Shoot For The Stars (Bucky x...

By sebastianstanqueen

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Y/n and I had different views of life as children, we both came from lower class families but we had very dif... More

Just a sneak peek


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By sebastianstanqueen

A/n: I'm trying to make this story my best i'm doing this is steps guys for once I'm writing it in a note book and the typing it, believe me this makes my writing better a lot of my One shots were written in notebooks but any ways I hope you guys like it!💕

Y/n and I had different views of life as children, we both came from lower-class families but we had very different dreams, she dreamed of shooting for the stars, all while I dreamed of keeping the lights on. Y/n was a very caring person, when she loved someone she loved them with all of her heart, I remember this story like it was yesterday.

The summer of 1949

The sun made the small town of Shelbyville, Indiana, feel miserable. I walked through the threshold of my and Steve's apartment and found her sitting on the couch in the living room smiling like the cat that caught the canary, as she sat across from Steve. "What's going on?" I asked the two of them who seemed very happy that it was too hot for a summer day when all three of us have been working all day.

"You'll never guess what happened today, so I was in my car just driving to my next job." She oddly enough became a handywoman, but that's what she chose. "And well, I was sittin' at a red light, waitin' and I was mumbling a song to myself, Wanda from Wandavision recording is talkin' to me and the next thing I know is I'm in there studio recording the song." She told me the story. "Wanda told me it should do well." She squeezed my hand in excitement.

"That's an amazing doll." I said with a smile and pulled her into a hug.

She pulled away to look at me again her soft light pink lips were pulled into a bright smile. "And if I can eventually make money Bucky, you and I and Steve will never have to worry about anything again, we'll have food, a house that we own and lights always shining down on us." She was adorable, her excitement showed in her voice and the way she was moving. I was looking at her with a bright smile like hers, and love for her in my eyes as she mumbled. "I can make both our dreams come true."

A few weeks later a festival came to Shelbyville. I'd been at Y/n's apartment since we both got off that day, both of us turning it up a bit when Wanda came by to talk with her. "Look Y/n this is a huge proposal for us right now, 50$ for each show you do, 25$ each."

Y/n sat at the small table in the apartment staring in disbelief at the woman, in front of her. "What?" That was all she could say.

Wanda nodded with a bright smile. "Yeah they heard the record you featured on, and were impressed, what do you say?"

I looked at her from across the table. "Y/n you got to do this 25$ that could get you an amazing place to live, do what you've always wanted and shoot for the stars, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Y/n snapped out of her shock blinking a few times. "I-I will." She agreed to do it with a bright smile.

Two nights later we stood outside the building where Y/n and the band were supposed to perform. She was about to perform but had been shaking like a leaf filled with nerves. "Y/n, listen, you're going to do amazing up there doll." I reassured her, her leg bounced on the stairs, up and down up and down.

Steve kneeled next to where she was sitting. "No matter what happens on that stage, Bucky and I will applaud you. We know how amazing your voice is, we just wanna be here for you." He promised him.

"Y/n come on, they just announced you." Wanda called from the top of the stairs. The group of people rushed into the building, and the band finished what they needed to for setting up.

The curtains started to part to show them all on the stage, Y/n front and center, Steve and I sat in the crowd, every eye in the building at the moment stared at the scared girl, she started to mumble as she introduced the song then a guy yelled in the crowd. "Get off the stage or put a lid on it and sing!" Then she transformed, like a phoenix coming out of the ashes, she started to sing and dance across that stage to this new upbeat tune she sang to, I've seen her dance but this was different it was like the music took over her soul, her long hair that was down swung as she moved, the dress she wore was something she worked on the past today's almost forgetting to sleep she made it fit her body perfectly it showed her curves and she could see a few unpleasant looks but she ignored them, men started to crowed the stage, I've never been a jealous man but at this moment I felt the sting of anger and jealousy as I watched the same man who was rude to her moments ago try and get her to take hold of his hand.

The next night-after her performance was much like the night before -I, Y/n, and Steve went to look and ride the attractions- we were in a large crowd when Y/n got separated from me and Steve -this is where things get blurry for me because I wasn't there but I'll tell it the way Y/n told it to me.

Y/n got separated from Steve and Bucky when an older man came up to her. "Well hello dear, Y/n is it?" The girl nodded in response to the question. "Lovely to meet you. I'm Alexander Pierce, let's go talk on the Ferris wheel." The two of them skipped the long line of people and got onto the next carrier. "So, Y/n I would like to make a business deal with you dear." He spoke smoothly to make Y/n feel safe and more trusting, like a father with his child.

Y/n arched a brow and smirked. "And what is that deal?"

The man across from her chuckled. "Smart girl aren't you? I want to be your manager, we'll do 50/50 you do the act, I'll be the person to put your face everywhere make sure you always get the best of the best and shoot for the stars."

Those words the ones Bucky always told her would have her saying yes, the man held out his hand for her to shake, and she took it. "Yes." She told him.

"Pleasure doing business with you dear." He got up as the two of you reached the ground again, the two walked in different directions.

    Soon after Y/n found me and Steve, she came running up with excitement shining in her eyes. "I have a good feeling boys." She smiled at us.

    Steve's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" He was the first to speak up.

    "Let's just say possibly soon, a lot of money is gonna start comin' in and I mean a lot of money." She then told us what happened on the Ferris wheel.

    A few weeks later Y/n was telling us she was going with the fair and going to perform for audiences across America, but what had me concerned was she quit her good-paying official job meaning no official income unless this man gives her the 50% like promised. "Look Y/n I just don't think this is a good idea." I argued with her.

    She shook her head. "Bucky relax, it's only for a little while, I'll be back before you know it." She smiled, I shook my head and left with irritation. Before she left the next morning she came over to apologize to me but I wouldn't listen to her, so she left thinking I was still very angry at her.

    However during those long months Y/n became the face of the fair and as promised lots of money came into her possession, she came back to Shelbyville for a visit little did we know she had sent someone to come and build her dream, there were two large houses right next to each other, a gate locked it all in there was a swim pool farmland there was everything we've ever wanted and the lights would stay on she also got a large collection of cars and many other things.

    Y/n left again after they finished decorating and filling the houses with furniture, a little while later she came back again with her manager, and she told them about how they're planning on going to a record label that'll do international distribution, a few days after she got back she headed into the town she had to talk with Wanda, she told Wanda and her husband about what Pierce was promising her, and they just told her. "All we want to do is see you succeed." Wanda pulled Y/n into a tight hug. "Good luck."

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