VegasPete - Abnormally normal...

Bởi marlia_23

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Just Pete, Vegas, Porsche, Kinn and some of the other KinnPorsche characters leading a normal university life... Xem Thêm

Author's Note
And I'll love you for a thousand more

Darling I've loved you for a thousand years

2.4K 97 45
Bởi marlia_23

Picking up the ringing phone, Pete sighs. It's 1 in the morning. Whoever is calling better have a good reason to do so, or they are dead. "Hello?" Pete grumbles


It takes less than a second for Pete to be up and about. But just to be sure, he pulls away the phone to make sure he isn't hearing things at this time. But then double takes when his dream turns out to be reality.

"Vegas?" Pete tries his best not sigh while on the phone. Though he knows what's going to follow Pete still asks kindly. "What's wrong?"

"Can you come at this place? I'm sending you the location." This time Pete really fails to keep his sigh to himself. Standing up form the bed, he slowly heads towards the bathroom. If he was going to drive at this time, he needed his head and eyes to be clear.

"I'll be there in thirty."

Stepping inside the jam-packed club, Pete feels his head pulsating with the 'too much upbeat for his taste right now' music.

Waving a dismissing hand at the guy giving him full-on looks, Pete decides to move inside without sparing another glance at the crest fallen guy.

He weaves his way through the wild crowd before he finally sees a hand shot up a little further from the dancing floor. Cursing silently, Pete hurriedly goes over there before Vegas can dislocate his arm.

Reaching there the look of panic in Vegas's eyes does not escape Pete's observing glance. "Where's he?" Pete speaks with experience. Afterall this isn't the first time he's here in a club to fetch his idiot bestfriend, and if the problems among his friend group continues, then Pete doubts this will be the last.

Pete merely spares a glance at the worried guy when Vegas points behind him. Turning around wildly, Pete is met with a almost sleeping Porsche, leaned over the counter. Normally Pete won't be so worried, but what has Pete scared out of his mind is the dried streak of tears on Porsche's tanned handsome face.

Throwing a desperate look at Vegas, Pete hurriedly moves to help Porsche stand up. And Porsche does stand up, albeit staggering and ready to fight. He only relaxes when he sees it's Pete who's holding him.

Watching as Porsche slowly lowers his gaurd, Vegas slowly goes around Porsche to support him from other side. Together they slowly yet steadily make their way out of the club.

By the time Pete has secured Porsche in his car, it's already half past two in the morning. Thankfully they only have afternoon classes tomorrow, or more like today. But looking back at Porsche's dried tears, something tells Pete they might need to bunk those two as well.

All this time Pete has skillfully avoided the guy beside him as both of them fuss over the drunk boy. "Pete." Pete practically freezes as Vegas's voice travels through the empty parking lot of the club. "I'm sorry for disturbing you this late."

Pete watches as Vegas sighs. How come the man looked so handsome even at this time of the night, is beyond Pete. "But Porsche won't go with anyone unless it's you."

When Vegas's eyes dim a bit, Pete's glad. He knows he shouldn't be, but he is. But then again watching as the man infront of him stare longingly at his friend inside his car, sets Pete's heart on fire. Waving a dismissing hand, Pete smiles through his heartache. "Hoi! It's fine! What are friends for."

Cursing his bestfriend for leaving him out when they both could have drank away their heartbreak together, Pete slowly makes his way towards the driver's seat. "I'll leave now, Vegas. If we happen to miss tomorrow's class. You'll lend your notes, right?"

At that, a small smile settles on Vegas's handsome face. "Ofcourse. Drive safe. And tell me what happened later."

Shooting him a last smile, Pete drives away fast, not wanting for the other to see his smile slip away.

Pete slowly sips on his congee as he watches his friend slightly cringing at the bitter aftertaste of all the alcohol he drank the previous night.

Looking at the grown ass troublemaker and the time, Pete decides he made the right decision to just keep him at his place. There was no way in hell, Porsche would have been able to take care of himself.

Grumbling every now and then, Porsche still finishes his food. But before he has the chance to digest the food completely, he's all but shoved inside the bathroom. From the outside, Porsche hears Pete's voice as it echoes in the bathroom. "Get showered. I'd rather talk to a freshly showered and not so stinking you."

So, by the time Porsche is freshly showered and finally feeling a little lighter than before, Pete is damn sure they are missing classes today. "Sit down." Pete isn't normally so authoritative, but he needs to make sure Porsche can't skirt around the subject around anymore.

