RWBY Robots in Disguise

By Hadwinmarshall9

3.7K 94 36

Transformers and RWBY crossover based on The 1984 G1 series with the other shows like Beast Wars and The Unic... More

More Than Meets The Eye pt 1
More Than Meets The Eye pt 2
Transport to Oblivion
Roll for it
Divide and Conquer, The Protectons join the fray
Fire in the Sky, Terrakors join the Fray
S.O.S Dinobots
Fire on the Mountain
War of the Dinobots
The Ultimate Doom Pt 1
The Ultimate Doom pt 2
The Ultimate Doom pt 3, Cybertron gets Yeeted
Countdown to Extinction, The Execution of Dr. Merlot
Plague of Insecticons
Heavy Metal War
Autobot Ruby
Changing Gears
City of Steel
Attack of the Autobots
The Immobilizer

More Than Meets The Eye pt 3

305 5 0
By Hadwinmarshall9

Jazz: Ruby, Prime! You all right?

Ruby: yeah, I'm ok

Yang: I hope so

Prowl: Looks bad, Jazz.

Jazz: Ratchet, see if repairs are needed.

Ratchet: Let's get him up on his wheels.

They begin to help lift Optimus Prime

Ruby: *straining* come on Prime, I just started calling you a friend

Ratchet: Grab him! Lift! Careful... easy... easy... done!

Prime, can you hear me?

Optimus Prime: *groans in pain*

Jazz: Still generatin'.

Optimus Prime: Roller.....what happened to him?

Yang then heads to the cave entrance and calls out


Roller emerges from the entrance of the collapsed mine, making a few noises as he studies Yang

Yang: don't worry, I'm a friend *pets Roller gently*

Roller beeps at Yang in a cutesy way then as Yang walks back to the others, Roller follows her, making a few noises as he rolls back onto Optimus Prime's trailer

Jazz: Down, but not out. Roller's one tough little Autobot.

Yang: he's adorable too, like a wittle puppy like when we got Zwei

Ratchet: Prime, can you transform?

Optimus Prime: I... I'll try. I... uhh... I don't know... if I can do it. Uuhh... I've almost got it...

Gears: Come on, Prime, you can do it. Try harder!

Huffer: You got it! You got it!

Cliffjumper: Come on!

Yang: You got this Prime

Ruby: we believe in you

Weiss: don't give up

Optimus makes struggling noises as he returns to Robot Mode

Optimus Prime: There!

Jazz: (Chuckles) Welcome back to the land of moving parts!

Ratchet: That was some blast you took.

Yang: yeah, I'm surprised it didn't tear the trailer

Optimus Prime: The blast! Bumblebee and Blake. They're still inside!

Prowl: How will we ever find them under all that rock?

Ironhide: Only one way!

Ironhide's minicon, Drillbit transforms into a drill and whirls, ready to dig

Ironhide: Stand back!

Optimus Prime: Start digging!

They start digging, Prowl, Bluestreak, Sunstreaker, and Sideswipe dig while Ruby, Weiss, and Yang help Ironhide, Jazz, Cliffjumper, Gears, Mirage, and Huffer

Ratchet got his medical supplies ready just in case

Mirage: any luck guys

Prowl: not yet

Jazz: I found 'em! Over here!

They move the rocks away from them

Bumblebee: Jazz... I thought we'd had it!

Blake: *coughing*

Ratchet: here

Ratchet hands her a oxygen mask

Blake: *breathes the Oxygen* thank you Ratchet

They are taken away from the mine and dusted off

Optimus Prime: Thanks to you two, the Decepticons are finished.

Bumblebee: Well, we were almost finished, too.

Blake: Wheeljack wasn't kidding when he said it would blow in 60 seconds!

Wheeljack: 59.99, to be exact.

Yang: so it's 60 seconds?

Optimus Prime: With the Decepticons buried under all that rock, we can resume our search for the resources we need.

Mirage: And we can return to Cybertron?

Optimus Prime: Very soon, Mirage. Very soon.

A loud blast rattles the triumphant Autobots as the Decepticons free themselves from their rocky confinement.

Ironhide: Leapin' lubricant!


Skywarp: It worked! We're free! We can get out!

Megatron: We are indestructible! Power to the Decepticons forever!

The Decepticons cheer at Megatron's words.

Soundwave: Energon cubes still functional.

Megatron: Take them and follow me. Scramble!

Optimus Prime: The Decepticons! They're escaping!

Ironhide: After them! They're --

Optimus Prime: Save it, Ironhide. They're too fast for us in the air.

Ironhide: Well, I'm tired o' suckin' their vapor trail! I'll stop 'em!

