Queen Of My Heart (MiChaeng)

By chiyongs_cub

6K 362 132

Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending. With all these nights we're spending, Upon t... More

26 - Start of something new
27 - Run
28 - I knew you were trouble
29 - Traitor
30 - Cruel Summer
31 - Call Out My Name
32 - Everything Has Changed


124 10 22
By chiyongs_cub


We are in the room and I don't know who's room is this. She turned on the lights and quickly go to the cabinet looking for something. And I am just standing in front of the door that she locked. 

" Here. You can change your clothes there. That is the bathroom, I'll be waiting for you here." She said as she handed me a pair of clothes.

I don't know if this is hers or not. So I was hesitant to accept it. And decided to decline it.

" It's fine, I can just wait for it until it dries. " I said.

I'm so dizzy now. But I still know what is happening. It's a good thing that she stopped me earlier because I might pass out there.

" That's my clothes. You can wear it. " She said.

She's still waiting for me to accept her clothes.

" Okay. Where's your bathroom? " I just said.

I know she will just insist on it, so I just take her offer.

" Right there. "

She pointed her hand to face her left side which is on my right side because I was facing her.

" Do you need a towel? " She asked as I am walking to go to the bathroom.

" No. I was just gonna changed my clothes. " I said.

She did not respond and I enter the bathroom. My heart is beating so fast, knowing that we are in one room.

" Breathe in, breathe out. "

You can do this, Mina. Just get together!

I wash my face in the cold water to calm my mind. As soon as I'm done, I change my clothes... Into a long shirt and shorts?

" What? " I just asked myself as soon as I saw myself in the mirror.

It looks like it's big for her too. Oh well, I'm just gonna hang my clothes, so that before we go it's already dry now. Before I open the door, I breathe in and out again. As soon as I open the door, I heard her talking.

" I don't have time for this, okay? We can talk about it when I go back there. "

Who is she talking to? Is that her dad? But she seems calm.

" Are you kidding me?! Don't bother my friends! Tsk. "

Now she's mad. Tsk. I intentionally close the door with a loud noise for her to notice that I am done. She's on the balcony of this room talking to somebody on her phone while smoking.

" I gotta go. I'll just talk to you when I came back. Take care of yourself. " She said to the phone and ended it.

That is not her father. They are not on good terms, and now she's saying take care of yourself? Tsk. Well, who am I to react this way?! I am just a random girl who she just met.

" That suits you. " She said as she gave me her sweet smile while looking at me.

Damn! Why is she like that?! How did she do this to me? I was just mad at her a minute ago. And now she just made my heart wants to get out of my body!

" Stop. Don't smile at me like that. " I exclaimed.

I can't help myself but tell her that. I'm in danger now.

" What? I was just stating--- "

" Yeah, right. "

I cut what she was about to say. I already know that. She already told me that once. Damn.

" Are you mad? Why are you look annoyed? " She asked me as she sat on the bed.

I did not respond to what she was asking me. I was still standing here in front of her bathroom.

" You can sit here. " She taps the bed beside her.

She knew that I'm still hesitant to go there so she stood up and go to the table who is on the other side of the bed. She knew that I was distancing myself from her. She sat on the chair and she open the cabinet. What? Is that a refrigerator? That is so cute!

" You can sit there. " She said again as she took the two beer can from the mini-refrigerator.

I sat on the bed. I put my phone out of my pocket and lay it beside me. Just in case Jihyo will call me.

" Here. "

She open the canned beer and handed it to me. I took it and take a sip.

" We can stay here until your clothes are dry. " She said as she drinks her beer.

" Why? They might gonna look for me. " I said.

" I already told Lia that I am with you. Besides, you can't go outside dressed like that. Tsk. "

" Then why did you insist that I can wear this? TSS. "

" Because you can just stay here. With me. "

Okay, she is now starting. Her compliments and romantic words are now getting started again.

" How are you? How's your head? " She asked.

I look at her but she's looking on the balcony.

" I'm fine. H-How are you? "

" I'm fine too. "


Okay, I don't know what to ask now. And I regret asking her how is she because now we are being awkward again. It was just a minute as I finished my beer. Tsk. I am being alcoholic now. But I think I'm gonna puke if I get another one. I'm so bloated now.

" Wow. I didn't know that you love alcohol that much? "

" It's just today. "

" Why? "

" Don't ask me. "

" She's just my friend. "

What?! What is she talking about? I stop breathing for a while as I heard her say that. I gulped and I didn't know what to say. Why is she saying that? So she knew? That I'm jealous about that girl named Yeri?!

" What are you talking about? "

I play dumb. Yeah. I play innocent.

