Eden Hall Ducks - Adam Banks

By halopolar

45.2K 617 255

After winning the Junior Goodwill Games, Indiana Gaffney and Adam Banks attempt to balance their personal and... More

Meet the Ducks
Chapter 1 : Adam Banks is not my man
Chapter 2 : "We're the Ducks"
Chapter 3 : The First Day
Chapter 4 : See Me
Chapter 5 : Midnight Memories
Chapter 6 : Horrid Brownies
Chapter 7 : The First Game
Chapter 8 : Who Took My Clothes?
Chapter 9 : Loyalties Lie
Chapter 10 : Dinner On Us
Chapter 11 : Ant Party
Chapter 12 : Jealousy, Jealousy
Chapter 13 : A Sad Day in Minnesota
Chapter 14 : Charlie's Return
Chapter 15 - Reinstated
Chapter 16 - (Almost) the End

Chapter 17 : The End

2.2K 43 21
By halopolar

The rest of the year ended with the junior varsity team winning the remaining few games they had left. With new captains Charlie Conway and Indiana Gaffney at the helm along with the returning addition of Adam Banks, their team was unstoppable. The Eden Hall varsity team had failed to beat the Bears, losing the state championship for the first time in ten years. Their confidence had taken a severe beating after losing to the junior varsity team, and it showed throughout their playoffs and into the finals. It was an unfortunate moment for the school, but the Duck's couldn't have been happier.

Speaking of the Ducks, Eden Hall unveiled its new mascot after removing the warrior statue out front. Most of the school was excited or indifferent about the change, but Charlie Conway was especially happy. Not only had his new girlfriend, Linda, succeeded in her crusade to remove the quote "demeaning warrior name," but he had also returned a special part of his childhood into his life. After peewee hockey, the Duck's logo had been rarely used despite a few occasional appearances. Despite being red and white, Charlie couldn't have been happier with the change.

After the loss to both the junior varsity team and the Blake Bears, Coach Wilson decided to take his coaching talents to a local junior team, removing himself from the former varsity dynasty. Coach Orion took the helm, bringing up his entire junior varsity team to join the few remaining members of the varsity squad. With Cole and Rick graduating that year along with ten other players, the remaining members had no problems with letting the Duck's onto their team.

There was, however, a goalie controversy on the varsity team. Scooter being only a junior left himself with another year of competition. Him and Julie began dating a few weeks after the junior varsity-varsity showdown, not even thinking about the potential of them becoming competitors. When Scooter's senior season came around, Orion played Scooter more than Julie, which definitely caused a bit of strain in their relationship. However, the two made it through and were able to lead the Duck's to their first state championship since the Wilson era, creating the Duck Dynasty.

Adam and Indiana continued to date throughout the years, hockey bringing them even closer as they continued to share winning moments together. Three state championships later, the Ducks graduated together in 2001. Of all the Ducks, Indiana and Julie had been the only two to play division one hockey right out of high school Indiana and Julie had both been redshirted their freshman year at the University of Minnesota, allowing for them to have an extra year of eligibility with the women's team. Adam, however, had decided to play an extra year of junior hockey in Minnesota to increase his prospects before heading off to the University of Minnesota as well.

Despite a few bumps in the road, including a torn ACL her freshman year, Indiana and Adam had continued their long-lasting relationship throughout college. At the University of Minnesota, they had both won two respective championships for their teams, Adam winning versus Maine in 2002 and New Hampshire in 2003. Indiana and Julie won twice against Harvard in 2004 and 2005. In her fifth year, Indiana received her master's in Biology following her bachelor's in biomedical sciences. Adam focused his career in business, breaking the lawyer pattern in his family.

Following her fifth year, Indiana's ACL began to wear out, causing her to hang up the skates for a while. Instead, she focused on finding a job in the hospital working in the microbiology wing. In her off time, she worked on helping Adam get scouted. With the NHL draft being in a few weeks, she didn't want Adam to not be prepared.