Optimus Prime: Ironhide, come back!

Bluestreak: I'll get him!

Jazz: Bluestreak, no!

Bluestreak: Call it off, Ironhide! There's too many of 'em! They're out of reach!

Ironhide: Stop yappin', Bluestreak! This is my fight!

Bluestreak: Make it our fight!

Yang: why is he called Skywarp?

Skywarp: Skywarp to Megatron! Request permission to teleport!

Megatron: Permission granted! Teleport and destroy!


Yang: ooooooh, he can turn invisible like Mirage

Weiss: he teleports Yang


Skywarp fires missiles at them

Bluestreak: It's like fightin' a shadow!

Ironhide: Don't worry! We'll get 'im!

Skywarp hits Ironhide and knocks him down

Bluestreak: Ironhide!

Ironhide falls into a river

Bluestreak: I'm comin', Ironhide! Throw me a line!

Jazz: You've got it!

Bluestreak: Pull!

Ironhide: Uhh, I can't move!

Optimus Prime: At least you can still talk, old buddy.

Ratchet: Where'd you get hit?

Ironhide: Back in somewhere. Think my linkage is busted.

Ratchet: I'll check it.

Ratchet then transforms into a Dodge WC-54 Ambulance and opens the back

Ratchet: Weiss, grab the examination equipment I showed you earlier

Weiss: on it

Optimus Prime: You gave us all a pretty good scare.

Ironhide: It's been worse. I remember the time on Cybertron...

Optimus Prime: Save the war stories, hot shot. Just remember, there's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory.

Ruby: *fangirling* your so wise, teach meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Jazz: Heheh, maybe Ironhide's ready for a nice cushy office job.

Ironhide: Hey, no way. Soon as Ratchet tightens a few bolts, I'll be right back in action.

Optimus Prime: We'll see. Let's get out of here!

Later, Ruby once again sits outside Autobot Headquarters and writes in her journal.

Ruby: Optimus Prime cares a lot for his fellow robots, and he doesn't want anything to happen to them. I think he'd make a neat Leader for all of Remnant or a Professor in Beacon Academy

Hound: Uh-uh, Airbit. This key's not for you.

Airbit flew in his plastic cage like a angry wasp in a box

Yang: (Chuckles) Don't think he likes being a prisoner in a big box

Mirage: Can't say I blame him. You know, I'm surprised the Decepticons haven't tried to rescue him.

Airbit stopped flying around the cage and looked depressed, he knew they wouldn't rescue him, his type is easy to make and loosing one wouldn't matter, he looked at Blake who was walking by

Blake: hi

Airbit looked at her and ignored her

Blake: Hey, I know how you feel Airbit, I sympathize with you

Airbit looked at his Decepticon symbol and tore it off, he looked at the two Autobots and scanned their symbol and pasted it to its body

Hound: I'm not. They don't care about anyone. Not even their own. Hey, Airbit, watch this!

Hound creates a hologram of Megatron.

Hound: Hahah! Here's your friend Megatron to keep you company!

Airbit flew out of the cage and onto Blake's shoulder

Yang: Blake, don't move

Blake: he's fine Yang, look at the insignia

Airbit transforms into its Black Hornet Nano mode and lands on Ember Celica, turning into a scope

Yang: nice, we are keeping him

Mirage: Huh-Hound, when we get back to Cybertron, will you make me a big house with a four-car garage? (Chuckles) Holograms look so real, nobody'll know the difference.

Hound: Mirage, you just gave me a great idea.

Optimus Prime: A hologram?

Hound: That's right, Prime. But I mean a big one!

Prowl: What did you have in mind?

Hound: A gigantic illusion that'll trick the Decepticons into coming to us on our terms.

Jazz: It might just work.

Prowl: What's the hologram of?

Optimus Prime: I've got an idea.

Hound: I just saw Prime. He told me Teletraan 1's located a secret supply of rocket fuel.

Mirage: Where?

Hound: Not too far from here. About 140 kilometers due west.

Mirage: Then maybe we can go back to Cybertron?

Hound: Why, there's enough rocket fuel at that base to make four trips to Cybertron. Come on, let's tell Ironhide. Make him feel better.

Mirage: What about Airbit?

Hound: Don't worry about him. He's not goin' anywhere.

Airbit, in his position for his part flew past them in his fake Decepticon Livery

Mirage: It's Ravage!

Hound: He's gettin' away!

Mirage: After him!

Airbit then flew away, disappearing in smoke, they return to the base

Optimus Prime: What happened?

Mirage: Ravage. He escaped.

Optimus Prime: Perfect.

Ravage: The rocket base is 140 kilometers due west of the Autobot camp.

