You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemale...

By Maybank8sunset

6.8K 108 9

-BOOK ONE- -SEASON ONE- Sae Richmond is the IT girl. With the perfect Family, Friends, and Boyfriend. So, wha... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-


233 4 0
By Maybank8sunset

Country Club Princess

"We should plan a day on the main land, go shopping for midsummers." Sae's friend Emma chirped.

Emma Jones was on the shorter side, thin as a twig, with dark hair, and slightly paler skin than Sae. She had gorgeous hazel eyes, and beautiful features. She was adopted into one of the richest families on the OBX.
Her, Sae, and Wren had been friends ever since elementary school.

"Sure, but it should be soon. So we can lay claim to our dresses ahead of time. And also, so I can make sure Rafe matches me." Sae waved her hand, fanning her features. It was a hot summer day, and the two girls were lounged out by the country club pool.

"At least you have a date." Emma crossed her arms, glaring off into the water before them.

"What happened to Tyler?" Sae slid her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, in order to get a better look at her friend.

"Fuck Tyler Rogers, I wasted two months of my life waiting on him to make a move. Then I find out he's been messing around with Hana Lin, the whole time he was talking to me?" Emma grumbled.
Sae's eyes widened slightly, pushing her sunglasses back into place.

Tyler Rogers sure had a specific type...

"I don't have any suggestions. I already hashed out my optimal boy options to Wren." Sae joked, flipping the page of her magazine.

"Wren is taking a date? How come I'm always out of the loop?" Emma complained, twisting in her seat to shoot Sae a look.

"It's not my fault your mom is so strict." Sae waved a hand in surrender.
And it was true, Emma's mother was very overprotective, and barely let her daughter have a social life. Which was nonsense, because Emma was one of the most responsible people Sae knew.

"You're right, I just feel left out."

"Hey, you and Wren are my best friends. I tell you everything, just a few days late?" Sae giggled at her friend's annoyed expression.

"Yeah, yeah." Emma rolled her eyes, although half heartedly.

They'd spent the whole day by the pool, catching each other up. Sae enjoyed her time with Emma, when it was just the two together. Emma and Wren had different personalities, and Sae always found herself more relaxed around Emma.

"Wren texted me a ton of dresses that she was looking at online. I finally managed to get her to narrow it down to four." Emma huffed.

"Yeah, she was showing me some the other day." Sae nodded, lifting her eyes to examine the other guests around the pool.

It was a slower day at the country club. Which was odd, considering it was prime summer tourist season?
Her eyes traveled over the women sunbathing, the children splashing in the pool. The men gathered at the bar.
And that's when her eyes caught him.
JJ Maybank.
The blond boy was zipping around the patio holding a tray of drinks. He seemed focused on not dropping the tray, and remembering which patron ordered what drink.
Sae began to wonder just how many days did he work at the club?

"Saby~" Emma sang, trying to gain her friends attention.

"Hm?" Sae whipped her head towards her friend.

"Did you hear me?"

"No, sorry." the Ravenette sipped from her ice water.

"I was asking how things are going with Rafe?" Emma mimicked Sae's actions, sipping from her iced tea.

"Oh... fine I guess, great actually." Sae nodded, furrowing her brows slightly at her friend's sudden interest. Realizing that things had been pretty average between her and Rafe lately.

"Must be nice." Emma grumbled, slouching down into her seat.
Sae gave an amused hum, before she checked her phone.


"We've been here for hours, do you want to head back to your place?" Sae questioned. It was a tradition for the two to have afternoon tea with Emma's Grandfather whenever they hung out. The older man rather enjoyed Sae, and thought she was a wonderful influence on his only granddaughter.

"Sure, mom won't be home until tonight. So we have that to look forward to." Emma quipped, beginning to pack her things back into her beach themed tote bag.
The girls gathered their things, and started their way through the club. They had to enter the main indoor dining area to get to the front plaza, and then to the parking lot.
The two were still chatting together once they'd entered the dining room.