" I know that you're jealous of Yeri. "

" What?! Are you kidding me? Why would I be jealous?! We are not a couple. "

" I know. But you're being defensive right now. I like it. Hahaha. "

Crap! Am I that awkward?! Tsk. Stay focused Mina!

" I am not. "

" Yeri has a crush on me before. But she's Seulgi's ex-girlfriend's friend so I decided to be just friends with her. "

" Why are you explaining that to me?! "

" For you to know. "

" Why would I need to know that? "

" For you to stop being jealous. "

" I am not jealous! "

" Okay. "


My god! This girl makes me crazy! She loves teasing me!!! I don't know how will I get my revenge! Tsk.

" I am sorry that you all saw that. " She said with a serious face.

At first, I thought she was still talking about Yeri, but as soon as I look at her I just realized what she meant. She's not looking at me, she's just staring at her can of beer. I guess she's that embarrassed or ashamed of what happened.

But there is nothing to worry about. We all understand her.

" I know you're scared of me now. But don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. "

What?! Me? Scared of her?! What the hell is she talking about?! I thought she knew why I am distancing myself. But she thinks of the other reason.

" No! I am not scared of you! Why would you say that? " I said as I stood up and walks towards her.

" No. Don't come near me. " She said.

But I come closer.

" Mina... "

She said as she begs for me not to go near her. But it's too late. If she doesn't make a move, then I'll do it.

I hold her face. But she's not looking at me.

" Look at me. "

" No. "

" Look at me! "

" I can't. "

" I said look at me. "

" Tsk. "

She looked at me and I gave her my brightest and sweetest smile that I can offer just for her.

" You don't have to say sorry. It's not your fault. And we do understand you. Okay? "

I felt on both hands that she just gulped staring at me. I look at her eyes, her nose down to her lips. I wanted to kiss her but I don't know if it was the right thing to do. But I can't help it. Her kissable lips are calling mine.

" If you're gonna kiss me now, I can't promise if I can stop myself from what I can do to you. "

She warned me as we both stared at each other. Our face was just an inch apart, and I wanted to do it. If she can't stop herself, then so be it. I want her now. I don't care about the consequences after this.

" Then do me. "

As I said that, I kissed her. I feel her lips smiling as I am kissing her. Not a second, she did respond to my kiss. She's still sitting and I am still standing and just leaning on her. But she guided my body to sit on her lap. My hands caressing her neck while we are still kissing. Her hands are on my hips hugging me.

I'm not attracted to girls. I don't have an ex that is a girl. But right now, I am kissing a girl. And I am liking it. I can feel that I am on cloud 9 the moment I felt her lips touching mine. I didn't feel this to my exes You're free to judge me or tell me that I'm a slut or what, but I don't care. I now do know the answer. There is no right explanation for this, I just like her even though we just met. There is no right or wrong when it comes to love. It's just unexplainable. It's just happened.

" Stop. " She said in the middle of our kiss.

She gently pulled me away from her lips and look to the other side.

Did she not like it?

I'm ready to give in, just for her. I'm embarrassed about what I did. I thought we were going to that. But yeah, it's just me thinking that way. I'm rejected by her. What am I thinking?

" I-I'm sorry. " I said as I stood up.

I got a teary eye. I got to get out of this situation. I started to walk and take my phone and leave the room.

" Mina. Stop. " She said as I was about to open the door.

But I didn't listen to her. I'm hurt and rejected. I'm so ashamed. Tsk. I opened the door but her hand was already there and closed the door and locked it.

" I said stop. Don't you hear me? " She said.

But I didn't speak. I felt my tears were falling so I looked to the other side so she will not see it. And now she sounds pissed?! I was the one who is pissed now. I was rejected for what I did. I thought we both want that! Why did she say that if I kissed her she can't stop herself and so whatever? Damn!

" I-I'm sorry. It's just that I can't. " She said in her soft tone.

She can't?! But she can do it to any other girl! Wow! I see. The feelings are not mutual.

" I get it. It's fine. " I just said.

" No. You don't get it. "

" I said I get. Why don't you just agree with me? Can you please let me out? " I said as I look at her.

I'm hurt. My feelings are hurt. I'm so stupid!

" No. You're gonna stay here with me. "

" What the hell is wrong with you?! "

" See? You don't understand what I meant. "

" Of course, I won't understand it because you didn't say anything. You're so unpredictable. "

" I'm sorry. Just let me explain. "

" No. Enough. I'm done. "

" I can't do that with you because we still didn't know each other. "

Oh wow?! Really?! But she can do that to any other.