Megatron: Excellent, Ravage! Excellent! That rocket fuel is the last resource we need to defeat the Autobots and control Cybertron.

Starscream: Right on schedule, aren't we?

Megatron: No thanks to you, Starscream.

Starscream: I've made my contribution!

Megatron: You've also made clear your desire to replace me as leader of the Decepticons. Mistake number one.

Starscream: It's time for a change, Megatron. It's time for action, not words. I am the leader of the future!

Megatron: You couldn't lead antroids to a whatever a picnic is. How can you pretend to lead the Decepticons?

Starscream then aims his Null Ray at Megatron's back

Soundwave: Megatron!

Megatron turns and uses the Me-262 A-1/U4 wings as a shield

Starscream It's -- it's empty!

Megatron: You failed to dispose of me when you had the chance, Starscream. Mistake number two. Now it's my turn.

Megatron lifts his Fusion Cannon and faces Starscream

Starscream: Please... please don't fire. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done it. Please, don't shoot!


Starscream falls and holds his injured arm

Starscream: Megatron! Megatron!!

Megatron: We attack the rocket base at sunrise!

Hound then casts the hologram and watches as the Decepticons think that's the target.

Megatron: Decepticons, attack! Attack!

Optimus Prime: Hold it! Stop fighting! What in the universe is going on here?

They notice that they were also tricked

Ironhide: Scrap!

Prowl: Springs!

Hound: Junk!

Optimus Prime: We've been had.

Megatron: That's right, Prime. I was on to your little scheme from the start. Did you really think you could fool me by allowing Airbit to escape? Did you?

Optimus Prime: Go on, Megatron. You're in the driver's seat.

Megatron While you and the other Autobots have been fighting a bunch of loose screws, the real Decepticons have been at the real rocket site! You've lost, Prime. The Decepticons have won! (Laughs)

Optimus Prime: The race isn't over yet, Megatron.

Megatron: Oh, it's over, Prime. You just don't know it! (Laughs)

Megatron then transforms into the Me-262 A-1/U4 and flies away to join a squad of F-15SE Silent Eagles and a Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk.

Air Controller 1: Unidentified aircraft approaching, sir. A lot of 'em.

Captain: This is Atlas Central control tower. Identify yourselves! Identify, over!

Air Controller 1: They're movin' fast, cap'n!

Captain: Repeat: Atlas Central to aircraft! Give us an ID and a flight mission! That's an order!

Air Controller 2: Look. They're comin' down!

Captain: Sound the alarm!

The Alarm blared

Captian: Who are they? What's happening down there?

Air Controller 2: Our weapons are totally ineffective! There's nothing we can --

Megatron: Excellent. Excellent! Prepare the energon cubes.

Soundwave: Course back to Cybertron charted. Space cruiser fueled and ready for departure. What are your orders, Megatron?

Megatron: Prepare for blastoff!

Optimus Prime: We have come to a moment of truth. The Decepticons are in position to return to Cybertron. We have no choice but to attack them directly. But this battle will be most dangerous, so I ask for volunteers. Jazz?

Jazz: Volunteers, step forward!

Ironhide, Hound, and Team RWBY step forward

Jazz: Autobots, transform!

Prowl transforms into a 2016 Dodge Charger Pursuit

They then drive to the Decepticons

With the Decepticons

Megatron: So close, Soundwave.

Soundwave: Space cruiser ready for boarding.

Megatron: So very, very close to conquest!

Optimus Prime: Prime to Autobots! Encircle the base!

Megatron: Decepticons, it is time to return to Cybertron and conquer the Autobots forever!

The Decepticons cheer at Megatron's words.

Megatron: Board the space cruiser!

Optimus Prime: Autobots, transform!

Team RWBY jumps out with their weapons ready

Yang readies Ember Celica, Blake grabs Gambol Shroud and charges with Impactor, and Weiss grabs Myrtenaster and runs alongside Prowl

Megatron: We are under siege! Decepticons, transform!

Soundwave: Rumble. Laserbeak. Ravage. Prepare for battle. Operation: warfare. Eject, eject, eject!

Ravage transforms into a robotic Black Panther while Laserbeak resembles a robotic Andean Condor

Hound: I owe you one from Vacuo Dam, Rumble!

Rumble: You couldn't swim. What makes you think you can fight?

Hound: Watch me!

Hound overpowers Rumble and makes strained noises as he pummels the Decepticon.

Then Skywarp and Thundercracker transforms into F-15SE Silent Eagles and fly alongside Laserbeak and Straffe. Wheeljack and Cliffjumper, who fire back at them, Optimus Prime transforms into robot mode as Ruby runs beside him, with Crescent Rose in Gun form, Megatron in Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf E mode drives into view and fires its Cannon at them then transforms into robot mode

Optimus Prime: Fire!