"Oh look, the country club princess, graces us with her presence once again."

The two girls stopped their trek, both turning towards the voice.
Blue eyes clashed with green, as an amused smirk pulled at the corners of Sae's lips.
This was the third time she'd ran into the boy in a week. It was odd considering, they usually only acknowledged each other at parties? But she was finding the interactions to be entertaining enough for her to continue them.
And she still remembered their last run in, with his bold words.
He stood only a few feet away from them. Holding a half empty pitcher of ice water.

The phrase 'country club princess' was one that Sae had heard a million times. From her friends, from others trying to annoy her... and even from her mother, once or twice during arguments.
If it had been anyone else, Sae might have been annoyed. But for some reason, she didn't mind the mocking name coming from the blond boy.
Judging by the sly look on his features, and the small smile of amusement. Sae knew he was merely teasing her.

"Maybank." Was her simple reply, as she turned to face him fully. Jutting her hip out, she placed her hand onto it. Emma stood by, awkwardly watching between the two. She could tell something was going on, and it alarmed her that Sae was acting this way.
When usually, she might have snapped.

"Y'all have been here practically all day." He continued, only taking a step closer, still leaving distance between them.

"Are you spying on us?" Sae quipped, tilting her head in question. She wouldn't mind if he was, she had become accustomed to people staring at her.

"What? Nah, I always notice when cute girls are by the pool." He spoke without hesitation. And although he had been referring to both girls. His gaze never broke from Sae, as he smirked.

Her eyes widened slightly at his braisen comment. This would be the second time he'd commented on her looks. He'd never bothered all the years before?
Sae opened her mouth to respond, but Emma had taken hold of her forearm.
"We should go."

Sae snapped her head towards the girl, as if coming back to reality. Emma gave her a pointed look, before motioning towards the exit with a nod.
Sae blinked, then turned her attention back to JJ.

"Yeah, we should go." She agreed, standing straighter, her eyes examining his features to gauge his reaction. Their run ins had been short, but becoming more frequent.

"I'll see ya 'round." He tilted his head back slightly, shooting her a wink before turning on his heels.

Sae's mouth fell agap, as she watched him walk away. He didn't turn back around, at least she wasn't able to notice if he did. Because Emma was already yanking her to the exit.

"What the hell was that?" Emma yelped as she pushed the front doors open, leading to the parking lot. Her hand still gripping Sae's arm.

"Nothing, It's just JJ?" Sae shrugged out of her friends grip, as she now led them towards her jeep.
Emma eyed her friend suspiciously, Not quite believing her.
Emma stopped in her tracks, crossing her arms as she stared Sae down.

Sae paused right by her Jeep, turning to the Jones girl.
"What, He says stuff like that all the time?" Sae shrugged, unlocking her Jeep, and tossing her bag into the back.
She was lying, to an extent. Seeing as he seemed to be making comments like that only very recently. And she still wasn't quite sure why?

"He knows you're with Rafe, right?" Emma jumped to pull herself up into the Jeep. Tossing her things in the back as well.

"'Wether he knows or not, he's harmless. And if he wasn't, then I'd sick Rafe on him. It's just a game." Sae shrugged, as she began out of the club's parking lot.

Emma eyed Sae, tilting her head slightly.
"So there's nothing going on—"

"Between me and JJ Maybank? No Em'." Sae sounded in disbelief, as if the possibility was too insane to consider. She shook her head, meeting Emma's eyes.

"Okay." was all Emma could muster, focusing her attention out of the windshield. Her mind racing, and she wasn't sure what to believe.
Because, Emma was a hopeless romantic, she's read every book, and seen every movie.
The way he was looking at Sae...

Emma glanced out the corner of her eye, towards The Ravenette.

This was a shorter chapter, I might try to beef it up in Editing, but idk :/
Ken 💘

This chapter had been EDITED!!!!
(Again, it will probably need more work, but eh)

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