You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemale...

By Maybank8sunset

6.8K 108 9

-BOOK ONE- -SEASON ONE- Sae Richmond is the IT girl. With the perfect Family, Friends, and Boyfriend. So, wha... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-


249 3 1
By Maybank8sunset

The Mainland Trip

Four days had passed since Kacy's party, and the potential fight between Rafe and JJ.
It was now Tuesday morning, and Sae had woken up early to style her hair for her trip with her friends.

Emma, Wren and Sae had planned the day trip for dress shopping. Although she hadn't spoken to either of them since the party. Or Rafe for that matter...
she'd sent a confirmation text to their chat last night. Receiving simple replies from both girls.

So, Sae sat on one of the benches, waiting on the docks by the ferry. The boat left in an hour, but she was hoping to grab a coffee with the girls before boarding. Wanting to talk things over with them.
It was still early, with a mist set in the air.

Sae had styled a curl to her hair. She was dressed in a simple pastel green sun dress. That reached her mid thigh. She wore a pair of white sneakers, her gold '2002' necklace, and a simple grey, fuzzy sweater for the morning chill. Her shoulder bag sat by her feet.
She'd texted both the girls separately, double checking when they'd arrive.
So the Richmond girl sat, people watching, for the time being.

As more time passed, her phone chimed from her lap.
It was a text from Wren, and before she could even read it, a text from Emma chimed in after.

Sorry can't make it today
:/ my dad is picking me up
Was Wren's poor excuse, using her divorced parents.

Saeeee I'm sososososo sorry
mom found out i was going to be gone all day. It's not a weekend, so she told me no :'(
Was Emma's response.

They both bailed, last minute?
Sure, Sae was irritated with them, but what upset her more was that they chose to ignore her rather than talk things through?

It was nearly 8am, and the ferry would be leaving in forty minutes. Sae hadn't woken up at the butt crack of dawn to get ready, just to stay home...
she wasn't going to give up her trip to the mainland, she'd already had it all mapped out. But, she sure as shit didn't want to go by herself. Even if she did, once her parents found out they'd kill her.

So, she sat for a moment, biting her lip harshly as she thought.
No way would she invite Kacy. Ethan was a no, souly because Him and Sae weren't that close to begin with.
She didn't want to ask Topper, because he'd ask to many questions.
She mulled over inviting Sarah... the Cameron girl seemed like a nice option, but Sae didn't want to bother her, and she was worried that Sarah would tell Top.

Sae pulled up her contacts, scrolling through them. That's when she stopped at JJ's Name. Instantly thinking back to their messaging the other night.
He'd continued texting her over the last few days. Their conversations seeming to expand beyond just memes.
He was a funny dude, and Sae had caught herself laughing at some of his messages. They hadn't talked about anything too serious, instead keeping all of their chats lighthearted.
Hell, they'd just spoken last night...
Sae clicked onto their chat, and began typing away.

whatcha doin?
She placed her phone down onto her bare legs, as she waited. It was Tuesday, he probably had to work today?
She wasn't sure why she was so nervous of his reply.
So what if he said no? It wouldn't be the end of the world... although Sae couldn't help but hope that he wouldn't reject her invite.
Her phone chimed.

Debating breakfast why what's up?

Sae took a deep breath, before continuing.

So I'm currently waiting for the ferry. My friends abandoned me:/
& I was just wondering if maybe you'd want to hang out?

She squeezed her eyes shut as she pressed send. Flipping her phone over on her lap so she couldn't see the screen. What would he think of her wanting to hang out!?
Her phone chimed once more, and she paused.
This is going to be him, telling her he has to work today.
Or, that he's just not interested.
Or perhaps, he's already made plans with his little crew.
She flipped her phone over.

Aw 🥺

Sae's features dropped at his blatant sarcasm. She rolled her eyes, before typing again.

Is it a yes or no smartass?
I'll pay.
She waited once more, watching as the three dots appeared, telling her he was typing.

What will we be doing exactly?
He questioned, although he'd already begun getting dressed. And was out the door by the time she replied.

Well we were supposed to find dresses for midsummers. But they just texted & told me they weren't coming. & I'm not one to bail on a trip to the mainland.

So I have to go dress shopping with you:/

I mean, you don't have to... but I really don't want to make the trip by myself.

As long as ur buying lunch i don't care what we do.

Sae scoffed, telling him where to find her. Then she tucked her phone away in her bag. The mist was beginning to clear, allowing the sun to shine through. She wasn't prepared to shrug off her sweater just yet. So, she stood, making her way to the ticket booth. And purchased two round trip tickets for her, and JJ.
She wasn't sure how long it would take him to arrive, so she chose to walk down the pier. Enjoying the morning breeze that was just beginning to warm up. The waves were steadier, and birds were covering the beach. Taking advantage of the lack of tourists.
Sae watched as boats began to leave the port for the day.

Almost twenty minutes had passed, as she walked up & down the pier.
The mist was almost cleared out, and the beaches were beginning to fill up with people. Lines were forming for the ferry.
Her phone chimed.

I'm here.

Sae's gaze moved back towards the dock. There were more people now, so she had to wade her way through them. Her eyes scanning for the blond boy.

Sae swiftly turned towards the voice behind her. There JJ stood with a smile, and two to-go cups in hand. He wore a worn out grey t-shirt, a pair of cargo shorts, and his work boots. Topping it all off with a backwards hat.

"Hey, sorry I got distracted." She waved back towards the pier, releasing an awkward laugh.

"I wasn't sure if you were a coffee person?" He held out one of the cups towards her.

"I am, thank you." She accepted it. Just as she'd taken the beverage from him, He began fumbling around in his pocket. She watched as he pulled out a handful of sugar, and cream packets. Her eyes moved to meet his, he seemed more unsure of himself now. So she gave him a reassuring smile, taking two creams, and a sugar from him.

"Thanks." She sat her cup onto the railing, beginning to mix her additives.

"No problem, it was on the way." He shrugged, leaning up against the railing beside her. The ferry was beginning to fill up, with people still loading.

"I already got us tickets, so..." she motioned towards the line.

"Oh, yeah." He nodded, following behind her to join the boarding line. He stood directly behind her, glancing around at all the others. Trying to see if he recognized anyone. Anyone that would potentially tell his friends about this little venture.

"I swear, I won't take forever picking a dress." Sae chimed in, glancing over her shoulder to him. Only now realizing how closely he stood.

"I'm just your arm candy, right?" He joked, sending her a wink. Sae scoffed in amusement, rolling her eyes. Turning back to the front, as the line continued moving.

Once the two had made it onto the ferry, Sae led them to the deck. Choosing to sit on one of the benches right by the railing. So they could overlook the water.

"Thank you though, honestly." She spoke up after they'd both taken their seats.

JJ's eyes met hers, and he could see that she really meant it.
"We're friends now, right? So it's no problem." He shrugged, turning out towards the water, and propping his boots up onto the railing in front of them.
Sae smiled to herself, as she took another sip of her coffee. The sun was high in the sky now, the day beginning to heat up.

"Will you hold this for a sec?" She held her cup out to JJ. He wordlessly took it from her.
Sae then sat forwards, and began to shrug off her sweater.

JJ couldn't help his eyes wandering, as he watched.
The slow reveal of her bare shoulders, covered by nothing but the spaghetti strap of her dress, and her hair falling over. Her skin was tanned from years of sitting out by her families pool. He watched her shoulders move, as she pulled the clothing piece off. The back of the dress cut low, revealing a large portion of her back. Her skin looked soft.

"Thanks." She said, laying her sweater across her lap, and taking her cup back from him. Their fingers brushing slightly.
JJ's jaw set at the sudden contact.