Ruby fires a Ice dust round and it hits Megatron's Fusion Cannon and knocks it out of commission

Optimus Prime: It's just you and me now, Megatron.

Megatron: Then you'd better get some help, Prime!

Optimus Prime: Ohh, no. I've been waiting for this chance.

They clash and Optimus Prime throws Megatron behind him

Megatron: Unnhh!

Optimus Prime: Only one of us is going back, Megatron!

Megatron: It won't be you, Prime!

Starscream aims his Null Ray at Optimus Prime but Ruby manages to cut off the Null Ray with Crescent Rose in Scythe mode while using her Semblance, Petal Burst.

Starscream: Hey! Who did that?

Starscream goes to retrieve his lost Null Ray but Prowl runs it over, destroying it

Weiss: haha, you have one left loser

Starscream then transforms into his Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle mode and flew off to the Space Cruiser

Optimus Prime then flips Megatron over him and grabs him

Optimus Prime: You're finished, Megatron! Call if off! Call if off!

Megatron: Never, Prime! You and every last Autobot will be destroyed!

Ravage fires a sidewinder missile at Optimus and knocks him down, allowing Megatron to escape

Megatron: To the space cruiser!

The Autobots fire at the Space Cruiser as Ruby runs at the Space Cruiser but is stopped by Airbit, who transforms into a jetpack for her

Ruby: thanks Little buddy

Megaton: Blast off!

Optimus Prime: Megatroooooon!!!!

Jazz: It's over, Prime. We've lost.

Optimus Prime: No... not yet. Sideswipe!
Give me your rocket pack.

Sideswipe: My rocket pack?

Optimus Prime: Now!!

Sideswipe: Uh, yeah. Right.

Ruby runs up to the mountain and hops onto the ship, after Megatron

Jazz: This is crazy, Prime. You'll never catch him.

Optimus Prime: I'll be back, Jazz.

Yang: RUBY?!?!?

Optimus Prime: don't worry Yang, I'll get her back safely

Optimus Prime flies to follow Ruby

Ruby lands onto the Decepticon ship and Airbit transforms into a device to help her grip it

Inside the Space Cruiser

Megatron: It's done! We've seen the last of the Autobots and Optimus Prime!

Starscream: Not yet, Megatron! Prime is right behind us!

Megatron: That's impossible!

Megatron sees the footage and turns to Starscream

Megatron: Open the artillery hatch.

The Artillery hatch suddenly opens up and aims at Optimus Prime

Megatron: Fire!

The Artillery fires and hits Prime

Starscream: You got him! You got him!

Megatron: Soundwave! Full throttle! We're going home. Our home!

On the Ground

Jazz: It's Prime! He's been hit!

Prowl: He's out of control!

Jazz: Don't move, Prime! We'll take care of ya!

Optimus Prime: Erhh... I'm fine. I'm all right.

Prowl: Let Ratchet check you out.

Optimus Prime: I said I'm fine!!!

Yang: You did all anyone could do, Prime.

Optimus Prime: I don't know. Maybe. Where's Mirage?

Prowl: That's strange. I saw him before during the fight.

Jazz: He's gone now.

Yang: look, Ruby is doing something

With the Decepticons

Megatron: At last. Total victory is within my grasp.

Starscream: Not yours, Megatron. Mine!

Megatron (Laughs menacingly) I see that you have learned nothing, Starscream.

Starscrean: Wrong! I've learned a great deal. I won't miss this time!

Megatron: Beware, Starscream. If you dispose of me, there will always be someone waiting to dispose of you.

Starscream: Let them try! I've waited for this moment a long time, Megatron, and my time is now!

Soundwave: Autobot invader! Autobot invader!

Starscream: Noooo!!

Starscream shoots Mirage, knocking him back then Megatron shoots Starscream

Megatron: Extinction to all traitors!

Soumdwave: Space cruiser losing power.

Megatron: Do something, Soundwave! Regain control!

Soundwave: Control impossible. Prepare for impact!

Rumble: We're goin' to crash! We'll be destroyed!

Megatron: No! You can't let us crash, Soundwave! Do something! Do something!!

Ruby jumps and slices the fuel tanks as she slides down, she eventually is off the ship and Airbit flew her down safely

Ruby: Mirage, Now

Mirage: well, I'll say hello to Prime for you, Megatron! Happy landing!

Megatron: Stop him!!

Optimus Prime: They're going to crash!

The Autobots cheer as the Decepticon space cruiser plunges into the ocean.