Adam Banks had become a serious hockey prospect. NHL broadcasts had him going in the first round, but they all had different ideas of at what point in the round he would go. With the likes of Jonathan Toews and Erik Johnson among some other big college and junior hockey names, Adam had known he wasn't going to be selected too high. However, he didn't care-- he just wanted his dream to come true.

"Who would you rather be picked by?" Indiana asked the boy as they sat together on the loveseat of their hotel the afternoon of the draft. Indiana laid into the boy's side as he rubbed her arm and pulled her closer. "Minnesota?"

Adam sighed, "Honestly, maybe. But I wouldn't mind going somewhere else. Would you?"

Indiana shrugged, "I love Minnesota, but I'm totally with you. Maybe somewhere warmer?" Adam laughed at her response.

"Yeah, warmer would be nice for sure," Adam stated. "I just really hope I go somewhere that sells out seats, you know?"

Indiana smiled at the boy, watching him daydream in front of her. "Where we go doesn't matter. I'll be happy to go anywhere with you." Adam smiled at the girl, placing a short kiss on her lips. "Besides Toronto."

Adam laughed at her, shaking his head, "I'll be sure to tell the scouts that I can't play for the Maple Leafs." The draft was in Vancouver this year, and the two had quickly found out that Canada was not for them.

"We should probably get dressed, Adam." The girl began to stand up, but her arm was grabbed by Adam who pulled him back down onto his lap.

"Hey," Adam grinned at the girl. "I love you."

"I love you too, Adam." Indiana stated, snuggling into the boy's chest. He leaned down, kissing her forehead gently. "Now c'mon, if we don't leave in an hour we'll be late!" Adam smiled as he shook his head but obliged nonetheless. They took the time to get dressed, Indiana pulling on a black dress that reached down to her mid thighs. Adam grabbed his favorite blue tux, placing it on himself as Indiana put his tie on.

Adam looked at his girlfriend, eyeing her up and down as he smirked towards her. "You are so pretty it hurts." Indiana shushed him, slowly pulling him in by his tie as they rested their foreheads together.

"It's time," Indiana whispered, looking towards her watch. He kissed her lightly before grabbing his keys off of the table and holding out his hand to Indiana. She took it gratefully, smiling as they walked out to the car and drove to the draft together. They walked into the rink, cameras on them as they smiled and held hands together. They took their seats, watching as general managers, coaches, and other management took their seats at the tables down below. Indiana watched as Adam's eyes lit up as the stadium became more and more crowded with potential first round draft picks and reporters alike. Adam sat straight up as Gary Bettman walked to the stage, congratulating everyone and beginning the draft. St. Louis had the first pick, and time seemed to drag along after they chose their player. After a short break, the teams were back on the clock.

"What if I don't get picked?" Adam asked, his eyes full of worry.

"You will, Adam. I have no doubts," Indiana stated, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

Peter Chiarelli took the stage, indicating that his team's pick was in. It was pick number twenty-two, a spot that they had traded a player for.

"With pick number twenty-two, the Boston Bruins select a forward from the University of Minnesota, Adam Banks." Adam's eyes lit up as his own name echoed throughout the stadium. The boy watched all the cameras turn towards him as his face was shown on the big screen. He and Indiana stood up, embracing each other.

"You did it!" She exclaimed as he hugged her, moving back and forth as he shook.

Adam pulled away, holding onto the girl's arms, "We did it." Indiana watched as he walked down the stairs as he was handed a Bruins hat. He walked towards the stage, shaking everyone's hands as they congratulated him. He was handed a jersey that he slipped over his head along with placing the hat on. Adam wrapped his arms around the two men besides him as they took a picture, the boy being swept away for interviews. Indiana felt her eyes begin to water as she watched the boy she loved accomplish the start of his very first dream.