Pete sighs thankfully when Porsche takes a seat. "We have class in a few." Porsche grumbles, he doesn't want to talk.

"We aren't going anywhere without hearing what's going on. Vegas has the notes covered." But Pete has already been way too lenient, so now he's done waiting.

Pete's heart breaks a little as he watches his always so strong and happy friend slowly lean his head on the table infront of him. Being best friends for more than a decade, Pete knows just how hard it is for Porsche to open up first. The later always needs a medium to help him navigate and channel his emotions. So he, being the good friend that he is, decides to go first. "Is it about Kinn?"

At that, Porsche's wall slowly starts breaking as he slowly nods. "We were at a restaurant yesterday. I wanted to get his mind off of everything, and it was working. I thought we were finally getting somewhere.."

Porsche feels as if he's being choked. The disappointment sit as heavy as a boulder on his chest as if restricting his air flow. "But then Tawan called. He left without even sparing me a second glance."

Pete closes his eyes tightly. That damn Tawan again! If Pete was a violent person, he would have already barged inside Kinn's dorm and taught that bastard a good lesson by now.

Pete had a right mind to teach Kinn a good lesson. Kinn maybe his friend, but he wasn't going to sit in the sidelines any longer watching as he slowly kills Porsche.

Pete and Porsche came to know Vegas and Kinn in their first year of University. They are now in their Fifth year in Engineering. They were quick to click together, all of the four having their own charms. Thanks to that charm it didn't take Porsche very long to fall for an oblivious Kinn.

But before he could make a move or do anything, Kinn had already started dating that damn Tawan. Pete could see from miles away that Tawan was nothing but a vile snake. Heck, even Tankhun and Kim agreed with him. Vegas wasn't particularly fond of the guy as well, and Porsche just kept his polite smile most of the time.

One of the biggest reason of why they never said anything was because of the fact that they hardly thought Kinn and Tawan would last. But imagine their shock when they did. For 3 freaking whole years with Tawan cheating behind Kinn's back.

So after 3 years, about a year ago, when Kinn finally decided to break off things with Tawan's cheating ass, everyone was more than glad. But rather than being back to his old charming self, the thick browed moron decided to drink his sorrows away.

Pete couldn't help but think of Kinn as an ungrateful moron. Everytime he'd gotten pissed drunk and made some kind of trouble, it was Porsche who was always there to take care of him.

But things escalated when Kinn and Porsche accidentally slept together about a year ago. Kinn wasn't an idiot, he knew of Porsche's feelings for him for quite some time. So Pete didn't think Kinn would actually act like an idiot!

Albeit giving up on a three year long relationship isn't easy. But what made Pete almost murder Kinn (if not for Porsche, Vegas and Kim stopping him) was the fact that all this time he kept giving all the mixed signals. But then again, it was never truly late, especially when Pete knew that Tankhun would happily give him a helping hand to hide a body or two.

Last night wasn't the first time for Pete to have picked up 'a drunk out of his mind' Porsche. And if Pete lets this stupidity carry on any longer, he doubts this will be the last.

Setting a stern gaze at Porsche, Pete makes sure his voice leaves no room for argument. "Stop doing this to yourself, Ai'Porsche. When will you realise you don't need him to survive. You were okay when he was dating that cheating bastard. And you'll be okay now too."

"No one dies of a broken heart, Ai'Porsche." That may have been a bit rude and inconsiderate to all the people around the world who were hopelessly in love with someone and know how much it hurts. But right now, Pete needed his friend to understand he deserved better. "I know it hurts right now. Trust me, I know. But you don't deserve to be someone's second option."

Any guy or girl would die to have Porsche. Like they should. Porsche was a gem and if Kinn couldn't see it, there were people out there who would. "We are going to stop hanging out with him. I can talk to Vegas if you want. But you are not to see him again. If he can leave you, so can you!"

Pete wasn't going to let anyone hurt his best friend anymore.

Porsche sighs when he hears the tone of Pete's voice. The tone he uses when he gets serious once in a blue moon. "I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I should let go for real this time."

Porsche really should let go if Kinn can't pull his head of his ass. But Porsche didn't want Pete to suffer this ordeal because of him. "But Ai'Pete. You don't need to stop hanging out with them for me. Kinn didn't do anything bad to you."

Pete can't help but roll his eyes. "We are best friends, you asshole. He hurts you, he buys himself a ticket to hell. And honestly I don't care if I have to choose between my friends right now. Because for you, I'd gladly do it."

