BL Short Stories||Oneshots||...

By Brocoli_bl

155K 4.4K 473

Hey! This book will have Short oneshot stories on Win and Team. There will be fluff, cuteness, love, some j... More

Who is she and jealousy (Part 1/3)
Who is she and jealousy (Part 2/3)
Who is she and jealousy (Part 3/3)
Vampire's Revenge (part 1/2)
Vampire's revenge (part2/2)
Hickey Prank (WinTeam)
Nightmare and Cuddles
Love you
Best friend to boyfriend
Bruises (1/2)
Drunk Team
Bruises (2/2)
Death of a parent
April fools
Mini ff's
Do you love me?
Vampire's mate
Omega in heat 🌶( BounPrem smut)
Ghost of you
Let me take care of you 🌶 (Smut)
Orange juice🌶 (WinTeam smut)
The Cabin...
Wan______ (slight smut)
Birthday in Quarantine
Attacked (part 1)
Attacked (part 2)
Mini ff's ( 2 )
Modern day angels
My prince ♛ (1/?)
His personal assistant
From another place (Part1)
From another place (Part 2)
Mine now (1/2)
Mine now (2/2)
Pick up lines
Pillow 🌶 (WinTeam smut)
Pick up lines (2)
Pillow (part 2) [WinTeam]
Kitchen 🌶 [WinTeam]
Mini ff's (3)
Mini ff's (4)
Blind Love
The Meet
Nipple Piercings (1)
Nipple piercings🌶 (2)
Big Wild Cats
Rambles that make me swoon
A thousand words never said
Proud Win
First meet
How dare you?
Baby Win
Mini ff's (5)
Baby Win (2)
Total Chaos
Petty Duo
You mess with the meow meow, you get the POW! POW!
Dr. Team and his fussy patients

Our secrets

1.3K 41 5
By Brocoli_bl

As Boun came down the escalator, he spotted Prem waiting for him at their usual spot in the lobby. The man stood up when he saw the elder finally coming down, both of them headed out the building together.

"You got the car keys this time right?" Prem asked as he reached out for Boun's hand lacing the fingers together.

"Ya I did. Babe I'm not that forgetful you know." He bought their laced hands up to his mouth and landed a soft kiss on his faen's knuckles, making the other smile.

They had been together since their university times. Prem had been in his first year and Boun in his third, since day one Boun knew Prem was the one for him. The boy was just perfect. He was the perfect mixture of shy, snappy, sass, anger and cuteness. After the night at the resort all those years ago when he had first confessed, the elder had decided he would do everything in his power to make the Junior fall for him. Prem was his, only his....

Prem snapped his fingers infront of Boun's face "Oy, are you going to unlock the car or not?" Boun looked aound and saw that they were already infront of their car. He took out they keys and gave them to Prem. They had an unspoken rule according which one person would drive them to work in the morning and then the other would drive them back in the evening.

They were running out of some supplies and decided to make a quick visit to a departmental store. It was already 6:40 and by the time they were done playing around and shopping it was already dark.

Both of them held a bag in both hands as they made their way down to the
parking lot. Boun took one of the bags from his faen's hand so Prem could take out the keys and open the trunk. They had just finished loading the third bag inside when Boun felt something sharp poking the small of his back.

"Move or scream and we'll stab the both of you right here" A rough voice growled from behind. Win turned to his side to see Prem too frozen in place.

"Turn around slowly and keep your hands in front so we can see them" Boun followed their instructions, he didn't want to risk hurting himself or his Prem.

There were two men, both of them armed with knives. They were lean and muscular, a gang tattoo on both their necks- "Take out all your money"
Neither Boun nor Prem moved "Take it out!" The man near Boun snapped again. The couple looked nervously at each other.

This seemed to anger the men, "No! Boun! Leave him, let go!" Prem yelped, when one of them pulled the elder to themselves, putting the knife to his throat. Prem's arms reached out to his lover but stopped midway when a hand griped his hair and tugged him back roughly, exciting a worried cry from Boun while Prem sealed his lips refusing to let out any sound.

"Just give us the fucking money and we'll be on our way" The man spoke into Prem's ear, still fisting and pulling his harir back. He let go, ordering Boun to keep his hands in front of him while Prem got out both their purses.

Prem took out the wallets from his and Boun's pockets listening to the man as he ordered him to open them and hand over all the cash to him. Prem was hesitant but seeing the knife being pressed harder against his faen's neck got him handing the cash over.

After pocketing the cash Prem was made to kneel down before the men shoved Boun down on top of him and ran away.

"Boun!" Prem pulled his lover against himself in a tight hug before letting go and gently tilting his head up, asking if he was okay. The knife had broken his skin but the cut wasn't deep. None the less the sight gave Prem a heart attack and he shoved the last bag in. Closing the trunk before sitting Win inside and driving to the hospital.

