Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

By pastmidnight_

507K 12.2K 2K

Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... More

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
New Bodies
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out

What We Are

3.6K 101 12
By pastmidnight_

Arias POV.

I drove as fast as I could back to Mytsic Hell.

My fists clenched the wheel I'm outraged. This all happened because of Tyler. He dared try to kill my Nik.

They tried to kill Rebekah and Stefan as well! Worse part I can't even conduct revenge on the hybrids there all dead.

I know the hybrids hated Nik but oh my god every single of one them!?

Stefan said Nik ripped Carol Lockwood's heart out Tyler's mother right in front of him.

Hayley and Caroline had no clue this is what Tyler had been planning all along he helped all the hybrids break the sire bond and turn against Nik.

Hayley lost her head when she found out that Tyler was only with her so she'd help get information from somebody but she didn't get to find out who was working with Tyler because he's ran away.

Oh I'll find him.

Nik is in horrible pain right now I can feel it and that makes me furious and devastated. I could feel him wanting me.

I pulled up in the driveway and ran into the house. There was blood and dead hybrids everywhere.

"Aria?" Rebekah said coming in view she's changed and showered.

There was two men cleaning the living room as I walked to her.

"Stefan's with Kol. I don't know what there doing or where've they've gone they were really angry when they left" she said quickly.

"It will be okay. Are you alright?" I said hugging her.

"There was so many of them it was pathetic they thought they could kill me or Nik! But they almost killed Stefan. He tried to protect us." She said. Of course he did.

"He's upstairs." She said and I knew what she meant I breathed heavily then zoomed upstairs.

I scurried into the our room it was a wreck he's broke half of furniture. Awh man my chair...No Aria focus.

Everything's happening so fast the only thing on my brain is Nik.

I heard the water running in the bathroom, as I walked in to see him only in his bloody trousers.

He was staring at the running water in the sink blood covering his hands, face and arms.

God this was like when he killed Killian. Only this made me so mad. How could Tyler do this!.

I walked over taking his bloody shirt putting it in the laundry basket.

I took a cloth and pushed Nik onto the chair and started wiping the blood off him.

He wasn't protesting he wasn't talking he was just allowing me to mind him for once.

He was in a lot of hurt right now, yet again people turned against him. I know how you feel Nik.

"Everything will be okay." I whispered it sounded like I was talking to myself as I placed one hand on his and continued to wipe the blood off.

That's when I noticed tears forming in his eyes.

"Nik" I whispered and he sobbed into my shoulder. I tried to shush him he was so hurt by this.

Everyone always turns on him.

I rubbed his back comforting him. It's very rare that Nik cries.

No don't think about him right now.
I pulled him close to me kissing his head.

"I'll never leave you" I whispered wiping away his tears.

I ran my fingers down his back.

"None of us will. We'll fight. We'll scream. But in the end we won't ever leave you." I said and he just rested his head on me.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing he said after silence as I was wiping his hands.

I stopped " saved my brother."

He made eye contact with me I could see his dimples forming a small smile.

"Take off your pants." I said and he chuckled slightly him and his dirty mind.

"There all dead?" I asked unbuckling his belt he was covered in hybrid blood and his own.

"We were forming a plan for the cure and they just attacked. I will be honest I didn't see it coming." He said.

"They were going to kill Stefan then Rebekah dagger and throw her in the Pacific. Tyler was going to possess my body then rip my heart out. He told me he'd have you when I was dead. Is there something I should know about." He said angrily.

"Tyler? No. Before any of this before you when I just came to town he kissed
me, I didn't like him like that and I pushed him away. I never told anyone that. Well except Stefan" I said.

"He kissed you?" Nik growled.

"Yes. But I said no. There's only one person for me" I said.

"But then you had no idea about me?" Nik asked.

"Well when Tyler kissed me I knew that he wasn't the one for me" I whispered.

"So it's okay when I rip his heart out?" Nik asked nonchalantly and I sighed but nodded.