"I've thought it over, and I think I've mapped out the perfect trail through the boutiques." Sae spoke up, her phone buzzing from her lap. She flipped it over to see a new text.
It was from Rafe, he'd been texting her frequently ever since the party. But, she chose to ignore him once again. Knowing it wasn't the best tactic, but she just wasn't sure how to handle her feelings at the moment.

Her phone was turned just long enough for her to see the text was from Rafe. She then flipped it back over, not even bothering to read it.
This hadn't gone unnoticed by JJ. He'd seen it was from Rafe also, and began to wonder why she hadn't answered it?

"Boutiques... isn't that like preppy, upscale—"

"They're just stores?" Sae cut in nonchalantly.

"Sae, in case you haven't noticed.. I'm not exactly Boutique scale." JJ leaned closer to speak, like it was a secret or something.

Sae gave him a look.
Sure he may not dress to impress, but that's just his style? His clothes were well worn, and his shoes super dirty, but that was just JJ... lots of people had different styles.
Sae understood what he was trying to say, but was confident he wouldn't have to worry too much.

"Okay, well everywhere we're going is catered to formal wear. And I'm sure majority of people who enter the building aren't decked out to impress? Plus, they only care about making sales, I doubt they'll care what you look like." She tried to reason, although she's never had to worry about discrimination herself. Aside from being labeled as a Kook, therefore being categorized as rich, mean, and untrustworthy?

"We'll see." He grumbled, looking back out over the water.
Sae side glanced over to him. It was a thirty minute boat ride to chapel hill, meaning they were set to arrive by 9:30ish. Right when all the store's would be opening. Giving Sae optimal shopping advantage.

The two didn't really speak much after that, besides basic small talk. And Sae getting a little overly excited at the dolphins jumping the waves just below them.
JJ teasing her for that.

Once the ferry had finally docked, and they made it off. Sae wasted no time in guiding the way to their first destination. Conning JJ into carrying her sweater for her, much to his protest.

"Okay, so our first stop is probably just going to be for browsing. I've only ever bought two dresses from them... their selection isn't really my taste." She explained, as they walked down the sidewalk.
JJ already felt out of place himself, seeing how even obvious tourists seemed to dress to impress. The buildings were classic, and fancy, with shiny stone sidewalks.

"Okay then, should I just wait outside?"

Sae stopped in her tracks, almost causing JJ to bump into her. She turned to give him a concerned look.
"No, how are we supposed to hang out if you're outside?" She questioned.

JJ's eyes widened slightly, he'd assumed her invite was just because she didn't want to make the trip alone? Wanting someone to keep her company, and nothing more?

"So we're meant to bond over dresses?" JJ added humor to the conversation, just wanting to avoid conflict.

"No, we're meant to bond over our similarities, and likes. You're meant to be brutally honest with me, and not allow me to pick a dress that will get me overlooked." She explained, as she turned on her heels to continue down the path.

JJ followed closely behind her, with a small smile.
"So I'm your girlfriend for the day?" He joked.

"I feel some regret coming on." Sae murmured.

"Too late to get rid of me now, Richmond." JJ moved to walk beside her, and placed his arm over her shoulders. Sae glanced up to him, both of them smiling mischievously.

"This is our first stop, Casanova." Sae motioned to the store windows that were lit up with neodecent lights. Two mannequins in each window wearing long formal dresses. Sae shrugged his arm off, and opened the glass door leading inside.
JJ fallowed in behind her cautiously, his eyes taking in every aspect of the so called boutique. Yeah... it seemed to fit the title.

"Good morning, can I help you find anything?" A middle aged blonde woman appeared from around a rack of dresses. She carried herself as if she were trying to glide on air alone. Her hair pulled up, pristine and out of her features.
JJ couldn't help but notice that she only looked at Sae for the entirety.

"Oh, we're just looking. Trying to find something for a formal event." Sae gave the woman a polite smile, and began analyzing the rack of dresses closest to her.

"Alright, if you need anything..." The woman waved her arm dramatically, before disappearing once more.

"If you need anything my liege." JJ's voice took on an overly dramatic tone, as he did a silly little bow. Extending his hand out towards Sae in mockery.

Sae giggled lightly at his antics, shaking her head.
"Get up, bone head."

"Did you see how she walked?" He scoffed, beginning to rummage through a rack himself. He wasn't really interested in the clothes, pulling a price tag out from one dress.
"Fuck..." his brows furrowed, as he quickly dropped the fabric entirely. Stepping away as if it'd burned him. Sae eyed him suspiciously, before continuing her browsing.

"Yeah, I can already tell this stop was a waste." Sae sighed, moving towards another rack, but quickly walking passed. Deciding it wasn't worth her time just by a glance.

"Thank you for stopping in." The woman sounded from behind the counter.

Sae didn't spare her another glance, as she exited the shop. JJ sending the woman an awkward look, as he quickly followed the Ravenette girl.

"What, that 'wasn't your style?" He teased, using air quotes for her.

Sae's focus danced around the town as they walked.
"No, I have a specific look in mind."

She took hold of his arm, steering him abruptly into the next store. It was slightly bigger than the last, already with a few other customers present. This time it was a man who greeted them. He was tall, and lean, with a thin mustache.
"Good morning, how may I help you two?" He greeted.
JJ was surprised the man even acknowledged him.

"I'm looking for a formal, preferably strapless, or spaghetti, v cut, darker toned blue? Oh, and long." Sae didn't hesitate to jump into conversation.

The man seemed impressed, nodding along with her every word.
"Alright, and anything for the gentleman?" He looked to JJ.

"Oh—no, he's support." Sae shook her head, patting JJ's shoulder. He merely sent her a confused glance.

"I see, well let me give you a dressing room key. You give me your measurements, and I'll bring you a few options. My name's Lyle, by the way." The man spoke, seeming very suave.

"I'm Sae, and this is my friend, JJ." She smiled, looking to the blond boy expectantly. He could only muster another awkward smile in response.

"Right this way." Lyle began leading them through the store.

"And my measurements." Sae rummaged through her bag, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper. And cheerfully handing it over to the man.

"Already having them written down. I have to say, I love your organization. So, dressing room two is yours. Friend JJ, you can take a seat right here," Lyle patted one of the empty velvet chairs just outside of the dressing room area.
"And I'll be back with a few options."
The man turned tail and left.

"Wow, I've godda say, this is weird as shit." JJ turned to Sae, giving her a quizzical look.

"We don't have any stores like this on the island." Sae shrugged him off, hanging her bag from his 'designated' chair.

"So why'd you pick blue?" JJ asked, as he sat himself down, still holding her sweater.

Sae paused slightly, biting the inside of her cheek.
"Well, technically I'm going with Rafe, so we're supposed to match?" She sounded so unsure, that even JJ seemed surprised.

"Why do I get the feeling that you'd rather... not go with him?" JJ quizzed, analyzing her features, as she refused to meet his gaze.

"It's not like that..." her voice became much quieter, as her words trailed off. She then met her own gaze in the floor length mirror just ahead of them. It was as if there were two of her, and one could tell the other was lying, and wanted her to stop.

JJ watched her quietly, he wanted to question her, but felt like it wasn't his place. He wanted to know what was on her mind, but figured she'd tell him when she was ready, or if she even wanted to tell him. And before much else could be said, Lyle showed back up carrying an arm full of dresses.

So, JJ waited patiently, scrolling through is phone as she changed. She'd insisted on him seeing every option to gauge his opinions.
Not that JJ felt his opinion carried much weight. He didn't know anything about dresses, and sure as shit knew nothing about shopping for them?

"Okay, what do you think?" Sae had opened the dressing room door, stepping out in front of the large mirror.

JJ's eyes quickly locked onto her, completely forgetting about his phone. Her back was turned to him, but he could see her from the mirror. He was silent, as she examined herself.

It wasn't her favorite, sure it fit perfectly, but it just wasn't speaking to her. She turned a few times, to see every angle, but decided it wasn't for her.