After Adam had returned, he found Indiana in the crowd. The boy grabbed the girl by the waist and spun her around, the two of them walking back to an area where Adam was expected to take pictures and meet his team's management. After a ton of congratulations and pictures, the two set off to their hotel room, Adam smiling more than he ever had. So it was a complete surprise to the boy when his entire Duck's team yelled 'surprise' from the inside of his hotel room, confetti cannons blasting as they all admired their friend who had made the National Hockey League.

"Guys!" Adam yelled out of shock, first running over to Charlie who hugged him.

"Congrats, man. You deserve it." Charlie patted Adam on the back, saying hello to Linda who stood by his side.

Goldberg and Averman bear hugged the boy. "Always knew you were a cakeeater," stated Averman, who had recently began an internship at a sports talk radio station. Goldberg had returned to Philly for a few years, helping out with the family business.

"Connie!" Indiana left Adam's side and rushed to the girl, the two embracing as they laughed. They hadn't seen each other in around two years, but had kept in constant contact. Her and Guy had broken up for a few years before finally finding their way back to each other. The rest of the Ducks had found themselves working in various businesses, many of them staying in Minnesota but some moving across the country. Charlie, however, never left Minnesota and took over as the Eden Hall Duck's hockey coach after Orion retired.

Adam walked around the room, his eyes full of tears as he saw his former best friends. He hugged every single person, making time to talk to everybody. Eventually, he made his way back to Indiana, giving her one last hug.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Adam called out, smiling towards his friends. Everyone kept quiet as Adam spoke. Indiana watched the boy, confused. "I was going to do this later, but I feel like in front of my friend's is the best audience we could have. I would love to say today has been the happiest day of my life, but then I'd be lying. The happiest days of my life have been each and every day that I have been able to love and cherish Indiana Gaffney." Indiana's eyes widened as she watched Adam turn towards her, holding both her hands. "And today would be the happiest day of my life, if you, Indiana Gaffney, would marry me." Indiana began to cry happy tears as Adam grabbed a small box from the pocket inside his tux and pulled it out as he got on one knee. He opened the box, revealing a gorgeous princess diamond ring that he remembered Indiana talking about years ago. "Marry me, Indiana."

Indiana pulled her hands away from her face as she nodded yes through her tears, pulling the boy upwards as they embraced, their friends all cheering in the background. It was the perfect night full of friends and now, family. Indiana Gaffney could now proudly walk around saying that she was Adam Bank's fiancé.

"I love you," Indiana spoke as she cleared the tears from her face and kissed the boy. He kissed her back, admitting his love for her yet again. "I love you, Indiana Gaffney. And nothing will change that." Adam and Indiana's friends now had two life changes to congratulate that night.


Adam made the Boston Bruins roster in 2008, a few years after developing with the Providence Bruins. The two had been married for a year now after having a wedding by the beach in Florida. Indiana's maid of honor was Julie, while Adam's best man had been Charlie. They all got together every once in a while, ensuring to see each other at least once every year. Adam and Indiana bought their first house right outside of Boston in 2009.

On June 15, 2011, Adam and Indiana Banks returned to Vancouver for game seven of the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals. Indiana got to watch her boyfriend hoist the Stanley Cup in enemy territory as they brought the Bruins back their first hardware since 1972. On November 6, 2012, Indiana Banks gave birth to twins: Olivia and Jordan Banks. In 2014, she presented a draft to backers to begin the National Women's Hockey League, which she saw take form in 2015. The two of them became advocates for women's hockey, raising both their children as hockey players-- but never forcing them into the sport.

The two of them maintained their love, still viewing each other the same way they had in the 90's. They both would make mistakes, argue, and have their days. But at the end of the day, they were always there for each other when their dreams came true, as they were each other's dream.

- A/N: Crying. This is the end. Thank you to everyone for commenting and voting, I really have appreciated the feedback. I'm currently in the works of writing a JJ Maybank Outer Banks story called Strawberry Sunscreen (the first season is done!!) Thank you all I hope you enjoyed reading :)

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