"I've known you for a long time now. And you're more of a brother to me. No way in hell am I going to sit and watch you get hurt anymore." Pete's words causes Porsche's heart to feel a little lighter. He now remembers, he has more people to live for. Pete being one of them.

Nodding his head softly, he watches as Pete's visible knots in the shoulder dissolve. "How did you find out I was there?"

Although Porsche had a very good Idea how, he still asks. He needed to breach the topic one way or other. He watches as Pete sighs. "Vegas called me."

"Ai'Pete. What are you going to do about Vegas?" Porsche watches as Pete practically freezes. It takes a moment before Pete can actually move and try to say something. "What about Vegas?"

Pete was always like this. Rather than expressing what was hurting him, he'd rather smile and avoid talking about it. It has been like this since his parents died in a car accident, leaving a barely four year old Pete in his grandparents' care.

Sometimes Pete wonders, had he not had Porsche and his family as his own, it would have been him and his grandparents in this vast world. But having Porsche came with a downside. Pete was never allowed to hide under his happy facade for long.

This time, it's Porsche who rolls his eyes. "Ai'Pete. Just because I don't say anything, doesn't mean that I know nothing. The only reason I didn't say anything was because I could see you didn't want to talk. But now I think it's time we have the talk. Being in the place that I am, I'd hate to see you here someday."

"Yes, I was coped up in my own issues. But that doesn't mean that I turned a blind eye to yours. I'm not that bad of a friend." Now Porsche feels bad. If there's one person who has always been there for him and one person who he wants to be there for, it has to be Pete.

Settling his guilty eyes on his friend, Pete sighs. "There's nothing to talk, Porsche. Vegas has done nothing wrong."

"But you love him." Porsche feels like he's talking to a wall right now. "And it's clearly hurting you!"

"Well, I can't just cut him off like that. It's hard!" Pete feels like a hypocrite. It was only a few minute ago when he was telling Porsche to do the same thing. What makes him any different from Porsche? Maybe the fact that Vegas has never led him on.

Unlike Porsche, it only took minutes for Pete to fall head over heels for a certain english speaking guy who was arguing with his cousin. Pete never believe in the concept of love at first sight until that day.

For the first time Pete actually started believing in all the soulmate bedtime stories that his grandma used to tell him. It felt as if Vegas was the missing part of his heart. But then again, Pete was a practical person. It took him a month more before he could say that he was in love with his friend Vegas.

With time he came to respect Vegas as a great man. The man was a great strategist.

It isn't uncommon for engineers to get into a fight every now and then. With Kinn as their leader and Vegas as their strategist, they had won multiple university wars. Sometimes it made Pete feel like he was in a mafia drama, with Kinn as the Mafia lord and Vegas as either his greatest aid or greatest foe! He wonders what would be his and Porsche's role. Probably some high class bodyguards, considering they are just below the leader and strategist in the hierarchy!

But one thing Pete could proudly tell you is that he was very observant. It didn't take long for him to realise how Vegas's eyes lingered a little longer on Porsche, whose eyes in turn lingered on their clueless leader.

He wouldn't lie, it hurt at first. But over the years, Pete has learnt to not keep any kind of disdain in his heart for anyone. None of them are responsible for his feelings.

Turning his eyes to his strangely silent friend, Pete takes a deep breath. "He knows nothing of my feelings."

Porsche snorts. "Then maybe you should just tell him and be done with it."

The next moment Pete is screaming at the top of his lungs. "Have you lost it?! He'd never want to see my face. Especially when he loves you!"

Pete didn't mean to say it. He knew that Porsche knew. But he also knew that Porsche has never felt anything more than brotherly affection for Vegas. And it was sort of an unspoken rule between them to never bring up Vegas's feelings again, not after he had confessed to Porsche and had been rejected.

Porsche knew it was cruel of him. But it was better than giving his dear friend false hope. Porsche has been there, he knows how it feels to have false hope. And he would never want for any of his friends to go though that as well. So he doesn't mind if he has to be the heartless jerk here.

Pete watches as Porsche's shoulder visibly slump down and his eyes are filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, Ai'Pete. If only I wasn't in the picture."

"Don't! Don't say that!" Pete sighs grimly. "He wouldn't love me even if you weren't here, you idiot. Love doesn't work like that. He won't miraculously fall in love with me if he hadn't met you! If you weren't there, he would have fallen in love with someone else."

Though it hurts him to say it, Pete has long accepted it. "I'm just not the one for him."

