Class D: Young Ayanokouji

נכתב על ידי timothy_g2

18.7K 610 448

Young Ayanokouji goes to ANHS all out but due to his age he will not be as op and this is going to be kind of... עוד



3.1K 124 29
נכתב על ידי timothy_g2

A/N Watch the vid above and like it plz I am changing up the styles for the vids and if you see a style you like comment it and thanks for reading and watching lol.

It has been a week or two since my showdown in the cafeteria with who I learned had many names in the school already.



Tiny one.


Smug Loli.

And finally leader of Class A.

I honestly don't really care about how she is trying to prove she is better than me.

If I lose I can just say that she is double my age and win the argument like that, I am a genius aren't I.

How smart can she be anyways. 

I am the masterpiece after all which means I can't fail.

Never ever could happen ever.

(obv foreshadowing)

"Hey Ike."

"Hey Yamauchi."

Wonder why they are so chipper today.


Why are all the girls looking at them with disgust.

And why are all the boys looking especially evil today.

I know what it is.

They must be thinking about a boy vs girls water fight.

The boys are clearly planning to attack front on with wide area splashes.

Meanwhile, the devious girls are playing the emotional side trying to guilt trip them into forfeiting by looking at them repulsively.

Well I am a boy so I will get the evil smirk on my face as well.

"NO.             NOT THE CHILD.                NOOOOO."

Why did Satou scream that in the middle of class.

And why are all the girls so gloomy now.

"Ayanokouji-kun... what do you think is happening." Horikita the coolest person in class asked me.

"The boys are planning the ultimate water fight strategy clearly."


Wait why did I hear about 20 slaps simultaneously and why is every females forehead red now.

Was it something I said???

"Nevermind." Horikita said while sighing.

Wonder what that is about.


It is pool time.

Which means one thing.

I get to show off.

Which means I will get praise.

Because I am the masterpiece hehehe.

"Woah Sudo you're hella ripped."

"Thanks bro it is from my years of basketball."

Why are they praising Sudo he's barely got a six pack.

Oh because none of them have exercised before in their life.

I don't even know how people gain fat just don't eat that much.

Come to think of it where is Koenji.

He might put up a challenge for me.

But is he even coming today, I mean he has to be changing somewhere right.

So I went up to the closest person to me the great Yamauchi Haruki. 

"Yamauchi do you know where Koenji is."

"Why the hell would I know where he-"

Ike cut him off. 

"I saw Koenji go over there." He was pointing toward the female changing area.

"As payment take this phone with you and have it record in front of you." He stated very smugly.

"Why do you need a recording of Koenji." Is Ike perhaps into Koenji?

"Why the hell would I want a recording of Koenji." Ike said frustrated.

"Don't worry about it kiddo just do as we say ok." Yamauchi said with an evil grin.

Somethings wrong here.


So there I was walking towards the female changing area with a phone in my hand recording for some reason.

"Koenji!" I was yelling in front of the changeroom.

I did it a few more times and he didn't come out.

Weird maybe he isn't here.

"Did you say Koenji." A sweet voice said.

It was the class angel Kushida Kikyou. 

"Yes Ike said Koenji was here."

She looked a bit perplexed for a few seconds and then asked.

"Why would Koenji be here?"

"Yamauchi said to just listen and then hold this phone."

She then seemed to have a vein popping in her forehead with her eyebrows twitching.

"...So Yamauchi and Ike told you something to get you here. Then asked you to hold a phone and point it in front of you." 

I nod.

"Can I hold the phone for you Ayanokouji-kun."

"Sure." I then handed over the phone.

"Ayanokouji-kun why is it recording?"

"Yamauchi and Ike said to."

She seemed to be fiddling with the phone quite a bit.

She then gave me the phone back.

"Can you record yourself changing with this phone please Ayanokouji-kun."

She held my hands together and bent down to get to eye level. 

She gave me the puppy dog eyes.

How could I resist.


Is what a normal person would think.

"Whyyy not?" 

"I don't get anything and it seems weird not gonna lie."

She seemed to be thinking profusely with her hand gripping her chin.

"What if I get you food once a week up to 1000 points."

That is a very good deal but I can walk away from this negotiation so I'll haggle it a bit.

"If you can carry me home from school whenever I ask then you have a deal."

I put my hand out.

"Fine as long as when asked why you recorded yourself you say Yamauchi and Ike told you to and omit my presence for all of this." 

I don't know what she means by when I am asked but oh well.

"Deal Kushida."

