A Namesake Couple (Completed)

By ra_shi10

280K 11.9K 841

*************************************** He is cruel but he has a heart!! She is kind but misunderstood!! He i... More

Introduction of the characters
Meet (Advitya Shekhar Rajvansh)
meet (Adhya Shakti singh)
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Chap 1 Serving Motherland
Chapter 2 Meeting and Party
chapter 3 Dream man!
chap 4 Sensitive vs Insensitive
Chap 5 A Date and a departure
Chap 6 decisions
chap 7 crossing paths
chap 8 The meeting
chap 9 Sham and tricked
chap 10 Caught
chap 11 Torture and Truth
Chap 12: Believe what we see!
chap 13 Tears of past
chap 14 Selection
chap 15 She is mine!
Chap 16 Pain and Care
Chap 17 An invitation
chap 18 The party (part 1)
chap 19 The party(part2)
chap20 Snow white & The Prince
Chapter 21 The proposal
Chap 22 Wedding Part 1
chap 23 wedding day 2
chap 24 Food & little progressiom
Chap 25 A meeting
chap 26 Midnight talks
chap 27 I don't love her
Chap 28 set up and fever
Not an update: THANK YOU PEOPLE
chap 29 An Attempt
Chap 30 Siddiqui's invitation
chap 31 Misunderstood Again
Chap 32 Training
Chap 33 He Cares
not an update
chap 34 Childish Mistake
chap 35 My Husband & My Wife
chap 36 Genuine Worry
chap 37 Be Brave!
chap 38 My Therapy
chap 39 calm before storm!!
Chap 40 End of the journey??
Not an update: little chat session
chap 41 A truth!
Chap 42 : Unveiling
chap 43 she is my Pride!
chap 44 a skill to show!
chap 45 Our princess (Part A)
not an update: suggestion
Chap 46 Heartbroken
not an update
chap 47 They are hurt!!
chap 48 (A) Quest & answers
chap 48 (B) Quest and answers
chap 49 Why we were destined!
chap 50 I love you
Not a chapter: Thankyou
chap 51 All love❤️
Chap 52 The mall
chap 53 don't leave me!
Chap 55 Protect him
chap 56 Till Eternity (final part A)
Chap 56 Till Eternity (final part B)
Epilogue!( The beginning of the end)
thank you readers
Gratitude my dear readers 🌼
2,00,000 READERS!!🙏

Chapter 54 Emotional turmoil

2.7K 176 15
By ra_shi10

Nothing hurt more than the ignorance of the person you love.


Author POV

It's been four days since Advitya got shot. He was unconscious for two days. Luckily bullet touched his shoulder. There is no crack in the bone. He was unconscious for long because bullet was amalgam with poisonous substance.
Adhya didn't leave his side, She was there beside him , she cried, prayed and cared for him.
When Advitya gained consciousness he didn't utter any word. He didn't react when Adhya hugged him.

Same day when she feed him the food, he heard his voice after long .

"Adhya go home! Get changed. You look tired". Those words hold mixture of emotions. It has authority and request.

Adhya could not denied his request
She nodded and left. But as his Advit not beside him, how can she live comfortably at home. After few hours she returned to the hospital.

This time Advitya didn't say anything.
Everything is cold between them. Advitya has gone into solitude. Adhya trying to sense his behaviour. May be it's because of the physical and mental stress he gone through. She thought.

Same day at night when she was making him eat his dinner, he asked if Alen is there.
Adhya called Alen from outside. He was talking to guards. We didn't take Advitya to the city's hospital. We cannot let everyone one know that he has been shot  Advitya Shekhar Rajvansh is a big name in business industry. So we took him to the RAA secret hospital wing.

When Alen entered the room. Advitya said
"Alen, get Adhya's food."
He knew his Adhya is not eating properly.

At the night when he was slept due to medicines, Adhya switched off the lights. She caressed his forehead. And kissed. She sobbed. She cannot show her tears to Advitya, she cannot show him how weak she feels. She is a wife afterall.

When she cried her heart out in corner of the dark room.  She again come to check Advitya. When she was returning to her place, Advitya held her wrist. She was surprised that Advitya is awake.
"Sleep here Adhya"! He said.

"But you are injur ... She replied.

"Come to this side", he showed his uninjured side. Bed was wide enough.
She couldn't say no to him. And lied on extreme corner of the bed. She turned to another side, not facing Advitya. She sobbed again. She covered her mouth so that he can't hear her cries. Next moment she saw Advitya's left arm engulfed her in protective embrace. She couldn't resist and cried on his chest  Advitya didn't say a word. He just caressed her hairs. He let her cry. She was holding it since 4 days. Soon they drifted into deep slumber.

Advitya POV

My wounds is healed almost. Its been 10 days since i was shot. I am at my home. My business taken care by my trusted employees. I am on tour according to the reports. I cannot tell media about my injury.
As for Adhya, she looks lifeless. Every day she cries silently. My injury made her afraid. I know she is worried. The bullet that i took was meant for her. She could have been died. That thought make me feel dreadful. It happened because she is my wife.
My existence in her life consuming her.

