By stxrrrr_

174K 4.3K 4K


[01] Guess who's back
[02] Hotel obsidian
[03] The fast one is the hot one
[04] Hello to you to Ben
[05] That girl is doing things to me
[06] Disappearing people
[07] Harlan
[08] Kugelblitz
[09] Stanley
[010] Mother's of Agony
[011] Stanley's missing
[012] Allison vs Viktor
[013] Strange feeling
[014] Back to the hotel
[016] Wedding at the end of the world
[017] New Ben
[018] Seven bells
[019] Voting
[020] Oblivion
[021] The guardians

[015] Invitations

6.3K 168 22
By stxrrrr_

Sloane started giving away the invitations i gotta say she did a pretty great job

"And you did all of did yourself?" asked Lila impressed

"Luther helped too. We stayed up all night" said Sloane

Then dad came in followed by Klaus

"Dad?" Said Ben

"Klaus" said y/n

"Gather 'round children. quickly now!" said Reginald

"The hell have you been?" asked Diego to Klaus

"Oh, Reg and I we got tangled up in a whole father-son end of the world road trip kinda thing you know" said Klaus chuckling

"You two are hanging out?" asked Ben you could see the jealousy in his voice

"Yeah we laughed, we cried, we played in a traffic and long story short, I'm immortal now." said Klaus
Grunting dramatically

"Whoa, wait you're what now?" asked Luther

"Klaus have you gotten into the bath salts again?" asked Allison

"I think the pertinent question is why are you all sitting around playing with jars?" asked Reginald making Diego throw his jar away

"They're invitations Luther and I are getting married" said Sloane handing Reginald a jar

"All of space and time is collapsing and you lot are planning a wedding?" said Reginald

"Yeah, and uh the thing Is um space is limited so it's kind of a per-plate situation so you know" said Luther taking away the Jar from Reginald

"Is this how I raised you? To fiddle while Rome burns?" said Reginald

"Remember what we talked about Reg remember to breathe" whispered Klaus

"Quiet I'm on a roll" said Reginald

"Dad have you been taking your pills?" Asked Sloane

"As a matter of fact, I haven't and I can confirm that I've never felt better in my life you thought you could dope me up and slow me down take control of my affairs and squander my fortune" said Reginald "Well, Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison" said Reginald pointing at Klaus

"And that the fog is lifting I can see all your dastardly designs with a bracing clarity" said Reginald

"You took him off his meds? What were you thinking?" said Sloane to Klaus

"Clearly he's the only one doing any thinking at all, all of you could learn a thing or two from this impressive young man" said Reginald making Diego snicker

"The world really is ending! Oh my god" said Diego laughing

"As for the rest of you, your training is to resume post-haste we're running out of time we have a mission to complete" said Reginald

"I'm ready. Let's do this" said Ben

"Let me guess, project oblivion?" said Five

"How do you know about that?" asked Reginald

"I heard all about it from Pogo" said Five

"Now there's a name I haven't heard in some time" said Reginald

"And he confirmed what I've always suspected about you" said Five pointing at Reginald

"Which is?" He asked

"That you're a sadistic lunatic whos planning on gambling all of our lives in another pointless mission" said Five

"And you'd take the word of a disgruntled chimp over that of your own father" said Reginald making five spacial jump Infront of him

"Every damn day" said Five

"Nobody wants you here dad you should leave" said Luther

"Hey you don't speak for all of us big guy" said Ben

"Feel free to join him" said Luther

"I see. So this is what it's come to insurrection" said Reginald

"That's not the kind of erection were driving for here all right? Everybody just needs to be cool. Clearly you guys are on a different chakra frequency right now" said Klaus pointing at all of you "hey pops let's go have a nice cup of tea in the suite" said Klaus holding Reginald's arm

"What are you doing let go of my arm" said Reginald

"Luther, Sloane oh my god im beyond thrilled you guys are gorgeous amazing. Send me your registry!" Said Klaus before leaving with Reginald

All of you left after that and headed to their own ways, you headed to your room and started preparing the dress and shoes you'll be wearing for the wedding


Shortest chapter yet

697 words

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