Her Emeralds moved to JJ's reflection, causing an amused smile to creep onto her features. He looked like he was frozen to his spot. His eyes traveling everywhere but her. So she turned to face him.
"What do you think?"

JJ's blue eyes finally snapped to meet her greens. He blinked a couple times, before finally opening his mouth.
Fucking amazing, fit's perfect, extenuating her curves nicely. Revealing her arms, back, and the v on the neck line was deep. He was so focused on her body, that he hadn't even taken into consideration the color of the dress.
"Green?" His head quirked slightly in sudden realization. The dress was in fact, green.

Sae burst into laughter.
"Yeah, same." She giggled, stepping back into the room to change once more.

Once the door shut, JJ took a breath to regain his composure. He was not expecting that...
Maybe he'd like dress shopping after all?
He couldn't even focus back on his phone, instead sat thinking about what he'd see next.

The door opened again, his eyes instantly meeting her, as she stepped out once again. This dress was strapless, and a kind of pastel blue that you only see in prom dresses. It wasn't as flattering as the last, which was a disappointment for JJ. And it seemed to disappoint Sae as well, judging by the look on her features.

"Ok, I literally hate this." She turned to him once again.

JJ merely shook his head no, and she disappeared once more. It turned out that the last three options weren't terrible. Sae didn't like them of course, but JJ had no complaints. Leaving Sae to wonder if she should even continue asking his opinion.

"Thanks for all your help, Lyle." Sae smiled to the man, as her and JJ headed to the door.

"My pleasure sweetie, you two have a good day." The mustached man replied as the two teens made their exit.

"Well, that was a bust." Sae huffed, puffing her cheeks out in a pout. JJ chuckled lightly at her.

"Where to now?" He asked, he was now carrying her sweater & her bag.

"128 Main. It's where I got my dress last year. But Wren was looking at a few of their dresses online?" Sae hesitated.

"So? Didn't she abandon you today, fuck her." JJ chimed, annoyance set in his tone. Sae glanced over towards him. A pang in her chest at his words. Wren was supposed to be her best friend. And it irritated Sae Beyond belief, that Wren couldn't even confront her.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point." Sae muttered.

"Damn straight." JJ added in, flinging her sweater over his shoulder.

The third store wasn't as big as the last, but it was definitely made to cater to a certain income. And JJ felt like everyone was staring at him.

"Welcome to 128, where you're our Maine event." A younger Woman approached them. She looked to be in her mid twenties, with shiny brunette hair that flowed down her back. She wore a silky button up shirt, and a pencil skirt.
"I'm Jeni, how my I assist you today?" Her eyes traveling from Sae, and over her shoulder to JJ.

"I'm looking for a formal dress, preferably strapless or spaghetti. I'm not picky about the color. Here's my measurements." Sae cut straight to the chase, handing over the folded piece of paper.

Jeni seemed taken back, plucking the note from the shorter girl. Unfolding it, she plastered on a smile.
"Of course, allow me to pull a few options for you." The woman's almost grey eyes, met JJ's once more, and she gave a wink. Before turning abruptly to leave.

Sae's mouth fell a gap.
"What a bitch." Sae spit, causing JJ to give her a confused look.

"What, I thought she was just being nice?"

Sae abruptly turned to face him.
"Did you see the way she was acting? She doesn't even know if you're my boyfriend, or friend, or brother or some shit." She grumbled.

"But I'm not your boyfriend?" JJ sounded weary.

"That's not the point. I can't stand girls like that, They have no respect." Sae shook her head in disbelief. JJ stood staring at her for a moment, trying to understand why she'd gotten so worked up?
Then an idea popped into his mind.

"Let's freak her out then." He suddenly suggested, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Sae quirked her head in confusion.
"What do you mean?"

"Let's act like we're together, teach her some boundaries." JJ smirked down to her, as she looked to be thinking it over.

"Like a game?" Sae questioned, narrowing her eyes to him.

"It's not hurting us, right?" He shrugged. Sae glanced over her shoulder towards the woman, watching as she chatted with her coworker in passing.

"Okay, why not, But how do we play?" She turned to meet JJ's eyes. His smile only seeming to widen.

"Just follow my lead, alright?"
And before Sae could agree, Jeni was already approaching.

"Okay, I've pulled a few options for you to start with. You'll be in dressing room four, and if your friend would like, our waiting area is over there." She motioned to a group of leather couches by the front windows... far away from the changing rooms.

Before Sae could speak, a hand was placed at her hip, tugging her.
She was now pressed with her back against JJ's front.
"Thanks, but I'll be going with my girlfriend." He spoke confidently.

"Oh, you're together?" Jeni plastered an obvious, forced smile.
"Alright, then you're free to take any of the free seats by the dressing area." She stiffly gestured towards the rooms.
"I'll be by to check in." Practically shoving the load of plastic covered dresses into Sae's arms. And with that she turned on her heels.

Sae gave an airy laugh, glancing over her shoulder to the boy in amusement. The two then made their way towards the dressing rooms.

"I thought you wanted a blue dress?" JJ furrowed his brows, after noticing that all the dresses she held were anything but blue.

Sae paused on her way into her designated room.
"Right... I'm just weighing my options?" She shrugged, before shutting the door.

JJ took a seat, thinking her words over.
After hearing her somewhat apologize to Rafe over the phone at the club. To seeing them argue at the party, and now today she was dodging his texts. JJ couldn't help but think something was up between the couple.
Honestly he shouldn't care at all, him and Sae were just getting to know one another. She'd been in a relationship with Rafe for what seemed like forever?

"Okay maybe not red. it's midsummers, and I feel like this is too dark of a tone?" Sae stepped out to stand in front of the floor length mirror.

JJ had to grit his teeth in order not to react. This dress, was by far the most... mature seeming?
It was a deep red color, a silky fabric that hung from her curves pleasantly. It was spaghetti strapped, and the back was so low it stopped just above her hips.
She looked absolutely gorgeous.
and JJ was having trouble handling it.

Sae admired herself in the mirror, completely oblivious to JJ's eyes wandering all over her body. She was becoming too analytical in her head to notice him.
She turned a few more times, and then moved to face him.
"So, what do you think?"

JJ was silent, as their eyes met. Sae's smile faltered slightly once she really looked at him. His jaw was tense, and his eyes weren't as bright now. Not to mention he held a white knuckled grip onto one of the arm rests.
In any other instance, Sae would have laughed and teased him.
But, for some reason, the way he was looking at her now, made her slightly nervous. A buzz occurring in the pit of her stomach.

The two were quite for a moment, until she could finally find her words.
"Next one then?"
Even her voice sounded shaky, but she was in too much of a hurry to notice, as she disappeared into the changing room again.

JJ sat, staring at the closed door for a moment, then to his own reflection in the mirror. That's when he realized he should really chill out. So he unclenched his jaw, and rolled his shoulders slightly, attempting to relax. He could only imagine what had been going through her head.

And Sae had to take a moment for herself as well. Once back in the privacy of the changing room. She had to pause, her back up against the door, her hand covering her mouth. She was surprised to say the least, but mostly she felt... giddy?
The way he'd looked at her...
Sae quickly shook her head, trying to knock her brain back into place.
She waved the situation off, the best she could, and continued changing.

JJ on the other hand, couldn't shake the feeling. He could still see her perfectly, and knew he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.
The only thing that actually pulled him away from his thoughts, was his phone chiming from his lap... or he thought it'd been his phone?

It was Sae's, he'd been holding onto it, along with her sweater... not quite sure how he'd become the pack mule for the day?
It's screen was already facing him, so he didn't even need to pick it up to see.
It was another text from Rafe. By the looks of it, he'd been trying to get ahold of her all day. Seeing as there were 8+ unread messages. The most recent updated one, being the only one he could see.

