For You- A Dance Moms Fan-Fic...

By jackie_writes_dm

1.2K 60 17

10 Year Old Mackenzie is deeply depressed when her 12 year old sister Maddie gets run over by her own mother... More

Things Change
Never Again
The Truth
Authors Note
Final Goodbyes Are The Worst
Final Goodbyes Are The Worst
Writers Block
Stupid Mothers
One Day To Soon
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ
The Moment Of Truth

Unusual Injuries?!?

92 5 5
By jackie_writes_dm

When Christi says "so your like a dinosaur" In the video😂^^^^^

Kenzies POV
"Mom Ms.Abby is gonna kill me," I sobbed into her arms while laying into the hospital bed. I couldn't believe what the doctor just told me. I was really hoping that it wasn't serious. Ok I'm panicking.
You all know of my extra bone that I have in my foot right...well it shattered. The doctor said that it was broken into about 4 pieces. And now I need surgery to remove it. But it's gonna be a minor surgery so that's good. But I can't dance until 3 and 1/2 weeks.
Ok Mackenzie, dont panic. Don't worry it's ok....NO ITS NOT OK. Abby's gonna kill me. I'm dead meat.
Mom I'm sorry, you have this hard right now, i whimpered to her. I was in some serious pain.
"Kenz, do not worry about it. What kills you only makes you stronger" my mother said with a kiss on my head and a smile full of tears. Just get some rest baby.
Nobody could wipe that smile off my mothers face. I was proud of her because she's been through a lot.
I closed my eyes and envisioned what Abby was gonna say to me. "You klutz, stop falling over things" she wouldn't say that. Maybe she would be nice, well at least I hope.
"Did you write that down Mackenzie" Abby screamed at me. "I asked you a question! Did you get that?" I was shaking in my sleep. Thank goodness I woke up to the girls screaming at me. "KENZIE!!!!" They all screamed. Every single ALDC girl was on me. And then Gia walked in with the mothers. And then Abby(dun dun dunnn)


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