stories from Belwood: the twi...

By crystal_pro_2024

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5 years after the events of ben gen rex, rex has moved up to being part of providence's special forces team... More

Episode 0 - it started when...
Episode 1- the day everything changed.
Episode 2 - the new threat.
Episode 3: last measures.
Episode 4 - what's with the weather?
Episode 5 - the architect.
Episode 6 -making magical frenemies.
Episode 7 - quarry brakes out.
Episode 8 - the search in Hong Kong.
Episode 9 - dark passage
Episode 10 - the darkstar rises
Episode 11 - the return
Episode 12 - the arrival
Episode 13 - animo, breach and the new girl.
Episode 14 - maxed out.
Episode 15 - the hunted
Episode 16 - where do-little girls come from?
Episode 17 - tired out.
Episode 18 - the pressure of the gauntlet.
episode 20 - plumbers helpers.
Episode 21 - in the badlands
Episode 22 - bad copy. bad copy!
episode 23 - a wayward hero
Episode 24 - vengeance of vilgax.
Episode 25 - six times six
Episode 26 - alone together.
Episode 27 - the family holiday.
Episode 28 - primus
Episode 29 - back in black.
Episode 30 - Animo's evolved.
Episode 31 - the swarm.
Episode 32 - save the last dance.
Episode 33 - the green fist
Episode 34 - not so secretive.
Episode 35 - just a little party.
Episode 36 - lost in the void.
Episode 37 - the first of 5
Episode 38 - undercover
Episode 39 - remote controlled.
Episode 40 - official plumbers training.
Episode 41 - tricked
Episode 42 - plumbers under attack.
Episode 43 - assault on Abysus.
Episode 44 - the secrets held in chromastone
Episode 45 - a man on the inside.
Episode 46 - together strong.
Episode 47 - in the end game.
Episode 48 - the one to control them all
Episode 49 - the war begins
Episode 50 - one final push

Episode 19 - the plague

24 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

White: it's been 24 hours since the event happened. This virus seems to be only affecting non-Evos. However, we don't have many Evo allies. Circe has been distracted with trying to keep Benjamin Kirby Tennyson from causing more damage and Bobo is doing the same with Kevin Ethan levin. This has left me with only a few free Evos. The three that call themselves the Hong Kong gang have managed to learn how to fly a providence ship quite quickly, so they have been able to do many tasks but none of them have been as effective as rex.

Cut to rex flying over the city, finding another Evo who is trying to attack downtown.

Rex: all right, I'm already tired out so let's get this over and done with.

He switches to his smack hands, and he punches the Evo before managing to cure it, returning the giant turtle like Evo into human.

White: how's that Evo looking?

Rex: cured.

He builds his boogie pack, and he flies back to the providence base, and he landed down, walking inside and lying down on the examination bed in the medical bay.

Rex: any luck on figuring anything out you two?

Dr holiday: unfortunately, not. Theses shocks are keeping me awake, but I feel like I'm frying my brain.

Onyx: and I had to use some of the nanites from my battle suit to help fix up Eve. My core is fighting off this virus, but I don't have a full connection to my cores here and my suit can't filter this thing out anymore.

White: so, you're failing.

Onyx: I'm not a biologist. I'm a tech girl.

White: well, you need to figure this out.

Dr holiday: we have just under 42 hours before we start losing people.

Onyx: and that's being generous since I doubt that anybody had drank the second, they fell asleep. We're looking at what is probably closer to 32 hours. At best.

White: then figure this out. Rex, I need you to stop the subway trains in the city before people start getting hurt.

White turns off the monitor and rex sighs as Dr holiday confronts him.

Dr holiday: every life saved counts.

Rex: I know. I just wish I had some help.

Suddenly his communicator goes off.

Rex: how is everybody?

Circe: it's official, I hate Gravattack.

She was stuck orbiting around him, while he had curled up into his planetary form. She screeched at him, and he changed to crashhopper.

Circe: do you want to switch with me cricket?

Cut to cricket who was jumping around, managing to stop an icy humanoid Evo from freezing people over.

Cricket: I'm a little detracted right now. There are a lot more of these Evos who want to hurt humans then I thought.

Cut to Tucc who was just barely holding back a stone like Evo dog who was just moving.

Tucc: at least you're not dealing with 10 tons of ravenous rock.

Cut to Skwydd who had created a cloud of nanite ink, to try and get more people to safety.

Skwydd: things aren't looking better in Hong Kong. Without people to keep the cells going, quarry has broken out. I'm struggling to keep people out of his path.

Cricket: quarry's broken out?

Rex: just focus on keeping the people safe. When I get a minute, I'll be over.

He lands down in the sub way, and he built his smack hands. He braced himself for impact and he was just barely able to stop one of the many run-away trains. He moved onto the rest of them and when he managed to stop them all, he switched back to his boogie pack, although it fell off of him. He just sighed as he built it again and flew off. When he returns to base he checked in on Bobo.

Rex: how are things on your end Bobo?

Bobo: fire and fur don't mix kid.

Rex: if we could have anybody else out there, we would. Just make sure he doesn't hurt anybody.

