When I was your man - Reader...

By Hungarian-Shinobi

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Y/n is a 23 year old young woman who is working as a prostitute to struggle through her days in life. She is... More

DISCLAIMER (Please read!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's note
Chapter 32 (Alternative ending)

Chapter 32 (Last)

1K 27 67
By Hungarian-Shinobi

Author's note: I lied... 😂 My ass couldn't stop writing today so I continued. Enjoy the triple update 💓


Dabi's POV:

A gunshot...

That's what I heard coming from behind (y/n). My eyes widened in horror, but I sighed in relief when she turned around and pointed at our enemy as she spoke up. "Ha! Loser! You missed!" She exclaimed.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She was always a child in the heart. A fierce, strong woman who talks back a lot, but somehow I loved it. I didn't know the reason. All I knew was that she was the one I was always looking for.

Who am I kidding... I wasn't looking for anyone. I used to bring different women in my bed every single day, but when she stepped into my life I stopped that. She had some kind of magical effect on me that clouded my mind. All I could think about was her after our first encounter. We went through a lot and denied for so long that we are not a couple. We told ourselves that we are just 'hanging out'. However later the both of us knew that it was bullshit. We were together. We couldn't and didn't want to deny it anymore.

Things happened so fast... In a blink of an eye a whole year has passed and we didn't even realize it and despite all the toxic shit we were madly in love with each other.

Two broken souls who never had a chance to prove their worth to the world. I was a criminal, a villain in the public eye, while she was always titled as a simple whore, a prositute. Nothing else. Maybe that's why we got along so well.

She never wanted anything else but someone who accepts her. I wanted the same for myself and I got it from her. I knew I wasn't a smooth-skinned man. Some people even called me a monster due to my looks. My scars that is... But she never did. She loved me the way I was and that meant the world to me.

That's why the guy's next words made my heart stop beating. "Really? Then you should take a second look on yourself." He laughed like a maniac. "Even if I can't get the informations about you or the league, Dabi, I still can cause pain to you for destroying my business."

(Y/n) glanced down at herself, voice cracking from the sight she saw. Her stomach was bleeding and she turned back to me with a dreadful expression written all over her face, but she could barely see me since I was already on my way to kill the guy.

Time stopped around me and my mind was clouded with anger. I didn't even realize what I was doing. Stabbing a now lifeless body with my knife that is. Blood painting my white shirt red whilst my face expression screamed insane. I felt like I was deaf and I didn't hear a single thing around myself and I didn't even notice my actions until (y/n)'s weak voice called out to me.


My eyes widened in horror when I saw that I stabbed the guy's face unrecognizable. I simply couldn't believe my eyes.

Dropping the knife beside his head on the ground I turned back to (y/n) who was about to fall on her knees.

I hurried to catch her and sat down on the ground, holding her like a baby when I finally reached her. My free hand stroked her soft skin over her face as I stared into her eyes. "Baby, baby I'm here. I'm right here." I reassured her.

This must be only a dream. I didn't come here, I didn't hire a hacker and I didn't get seperated from her. This is just a dream, a nightmare. This can't be happening with me. I'm going to wake up and she will be right next to me. All of this breakup thing was just a nightmare. Something my mind created... I know it... Wake up, Dabi!

(Y/n) smiled up at me bitterly. "It's fine." She whispered. "It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean it's fine? This is not fucking fine!" I brushed her strands away from her face and rocked her in my arms.

Come on! Wake up!

"It's..." She coughed up blood, barely able to speak due to her bleeding wound she was holding onto with her palm. "It's really fine."

Her blood drenched my clothes even more. If she's going to lose blood in this pace, she will die. "How can you say that? Baby I-"

She weakly raised her finger in front of her lips to silence me. "The thing I wanted to s-say... Remember?"

"We don't have time to waste. I need to take you to a doctor first. I promise we can speak after that." I gently kept on stroking her cheeks and I wanted to stand up from the ground with her when she stopped me.

"Even if that doctor heals my wound, he wouldn't be able to save me. I would die in a short amount of time anyway." The bitter smile she showed me ached my heart.

She would die in a short amount of time anyway... What?

"Baby don't do this to me. What the hell are you talking about? There's no time for jokes! You're going to lose too much blood!" I tried to knock some sense in her head, but my words found deaf ears and she shook her head.

"I have cancer." She choked out.

Once again my eyes widened. This must be a very bad joke. And all of this is not happening to me.

"Huh? What?" My breath got caught in my throat. It felt so dry I could barely speak.

I just got her back after so long and this is what greets me? She was finally between my arms. I could finally hold her. Kiss her... And she gets a bullet in herself, but that's not enough... now she says she has cancer. What have I done to deserve this? I always loved her and never betrayed her. I took care of her and I always made sure to show my love for her.

Then she told me she got to know about this a few weeks before she left that letter for me. Everything made sense... The continuous hiding in the bathroom, the mysterious coughing, the pills... She said that those are her contraceptive pills and I believed it. How could I be so blind? How come I didn't suspect anything? How could I be such a fool not to notice that she was silently screaming for help?