Can we not do this?
Just fucking talk to me

So she had been ignoring Rafe?
JJ jumped in his seat, as the door opened once more.
Sae stepped out quietly, turning her back to him.
This dress was much tamer, and was another green color. This one was darker than the last, and fit like a slip dress. It wasn't too revealing of her chest, and the back wasn't as low as the last.

Sae enjoyed the fit, and the color. It was long enough for her shoes not to matter. She turned to the side, lifting her arms to pull her hair up, to see how it would look with an up-do. She liked the way her gold necklace complemented the green. With the right earrings & accessories, it would look phenomenal.

"You look really pretty." JJ had found his voice again, as he watched her from the mirror. Their eyes met through the reflection.

There he goes again, come to think of it, Sae vaguely remembers them NOT finishing their conversation from the party. How he swore to stop complementing her, if only she asked... and then they'd been interrupted by Rafe.

"Thank you." She gave a small nod, before admiring herself once more. This being the first time she'd accepted his compliment.
And JJ took her words as confirmation for him to continue with his complimenting.

"How are we doing over here?" Jeni appeared in the reflection. Sae turned to face her, and JJ. The blond boy quickly standing from his seat, setting their belongings down.

"Great, baby you look beautiful." JJ had cut Sae off. stepping closer, He took hold of her hand, bringing it to his lips. Sae's eyes widened, and a very obvious blush swept across her features. She'd completely forgotten about their little game, only now realizing.

"I mean, doesn't she?" JJ sent a smirk to Sae, before turning towards Jeni. Who stood awkwardly by, watching. JJ used Sae's hand to pull her towards him once more. Tucking her under his arm, and she placed her hand onto his chest. Now only a few inches apart, as she stared up to him.
"I am so lucky." he whispered, just loud enough for Jeni to hear as well.

"Yes, you do look amazing." Jeni tried to add on, although her voice betrayed her. She sounded unsure of herself, and uncomfortable now.

Sae's heart hammered against her ribs, as her eyes stayed glued to his. A small smile played across his lips, as his free hand came up to brush his thumb against her jaw—

"I'll take this one— actually, it's perfect!" Sae snapped her features away from him. Successfully dodging his actions.
JJ released an amused scoff, turning his attention back towards the older brunette woman, he still kept Sae pulled to him.

"Alright, I'll get everything ready for you at the counter. If you'll just bag it back up, everything will be set." Jeni flashed a brief smile, before whipping her back towards them, and making her retreat.

Once she was out of eyesight, Sae harshly shoved JJ by his stomach, away from her. Causing him to stumble back with a chuckle.
"Ow, c'mon—"

"What was that!?" She whisper yelled, waving her hands animatedly.

"I was just playing around?" JJ laughed at her flustered expression. He could tell he'd effected her in some way, and part of him was proud of that. The other part of him, was worried he might have finally crossed the line with her. He'd been testing the waters ever since the country club.
And Sae wasn't one to play around, she had a reputation of getting people to leave her alone.

"Well— stop playing, the game's over!" She spit, turning on her heels and disappearing back into the changing room.
JJ couldn't help the shit eating grin on his lips. Oh yeah... he was proud of himself.
Making THE Sae Richmond flustered.

Sae had changed quickly, bagging the dress back up. She was huffy now, and knew That'd only boosted JJ's ego. And she'd have to deal with it the rest of their day together.
Maybe if she acted like nothing happened, he'd move on? No, he didn't seem like the type to just give up. He obviously thought his little stunt was funny.

"Hey, what happened to getting a blue dress?" JJ spoke from the other side of the door.

Sae perked up at his question, she then grabbed her dress, and opened the door. Coming face to face with him, as he'd been leant up against the frame.

"Y'know, I think I'm just gonna get whatever the fuck kinda dress I want. Trying to plan, and organize with Rafe is so irritating. He has the attention span of a pelican." Sae huffed, sliding by him to grab her phone. Before she could grab her sweater or bag, JJ had taken them. She merely sent him a glance before heading towards the counter.

"Well I'm glad we can agree on something." JJ joked, laughing lightly at the annoyed expression she shot him.

The check out process was fairly simple. Sae hadn't even checked the price tag, and JJ nearly imploded on Himself once Jeni had reviewed the final price.
It was more than he'd make in two months working at the club. The fact that Sae's dad had just given her the money for any dress she wanted... really sat uncomfortably with JJ, who struggled month to month for his phone bill alone.

After having the dress safely boxed up, with a fancy ribbon securing it, the two were off. Jeni hadn't even spared them a farewell, instead disappearing to the back as soon as the box was in Sae's hands.

"That didn't take as long as I expected." Sae hummed to herself, as the two made their way down the stone sidewalk once again.

"Yeah because it's only been," he glanced at his phone.
"Four hours." He chided.

"You'll be fine, I told you I'd buy lunch." She shrugged his little attitude off.

The sun was high in the sky, with a warm breeze blowing through the trees. The two were walking right by a balcony overlooking the ocean beneath them. With boats traveling to & fro.

"So, what do you want?" She glanced over to him, lifting her free arm to shield her eyes from the sun.

"I'm not picky, just— not one of those places where there's some weird dress code." JJ shrugged, his eyes scanning over the people passing by on the other side of the brick street.
He was thinking about earlier.
Why would Sae be ignoring Rafe? And now she's picked a completely different dress than what she originally wanted. JJ shouldn't care, hell he wasn't even sure why he was mulling it over now?

Sae suggested a small restaurant that had outside seating that over looked the water. With JJ agreeing, they were now sat under a large umbrella, right by the railing. It wasn't exactly lunch time anymore, so there wasn't many people around.
The two teens made small chat while they waited for their meal.
Once food arrived, the two quietly began eating. It wasn't an awkward silence, surprisingly.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" Sae spoke up after the few minutes of quiet between them. She took a sip from her ice water, looking to JJ expectantly.

JJ could have just agreed, with no strings attached, but he was curious.
"Only if I can ask you one." He wiggled his brows in a joking manner.

Sae rolled her eyes, looking out over the water. The ocean breeze hitting her head on, blowing her loose hair back over her shoulders.
"Fine, but you have to be honest." Sae turned back to him.

JJ shrugged, taking another bite of the sandwich he'd ordered. Looking to her expectantly.
Sae's eyes traveled over his features, from his blue eyes, to his messy hair that'd been tucked under his hat all day. She then took one last glance out onto the water.

"Why the sudden interest in becoming friends? I mean, sure we've talked in passing, but vaguely. Plus, I thought there was this huge nonsensical stigma between Kooks & Pogues?" She spoke slowly, trying to find the right wording. She'd asked him a similar question before, at the country club... and yes, he answered her then, but it was more of a hasty reply. She needed to know his intentions, and to know he wasn't just messing with her.

JJ's eyes widened slightly, as he leaned back in his seat. Sae's gaze traveled from the water, and back to him. The two sat quietly once again, as she waited for his reply.

JJ could just lie, or use his same excuse from before? Why was she so hyper fixated on the 'why's' anyway?
...No JJ couldn't lie, he didn't want to. She wanted completely honesty from him. It's not like the truth would kill him—

"And don't tell me it stemmed from some childhood crush you had on me." Sae giggled, trying to lighten the suddenly serious mood.
But she quickly realized that JJ hadn't found her words amusing. As his eyes awkwardly darted from hers, to quite literally anywhere else. and she could only wonder why...

"Oh—but... we didn't even know each other when we were kids?" She continued, now even more curious of his answer. Choosing to give him time to speak.

And they were quiet again, Sae sat patiently, sipping from her water. Maybe she just embarrassed him? It wasn't her intention, hell how was she supposed to know!?

"Yeah..." JJ Finally spoke up with an awkward laugh, surprising Sae.

"It started probably, those two years my dad was working down by the docks. He'd take me with him over the summers, and I'd beg him to take me on the weekends during the school year. He worked mechanics on all the fishing boats." JJ quietly reminisced, that was of course, before his dad became what he was today...