Before he knows it he's enveloped in a warm embrace. Porsche doesn't normally like skinship, but he values his bestfriend more. By the time they let go of eachother, both the storms in their hearts have calmed down a bit. Pete smiles. "But maybe you're right. I should stay away from him. Atleast until I have a better grip of my feelings."

Porsche couldn't be more proud of Pete. Maybe one day Vegas would be able to see that Pete was a treasure. Until then, Pete and Porsche would treasure eachother.

"Damn!" Porsche chuckles. "I didn't know I could get this chummy." He laughs when Pete punches his arm lightly.

"Asshole! You're giving me the creeps now!"

They both laugh as they silently promise to stick together.

Kinn is restless. Vegas has his eyes stuck on his phone. Kim rolls his eyes. Honestly both of them deserve it for being 'the asshole of the year' and 'oblivious moron of the year' respectively.

Kim is both surprised and awed at just how skillfully the two missing pieces of their group have been avoiding them for almost two weeks now.

When Kim first joined the university, he never knew that he'd see P'Porsche and P'Pete finally growing a pair of balls. Albeit it took them almost 2years, considering that he's in his third year now.

But if he's being completely honest, he'd rather side with his seniors than these fools. If only Kinn wasn't his brother and Vegas wasn't his cousin. At this point, Kim would say even the crazy Tankhun was better and smarter than these two.

He's broken out of his thoughts as Kinn's desperate voice fills the almost empty place. "Did you get through?"

"No." Vegas sighs. "None of them will pick up." Vegas feels wronged. He had done nothing wrong (not that he knows of). But both Pete and Porsche just had to go and avoid him along with his stupid cousin.

What had him more irritated is the fact that his younger brother, Macau, had openly rubbed in his face how Pete had called him and also made dinner for the younger a few times the past week. That was seriously unfair. Vegas also wanted to eat Pete's cooking!

So when he sees a worried Kinn pacing around, he just snaps. "If only you hadn't been the biggest idiot in the world!"

Kinn groans. He knows, okay! He would have to know since everyone, and by everyone he means Tankhun, Kim, Vegas and Macau, so yeah, pretty much everyone keeps drilling it into his head how he messed up.

"I know!" Kinn sighs, slumping down on the bench. "I made a grave mistake. And I really don't love Tawan anymore! It's just a habit! That day when he called he actually sounded scared. And I had been ignoring him for a week before that already."

Kinn groans again. "How was I supposed to know that maniac was going to jump me when I only wanted to help him?! I've been telling him for months that I don't feel anything for him anymore. I was just being tolerant because he once used to be my friend!"

Kim can't help the snort that escapes him. "That sounds messed up, you know." He ignores his brother when Kinn glares at him. "What matters right now isn't what you don't feel for that cheating bastard. But what you feel for P'Porsche. Tell me Kinn, do you love him?"

Vegas and Kim watch as Kinn bites his lips before avoiding meeting their eyes. It didn't take them long to understand. He does! Kinn sighs with a far away look. "I'm just scared. I don't want to get hurt again."

Vegas rolls his eyes. He is very much tempted to throw something at Kinn but stopping himself at the last minute, he speaks calmly. "Don't compare Porsche with Tawan, Kinn. Porsche has been there for you since day one. And honestly I don't get how you can still consider Tawan as you friend, that guy cheated on you for god sake."

Kim nods. "And you aren't P'Porsche's only option Kinn. Until now you were his choice. But the moment he decided to move on from your dumb ass, you are just another option to him."

Kim knows the truth will hurt, but his brother needed to see the bigger picture. Porsche was handsome, strong and dependable. And these were just some of the qualities. Many would die to just have a piece of Porsche.

Making sure that his point has been made across, Kim turns to lock eyes with his older cousin. "And you!" Kim can't help but sneer. "You are just plain stupid. How the fuck do they still call you the strategist is beyond me."

Vegas is unpleasantly surprised. Why is he under attack? He feels very much wronged as it is. "What the fuck, Kim? What did I do?"

Both Kim and Vegas are surprised when Kinn snorts. Even Kinn has it figured out. "Vegas, you really need to take your eyes off of Porsche and look around for your sake."

Rolling his eyes, Vegas goes back to scroll his phone. "I'm already over Porsche, if you can't tell. I just care for him as a friend. And I'd hate for you to loose that gem."