"You know I'm sick of this town, everyone is out to get you when your only trying to find the cure I swear the next person who tries to-" he cut me off kissing me.

After a moment he pulled back and chuckled.

"That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up." I said and he walked me out of the bathroom.

"Once we find this cure Elena will be human I will make more hybrids these ones will be loyal." He said. Wait.


I don't want to be mad at him right now but REALLY?! After what just happened.

"Yeah" I said.

"Where have Kol and Stefan gone?" I asked changing the subject as he pulled on a shirt on.

"They've gone to find out what fool was helping Tyler. You and I are going back and getting that idiot Jeremy to finish this blasted map" he said pulling out a bag.

"We're going back to doppelgänger?" I asked and he chuckled.

He held up a black lacy bra and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes wrapping my arms around his back.

"Mmm" he hummed.

"Don't distract me. We have to go" he said spinning me around.

"Okay" I said and he kissed my cheek.

While Nik packed a bag I hung with Rebekah for awhile cheering her up.

"Aria" I heard Nik outside and knew I had to go.

"Be careful." Rebekah said giving me a hug. It's weird not having hybrids pro troll the whole place.

"Aria sweetheart move your little ass" Nik said behind me and I spun seeing him I crossed my arms.

"My ass isn't little!" I said and he chuckled.

"Sweetheart. I've said it a million times your little as well." He said walking over looking down on me.

"I'm not" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"Don't be a drama queen." he purred.

"Asshole" I said sarcastically and he grinned.

We got into the car clearly he wouldn't let me drive. He picked up three cans of energy drinks and looked to me. Oops.

"Sorry" I said innocently and he shook his head. It was just seven o clock meaning Jeremy would find vampires more easily now since the sun has gone down.

"You are so lucky you didn't damage my car. It smells like fruit roll ups in here?" He said annoyed I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't even want to imagine you driving earlier!" He snapped I continued to laugh.

"Yeah yeah keep it up. Wait till I have you in bed." He said starting the car.

When the radio came on my music started playing.

He just looked at it blankly. Ah crap.

"Nik I know what your thinking don't!" I said and his smile turned into a devilish grin.

He started playing Beatles music. I groaned in frustration blocking my ears.

"Nik" I whined and he laughed, I tried to turn it off but he slapped my hand away. I should have brought headphones.

"I will kill myself" I said and he chucked at my antics.

"Enjoy the next forty five minutes sweetheart" he said and I fell back in the chair. As always his hand was on my leg.

"Let's play a game" he said after a few minutes of arguing over the radio.

"Isn't the music enough torture. Whatever shenanigans your thinking of you can shove it" I said he grinned.

"It will be fun. Okay ten years from now where are we?" He asked. I love how he said we.

"What's with the "we" I'm leaving you. Have fun with your Beatles." I said sarcastically and he chuckled.

"Like you'd ever escape me. You'd never want to leave me anyway. First off you love me. Second I wouldn't let you. Third you'd miss our sex to much" he said with a cheeky grin on his face trying to kiss me and I pushed him away.

I shook my head biting my tongue trying not to laugh.

"Now in all seriousness where are we?" He asked.

"Okay. Well we're not in Mystic Hell that's for sure." I said and he chuckled.

"Maybe England? We'd have our own house like one with tea and books" I said my mind was wandering off thinking of it.

"Is this your fantasy or Elijah's?" Nik asked sarcastically and I laughed.

"Fine it's Elijah's we spoke about it the other week. It was funny because he was talking about these ancient clocks and-" I stopped talking seeing Nik's bored face.

"Well sorry am I putting you to sleep Nik" I said and his little dimples appeared.

"I don't want to know Elijah's I want to know what you want?" He asked.

I don't want to tell him what I want it's sad, it will just ruin the mood.

I want a big house, to wake up in bed with Nik every morning. I want to have Nik's children which is impossible.