"When was this, exactly?" Sae questioned, watching him intently.

"I think it was third grade summer to fourth? I thought it was so cool that my dad got to work on all these boats. I'd take my fishing gear, and fish off the docks all day, and watch him work." JJ's eyes watched as a sizable fishing boat made its way further out into the open water below them. His jaw set, before he finally met Sae's expectant gaze again.
She didn't seem put off, but rather curious.

"Everyone knew your dad, my dad would tell me how insane his boat was, and always talk about saving up to get one of his own... I was a kid, so I didn't know your dad, I thought he was one of those hard ass bosses. But, at the time, my dad seemed to like him.
There was one day, over the summer. My dad was scheduled to work on Ryan's boat, because he was planning some fishing trip? I'd been at the docks all morning—"

It was nearly lunch time, and Luke Maybank had been hard at work all morning working on the Richmond's boat. JJ had watched and 'helped out' for a bit, but then became board. So he'd grabbed his gear from his dads truck, and decided to sit himself at the edge of the dock. Right by the boat, so he could still see his father.

His rod was old, and wouldn't hold up to any exceedingly big fish, so JJ was hoping for the smaller ones... that or he'd be out a fishing rod by the end of the summer...

He'd invited John B Routlage a few times, but the boy was caught up with his own father today. They'd be starting fourth grade in the fall, and they already found out they'd have the same teacher. So JJ wouldn't have to worry about not having friends in his class.

Since it was passed lunch time, and his father was still busy working. JJ had taken it upon himself to grab their lunch box from the truck as well.
Popping the plastic lid open, he grabbed one of the ziploc bagged sandwiches that his mom had packed for them.
Shutting the box, in order to keep bugs out, he focused back onto his rod.

It wasn't much longer until voices were heard.
"How's it going, Luke?"

JJ knew exactly who that was, the tall, dark headed man. He was Ryan Richmond, who his dad had told him, was one of the richest men on the island. JJ didn't like him though, he was rather intimidating to the young boy.

But, he watched as his dad greeted the man with a smile and a handshake. As they began talking over what'd been going on with the engine.
But, something else had caught JJ's attention...

"Take your time honey, I'll keep the Princess occupied." Anna Richmond had joked, causing her & her husband to laugh at the expense of their daughter.

That was the first time he'd ever set eyes on Sae Richmond. She'd been standing beside her mother, with a huge pout on her features. Her dark hair that matched her fathers, had been pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a simple, white, summer dress with matching sandals. And white ribbons in her hair.

Ryan Richmond then kneeled down onto one knee before his daughter. Talking to her so quietly, that JJ didn't know what he'd said. The small girl shook her head, as her pout only seemed to intensify. Ryan laughed, before quickly kissing the girls cheek and standing.

Anna had placed her hand onto Saes back, and began guiding her down the dock... right towards JJ.
The small boy's eyes widened, as he quickly adverted his attention. Turning back towards the water, quietly eating his sandwich.

"Look, that boy's fishing." Anna Richmond cooed, as they'd passed him.

"How much longer does daddy's boat have to stay here?" Sae looked up to her mother expectantly. She hadn't wanted to come to the docks. It was Tuesday, and she would usually be at her friend Nevaeh's house on Tuesdays during the summer.

"Until it's fixed..." Anna's voice had trailed off the further away they became.

JJ then glanced over his shoulder watching the mother & Daughter. They stopped at the end of the dock. Anna Richmond bent down pointing into the water. Sae leaned over, trying to see what her mother was motioning towards.

Suddenly the girl jumped back, squealing, and erupted into laughter. Her mother began laughing as well. Sae then leaned over to look into the water once again. Pointing excitedly, smiling up to her mother.

JJ was curious what they'd seen, but then again she looked like she hadn't spent much time with fish. So it wouldn't be surprising if she was all excited over a minnow...

JJ was so focused on the two, that he hadn't realized he'd caugh something, until his rod was nearly yanked out of hand.
Accidentally dropping his half eaten sandwich, he began reeling his catch in. It was definitely bigger than he was anticipating... he just hopped his rod would hold up.

Sure enough, the fish was large, but he managed to reel it in & up to him. It had been the biggest one he'd caught all summer.
Quickly lipping the fish, he excitedly stood.

"Mom, look."

"Dad!" JJ yelled out, holding up the fish excitedly.

Luke Maybank and Ryan Richmond both turned from their conversation to look at the boy.

"Atta boy!" Luke hollered, clapping for his boy. Ryan Richmond even joined in, clapping as well.
JJ held a huge smile on his features, as he held up the fish.

"What kind of fish is that?"

JJ froze, as the older woman's voice spoke behind him. He then slowly turned to see the woman, and her daughter stood beside his set up.
Anna held a soft smile as she awaited his reply. Sae was stood beside her mother, eying the boy and his catch suspiciously.

JJ's gaze fell towards the dock below them. His hat covering his eyes as he spoke up. Explaining the fish, and how he'd caught it. Never once looking up to the pair.

"Well that's very impressive, right Sapphire?" The woman looked down to her daughter.

JJ thought to himself.

"My daddy likes to catch fish." The small, dark haired girl spoke matter of factly. Analyzing the boy, since she still couldn't see his features. He was blond, that much she could tell.

When they received no reply from the boy, Anna chopped it up to him being shy.
"Alright, c'mon." Anna began gently guiding her daughter back towards her husband.

Little Sae's eyes stayed fixed on the boy, as they passed by him. The fish had stopped struggling, and she wondered if it was dead?

Once they'd met back with Ryan, the adults began talking about the boat. Sae didn't understand what they were saying, or care for that matter. Her eyes traveled back over her shoulder towards the quiet boy. Just as he'd tossed the fish back into the water. She could see it quickly swim out of sight.

JJ stood still, watching the water ripple beneath him.
He then turned towards her, both their eyes meeting abruptly. His widened, before he quickly turned his back to her, gathering his supplies, headed towards the end of the dock.
Not sparing her another glance, Sae became board, moving to hug her fathers side. Which had become a sure sign that she was tired and wanted to go home.

"That was you?" Sae's voice was quiet as she spoke up after JJ had finished his story. She watched as he poked at his food, not meeting her gaze.

"Ha— yeah..." his hand came up to rub the back of his neck, as his eyes moved towards to the water.

A mischievous smile crept over Sae's features.
"Aw, so was it love at first sight?" She cooed mockingly, as she rested her elbows onto the table. And her chin into her hands.

JJ finally met her eyes again, with his brows furrowed questioningly. Sae gave an airy laugh at his expression.

"Shut up, besides, I grew out of it." He retorted, brushing the girl & her mockery off.

Sae hummed in amusement, Although a pang of some sort hit her chest at his words.
"Still, that's adorable." She countered, sipping from her ice water.

JJ shook his head, thinking to himself. His eyes then met hers once again. Wondering if that was actually how she felt?

"Also, if you ever tell anyone my full name, I'll hurt you." She narrowed her eyes on him, causing him to erupt in laughter.

"Why so serious, Sapphire?" He cooed mockingly, copying her actions.

"I'm serious, I've managed to keep it under wraps since elementary school. The only person who even calls me Sapphire anymore is my mom." Sae rolled her eyes.

"Fine, your secret's safe with me... Sapphire."

Sae pushed out of her seat only long enough to reach over the table and punch his arm lightly. Causing JJ to laugh harder at her irritation.
Crossing her arms as she sat back down, the pout on her face seemed to remind him of the memory of her on the docks.

"Okay, seriously though, it's my turn for a question." JJ finished his picking at the girl.

"This should be good..." Sae grumbled, leaning back into her seat. She then gestured her hand towards him, telling him to continue.

JJ's curiosity was getting the better of him. He wasn't even sure if she'd want to answer him, but he still felt like he needed to ask. Even with the chance of rejection.
"So, what's going on with you & Rafe?"