That's true. Vegas knew what Porsche felt for Kinn and had quickly backed off when Porsche told him to. He'd never want to loose his friend over some unrequited crush. Strangely, everyone seemed to believe that he was still in love with Porsche just because he takes care of him.

But the thing is he'd do the same for Pete. Only when he gave him the chance to.

Kim is very much tempted to tell him what he's been missing for about 4 years now, when his eyes catch two figures making their way towards them.

"Hey guys." Macau can be seen grinning.

Kim completely ignores his younger cousin to openly stare at his petite companion. With his doe like eyes and puffy cute cheeks, Kim could easily mistake him for a high schooler if not for his university uniform.

"Hey." Vegas nods at his younger brother before raising his brow. He watches as Macau literally rolls his eyes before dragging the other guy closer towards them. "This is my new friend. Porchay from Music department."

Ahh~ So he's a junior at his faculty, Kim absent mindedly nods. He makes a mental note to ask his friends about the new freshmen this year.

"Hi Porchay." Kinn smiles kindly, noting that the timid boy keeps looking here and there. "So what are you guys doing here?"

"Ah hi." Kinn frowns a little when the boy smiles. Why does the smile look so familiar? "I'm actually here to see my brother. Macau said he wanted to tag along to meet his brother and cousins as well."

Macau nods enthusiastically when both Kinn and Vegas raise a brow. Kim narrows his eyes dangerously. "Aren't you in Sports science? What are you doing with one of my faculty freshmen?"

Kim watches as the boy's eyes widen before he hurriedly wais him. Placing a gentle smile on his face, Kim waves him off. He wouldn't be able to get mad at the younger even if he wanted to.

Macau watches Kim carefully before smirking playfully. "I met him at the registration for clubs. We are in the same club!"

Both Kinn and Vegas roll their eye. As if they weren't pissed enough. Now it didn't take a genius to see that Macau was clearly riling Kim up. But what Kinn couldn't understand was why was Kim getting riled up in the first place.

Throwing his cousin what could pass as a very dirty glare, Kim turns to smile at the younger one beside him. "N'Chay. Can I call you N'Chay?" He smiles when the younger answers in affirmative. "Why don't you wait here with us? Your brother can come here, right?"

Kinn and Vegas watch shocked as the younger actually does sit down beside the cunning Kim. What the actual fuck?!

Kim throws a haughty look at Kinn, Vegas and Macau, before settling his fond gaze at Porchay who seemed to be engrossed in messaging his brother.

"I'd appreciate it if you would keep your eyes off my brother, Nong."

Kim never stood up that fast. And the looks on Kinn and Vegas's faces are so comical that Macau can't help but laugh out loud. Talk about embarassing!

Kinn sets his eyes on the huffing Porsche as he slowly but firmly comes to stand beside a beaming Porchay. And Porchay strangely reminds him of a bunny when he all but jumps on his older brother. "Hiya!"

Porsche sighs wrapping his arms protectively around his younger brother. "What are you doing here? Hiya told you to wait by the registration office, didn't I?"

Porchay pouts cutely before pulling away from his older brother. "Macau said I could just come here and wait for you."

So when Porsche sets his glare at the youngest Theerapanyakul, Macau all but scrambles to hide behind a grinning Pete.

Something akin to frustration builds up in Vegas's chest as he watches his younger brother get chummy with his friend. Seriously, after avoiding them for about 2 weeks, Vegas would have thought that the two would look at least a bit guilty.

But smiling form one ear to another, Pete just hugs a grinning Porchay with a giggling Macau stuck on his back.

Maybe Vegas should have a talk with Macau about how he can't go hanging off on people who were his friends. And maybe especially Pete.

But when Porchay invites Kinn, Kim and him to go eat at Pete's grandma's restaurant, thanks to Macau's big mouth of them being friends, Vegas decides to let his younger brother off the hook this time.

Sitting around the big table that Pete's grandma had specially vacated for their group, Kinn watches as Porsche keeps his eyes trained at his younger brother.

Maybe Kinn should warn his younger brother of the dangers. But then again, if Kim was actually going to approach his brother-in-law, maybe it was better for Kim to pass the test first.

Contrary to Kinn's anxious mood and Kim's nervous wreck of emotions, Vegas has been all smiley and sweet after being pampered by Pete's grandma, much to Pete's dismay.

Pete's grandma is a sweet old lady, running her business for years before Pete was born. It was because of this restaurant that Pete had been able to live his life so comfortably. But the old lady had a strange affection for Vegas. Everytime he came by, his grandma would make sure the boy was well cared off. Most of the times it made Pete and Porsche feel like intruders, but both Vegas and Grandma were too happy to care.