" Yeah. Whatever! Just let me get out. "

" Mina, are listening to me? "

" No. Because I'm tired to know you. It's a mistake. I'm sorry if I kissed you. Is that enough? Is that what you want me to say to you? "

" Mina. Can you please calm down? You don't get it. "

" Just let me out. "

I keep on pulling her hand out of the door knob but she keeps on pulling my hands too. But I was surprised by the next thing she did. She hugged me.

" Stop crying. Just hear me out. " She said as she hugged me.

I did not speak. I wanted to hug her too. But no. I am pissed at her. I don't know what to do. She makes me crazy!

" I already told you that I wanted to know you more. We can take it slow. "

Huh? I'm out of words. Even though I'm not speaking.

" I didn't mean to hurt you from what I said earlier. It's just that I can't do that to you. You're not any of the other girls. "

Oh shit. Why are her words taking me to the other world?! I want to jump now on her balcony.

" Just listen to me first. You misunderstand everything if you'll gonna judge me first and not hear my explanation. Okay? "

Why are her words convincing? And why am I so fragile when it comes to her? I hugged her back. I hugged her tightly like there was no tomorrow.



I am now tipsy. I was gonna invite Mina to go inside the house to take some rest but Mina was not beside me anymore. I was too focused on the three girls playing beer pong and did not notice Mina was not there

Oh well, we are safe because it's Seulgi's house.

The other group was in a loud noise. Screaming and cheering. I started to walk to look at what they were doing.

" Mina?! " I exclaimed to myself.

I am surprised to see Mina there drinking beer in a big mug. And the other player is the girl from earlier. I see!

" I see what you did there Mina! Hahaha. Go, girl!! Whoooaaaa. " I cheered for Mina.

I know that she's jealous of that girl and now she doesn't want to lose. Even Though the beer is spilling on her body and her bra can be seen under her white shit, she continues to drink it. But in the middle of the fun, I saw Chaeyoung walking toward Mina. She grabs Mina's mug and gave pulled out his hoodie to give to mina. Mina was too stunned to speak and she just realize what is happening and quickly put on Chaeyoung's jacket. The guy who is holding a bottle of wine to use it as his mic doesn't have a choice but to let go of Mina. I followed them with my eyes. They enter the house and I saw Jihyo who is looking at them too.

" Yah! Lisa, why are those two together? " She asked me.

" I just saw Chaeyoung pulling out Mina to that big mug drinking game. And she grabs her inside the house. "

" Oh my god! This is it, girl! "

" Yeah! I hope they make progress! "

" Yah! What are you two whispering there? Let's go inside and have some drinks again. " Jeongyeon asked as they enter the house.

" Yah! Mina and Chaeyoung are together now. " Jihyo just spilled the tea.

" What?! Oh my god! Hahaha. " Nayeon said.

" Let's go on our spot and let's talk about it there. " Jeongyeon said.

We enter again the house of Seulgi and we sat on our spot. Seulgi and Ryujin are nowhere to be found. The boys are not here too, while the 3 girls were still playing the beer pong outside.

" So what now? What happened? How do they end up together? " Nayeon said.

Jeongyeon order again a tequila for us and we started to drink it. I don't know if can still be doing this. I don't think I can make it.

" Well, Lisa saw them in that big mug of beer event outside. Hahaha. " Jihyo said as she pours as our drink.

" Really? What happened? " Nayeon asked.

These two love to gossip. Hahaha. They're like my friend Jisoo. Hehehe.

" Yeah, Mina was nowhere to be found. Then I heard a loud noise from the other group and I saw her drinking that big mug of beer. "

" Wow. Hahaha. Mina was a hard drinker now? I didn't know that! " Nayeon said.

" Hahaha. I think of that too! " Jihyo said as she agrees with what Nayeon thought

" And then, what happened? " Jeongyeon asked after she drinks her shot.

Then I told them the whole story. They can't believe what Mina did because of her jealousy of them. But if I were her, I think I would do the same thing.

" Where are our boys? " Nayeon asked us.

" I don't know. Jihyo looks for them earlier. " I answered her. I don't want to talk.

I can feel that I'm gonna puke anytime now.

" They're outside. " Jihyo answered. 

" What are they doing there? " Jeongyeon asked.

" Jimin met a girl. And they're talking to them. " Jihyo said.

I noticed after we talked about the boys, her mood suddenly changed. 

" What's wrong? Your mood suddenly changed. " I said. 

" Yeah. What's wrong? " Nayeon asked. 

" Nothing. Hahaha. It's just that, the alcohol hits me now. And my head starts to spin now. " She said. 

What the fuck?! I thought they have a problem! 

" My god Jihyo!! I thought you and Daniel fought! Tsk. " I said. 

" Hahaha. Let's drink until we got wasted!!! " Jeongyeon said as she raised her glass. 

We drink non-stop. Until one by one, we passed out. 

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