Bobo: the lengths I go to for you people.

He walks into the medical bay where he finds that onyx had sat down and with her mask covering her head, she had fallen asleep and Dr holiday wasn't that far off. She handed rex a small, phone like device before sitting down, getting another shock but ripping it off of herself in frustration.

DR holiday: this will... this should help to track down the... the first patient.

Rex: are you going to be ok holiday?

DR holiday: I'm too tired to keep thinking... I need to sleep... that will help you figure out the first patient. Find the patient and cure him...

She finally fell asleep and white knight showed up on a screen.

White: are they both asleep?

Rex: she gave me this thing. It's supposed to help me track down the first patient. I'll find him and cure him.

He tries to build his boogie pack 3 times before he's able to get off of the ground.

White: are you going to be, ok?

Rex: what other option do we have? I have to get going. The world depends on it. Unless you want to leave that cramped office to come and help me.

White: get to where you think the patient is and I'll meet you there.

Rex: wait, seriously?

White: white out.

He hangs up on rex and rex flies off. Following the device's signal to a city where the signal was at its strongest. Standing on top of a building, he waits to see how white was going to join him. As he sits down, he spots a giant mech that lands behind him.

Rex: I haven't seen you break that thing out in a while.

White: I haven't had a need to until now. Where is this first patient?

Rex: the signal is way to strong here for this thing to figure out where the first patient is.

White: then we need to narrow our search. Any suggestions?

Rex: try looking through all of the hospitals. We might find the guy.

White: he may have been feeling sick before he turned Evo.

White pulls up his scanners.

White: we've got over 600 Er's alone.

Rex: then we should get going. Think you can keep up?

White: I'll try.

Rex builds his boogie pack, and he flies off. White activates some rocket thrusters and manages to keep pace with rex, although he almost immediately starts to feel his boogie pack falling apart and he would come crashing down to the ground. His block party breaking his fall.

White: take 5.

Rex: we don't have time for me to take 5.

He looks across the road at the hospital, it's door crawling with something that wasn't normal.

Rex: you don't suppose that's the place, do you?

White turned around and looked at the building.

White: I think it is.

Rex activates his communicator.

Rex: how's everybody doing?

Circe: well, he's echo echo now. And I'm chasing 3 different versions of him.

She tries to screech at them to get their attention, ben go back together before changing into ripjaws and his tail was automatically merged over his leg. Causing him to fall to the ground, and Circe sat down as well. However, after a few seconds he switched to brainstorm, and he started shooting out lightning.

Circe: and now brainstorms on the move. How are you holding up Bobo?

Bobo: are you kidding me. He's covered me in this green slime thing.

Bobo looked over to see that Kevin had switched to bashmouth and he had his metal teeth out.

Bobo: oh boy. This just got worse.

He started running and blasting Kevin, although it was doing nothing to the hybrid alien.

Cricket: all good on my end, but after this, I'm sleeping for the next few years.

Skwydd: I've lost quarry, but I've found an Evo who's just as asleep as everybody else.

Tucc: what do you mean?

Skwydd: she's got giant bat wings on her back. She has to be an Evo.

Rex: just get who you can to safety, and we'll get who we can down there when this is all over. White and I are close to shutting this thing down.

Skwydd: I'm taking her to the providence base. If quarry gets his hands on any Evo...

Rex: don't worry, just do what you have to.

White: and who put you in charge?

Rex: half of these people don't work for you and won't respond to you white.

As they walked through the halls of the hospital, they find that white's mech is breaking down the walls of the hospital.

Rex: maybe you should switch to 2% milk white.

White: now isn't the time for jokes.

Rex: all we need to do is find this guy, and then I have to cure him.

White: have to?

Rex: well yeah, killing this guy won't do much. We have to cure him.

White: and what if he's incurable?

Rex: then I try again. But I try harder. I can't fail, the world is depending on me.

They walk into the room where they find that the man is still mutating and evolving. Rex walks over and he starts to cure the man before it starts to mutate back out. Rex tries again but it just re-mutates out before he can cure the man.

Rex: this makes no sense. No other Evo has been able to do this.

White: now what do we do?

Rex: I have to keep trying.

However, as he turns around, he finds white braking open the door and he aims his mech's arm at the man.

Rex: we've been over this, killing him won't save anybody.

White: you don't know that.

Rex: why don't you tell DR holiday that.

White: I would if she was still awake. But instead, I am forced to rely on you Evos.

Rex: and what's wrong with us Evos?

White doesn't respond as he prepares to slam his fist down to kill the man. Rex responded by his eyes glowing blue and a new machine building out of his back. A massive generator with a tentacle like whip on his arm. He winds his arm back and manages to use it to catch onto white's punch. Whit looks back to see that rex has a new build.

Rex: I bed you didn't see this coming, did you?

White: how long have you had that?

Rex: I just built it. This omega nanite is pretty cool when it wants to work with me.

White: your brother fell asleep before we could do anything and the other two didn't have much luck.

He manages to get his arm free, but rex immediately attacked the mech, creating a crack in its metal.