Horikita POV

There weren't many of us swimming today due to the boys behaviour earlier but a few came to protect the child so we had about 6 of us.

However 1 of us has been out for a few minutes now and it is Kushida of all people.

I walked outside to check what was happening with her and I head "Fine as long as when you are asked why you recorded yourself say Yamauchi and Ike told you to. Also omit my presence for all of this."

What the hell was Kushida doing to my seatmate.

Omit that word isn't used in good situations it's a legal term.

I'll have to ask Ayanokouji later.

(foreshadowing moment)

Ayanokouji POV

After changing myself I gave the phone back to Ike with the recording of myself and the one I took earlier.

Well now I get to show off my swimming skills.

"WOAH the pool is so big." 

No it isn't this pool is smaller than the ones I have used.

"Hey everyone just start with a lap of the pool to warm up."

The teacher said.

I was at the back of the group and saw the people swimming ahead of me and oh my lord they had no technique.

They just put their arms out and back no kicking no body coordination.

What are normal schools teaching people.

Well it is now my turn I will go a slower pace so I can surprise people later hehehe.

"-That is why I was called the Flying Fish back in junior high." Yamauchi said.

Well a flying fish was probably as hopeless as you were in the water so I guess the name tracks but maybe he doesn't know that.

"All right guys time to compete."


What happened to all that confidence you just had Yamauchi?

"Last place will take remedial classed and 1st place will get 5000 points."

5000 POINTS.

That is so many points think of all the ice cream I could buy.


Why is Yamauchi still crying over there.

1st group: Hirata, Ike, Yamauchi, Akito

2nd group: Sudo, randoms

3rd group: Koenji, randoms

4th group: Ayanogod and randoms

The boys went first and the 1st group had 2 clear contenders for 1st the prince and Akito.


Could be heard from every girl in the crowd. 

"Thanks girls."

Hirata smiled and waved while the boys glared at him.



"HEY I CAN WIN TOO." Yamauchi said.

"On your marks, get set, go."

They jumped off well and a clear division was already formed with hirata and akito at the front with Ike and Yamauchi flailing around in the water.

Hirata and Akito were neck and neck until eventually they hit the end.

I couldn't tell the who winner was.



I don't think the crowd could tell either.




Every boy yelled. 


every girl yelled.

Why were they so hype for this.

Is this another tactic for the water fight?

I mean Hirata is one of the best players the boys would have it makes sense to take him out with kindess.

The 2nd group and 3rd group had obvious winners of Sudo and Koenji. 

Now it was my time.

"I forgot we had a kid in our class."

"Ye I feel sorry for him there's no way he'll be able to compete with people twice his age."

Oho just you wait random-kun you'll eat those words very soon.


Like that I jumped into the pool and swam at about 85% to conserve energy for the next race.

When I finished there was a silence in the whole pool area. 


"He's 8 years old."

"I think the others are just that weak actually."


A triumphant smile rose on my face I really am the greatest.

Girls POV

"Wait a second look at his body."

One of the quiet girls had said.

One by one they all looked and saw an absolute machine.

A man ripped beyond compare.

An Ayanokouji-man.

One of the girls with a muscle fetish had started drooling.

"Inogashira-san stop drooling the FBI will come."

Like that they all stopped and illegal thoughts about the young man.

But the thoughts would linger in the minds of a few of the degenerates.

(The music will make this scene even better trust me and totally like it and subscribe as well lol)

Ayanokouji POV

Final race time lets go.






"I'd like to you see try boy."

OHHHH I am pumped up to wipe that smug smile off his face.


Like that we all jumped off.

I was going 100% I didn't know where I was as looking would require energy away from the current task at hand.

No matter what I can't lose.

I am the masterpiece.

If I lose I am disposed of.






I can't stop the internal screaming.

I need to win.

Suddenly I felt a hard surface on my hand I had reached the end.

I got out of the pool and saw...

A giant man Koenji towering over me.

"I told you boy."

He started to walk away.

"You can't beat me."

He then turned his face to me with a smirk written all over it.

"And you never will."

Like that he got his points and walked off.

"Times Koenji 22 seconds, Sudo and Ayanokouji 25 seconds, Hirata 26 seconds."

My knees gave out on me.

I lost.


That isn't possible.

I am the masterpiece.

I can not lose.

And by such a margin...

Koenji Rokusuke. 

You might of won a battle.

But a war isn't won with a single battle.

Mark my words I will crush you.

Not mercifully either.

You will suffer. 




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