Boun insisted he was okay and they should head to the police station first but one glare from Prem and a growled "Shut the fuck up and lean back!!" Got him to keep quiet.


A week later.

Prem told Boun he was going out to his sister's place and will be back a little late. Taking advantage of his absence Boun made a few calls, an hour later he was in an underground fighting club.

"Bounn!!" A voice called out to him as he made his way into the VIP section. He grinned and hugged the man standing in front of him. "Long time no see dude. I didn't think you'd actually quit the gang. It's been really long. Come down here sometimes!"

"I miss you all too but if Prem gets to know, I'm going to die" Boun laughed taking a seat next to his friend and ex-gang member. Boun had joined a gang when he was in high school, he thought that it was cool and had really enjoyed it there. It all changed when he decided to pursue Prem though, afraid that he would be rejected if the junior ever got to know Boun quit the gang, keeping his past involvement in it a secret.

"Where are they? You said the two would be here tonight" Boun spoke as he scanned the crowd.

Beside him Alex leaned back smirking "That's the fun part..." Boun leaned back too, looking at him as he spoke "...from the tattoo description we found the gang and the guys that messed with you two. And it seems that luck was on your side because one of them is going to be fighting tonight" Alex said pointing at the boxing ring below them.

They had a clear view of it from the VIP area. "What about the other one?"

"We'll get him outside, you wanna join?" Alex asked excited.

Boun smiled at his friend "You know I don't fight Alex, even when I was here fighting wasnt my job-"

The sound bell caught his attention.

"It's starting, we've signed a few of our people up for this too. Hopefully your guy will get paired to fight one of them." Alex said shifting in his seat and grinning at the ring infront.

Boun was never really a violent, person his job in the gang was to recruit more people and taking care of the newbies and younger ones to make sure they didn't hurt themselves or do something stupid.

The match started, there were going to be three rounds of 3 minutes each. Before every round the opponents would be onstage for a few minutes and get ready while the bets were placed.

Boun waited, scrolling on his phone untill the sixth round where he recognised the man who had held a blade to his neck, get in the ring.

"That's him" Alex said as if reading Boun's mind.

The crowd cheered as the man entered the ring. "And now welcome, for the first time ever in this ring The Blade!!" The crowd cheered again as another man jumped into the ring.

"Shia! He's not one of ours" Alex cursed.

Boun on the other had had frozen in place. Noticing it Alex looked back to the stage "Wait- Is that... Isn't that your boyfriend?"

Boun could feel his heart racing, his throat had gone dry. Prem.
Oh god what was he doing here?!!

Fear gripped him. Just two rounds ago a man had been dragged out of the ring basically half dead and bleeding badly. Underground rings had a lot of violence and blood. While here the competitors had to wear boxing gloves here, there was no other type of protection allowed, the scene usually got really bad and messy.

Boun was up from his seat, he rushed out of the VIP section and went down, trying to push through the people and get near the ring. He had to get Prem out of that ring, he didn't care what amout he had to pay as penalty but he wasn't going to let the love of his life get hurt, not if he could help it.

But the crowd was too dense, many people there were more muscular and stronger than him. It was almost impossible for him to cut through.

He hadn't even gone halfway through the crowd when the bell rang. No no no! Frozen in place, Boun was tall enough to see what was happening in the ring. He was too afraid to move, thinking that any movement he made might somehow cause Prem to loose.

Right now though his boyfriend was winning. It was as of Prem was on destruction mode, one punch after another. They were so fast that the other man hardly had any time to understand what was happening.

The refree had to pull Prem away and stand between them when the man fell down, bleeding and groaning as Prem landed hit after hit.

The crowd had gone wild. There was cheering all around. People were enjoying seeing the guy in pain, they were excited about seeing someone getting beaten down, seeing them bleed.

There was a two minute break till the second match. A familiar hand slung around around his neck and he was dragged through the crown, towords the ring. "Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend is a fucking champion?" Alex mused.

"Oh because I wanted him to beat you up...Obviously I didn't know!!" Boun shrieked back.

"PREM!!" Boun called out when they reached the side of the mesh around the ring but the sound of the bell overlapped his voice. The fight began again, this time the other man managed to get a few hits, he even manged to cut Prem's lip but that was the best he could do.

It was obvious the other man was angry, he started swinging and gripping randomly but after a few seconds he could only try and cover himself as Prem pinned him down and landed blow after blow.

Boun found himself cheering along with the crowd. He was definitely going to confront Prem and his faen was is deep trouble once the match was over but till it was going on he might as well cheer him on.

