Love Me.

By NeetaHalai

103K 9.2K 2K

He is calm and composed, she's loud and bubbly, It's like they fit into each other's lives perfectly, but he... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57

Part 46

1.2K 165 19
By NeetaHalai


I stared at him while he went through the menu still deciding and what to order, I was so excited, I couldn't wait to tell him that I was ready for the next step in our relationship, I mean of course it was going to be a bit different than the usual living together but it was still a big deal.

"Do I look so handsome that you can't take your eyes off me?" He smirked as he looked at me.

"Maybe." I giggled.

"Well, thank you." He smiled as he gestured to the waiter to come take our order, he let me order what I wanted first and then ordered his food, once the waiter left he looked back at me and smiled.

"You look different today." He said.

"How different?"

"I don't know... just happier? It's been a while since I saw you like this, it feels like slowly I'm getting to see the old Khushi back and you have no idea how much I'm loving that.

"I am too... it feels good to be getting back to my normal self, and maybe it has a little to do with you."

"I'm glad. So tell me, how was your day today, what did you do?"

"It was okay, dint do much, but I did manage to make a really big decision which seemed like quite a task." I laughed.

"Oh, is that so? And what was the decision?"

"You. I mean living with you, I think it's a great idea and I think we should do it." I said excitedly. As soon as the words left my mouth, a huge smile curved up on his face, he seemed so happy about it.

"Oh God, really? Wow! I'm so happy you think that way, this is so big Khushi, I love you!" He rushed to hug me, it was a bit awkward with so many people in the restaurant who were staring at us already but whatever, we were happy and that's what the matter the most.

"I love you too Arnav, and I just want for us to get back to our normal selves and be happy with each other and I think living together will really help with that."

"It will, I am so glad you agreed on this. I can't wait to live with you already. So have you thought about the living situation? Would you like to move into my house or should I move into yours?"

"I think you should move into mine, moving in with your whole family being there would be a bit strange for now, we can think of that in the future but right now can we just do it at my place?"

"Sure, I don't mind. When do you want me to move in?"

"Anytime you feel like, no pressure."

"Okay, let me talk to my parents and then I'll start packing my stuff. I can't wait to spend my days seeing you everyday, oh I'm dreaming about it already." He smiled.

"Me too." I blushed.


We walked to the car after dinner and just stood the leaning against it, holding each other's hands and enjoying each other's company.

"Would you like to come home? I'll drop you at your place later. It would just be so easier to tell everyone back home that we are together again with you around." He looked at me nervously.

I didn't know what to say at the moment, I was confused and scared, I just dint feel like going back there, I hadn't been there since Sonakshi showed up and it was the same place that triggered my first panic attack, so it was kind of scary to go back.

"it's okay if you don't want to, I was just asking. You can totally say no."

"I'm scared, it's where my anxiety started and it just scared me that it might happen again."

"I understand. Come on then, I'll drop you home. I'll call you and tell you how it goes." He smiled at me and he opened the door, I got inside and sat there still thinking about it.

I mean I had to go back there at one time, and I really dint know if I was ever going to be ready to go back there, I was always going to feel scared.

I looked at Arnav while he concentrated on driving, us living together was a big step, and I didn't have anyone else to tell about it apart from Manvi but he had a whole family to tell and who knew how they were going to react, maybe he was nervous about it and maybe that's why he wanted me to go along to make things easier for me.

"Hey, on second thoughts, let's just go to your place." I said.

"No... you don't have to. You're not ready to go back there."

"I might never be ready to go back there Arnav, but going back there with you might help, maybe I won't be anxious and if I will be then I'll have you beside me. I have to go back there at one point it life, might as well do it just now."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind Khushi, you don't have to agree for me."

"I am sure, now let's go. Let's see how everyone reacts to our big news. It's going to come as a shock to everyone."

"It is." He nodded.

I couldn't stop wondering about their reaction though, Arnav had always told me how open minded his family was and I had noticed that too but still I wasn't sure if they would easily accept this or have something else to say about it. I just hoped there wasn't going to be any drama.

"Wouldn't everyone be asleep though?"

"No, it's not that late, at this time I'm sure they are all just seated having ice cream together. Most of the times, after dinner we all sit together and eat ice cream and just talk about stuff, everyone goes to sleep late."

"Oh okay."

"Do you think they will be okay with us living together?"

"I don't think they would mind. I don't know how they would react about it though, we'll see." He smiled.


Nothing went like I expected, being here did bring back so many memories but it was a mix of everything and I also dint get any panic attack neither did I feel too anxious given how scared I was just at the thought.

He held my hand as we walked in, that was the scariest part of all, walking back in here, holding his hand after everything that had happened. I couldn't stop wondering how everyone was going to react.

"Oh My God! Yes! Please tell me you are back together." Barkha stood up looking surprised.

"We are." Arnav nodded happily, she came rushing towards us and pulled me into a tight hug which kind of felt awkward for me, I guess it was just going to take time for me until everything started feeling all normal again.

"So happy for you guys." Sonali said.

Like Arnav had said, they were all actually seated together in the hall with bowls of ice creams, but as soon as they saw us. They placed the bowls aside and stood up in surprise. It seemed like everyone was happy about this, I wondered how they would react about the other news.

"Come sit, would you like to have some ice cream?"

"No, I'm full." I said as Arnav and I sat down together, he made sure he dint let my hand go and kept on holding on to me.

"So... we have something to tell you." Arnav finally spoke up. Okay now I was really nervous.

"What?" His dad asked, looking at him curiously.

"After everything that has happened so far, I made a lot of mistakes and just did a lot of things which hurt mine and Khushi's relationship so much. Now that we are back together we just want to mend everything that was broken, we want to really get back to where we were before everything else happened and so... we decided maybe there was a way to help us..."

"Okay, what way?" Barkha asked.

"We thought we could live together, so we talked about it and decided that I would move in with Khushi and I just wanted to inform you about it. And before you ask, no we aren't getting married yet, we just want to live together and make everything work between us until we are ready for that step." He said.

We both looked at his family members waiting to see how they would react but none of them said anything, they just stared back at us in silence.

Oh, this silence was killing me, only if they could say something so we would know how they felt about it.

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