I want a little girl who would be spoiled by me, Rebekah and Stefan. She'd probably won't be a daddy's girl. She'd have blonde hair like Nik's, my big blue eyes and Nik's dimples.

Elijah would influence her so much to read she'd be like me not wanting to.
Nik would dance her around the kitchen on his feet.

I want a little boy who'd act like Elijah with his little suits and shoes. Have Stefan's attitude sweet and loving.

His big brown eyes and ashy blonde hair.

Damon and Kol would have such a bad but good impact on him to be honest he'd be a little heartbreaker with the girls.

Nik would be his role model. I hope anyway.

We'd have our own house and they'd wake us up every morning. I'd love them more than anything. But that's a life in a dream.

"Hellooo" Nik clicked his fingers in my face.

"I want to be with you. Somewhere hot but cold. I want to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep with you every night. Have a job! I've always wanted to be a teacher. Have the whole family close. And I hope my brothers are close as well" I said and he smiled gripping my hand.

"I want to be somewhere hot so the nights are cold and you have to beg me for my warmth." He started and I rolled my eyes.

"I own the place we live as in the city or town. Above all I want you." He said and I smiled.

"Rebekah's right." I said and he frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"We're a pair of softies behind the scenes" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm only like this with you." He said and I nodded knowing that.

"So how far has Jeremy got?" He asked.

"He's barely killed any vampires." I said and he nodded. Oh no he's thinking.

"Okay. Well what game now?" He asked. I smiled as I felt his hand moving upwards.

I slapped his hand away and he growled.

"Your such a-" I cut myself off when he looked to me.

"Such a gentleman" I said sarcastically and he smiled.

"What game then?" He asked again then placing his hand on my leg.


We pulled up in the driveway it was really quiet....

"Aria" Nik whispered.

I looked to him as he was looking around suspiciously.

"There's no one in the house. Have you been invited in yet love?" He asked and I nodded.

"Get inside. Don't come out till I say" he said.

"No Nik what's going on?!" I asked.

"Aria sweetheart just get inside." He said.

"I'm not going anywhere without you" I said and he looked at me.

"Aria don't make me angry. Do as your told for once." he said sternly and I sighed getting out of the car.

"Please be careful" I said and he kissed me passionately.

He rubbed his nose against mine I think that's a wolf thing he seems to always do it before I leave.

"You stay safe please nothing can kill me" he whispered.

He stroked my cheek examining me then zooming away.

The sky was dark and the trees surrounded the house. The moon was reflecting on the lake. It was all still.

I bolted inside the house everything was silent. Not even owls or wind outside it was deafening.

It's been ten minutes and I'm losing my mind standing in here. I've been pacing back and forth.

"Aria" I heard a voice say I swung on my heel to see Matt. Oh my god. No.

He was covered in his blood. Oh god. He was holding his hand to his neck in pain he's been bit but by who?!

"Aria" he said looking at me now scared my breath hitched I want it. I want the blood.

I felt the veins under my eyes as he started panicking. My body trembled as a drop of blood hit the carpet.

"Matt back away" I barely got out as I clenched my fists my fangs coming out.

God it's strong it smells so good.

He breathed heavily as I started walking towards him. The smell was intoxicating.

"Aria don't! You don't want to do this! I thought-" he said trailing off then I saw a blonde vampire dressed in probably a fake uniform for pizza appear in the room.

"Matt run!" I shouted as he saw her.

This is good he'll think I vamped out because of the girl.

I zoomed towards her when I was thrown backwards and went right through the glass windows.

The noise shattered through my ears I heard Matt scream. I landed on the ground hard with a thud.

I groaned as I was about to stand up but was pushed down I looked up to see her. Who in the hell is this?!

She grinned and I kicked her in the stomach. She yelped as she fell backwards onto her front.

"Who are you!" I seethed.

I jumped up and grabbed her she laughed she found this amusing! I punched her in the face.

"Who are you?!" I asked she smirked and yanked my hair.

I bit her arm and she screamed. God what am I doing in a cat fight!

