I'm in love with a Mafia boss...

By MeganKelly323

5K 76 10

What happens when an ordinary College student Akaashi Keiji falls in love with one of Japans top mafia bosses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

974 8 3
By MeganKelly323

I was walking home from my fashion class when I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked to see my best friend Kenma I smiled


Sup I was wondering if you'll like to go on a double date with me and Kuroo tonight ?

I don't know Kenma I'm still working on getting over you know who

Oh come on please for me ever since he's seen a picture in Kuroo office of all of us he won't stop asking about you  I'll do whatever you want without complaining if you just do this one favor for me please Keiji

I sighed before seeing Kenma do his famous puppy dog eyes I groaned before agreeing

I watched as my best friend did a little happy dance as we continued our walk to our shared apartment

I hope everything goes well tonight i unlocked our front door before stepping inside I removed my shoes at the front and made my way into my room

I pulled out a black button up with a pair of black skinny jeans  and my new  vans

I walked into my bathroom that's connected to my room I started my shower I stripped off my clothes

20 minutes later

I wrapped my towel around my waist before changing real quick I made sure to brush my teeth and hair to look presentable I sprayed a little cologne before walking out my bathroom

I slipped my shoes on before heading out to the living room where I seen my best friend and his boyfriend sitting on the couch waiting for me

You look Great Kashi

Thank you so do you guys

Kuroo stood up while helping Kenma up

We all headed to Kuroo car after locking up the apartment I climbed into the back while Kenma got in the front

The whole drive there I was nervous what if he's an asshole ? What if I don't really like him ? What if he thinks I'm ugly or fat ?

I was so spaced out from my own thoughts that I didn't realize that Kuroo had parked outside of the restaurant already

I unclicked my seatbelt and got out I felt Kenma grab my arm I smiled I love how he can comfort me when I need it without me asking

Kuroo opened the restaurant door for us I thanked him before walking in

Kuroo told the hostess that we had a reservation for four under the name Bokuto

So the man's last name is Bokuto

The hostess grabbed a few menus and walked us to a secluded area with a round table where a very attractive man with white silverish hair was sitting I looked at his golden eyes and almost fell right then and there he was the definition of beauty

He seen us and smiled before standing up and extending his hand for a hand shake I reached my hand out and shook his

Koutarou Bokuto it's a pleasure to finally meet you

Keiji Akaashi and the pleasure is mine

I watched as he smiled the most brightest of smiles before pulling out the chair next to him

Please sit down

I thanked him before sitting down I took a look at the menu just to distract me from looking at him

The waiter had came to the table to take our orders after we all ordered I had to hand my menu to the waiter ugh what am I gonna do now

So Akaashi Kenma told me that your a fashion designer major how is it ?

Oh it's wonderful I always had a huge thing for fashion so the classes are super easy for me

That's wonderful I can see you do have great sense in fashion you look absolutely stunning

I felt my face heat up

Thank you

No need to thank me it's the truth

The rest of dinner was just small talk I felt myself relax more around Bokuto he really is a sweet man when dinner finally ended we said our goodbyes

Bokuto slipped a piece of paper in my hand and asked if we can go out sometime

I smiled and told him I'll let him know when I'm free again

After our goodbyes I got into Kuroo's car

The drive home was filled with Kenma's I told you so and crap but I didn't care

I took the piece of paper out my pocket and programmed Bokuto number

I sent him a quick text

Me : I had a great night tonight thank you I hope we can do something again soon goodnight Bokuto

I hit send and locked my phone not even a minute later I felt my phone vibrate I opened it to see he replied back

Bokuto😍😍😍: I'm so happy that you had a great time and of course just let me know goodnight Akaashi 😊

I smiled at the text and put my phone away Kuroo parked his car in our garage

I got out and walked up the steps to our apartment

Did you have fun tonight ? Akaashi or are you gonna deny that you have feeling's for Bokuto

I actually did have fun tonight and no I'm not gonna deny that I do feel something towards him but it's still to early to be jumping into things I wanna get to know him a bit better before getting into a relationship with him.

I seen my best friend smile

Aww my little Akaashi is growing up

I rolled my eyes at Kenma sarcasticness before telling them good night

I made my way to my room I closed the door and sighed I love my best friend but sometimes I just wanna smack the shit out of him

I kicked my shoes off before taking my clothes off to switch to my pjs once I was comfortable I climbed into my bed

I knocked out as soon as I hit my pillow

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