Rex: did you not here me before. Killing him won't do anything but make it impossible to cure anybody. So, unless you know an Evo super genius who would be willing to help us, I suggest you back off and let me deal with this.

White grabs onto rex and he manages to throw rex outside. Exiting the building as he tries to shoot a missile at rex, rex blocking it with his block party. Rex turns on his communicator, just to let the others here the conversation.

Rex: are you trying to get me killed?

White: I'm trying to save the world.

Rex: by killing its best chance?

White: I won't let people die because of an Evo.

Rex: yeah, yeah. Everybody's got nanites but you, we've been over this before. I'm the one who removed your nanites if I remember correctly.

White: enough playing around.

He tries to shoot more missiles at rex, but he builds his punk busters, flying into the air after switching to his boogie pack. He flies around white and manages to punch him with his smack hands. Cracking more of the metal.

Rex: you know, for being a mech designed to take me on, it can't handle me in the slightest.

He creates his B.F.S and he activates the sawblade mode and he cut the foot of the mech off, causing white to lose balance and fall to the floor.

Rex: now if you excuse me.

He builds his boogie pack, running on pure adrenaline as the others start to talk to him.

Circe: are you ok rex?

Rex: yeah, I'm fine. That mech wasn't anything.

He flies into the room where he looks in stunned silence.

Cricket: are you still their rex?

Rex: yeah, but the first patient is gone.

White flies up from behind.

White: what do you mean gone?

Rex: while you were trying to kill me, he must have gotten away.

White: if you had just let me...

Rex: ruin our only shot at saving people.

Bobo: will you two just shut up and figure this out.

Rex: it didn't react like anything I've ever seen it just kept on regenerating itself.

Tucc: what if the guy isn't the Evo.

Skwydd: what are you implying?

Rex: that the virus is the Evo.

White: what? That's impossible. Nanites are tiny but there still larger than most viruses.

Rex: most?

White: how do we get rid of it when we don't even know where it is?

Suddenly crashing could be herd and the duo look outside to see a giant monster ripping up buildings.

Rex: I think I may have agitated it.

White: I'll say.

Rex: I need to try again. We've got what, 3 hours before we start losing people?

Circe: then get to it.

White: and what should I do?

Rex: distract it. I'll have to fly inside of it and cure it at the source.

White nods and rex cut off his communications. He flies to the Evo where it screams at him, and he manages to fly inside of its mouth. The Evo got ready to reach its tendrils inside to grab rex, white shot a laser at it, managing to send it in a rage, directed towards white. Meanwhile rex was flying on the inside of the Evo, and it kept on mutating to try and get him out of itself. When it built a wall of itself to try and stop him, rex built his rex ride and he slammed through using his battering ram. As he managed to reach its core, he found the same man, still mutating and rex reached out to try and cure him. The virus fighting against him. Meanwhile white's suit continued to get more and more destroyed before he was forced to leave the mech, leaving him in a suit that still managed to keep all nanites out, and was still armed with multiple weapons. As he kept on fighting rex tried to build something, but all of his builds where immediately broken by the mutating virus.

Man: what's going on?

Rex: I'm going to need you to work with me here. I know this is a lot to take in, but you've got an Evo virus inside of you that's put every non-Evo to sleep.

Man: WHAT!?

Rex: and we've only got an hour before people start dying from thirst. So, here's what I need you to do. I need you to fight it with me. Resist it while I cure it. Got it?

The man nodded as he managed to help rex break free from the control of the Evo virus and rex managed to cure him. As he was being cured the virus started braking apart. And rex fell crawled out from the creature with the man who started coughing.

Rex: I guess I didn't cure the virus part.

White: you've done enough.

Cut to different parts around the world as people are waking up. The group who was at MR smoothy's managed to wake up and lucy had to pull herself back together as her mud had been separated while she was out for so long.

Lucy: what just happened?

Gwen: this can't be right according to my phone we've been knocked out for two days.

J.T: did that gauntlet thing do this?

Lucy: that's not how techadon armors work.

Gwen: where's ben?

Cut to the middle of the city where Circe has clung onto the back of Wildmutt. Ben wakes up and the omnitrix timed out.

Circe: oh good. Your finally awake. Now never do that again.

Ben: what happened?

Circe: some Evo virus caused every non-Evo to fall asleep

Ben: and I started alien jumping, didn't I?

Circe: you knew that would happen?

Ben: the first time was only a few days after I got this thing at adrenaland.

Circe: I haven't been there in ages.

Cut over to Bobo who watched as Kevin returned to normal.

Kevin: what happened to you?

Bobo: you happened kid.

Kevin: huh

He changed into rush, and he ran them back to providence where they found all of the agents waking up.

Kenwyn: I feel weird.

Bobo: you've been asleep for 3 days.

Kenwyn: 3 DAYS!?

Cut to the honk Kong gang as they find that people are waking up, and when Skwydd was questioned, he sprayed a cloud of nanite ink, leaving the bat girl behind as he wasn't willing to give himself up for a random Evo. Final rex and white return to providence, having everything back up and running as Circe gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Circe: next time ben or Kevin goes rouge, you're dealing with them.

Rex: sure thing.

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