, Kakashi of The Sharingan Eye."

Sasukes eyes go wide in astonishment. Could he be?-

"Zabuza Momochi? You mean Zabuza Demon of the Mist, You mean Zabuza ex member of One of the Seven swordsman. Wielder of the Blade The Kubikiribōchō?" I ask in bewilderment.


(The Kubikiribōchō (首斬り包丁, literally meaning: Decapitating Carving Knife) is a mystical sword renowned as the "seversword" (断刀, dantō).

Authors Note: How did you like this chapter so far? 

Also do you like Akaris Character as well as her bonds with her team?

Tell me in the comments.

Have a good day.

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