002 - Stranger Things

By Shepherdssanatomy

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Nellie Brown was always far from normal, yet her parents liked to make life for her as normal as possible bu... More

- Introduction-
Chapter One: Henry Creel
Chapter Two: We're alike you and me
Chapter Three: The incident
Chapter Four: Hawkins Lab
Chapter Five: Escape
Chapter Six: Mysterious Dissapearence
Chapter Seven: The Creel Massacre
Chapter Nine: The Reappearence Of Nellie Brown
Chapter Ten: The Pictures
Chapter Eleven: A Reoccurence Of The Past
Chapter Twelve: Eddie Munson
Chapter Thirteen: Lover's Lake
Chapter fourteen: Unknown Whispers
Chapter fifteen: The Familiar Face

Chapter Eight: The Questioning

481 12 1
By Shepherdssanatomy

Nellie looked at them and waited for the questions unsure how to really start. She'd never spoken about it with anyone before, in fact, she never thought she'd even get to after what had happened to her. She'd been imprisoned by the Germans but they thought it useful if she was at a psychiatric hospital and not at their own facilities, which in a way was lucky in a sense that they didn't use demogorgans as punishment because there where she was now, the worse punishment was being isolated and your own company. However, being in her own company had been what she had gotten used to for years now, when she was younger she'd often been her own friend as her family hadn't cared much about her and more about her sister when she'd been a child so it didn't affect her like it did many others. That was most likely why she was still somewhat sane compared to the rest of the prisoners.

Nancy took out a pen and some paper, only to be looked at strangely by the woman in the cell. "This is just to help my friends and so I remember. No reports I promise."

"So first do you wanna describe your side of this whole thing?" She asked, Robin just looking at the prison in fascination.

Nellie thought for a moment, "well it all started before I was even in Hawkins, I lived somewhere else with my family but nothing was ever right. There was some growing power inside of me that I was yet to have control over and it started to affect me worse once we'd moved here. My parents moved a year or so before the Creels for a new start, they thought it would be good for me and most of all my sister but oh were they wrong..."

Nancy noted down a few things and then sat up a little, "by growing power. What do you mean?"

Nellie sighed and then continued, "you see I have powers like many other children in my time did. Of course, I didn't know this to begin with and Henry was the first to show me that there could be others like me if I looked, that I wasn't alone. You see I have telekinesis and I can do a lot more as well."

Nancy turned to Robin, "she's like Eleven, see the comparison?" She asked her, Robin agreeing and seeming quite fascinated by the whole experience.

"Eleven? Whose Eleven?" Nellie asked.

"Eleven is a girl who we know well. She was a subject at a place called Hawkins laboratory where-" she began but was interrupted.

"Hawkins Lab you say?" Nellie questioned. "I went there when I was young with... with Henry." She told them and glanced down at her wrist. "We were brought there after an incident but it was a horrible place. I was lucky to have him there though, we were great friends until we tried to escape and I ended up in some strange place with no way back to the real world."

Nancy exchanged a look with Robin again and this time both of them were listening to the conversation. For a while all was silent but this other strange place definitely seemed to be the upside-down. The entire description of it was perfect. Nellie described it as a dark place with not much life, a place that looked like Hawkins yet lonelier with creatures ruling it. She mentioned that it seemed to be a place you'd only expect a child to have nightmares about, not something expected to ever actually exist.

"How did you end up at the lab then? You and this Henry Creel I mean." Robin asked a question this time.

Nellie closed her eyes as if remembering something and then spoke up, "Well I was only around ten at the time but I couldn't control my powers yet and neither could Henry. Henry was the first to lose it though. One day, I was looking out of my bedroom window, opposite to where the kitchen to the Creel House was located and the lights started to flicker." She began to tell the story from what she could remember of that night.

"I'd seen this sort of thing happen before because I could do it too but I never knew Henry could. I mean sure, he was a strange boy that I could never read but he didn't seem like the type to have powers,
although he told me we were both alike when we first met and now I somewhat understand it. Anyway, a loud scream came from the house that night, a scream which alarmed everyone in the neighbourhood and soon the cops pulled up outside the house and came out with Victor, Henry's dad. I'd seen what had happened though and I knew the truth, Henry had used his powers to send his mother into the air, her bones breaking and her eyes looking as if they'd rolled to the back of her head. It wasn't a pretty sight but yet he didn't look too bothered."

Nancy wrote down what she had said, listening as she explained about how she probably should have realised how insane he was back then but she was too blind to see it. She told them that she'd been too consumed in all the power he'd said they could have together to realise the wrongness of it all. She then went on to tell her own story, a story about the incident with her mother, the incident she wished she could prevent from happening, the incident that haunted her constantly day in and day out.

"So that's what happened. I know you probably think I'm on his side but the truth is I haven't seen Henry for years." She said truthfully. "After going to the upside-down and being trapped there before I was sent here I'd never heard from him again but then I found out about some girl who'd sent him to where I'd escaped from and I've been searching for him for years now. I wanted to stop him for good..."

Robin furrowed her brows and then walked up to the cell to stand beside Nancy. "How are you still so young if this was years ago? How can we trust that you did in fact know him."

"Ever heard about the clocks?." she asked, receiving a nod yet confused looks. "When in the upside-down, time stops.. or well it did when I was there. I didn't age for a while when trapped but then I got out and was sent here and actually started to age again. It's crazy how things work down there..."

Nellie stood up and walked up to the bars, placing each hand on one of the metal rods. "I can help you stop him.. help deafeat him if you let me out... I know it's hard to trust me but I hold great power, I'm the only person who can go against this 'Vecna', the only person who has the same ability's as him."

Robin threw a look at Nancy when she seemed to think about the idea. Letting out a person defined as a criminal wasn't a great thing to be doing. She was all for crazy ideas but this, this was not included, doing this would just put them in prison and what use was that to them? How would they save Hawkins from getting taken over by evil if they were stuck in a cell?

However, Nancy pulled Robin aside and sighed. "It's our only hope... she could help us."

"Yes. But she could also be a mast murderer who is part of this Vecna/Henry/001's plan and maybe just maybe they'll try to kill us!" She exasperated.

"You're right" Nancy agreed. "But we take risks all the time... we have to take this one, it's no different to the risk of coming here." She explained to Robin who still didn't seem very impressed.

"Nancy we can't just free a criminal-" Robin mumbled quietly, looking over to Nellie who just stared at them.

Nellie raised her brow as she looked over at them both, who were still standing at the bar. "I am right here you know? Look I'm no criminal but you're entitled to believe what you want. However, to defeat this monster that we call Vecna I suggest you free me. Or I can just stay here you know, rot in this cell and let you and your group of ghostbusters do your shit but I'm telling you... this guy is nothing compared to the other things you've seen. He's way more powerful. The more he kills.. the more power he has."

Nancy gave Robin a look and a shrug. Robin just sighed and then nodded in agreement, now realising what the best option was even though she didn't exactly trust this new girl yet but that was normal. She never trusted many people easily and it took time for her to adjust to people but she got there in the end. This being most commonly why she was single, that and well she just wasn't good at the relationship sort of thing. Much like her best friend Steve. Steve couldn't get a girl to save his life, in fact, it was as if he was still obsessing over Nancy- yet Nancy wasn't single at all.

She looked over to the guard who was now fast asleep on the chair and motioned them over to him. She then pointed to the keys that were in his pocket. "Better get it over with before he wakes up, he isn't good when he's cranky," she told them.

Robin walked up to the cell, "how can we trust you?"

Nellie looked her dead in the eyes, "I guess you're just going to have to..."

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