The Age of Wiccans

By janushiraichura

580 357 27

I am Eliana, a Wiccan. I am not a witch, a sorceress, or an enchantress. To be honest, I don't know what I am... More

Passed out it is...
Miami Air
Power Walk
Hysterically Underweight
Forgiveness, My Lord!
Low on Dating Experiance
Author's Note!
Not that...
Mr I am beating skinny girls to feel superior
Elianna, I am coming there!
The Art of Messing Up
Murder Weapon- Potato Chips
Dying with Glory (from chips, of course)
Deep Trouble (worse than bleeding to death)
Embracing Darkness
Blindness and Numbness
New Book!!
Eating; the love of my life (hahaha)
The Devil and the Angel
Two Gods
New book!!
Smothering and Punching
Stranger Things-4
Important Note
Apple Juice a Day Does NOT Keep the Doctor Away
Elianna Edwards the Matchmaker
Multi-tasking (not the new feature of Windows 11)
Talk of the Town
Let's Play Nurse
Pain, the greatest healer
Killer's the Healer
No Cure for the Ill-Fated
Untitled Part 45
Beer and Wine
somewhere far away...
Part Two: Paganism

Water, the death of mine!

12 7 0
By janushiraichura

Well, I am sort of barely alive, how are you guys? Well, no, Dominic didn't get me to this barely alive stage, you want to guess who did? Elena, my elder sister, and oh, of course, the love of my life; swimming.

Well, there I was, on a quiet Sunday morning, making my way to the pool, when Elena demanded to come along. It wasn't a family pool, it was an athletic pool, Olympic size and all. And my sister, poor sister, doesn't even own an athletic costume. And as much as I would've loved to watch her swim laps with her polka dots yellow bikini, or perhaps that pink one, or black one, or well, any bikini of hers, I thought it was rather cruel. So, I gave her one of my old swimsuits. Ain't I very kind?

And then there I was, swimming peacefully, barely keeping the sleep out of my eyes, when my sister demanded to have my swimming goggles. See, while I swim athletically, I am used to swimming without them. But today, oh, my sensitive sleepy little eyes, and the extra chlorine, and my coach forcing me to do extra laps, well, it did not all end well, no it did not.

Lucky for me, my sister had sunglasses which I could borrow and then, I spent the rest of the day nurturing to my over sensitive beautiful eyes.

Well, unfortunate for me, that wasn't the only surprise I got that day. Another round of puking blood came its way, along with another thin strand of white hair which unfortunately didn't go unnoticed.

Anthony and I had a study date scheduled that evening. We were sitting in my room, trying to grasp whatever the hell Graham's stupid law of stupid diffusion was when he suddenly frowned.

'You dyed another strand of your hair white?' he asked, stroking that particular lock of hair. 'I like your hair black,' he said smiling. It was more of a compliment of a sort rather than him asking me to keep it black. Besides, it wasn't like I had a choice.

'So do I.' I replied quietly. He tensed up again, but didn't question me any further, well, not about my hair at least; Chemistry, however was a different story.

That day ended with a lot of chemistry, you know, and both of us falling asleep on the couch while eating dinner. How fortunate for us that my brother was there to wake us! Sarcasm there.

Though I must say he was quite generous this time. His actions didn't include unloading a bucket full of ice-cold water on us. He did that once when Alex and I fell asleep in my room; apparently we needed to cool off.

Overprotective brothers.

So, what he did was blazing sirens right in our ears, and I mean right inside them. I never wanted to kill him more than I did at that moment. Okay, perhaps when he ate all my M&Ms, but can you have that much murderous rage inside yourself when you're six? Well, you certainly can cause I certainly did.

I and Anthony had an exchange of laughter after our ears stopped ringing. We finished our dinner, did the dishes and then he was on is merry way. I had never missed anyone as intently as I missed him the second he walked out of my house.

So, I shouted after him, 'Anthony!' he trned around and I gulped, losing my newfound courage, so I just spoke, more liked whispered loudly, a single word, 'Stay?'

He considered it for a moment before looking at his feet and I knew his answer. 'Elianna, I-' he paused before turning to me with a smile. 'I think that's be great.'

And then came hours and hours of binge-watching The Fault In Our Stars (which ended with us in tears) and Divergent (blame Anthony's crush on Shailene Woodley).

We decided to go get some sleep after that, since it was a school night. Lucky for us, Elliot's clothes fit Anthony, even though they were somewhat loose (who am I kidding, they were very loose) they worked just fine.

And of course, Elliot was so happy to find out that Anthony had stayed the night, he gave him a big hug.

How much I wish that were true.

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