Optimus Prime: The Decepticons are gone. Our path is clear now.

Jazz: They were on their way to Cybertron. Must have been a mechanical failure.

Prowl: I don't think it was a mechanical failure, Jazz. Look!

Hound: Mirage, Ruby! You did it!

Trailbreaker: You stopped the Decepticons!

The Autobots cheer at their victory.

Optimus Prime: We knew you were anxious to get back to Cybertron, but at least you could've waited for us.

Mirage: Sorry, Prime. The ship was full.

With the Autobots

Optimus Prime: Well done, Mirage.

Jazz: Well, let's get back to the base. We have a ship of our own to repair.

Ruby: Can I go back to Cybertron with you?

Optimus Prime: Maybe you'd better ask your team.

Ruby: Can we Yang?

Yang: Only if WBY can come with you.

Optimus Prime: All right, let's go home. Autobots, transform!

Prowl transforms into a 2016 Dodge Charger Pursuit

Trailbreaker transforms into a 1972 Land Rover Series III

Wheeljack transforms into a Lancia Stratos Turbo 5 race sporting Alitalia livery.

Ironhide transforms into a INKAS Sentry APC

Mirage then transforms into a Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decal

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe transform into Lamborghinis with Sideswipe being a red 1988 Lamborghini Countach LP5000 QV and Sunstreaker as a yellow 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR

Impactor transforms into a Otokar Arma 6x6 APC

Huffer transforms into a 2015 Mercedes- Benz #24 Tankpool24 Racing Truck

Gears transforms into a 1967 Kaiser Jeep M715

Brawn transforms into a Hummer HX

Jazz transforms into a 2007 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione with Martini decals

Huffer transforms into a 2015 Mercedes- Benz #24 Tankpool24 Racing Truck

Bluestreak transforms into a 2005 Nissan 350Z

They drive back to base

One final time, Team RWBY sit outside Autobot Headquarters, Ruby is annotating in her journal.

Ruby: Because the Autobots stopped the Decepticons from stealing Earth's resources, the governments of the world have agreed to give Optimus Prime the energy he needs to revitalize Cybertron. It's probably the first time all the governments ever agreed on anything. Well, that's it from Earth. Next stop Cybertron.

Optimus Prime; Ready, Yang? It's almost time to blast off.

Yang: I'll be right there, Prime!

Ruby: One more thing: I sure am glad we don't have to worry about Megatron and all those Decepticons anymore.

???: ah, Ms Rose

Weiss: Oh, Hey Ozpin

Hound: Who's this guy?

Ozpin: I'm Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy

Bluestreak: so, why are you here?

Mirage: this ship ain't in good shape for guests

???2: it's quite alright

???3: it looks rather nice

Ozpin: we wish to speak with your leader

Mirage: you mean Optimus Prime?

Ozpin: he's the one who's a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne with a trailer right?

Mirage: yeah

In the Autobot HQ

Jazz: Prime, three humans want to speak with you

Optimus Prime: hello humans

Ozpin: your Optimus Prime, correct?

Optimus Prime: indeed, I'm the leader of the Autobots, we're here to stop the Decepticons

???3: the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf E and a Messerschmitt Me-262 A-1/U4 one

Ozpin: Ironwood, you have records of those vehicles?

Ironwood: yes, also why does this Megatron have 3 forms?

Wheeljack: on Cybertron, they're called Triplechangers, they have three modes, but there are records of what we call Multi-Changers but they are rarer than Triplechangers and Sixchangers, which have 6 modes as the name implies.

Ironwood: your that advanced?

Wheeljack: yeah

Ozpin: I'd like to form a alliance with you Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime: With the Decepticons possibly not completely subdued, we'll need it

Ironhide: what's in it for us?

???2: we'll allow you to roam Remnant as you please, Ironwood will assist you on missions if needed and you did save a team of our students

Yang: yeeeaaah, I forgot to mention that

Ratchet: we could use some help with our ship the Ark

Ozpin: we will help you with any needs, me and Glynda are at Vale, Beacon Academy which is not far from here, Ironwood is from Atlas

Cliffjumper: I heard Weiss talk about it to Prowl

Optimus Prime: Ozpin, you have a deal my friend

Ozpin: thank you for saving team RWBY

In the ocean by Atlas, the fallen Decepticon space cruiser lies motionless. But a hatch suddenly opens, and Megatron emerges and swims away.

We cut to a Island where a Metal hand grips the ground

Megatron: I live

Megatron looks and sees Soundwave and the Seekers land

Megatron: We'll need to lay low for a while

???: we can help

Starscream: who are you

???: I'm Cinder, Cinder Fall

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