Sae's body became frigid at his question. She froze, with her eyes widening slightly at him. That was such a personal topic, and one she was having trouble with herself.
What even brought that into play?

Sae blinked, as she tried to think of how to reply.
Should she lie? Just brush him off, giving some lame excuse? How could she give him a response, when she was having such a hard time making up her mind about the situation?
It wasn't like she had anyone else to talk to.

Topper was one of her, and Rafe's best friends. So she felt going to him wasn't fair. Wren & Emma were obviously ignoring her, not even giving her a chance to confide in them.
Sure, she'd grown up with Sarah, but they weren't really close. Only recently seeming to click with one another?
....How bad could talking to JJ be? Honestly, what's the worst that could happen?

"What do you mean?" Sae finally spoke, her tone not quite as relaxed now. Her eyes danced between his as she gauged his every move.

"Just... the other day at the club, and I know you've been ignoring him all day? It's none of my business, but I had to ask?" JJ sounded unsure as well. Both teenagers now stuck in a tension they hadn't experienced together.

"Ignoring him?" Was Sae's poor reply.

"I was holding your phone... I saw all the missed text messages? And the other day it sounded like you were apologizing for ignoring him then too." JJ continued, looking to her expectantly. She hadn't blown up yet, so maybe he was in the clear.

Sae was becoming more nervous by the second. She hated feeling this way, like she couldn't talk to people. She wanted, more than anything, to sort out her feelings with Rafe. To figure out how to go forwards...
Things were spiraling, and she couldn't take much more of it. The constant chaos, of not being able to control each situation. The overbearing guilt she'd been mulling over for the last week.

"JJ." her voice shook, as her eyes glanced between his. To him, she looked lost, worried even. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen or heard of THE Sae Richmond ever being lost, or uncertain?

JJ could tell she was hesitant, but she seemed as if she wanted to tell him? So, he simply leaned closer, resting his arms onto the table between them.

"Sae, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But I promise, whatever is said here, will stay here." His tone remained calm, as he gave her a reassuring look.

Sae was fighting against herself. Part of her was screaming for her to open her mouth, spill everything and get it off her chest. Then the other part of her was shoving the guilt, anxiety, and uncertainty down within her, never to see the light of day again.

What, would she just continue into this hot & cold thing she started with Rafe? Ignoring him because she's uncomfortable, then apologizing once he seemed fed up?
Was she that scared to loose him?

She wasn't scared to loose Rafe, because she'd already lost him before. Their relationship had been on & off for years. Only becoming steady these last few months.
Sae wasn't scared to loose Rafe, because he wasn't ever really hers...

"Rafe always says he'll do anything for me," Sae's voice finally caught up to her. It was unsteady, but she needed to confide in someone.
Even if that someone was JJ Maybank. A boy she barely knew anything about, except the fact that he liked fishing, he worked at the country club, and he was a funny guy?

"But, I don't feel like I would do anything for him..." Sae's green eyes met JJ's blue ones. He remained quiet, allowing her to continue.

"He's one of my best friends, right? We've been going steady for almost seven months now. I mean, yeah we've been off & on in the past. but, things were really starting to look up. I know you, and your friends don't like him. I know how much of a dick he can be, but... with me, he can be really sweet, and fun, and I know he cares about me." Her eyes fell from JJ's, and focused back onto the moving water below them.

"The night of my dad's birthday party at the Cameron's. Rafe took me out on his dad's yacht, after dark. He had this whole cute setup. With cushions & wine, and we were out under the stars. I know it's probably hard to believe, but it was really sweet."
She paused, taking a breath to regain her composure, before continuing.

"He told me he loved me, under the stars, out on the water, it was perfect... it's supposed to be perfect, right?" Sae's eyes moved back to JJ, only to see him already watching her intently. He was taking in everything she said, and remained quiet.

"But, it just helped me realize... I-I'm not in love with Rafe. I care about him so much, but, I'm not in love with him, and I don't know how to tell him—so I've been ignoring him, because I'm pathetic and can't sort out how to go about it.
And... and I'm not sure if we should even be together anymore?" Sae's lip quivered as she finished. Her eyes stung with the threat of tears, but she wouldn't cry. Wouldn't allow them to fall, and make known how upset she was.

All her effort was for nothing though, because JJ could see how red, and watery her eyes had become. He could hear it in her voice. She wouldn't meet his eyes now, too focused on blinking her tears away.

"So, you want to break up with him?" JJ spoke finally, but cautiously. He could see how upset she was, and didn't want to push her now.

"No... I don't know?" she shook her head. Dabbing the corners of her eyes with the pad of her finger. Stopping the tears before they could fall.

"What if things were reversed, and he was the one who couldn't feel the same?"

It was weird having such a serious conversation with JJ Maybank. Sae's never seen him so serious.
He made a point though, if things were reversed, and Rafe was ignoring her?

"I know, I just... things were so perfect before, and now I feel like I can't even have a sincere conversation with him? I don't want to hurt him."

JJ had to bite his tongue. The Rafe Cameron he knew, was a total asshole, and wasn't worth shit. So having to hear Sae gush over him was unbelievable.

"I'm probably not the best person to give you advice. But, I don't think ignoring him is the best plan of action."

Sae gave an exhausted sigh.
"I know... I know, I just need time to think." She shook her head, taking another sip of her water.

For some reason, JJ didn't like that answer. Because if she took enough time to think things over, she might decide to just stay with Rafe...
But he kept his mouth shut, nodding along anyways.

"Thanks, for letting me unload on you though. I haven't had anyone to talk to about it. Seeing as my so called best friends are ignoring me as well."

"Yeah, why are they ignoring you exactly?" JJ tried to steer the conversation away from the tense topic.

"I don't even know, and there's no way to find out if they choose to avoid me. So I'm just not going to worry myself over it. If they want to act like middle schoolers, that's on them." Sae grumbled, leaning back in her chair. Closing her eyes for a brief moment to take in a deep, exasperated breath. She did honestly feel a tad better, having aired all of that out.

JJ watched her, as her eyes opened once more. She then pulled her bag from the back of her seat, and began rummaging through it. Pulling out her wallet, she grabbed the ticket that the waitress had left.
"Should we go?"
She looked to him expectantly.
He gave a small smile, and nodded.

The two spent the next few hours walking around chapel hill. Sae took them into a few other stores just to look.
JJ had even turned into her photographer for a bit, as they found a public garden. Sae claiming that 'she needed pictures for her Instagram to prove she didn't need her friends to enjoy her main land trip'.

"Won't they wonder who took the pictures for you?" JJ questioned, as he snapped another set of her. She was posed in front of a flower bed, with the most healthy looking flowers of the whole garden. She had been stood with her side facing him, with one leg popped up behind her & her hands clasped behind her back, with a sort of cutesy'teasing' look on her features.

"They know I'm not against asking strangers." She stated matter of factly. Moving to lean into his side to check the photos herself.

"So I shouldn't be expecting photo creds huh?" JJ joked, holding her phone as she scrolled.

"You don't even follow me on Instagram." Sae's focus was still on her phone, as she shrugged the boy off.

"How do you know, you have like three thousand followers?"

"Fine, do you follow me on Instagram?" She finally turned to face him, with a challenging look.

"" he replied in defeat. Sae giggled lightly, taking hold of his forearm, and pulling him to a new spot.

"Then shut up, and take my picture." Sae snipped playfully, positioning him in place by his shoulders. She then moved to sit on the metal bench that was placed in front of a set of colorfully bloomed bushes.

He watched as she positioned herself effortlessly, like she was used to doing this type of thing.
She sat to the side, turning towards the flowers, reaching out towards them. JJ had been told multiple times just to take a lot of photos, and she would pick through them later. So he did just that.
He wasn't quite sure how, or why he agreed to this... but he honestly didn't mind at this point.