She slapped me across the face hard sending me flying backwards!.
I jumped on top of her and punched her.

"Where is everyone?!" I asked then smirked looking up seeing my one and only twin.


Blood was covering the girl's face and my hands.

"Bad ass" Stefan said sarcastically.

I turned looking up seeing Matt running outside and Jeremy. .

"Kol idiotically out of rage turned a load of vampires for Jeremy to kill. Elena and Damon are out there to!" Stefan said as I held the blonde down.

"He what!" I said and Stefan nodded coming right over.

The blonde vampire pulled herself up and I grabbed her pushing her to Jeremy as he came running out.

He staked her and she turned to grey falling to her knees. A pang of guilt shot through me.

"Where's Bonnie and Shane?!" Stefan asked.

"There all out there!" Jeremy said pointing towards the forest which was absolutely huge this perimeter of land goes and stretches for miles.

"What the hell was Kol thinking?!" I muttered! I'm going to kill him. I thought they he was finding Tyler's partner in crime.

I jumped to my feet and looked at Stefan.

"I thought you left with Kol? What happened" I asked.

"Well we were going to find Tyler and his accomplice but Kol got other ideas" he explained.

"Are you okay?" I asked Matt who came out and he nodded I bit into my wrist to give to him. It had everything in me to ignore the blood on him.

"I haven't fed all day I'm sorry" I said as he drank my blood.

"Jeremy tell us everything I only got here a few minutes ago" Stefan said.

"Okay when we came back to the house Aria was gone and Damon freaked didn't tell anyone you left. That's when you called Bonnie telling her about Tyler and the hybrid attack." He explained and Stefan cut him off

"Wait. Damon is here?" He asked oh Stef. I smiled to him apologetically.

"Clearly he didn't let Elena go" he growled furious.

"We went vampire hunting again but then Kol showed up furious I hadn't killed many vampires yet. " he explained.

Oh god Stef...the look on his face when he found out Damon lied again.

"Kol then turned a ton of people in a bar not to far from here. We were hunting when the vampires all started showing up there must be twenty of them" he said.

"Idiots" both Stefan and I said.

God Damon is out there and Elena! So is Nik, Bonnie and Shane.

"We have to get inside" Jeremy said.

"What! Hell no!" I said as Stefan tried to get me inside to keep me out of harms way.

"Eh guys" Matt said looking to the trees.


"Jeremy" both Stef and I said in sync as he still had his shoulders on me looking in Matt's gaze.

Jeremy turned seeing there was a rack of vampires appearing all newly turned and blood thirsty.

"Jeremy don't hesitate and don't miss" I whispered.

"Matt get inside" Stefan said gripping my arm pulling me close and Matt ran. Jeremy walked behind me.

"You think we can take them?" Jeremy asked us and I looked to Stefan.

"Well?. We've gone through worse. How hard can it be" I said and he breathed in.

"Remember what we are?" Stefan said inaudible to Jeremy.

I nodded knowing exactly what Stefan meant.

"We've come for the boy and the hunter. Stand down and we'll make it quick" a tall man said.

"How about you guys just leave" Jeremy said holding up his crossbow.

"Man this is pathetic" I said under my breath.

I've fought dozens before when I was the ripper. Tore bodies apart and heads a sunder.

"Children" a woman sneered.

"Trust me lady you don't want to fight us" Stefan said veins coming under my eyes.

They got into fighting stance about to pounce.

"Really?! Can't we skip the dramatics?" I said sarcastically.

"I get to have her" a guy said angrily and Stefan flared his fangs at him.

"Okay. I see this isn't going to run smoothly." Stefan said and Jeremy moved closer to me.

"Anyone have any last words to say?" I said and they growled.

"Right." I said clapping my hands together. Oh jeez I really am to much like Nik and Kol when it comes to this.

They all started running towards us. Matt was watching in horror from the house.

"Ready Stef?" I asked smirking at him he grinned as we ran into the crowd and it began.

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