"Advitya , dinner is ready." She said. She bring the food to the bed. I feel handicap with my injury. There is a slight pain in lifting.
What if something happens to me. i cannot let her attached with me.

"Adhya, i will eat by myself. You can go". I said coldly.

She saw me for few seconds.
Then without saying anything she start placing food on bed table.

"I told you I will eat by my own". I told her again.

Why isn't she listening.

"Here it goes." She placed the spoon of rice and dal near my mouth.


She flinched a little but calmed again.
She again placed the food near my mouth.
Why can't she hate me! I thought.

I took the spoon from her hand and throw it on the ground. I left the bed and walk towards the balcony.

I calmed my nerves. I misbehaved with her. I broke her heart.

Hate me Aashi.. Don't get attached  with me. I can only give you pain. My life is a risk. But i can't risk your life. My love is consuming you..

After spending some time i came back to the room. I saw my food was covered with plate. Adhya is no where.
I want to see her, i want to know if she is ok.

I lead my way to downstairs. I saw her in the kitchen. Cutting vegetables. She was in deep thoughts.
I heard her cry. She cut her finger.
"Adhya"! I rushed to her. I saw her finger has a deep cut. Blood oozing out of it.
I tried to hold her hand but she jerked off my hand. This time i grab her hand. And lead her to the sink. I washed her hand with running water.
"Why are you doing this"? She asked

I didn't answer .. i keep on washing her hand. Suddenly she took her hand off from my hold..
She placed her finger on knife where cut was made. She pressed more.

I remove her hand from the knife. Blood is flowing freely. She winced.

"What have you done"! I replied softly....
"Why Aadi! Don't you want me to hate you"! She said.

I saw her in surprise. She knew i am cold with her intentionally.

She cupped my face , "Advitya Shekhar i cannot hate you. I can never stop loving you. You understand." She shouted.

I cannot resist my emotions and i hugged her with all my might.
I cried.
"I am sorry Aadhya. I am sorry my love. I don't want to risk your life with me. Did you see what happened". I replied.

"Why ..you think .. i would be fine.. w.. ith o. o ..ut y..ou. i love You Advit. I love you so much". She cried.

I didn't say anything. We cried in each others embrace.
"Aashi..".i detached myself from her only to see she was fainted..
"Aashi". I patted her face..she opened and closed her eyes. She is not eating meals properly. In addition i gave her mental stress. I lifted her and lead my way to upstairs.

She regained consciousness. I give her water. She was staring her finger which is now taken care.

"Why are you overworking Aashi. See you fainted". I sat beside her with food plate in my hand

She didn't reply.

I placed the food near her mouth. She saw me with tears.

"Please"! I mumbled softly.

She ate it. Then she feed me with her hands. I took the food. We both ate in silence.

Adhya POV

After giving him the medicine, i dressed his wound. All while he is watching me silently. I still don't know what made him think that i would hate him for his silly acts. He said his love is consuming me. But he doesn't know if this is the case i want to be consumed. I just want to live with him. Why can't he understand.
I supported him with pillows and
took the tray from the table and lead my way to the kitchen.

"Don't spend much time in kitchen. Come soon". He said.

I nodded and left the room.

When i returned to our room, I saw his eyes were closed. i took the book from his lap which he was reading. i dim the lights and lie down on my side of the bed. I am still feeling giddy. I placed hand on my forehead
And started massaging it in circular motion.
I sense some movement i saw Advitya is moving.
"You head is aching?" He asked
"No". I replied.

"Then" ..

"I am feeling giddy." I said.
"Still."? He asked
"See what you did to yourself. It's all because of me". He said.

"It's not because of you Aadi. Why aren't you understanding! If a family member gets sick, the other family member take care. Why it is difficult to understand? If it was your mother in my place,  she would do the same ? Doctors work tirelessly , nurses care for the patient even if they don't feel good. Does that mean they are harming themselves?" I replied ..

He didn't answer. Next he pulled me to his chest. I didn't resist. He moved his fingers in my hairs.
"Sleep my love". He kissed my forehead.
I lifted my head a little.
"Aadi please don't separate me from yourself." I told him while gazing deep into his eyes.

"now I will never ! I am sorry". He replied..

I kissed both his eyes which are now warm because of unshed tears.
I then placed myself on his chest and slept soon..

At midnight

Our sleep is broken with Advitya's phone ring.
Advitya picked the call.
"Hello"! (Pause).. "what!"
"Ok i will be there"! With that he hung up the call..

He saw me with a worried face. I know something has happened.

"Sarin sir is missing! I have to go". He announced and left the bed..

What do you think about Advitya's behaviour?
This chapter is dedicated to Captain Advitya Shekhar Rajvansh. It is about his insecurities, what he has been going through. His duty is dangerous. He risks his life every second. As a soldier he has got responsibility towards nation and as a husband Adhya is his responsibility. Love is difficult. Isn't it?
Brace up yourself for last two chapters of the book. Want to take time to write it nicely.

Like,Reviews, comments are welcome.🤗🥰

Note: i notice plagiarism of my work. 😢🥺 Please authors don't do that. Be original..🙏

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