Suddenly he stopped his punches and got close to the guys face growling something that Boun would have never been able to hear if he wasn't so close to the ring.

"Don't ever fucking touch me or my husband again"

With one final punch to the guy's jaw Prem stood up. He had won, as he was being announced winner and the winning money as well as bet money was being sorted out Boun gulped.

When Prem had growled at the guy the elder felt his heart flutter and stomach tighten. Fuck, I want him to use that voice in bed.

He mentally slapped himself when he felt his pants tighten slightly, he had been fantasizing about himself and Prem doing various inappropriate things in various very inappropriate positions....NO! He was supposed to be angry!

"Can I trust you to deal with the other guy on your own? No permanent damage?" Boun asked Alex as Prem claimed the prize money.

His friend chuckled "You know you can, not like you'd stay if I say no anyways. Now go- shoo...but dont forget to meet up from time to time idiot"

Boun nodded and made his way behind Prem who had gotten out of the ring. He held his faen's arm, Prem turned back immediately. The elder saw the confusion then fear take over his baby's face. Good, because you ARE in trouble.

"B-boun I- what are you doing here?!"

The elder ignored him and dragged Prem out and to his car that was parked a few blocks away. He opened the backseat door and urged Prem inside before getting in behind him. Only once they were in did he begin to speak.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?! You could have gotten hurt! Then what would I do, huh?!"

"I wouldn't have gotten hurt! And what are you doing here?! Did you follow me?!"

"No! I- I- don't change the topic! I wasn't the one who jumped into an underground boxing ring!"

"But you were in the place, what were you doing there Boun?"

Boun wanted to come clean but knew he'd be in trouble after he told Prem about his past, so he decided to wait till after Prem spoke.

"I asked first babe" He moved closer causing Prem to lean against the door as his faen's hands caged him from both sides.
Boun's eyes then landed on his lips.

He moved one hand to gently touch the side of his wound, now when he spoke his voice was softer "Does it hurt?"

Prem gazed into his faen's worried eyes "....a little"

The elder let out a breath "Why did you go there Prem? How did you find this place? I won't get angry na, please tell me...."
15 minutes later they both sat in silence still in the car. Bith if them needed some time to absorb what the other had said.

Prem was an ex professional boxer, an under 18 boxing champion as a matter of fact. He had left boxing at the beginning of 12th grade, it was at that time when one of his friends introduced him to underground boxing. He played a few matches under the name blade for the cash but soon left because it just felt wrong. He felt like what he was doing made his whole time as a professional boxer dirty. Also the gangs and people there were too intimidating and dangerous for his liking.

"How did you know he was going to be here?" Boun asked, breaking the silence.

"Same as you, a friend told me....... You- you really left all of this right? Your not involved in any-"

"No. No I'm not." Boun cut in. He pulled Prem towords him, making his faen sit on his lap such that his knees were on either side of Boun and they were facing each other.

"I left this place so that I can be with you na" He caressed Prem's cheek lightly "After that night in the resort, after the first time you opened your heart to me and were willing to let me in, I swore I'd leave everything for you and I was true to my promise, I left everything the very day we came back."

Prem searched his eyes before humming and leaning down for a hug.

"By the looked really hot in the ring. There's no way I'm letting you fight there ever again. You look too god damn handsome and I don't like other people getting to see you like that" Boun grumbled, unable to hide the jealousy in his voice. Prem chuckled breaking the hug to look at him.

"I haven't forgiven you for hiding your past from me mister. We've been together for so many years and you would have never told me this if I hadn't come here today."

Boun bit his lip mischeviously "I've been a bad boy haven't I? I think you should punish me"

He held his hands out infront of Prem as if they were tied together and winked at him.

Prem smirked at Boun's attempt to get out of trouble "Are you trying to bait me into forgiving you?"

"Maybe?" Boun gave him puppy eyes.

"'s working" The second after he said those words, his lips were pressed against Boun's.

Prem held his lovers wrists and pinned them beside his head as they made out, only pulling away to take a breath when they absolutely needed to.
However a knock on the window made then jump apart.

"Just so you know what's happening inside is perfectly visible to everyone outside." Alex said resting his arms on the closed door, Boun glared at him.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing..." Alex smirked "....Its called revenge" Then he walked away after ruining a perfectly good mood and kiss.

"I came here by taxi, let's go back together" Prem stuttered getting out and into the drivers seat while Boun shifted into the passenger one beside him.

He should have known his stupid friend wasn't over the time when Boun had cock blocked him and Benny five years ago. It wasn't his fault they left the door unlocked!!

Prem must have caught onto his expression because a few seconds after they hit the road he felt a hand snake onto his thigh and lightly squeeze it "We're going to continue your punishment once we reach home baby...."

The End

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