Everything else about this fake break up was mere a coincidence. Our arguments that is. She confirmed that too. The breakup didn't even cross her mind. She was sad that we couldn't spend that much time together of course, but this wouldn't have been a reason for her to end our relationship.

"When you were away on missions, I visited a doctor to know the details about my cancer. It turned out I barely have a few weeks left since it attacked my lungs and then my brain. He said it's a miracle I'm still alive." She smiled as if everything was alright. "Maybe I was just waiting for you to tell you the truth. Maybe that gave me strength."

"Why? Why didn't you tell m-"

Her heavy coughing cut me off. It was the same chain of coughing which I always heard coming from the bathroom. Blood came out of her mouth again.

I shifted in my position and pulled her closer to myself, resting my forehead on her's. She weakly caught my hand which held her face. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to be a burden." She blurted out.

"What are you saying again? You would never be a burden. You're my love, my everything." I slowly shook my head. "Don't leave me, please." I begged.

"I'm so sorry... For everything... You have no idea how hard it was to lie to you I don't love you anymore. You know I didn't mean it, right?" For now, she was weeping. Her tears washing away the blood from her face.

Tightening my grip on her I kissed her forehead countless times. "I know baby, I know. Just don't leave me again please. We promised to be each others' forever, remember? You can't break that promise."

"It will always stay that way, Dabi."

I pulled back to see her face one more time. For now, large amount of blood pooled under us and she turned pale. She didn't have much time left.

We just stared into each others' eyes for long minutes before she spoke to me again. "I love you so much, Dabi."

I nodded eagerly, raising her hand to my lips to kiss her knuckles. My inner self was already raging, already crying. Just a few minutes were left.

"I know. I love you too. More than anything in this world." I kissed her hand one more time, then put it back beside herself, so I could cup her face again.

"Da-Dabi..." She weakly called out to me.

"Touya." I corrected her. "That's my real name. I promised I would tell you when the time comes."

Altough I didn't think it would come so early. I wanted to tell this to her later, but I promised I will tell her one day and I couldn't hold myself back. She deserved to know the truth.

Her eyes sparkled as she whispered. "Touya." The corner of her lips curled up into a happy smile. "What a beautiful name..." she complimented.

Soon her smile faded and her body fell limp, eyes still opened and gaze turning blunt. She was looking at nothing in particular.

That was the moment when I knew she died...

My heart stopped as I desperately tried to wake her up. But it was no use, no matter how much I tried.

"(Y/n)... (Y/n), please wake up. Please." I begged for her, pulling her limp body close to myself as I buried my face in her shoulder. "You said forever, so you can't leave me. Please!"

I mumbled several more pleas, as if I was waiting for someone to hear me and do something and resurrect (y/n). "I love you, I love you... I love you..." I kept on chanting those three words to her in hope of her hearing it.

But that didn't work either. She was gone and lived in an other world now from whereas she will never come back to me.

That's the only world that could seperate us. However I still refused to believe the cruel reality. Finally I had something in my life that brought a meaning. I had someone to live for. Someone I could care about and reveal my weaker self to.

But it has been taken away from me. I knew that the big guy above us hated me, because I was never good. After such a long time I finally got a gift but it has been torn away from me. We are worlds apart from each other from now on.


Even after another year that passed, I refused to believe she died. I never visited her grave because that would mean I accepted her death. But by some miracle I convinced myself that she deserved a visit. She deserved flowers or something.

And here I am... Standing in front of the grey, cold stone with her name engraved on it.

I never smiled ever since she died. I lived like a lifeless puppet, accepting my fate.

I never deserved happiness. I never deserved love, I never deserved her and I never would. I realized after a while that perhaps that was the reason why she's been taken away from me.

But I was grateful for her that once in my life I could experience how it feels to love and be loved by someone. What is it like to give yourself up for someone just because of love.

I could never thank you enough (y/n) for teaching me all of that. And I know I will never love someone else in my life but you, even though you are not here with me anymore. My heart belongs to you at all times. I could never give it to anyone else. It was a lifetime experience to be yours.

I should have appreciated you even more when I was your man...


End of Chapter 32 (Last)

And this book is done too... 🥲

I never liked sad endings, but I knew it from the start how I want this one to end and since this book was written mostly for myself it was full of sad feelings. Guilt, sadness, grief, regret, anger, blaming... Etc etc etc.

Some of you might hate me now for ending the story like this, but as I said in an earlier chapter, this book was made to write out every shitty feelings I ever had or experienced and I must say that I feel better that I could get rid of some of my bad memories and experiences.

But of course the storyline is fictional, entirely figured out by my insane brain.

Thanks to all of you who sticked around the whole time and encouraged me to continue.
Sometimes I felt like stopping but you always gave me strength with your votes and comments, so THANK YOU! ❤️

And despite the sad ending I still hope you enjoyed the story. 😏

Bye for now huns! Gonna update in a new part once I'm done with the machinima of this story. ❤️ See you later!

You can support me and my work on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=104357938 (Link in bio too) Extra content continuously being uploaded

-Hungarian Shinobi

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