"Okay, I'm done." She turned to face him, JJ had a smirk on his face as he continued to press the camera button.
"JJ!" Sae quickly stood from her seat, stomping towards him. He laughed as she grabbed for her phone, and pried it out of his grip.
She was smiling too, shaking her head at him.

"Oh shit!" She cursed as she looked back to her phone.
"We have to go, the ferry leaves in ten minutes!" Her eyes were wide as they met his.
JJ's smile faltering slightly, as he realized they wouldn't make it back in ten minutes walking.

"Oh shit." He copied, moving to grab her dress box, and her sweater. Sae quickly flung her bag over her shoulder. The two then began jogging out of the garden. Sae following behind JJ as he led the way. Quickly jumping out of strangers way in passing.
They'd made it just out of the metal gates, and Sae's phone slipped from her hand.

"Wait!" She yelled after JJ who had already began down the sidewalk. He quickly turned back to her. Taking hold of her wrist just as she'd stood straight after grabbing her device.

The two teenagers were hustling their way down the stone sidewalk. Sae attempting to match the boys pace as he pulled her along. It was golden hour, with the sun setting now.
As they turned the corner, the ferry came into view, but it was still a good distance away.

"We're almost there!" JJ yelled, chancing a glance back at her.

"Look out!" Sae abruptly stopped, yanking him by the arm, back towards her. Just as a car rounded onto the road they were about to step out into.
The two shared a look, Sae raising her brows questioningly towards him. JJ merely shrugged, now taking hold of her hand, rather than her wrist. Making a point to look both ways, he began leading her again.

The closer they got, they could see less, and less people boarding. Meaning everyone was almost loaded. Sae could see the ticket booth that was at the only entrance to the boat. The man behind the counter was beginning to place the security board back up.

"Wait!" Sae shouted in panic, forcing her legs to move faster.
"Wait please, we're coming!" She yelled once more, now raising her arm in a frantic wave.

The man paused, looking up the wooden stairs, just as the two teens began their way down.
They were both out of breath, once they'd finally made it to the booth. The older man had leaned the board up out of the way, just for them.

Sae used her free hand, to dig around her bag for the tickets.
"Here you go." She quickly held them out to the man.

"Lucky I herd ya' or I would have locked up." He chuckled, taking the tickets from her. He then stepped aside, allowing the two teenagers to pass.

"Thank you, sir." JJ nodded to the man, while Sae gave a friendly smile.

"That was so close." She huffed a laugh, as they both stepped onto the ramp of the ferry.

"Yeah, too close." JJ gave a laugh of amusement as well. They began through the ferry, JJ leading the way this time. Pulling them both to the deck, so they could overlook the water again.

"Wait, look—" Sae had pulled JJ to a stop. Both teens had forgotten they'd been holding hands still.
Sae motioned out towards the water ahead of them. Just as the boat had began its journey back home. The sun resting on the ocean, now taking in a rosy golden hue.

JJ and Sae stood by the railing, looking out towards the sunset.

"It's so pretty." she spoke softly, as she admired. Her hand absentmindedly squeezing his tighter. That's when JJ remembered his hand still held hers. His eyes falling to their clasped hands between them. Then traveling up to her sun kissed features.
In her distracted state, he was able to admire her. As the soft breeze gently blew her hair back over her shoulders. Her green eyes seemed darker in the light, and almost hazel color. Her eyes fluttered softly like feathers, moving across the sky.
Then suddenly they were on him.

JJ had been staring, that much was certain. As their eyes met, that's when Sae realized she still held his hand.
Her Emeralds widening, she quickly dropped it. "Sorry." She awkwardly laughed it off. Taking a small step to the side.

JJ cleared his throat
"It's fine." He turned back towards the water, his jaw tensing.

"Actually, would you mind taking a few more pictures? I'd really appreciate it..." she clasped her hands together, giving him a pleading look. JJ glanced her direction, instantly cracking & agreeing.
Sae gave a mock cheer, moving to stand in front of the closest wall that was facing the sun.
She shrugged off her bag, dropping it to her feet, they wouldn't be in the picture anyway.

Absentmindedly, JJ pulled his own Cellphone from his pocket. Neither one realizing, and he moved so his shadow wouldn't get in the frame.
Sae didn't really put a lot of effort into these pictures. Instead placing her hands behind her and just tilting her head ever so slightly. Letting the wind dictate her hair placement.

JJ had to look from the phone, and to her. She was breathtaking, and he wanted to see for himself, and not just behind the camera. So, he snapped a few pictures, and stood straight once again. Sae moved to lean into his side like earlier, taking the phone from him. Scrolling through the photos herself.

"Oh wait, this is your phone.. you'll have to send them to me." She giggled lightly in amusement at the switch up. And suddenly JJ was glad he hadn't realized the mixup either.
They moved to take a seat on one of the empty benches by the railing, just like that morning. The two were quiet for a bit, just enjoying the evening sky, and breeze.

Sae glanced out the corner of her eye. JJ looked exhausted, like he could fall asleep at any moment. She couldn't blame him though, she had drug him around all day.

"So, did you at least have some fun? Even just a little?" Sae held up her fingers in a measuring gesture.

"Surprisingly... you're kinda fun to hang out with." He met her eyes with a teasing wink.
Sae scoffed, shoving her hand into his arm, causing him to break into laughter.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" She countered.

"I'm just messing with you... I had fun, the free food was a bonus." He chuckled as he received another light punch to the arm.

"Well I'm glad, and thank you again for wanting to come...and for listening to me run my mouth about Rafe.
I had a lot of fun too." She gave him a sincere smile, as her eyes danced across his features.

"You're welcome, besides we're friends now... so, what are friends for?" JJ shrugged, leaning back against the bench.

"Yeah..." Sae sighed, leaning back beside him. Mulling over the days events in her head.
Then suddenly she jumped forwards again. Rummaging through her bag, she pulled out her phone.
"C'mon we should get a picture. To commemorate our outing."

"Wha— really?" JJ stammered, as Sae wasted no time in pulling up the camera, and shuffling closer to him.

"Why not?" She was now pressed up against his side, tilting her head slightly towards him. She gave a goofy smile to the camera. JJ chuckled lightly, copying her actions.
Sae snapped a couple of pictures, before creating distance between them once more. Now their legs barely touching.

"Oh come on, we're cute." She giggled, turning her screen for him to see one of the photos. JJ scoffed in amusement, shaking his head.

So the two teens made their trip back home, as the sun continued to set.

Meanwhile, back on the Island, Rafe had been left to his own devices. He'd been stirring nonstop for days, stressing over Sae. She'd obviously been avoiding him. The only replies he'd received from her, were piss poor excuses of why she couldn't see him.

Rafe was confused, and upset. He wasn't sure why Sae had been avoiding him, hell, he even went to her place earlier to talk. Only for her mom to tell him she wasn't home?

Rafe was mentally stressing over the situation. He loves Sae, that he was completely honest about. When he said he'd do anything for her, he meant that as well. So, he was having trouble understanding why she hadn't answered him all day & had been avoiding him since the weekend?

There was only one way he could think to clear his mind. And that was getting drunk at the party Tonight. Top had texted him the info, with the assumption that Rafe would inform & bring Sae.

So when Rafe showed up alone, it raised questions among the friend group.
Kelce becoming the designated meet & greeter of the group. Had met Rafe almost straight away, so the two stood talking in Blake Krisinski's living room, who'd hosted the party.

Topper & Wren were stood by the sliding glass doors that led to the back yard. They were kept open, allowing everyone to travel freely.

"Where's Sae?" Topper questioned aloud, as his eyes traveled to the front door. Expecting her to follow in behind Rafe, which would've been odd on its own, because Rafe & Sae always made their entrance together.

Wren couldn't help but wonder as well. Knowing fully well she hadn't spoken properly to Sae since the weekend. She couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between the so called 'it' couple.

"I dunno, haven't heard from her all day?" Wren lied straight through her teeth.
She'd gotten together with Emma earlier in the day, to gossip more about their friend. Although sober Emma didn't seem as enthusiastic. Her being the one to finally change topic anyways.

"Hey man, where's Sae?" Topper asked the Cameron boy as he approached. Now with the beer Kelce had given him, in hand.

"I didn't mention it to her?" Rafe shrugged, as he then took a hefty swig of the bottle.

That really caused Topper to think. Furrowing his brows, he glanced over to Wren who didn't seem as surprised about their friends reply. She stood, casually scrolling through her phone.

"Is something going on with you two?" Topper tried again, wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"She's just acting all pissy cause of the other day." Rafe waved his friend off, lifting his beer bottle to take another sip. Only to realize he'd already finished it.
"Empty." He held the bottle up with a shrug, then turned on his heels to get another one.

"What the hell was that?" Top motioned after Rafe, giving Wren an annoyed look. The curly headed blonde shrugged her shoulders.

"I mean he did catch her in the kitchen with JJ Maybank?" Wren crooned, turning her attention back to her phone.

Topper scoffed in disbelief,
"Sae's not like that." He defended. He knew Sae, grew up with her, dated her. He considered her to be one of his best friends. He knew her, and she wasn't one to sneak around like that.

"All I'm saying is—"

"Well stop saying, you know she's not like that." Topper countered.

Wren glanced up from her phone, only to see Topper sending her an irritated look. She sighed, dropping her hand to her side.
"I saw her with him, they were talking about some agreement they made?"

Toppers jaw set, as he mulled over the new information. He knew Wren was head of the gossip pool. So he'd take everything she said with a grain of salt.
"You saw them together?" Top clarified.

" I told Rafe?" Wren fumbled through her words.

"I heard he found her with some guy, I didn't know it was JJ Maybank... but it doesn't matter, she would never cheat first of all, and sure as shit not with someone like Maybank." Topper took a sip from his solo cup, spotting Rafe making his way back through the crowd.

"Whatever..." Wren rolled her eyes, not even bothering to go into detail. Or bring up what Sae had told her about the blonde boy practically hitting on her. She'd let the boys think what they want, until she had better proof that Sae was hiding something.

Back on the docks, the two new friends were making their exit of the ferry. It was already dark, and Sae was getting frantic texts from her mom.

"This is me..." Sae stopped in front of her jeep, JJ stopping as well, turning to face her. He then held out her dress box to her, with her sweater rested on top.
She gave him a small smile, taking the items from him.
"Thanks again." She spoke softly.

"You don't have to keep thanking me Sae." JJ chuckled lightly, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, do you need a ride?" Sae motioned back towards her jeep, giving him a hopeful look.

"Nah, I brought my dirt bike." He shook his head, swaying slightly on his heels.

"You have a dirt bike?" Sae cocked her head slightly. She could only think back to the few times she had to listen to Rafe talk about getting one for himself.

" should let me take you for a ride sometime." A small smirk crept onto his features.

Sae rolled her eyes in amusement.
"Oh please, how many girls have you used that line on?"

"Are you kidding, I can't even get Kie on that thing." He joked.

He was probably referring to Kiara Carerra. He'd mentioned her earlier when sharing a story involving his group of friends. They'd all apparently been friends for years. Sae couldn't help but wonder if he'd actually used the same line on Kiara?

"Mhm, I'll think about it." She teased, moving to pass JJ to get to the drivers seat.

"Text me when you get home, okay?" JJ leaned over the opened door, watching her place her things in the back seat.

"Dido!" She gave him a toothy mock grin, placing her hand on the door handle.

"Alright, goodbye Sae." He spoke, but made no move to leave just yet, still leaned in the way of the door closing.

"Goodbye JJ." Sae giggled, shaking her head. The boy smiled, before stepping away from the jeep. Sae sent him a wave, before shutting the door.

JJ stood by, and watched as she pulled out of the gravel parking area. Making a left on the pavement, straight for Kookville.

JJ released a heavy sigh, tilting his head back, to look up into the night sky. It was clear, aside from one or two wispy clouds passing by. He'd wasted the whole day with some girl...and he honestly enjoyed it.

Him & Sae ended up getting along great, way better than he imagined. He found out They shared some things in common, like fishing, and she also enjoyed the same music as him...
The fact that she was willing to be so open with him about her personal life, proved that she trusted him.
Even just a little.

It was an odd predicament for JJ. He was taking a big risk with the Richmond girl. She was so different from anything he'd delt with before, a challenge even.
She was like something he'd wanted forever, but never had access. She'd never been an option before, then suddenly there she was.

He started out small, joking around at parties throughout the years. Then suddenly he'd gotten a jump of courage, and become bolder. Talking to her more, shamelessly hitting on her. Granted he had to admit he'd been a tad nervous in doing so.
Knowing fully well that if she was uncomfortable, she'd let him know one way or another...
That had been how Gus Davis got his busted lip JJ's Freshman year...

Sae was bold herself, standing up for herself, and always speaking her mind. Everyone knew her as the Queen Bee, with the perfect life, and the whole world ahead of her. From an outsider's perspective, she would seem stuck up, bitchy, and unapproachable... she would seem like the class act mean girl, who always got what she wanted, and everyone either loved her, or was scared of her.

Truth be told Sae had a reputation of acting like the mean girl. She'd started, and gotten into plenty of fights before. She was known to have a sort of stand offish demeanor. Only putting up with who, and what she wanted, and not allowing anyone to push her around.

That's  why JJ had been so caught off guard earlier when she'd been on the verge of tears. Completely exasperated, and trying her hardest not to show it, although it'd been inevitable.

He was glad though, that he'd gotten to experience her that way. It gave him a new perspective of the girl. He knew all along that she wasn't perfect, but seeing it first hand...

JJ gave another sigh, standing straighter, he took one last glance around the gravel parking area. There were still quite a few cars. Probably belonging to people who'd chosen to stay on the main land for extended time.
JJ used the toe of his boot to kick a large rock to the side, as he began towards his bike that he'd left at the back of the lot.

Rafe was on a roll, chugging beer, and making rounds around the party. It was mainly local Kooks he recognized in passing, with a hand full of tourons thrown in.
He definitely had a buzz going, as he passed through the sliding glass doors, out to the back patio.

There were less people outside, which was surprising, considering the keg was out on the grass.
So the boy took an empty solo cup from the decorative patio table, and began pouring himself another drink.

"Hey Rafe man, what's going on with you?" Topper had approached from behind. He'd spotted the Cameron boy from inside. Having left him to his own devices for most of the night. But Topper wanted answers now.

"What the hell are you talking about Top?" Rafe turned on his friend, with a new irritation.

"Would you just answer me?" Topper had stepped in front of Rafe as he'd attempted to pass by.

"Why are you up my ass dude? It's a party let's go have fun." Rafe laughed, but there was no amusement behind it.

Topper recognized this behavior, and he didn't like it at all. Rafe hadn't acted this way in months, so that was a tell sign that something was wrong between him & Sae.

Because Sae Richmond was the lighthouse & Rafe Cameron was the boat in the storm.
Rafe was always better with Sae, everyone could see that. She grounded Rafe, and kept him out of trouble. Talked him down from his, sometimes, awful temper. He was way easier to get along with, when he had Sae.
That's why the crazy on & off bull shit they had for years, irritated everyone.

"Rafe, c'mon.." Topper tried again, giving him a pointed look.

Rafe scoffed, before harshly shoving Topper away. He stumbled back, watching as the Cameron boy made his way back inside.

"Shit." Topper cursed under his breath.

AN: I was really excited to write this chapter back in the outline process, but now I don't really vibe with it 😔
Tell me what you think!
Ken 💘

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