And maybe had it been some one else, Pete would have revolted. But this was Vegas. Keeping his feelings for the man aside, it was no secret how the father of Vegas and Macau was almost always on business trips, preferring the company of his new wife rather than his sons. That left Vegas and Macau under the care of Khun Korn, Kinn's father.

And no matter how good of a man Khun Korn was, being the owner of one of the richest company in the country, the man was mostly busy. So Pete's grandma has made it her life's goal to never make the boy feel alone ever.

The lunch was a relative quiet affair, expect from the nonstop chattering of Macau and Porchay. But Pete had to stop Porsche from physically harming Kim when he exchanged numbers with Porchay. Porsche and his brother complex!

Pete rolls his eyes when both Kim and Macau run away dragging a confused Porchay behind them. Leaving behind an equally confused Vegas and a squirming Kinn.

When Kinn tries speaking, Porsche gives him the look which means to talk later or he'll be kicked in the balls. So Kinn naturally being afraid stops talking, much to Vegas and Pete's amusement.

By the time they bid goodbye to Pete's grandma it's already evening and the sun has long set. Pete and Porsche try refusing when the Theerapanyakul cousins try to offer them a ride, but they are left with no option when both of them are dragged to sit in the car. Pete silently curses the cousins to hit their little toe on any table foot.

Porsche is no better. While in the restaurant, Porsche had successfully avoided Kinn's pleading eyes by solely focusing his attention on his younger brother and Kim. He knew his brother was suspicious. But he also knew that Porchay knew better than to ask his hiya infront of everyone.

But now confined in the closed space of the car, there is little to no way that he can avoid Kinn's sharp gaze. By the time they are infront of his form, Porsche is ready to jump out of the vehicle.

Pete and Porsche waste no time, bidding goodbye to the other two in a hurry. The sooner they are away from these people, the better for their broken hearts.

But when Pete is caught from the behind and dragged a few steps away from Porsche, he struggles in the tight hold. If it wasn't for the calming scent of Vegas, Pete would have already kicked his so called abductor.

They both watch from the side lines as Kinn grabs Porsche's hand forcefully, pulling him a closer to Kinn's hard chest. In any movie or drama, it would look quite romantic. But seeing his huge bestfriend being dragged to someone's chest is quite comical to Pete right now.

Pete hurriedly detaches himself from Vegas when Porsche and Kinn start shouting at eachother. Sending one last glare at the guilty looking guy, Pete goes to stand closer to Porsche, with Vegas in the tow.

"You asshole!" Porsche's voice sounds hoarse as if he's trying to keep his eyes dry. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Porsche. I'm sorry." Kinn's voice sounds low. His eyes convey a hundred emotions at once. If Porsche wasn't afraid of having his heart broken again, he would have already jumped into this man's awaiting arms. "I didn't mean it."

But stopping himself at the last moment, Porsche makes sure that his voice is hard and firm. "You didn't mean what? Our first night? Or the many other nights that followed? Or the dinner dates that you suggested? Or those movie nights? Or all of these? Or all the days that you spent with me?"

When a traitor tear slips down from his eyes, Porsche roughly wipes it away. "I hate it, Kinn. I don't want to be your second option anymore. I don't fucking want to be that Tawan's replacement anymore!"

Kinn's heart breaks a little. He never intended for Porsche to be any of those.

He'll admit. The first few months of being with Porsche, Kinn was confused out of his mind. He had just got out of a relationship he had invested so much feelings, time and efforts into. That is why whenever Tawan called, Kinn couldn't refuse him. It also wasn't fair that Tawan kept guilt trapping him because of all the promises that he made.

But Porsche never pushed for anything. He was always there, silently supporting. And Kinn couldn't be more thankful for his friend. Their first night happened in a spur. They were both drunk out of their minds. The next day Porsche had apologized for taking advantage of an emotionally unstable Kinn, but Kinn had only hugged him tight. To Kinn it was never a mistake.

If anything it was the most beautiful night ever. He may have been drunk, but he remembered each and every second of that night. It was engraved in his mind and soul. And soon one night led to many others. And Kinn found himself falling hard. It took him sometime, but he realised he couldn't let go of Porsche anymore. He'd be damned if Porsche left him.

When Tawan called him that night, Kinn was going to propose Porsche. But damn Tawan for ruining his plan. Kinn won't lie it was his fault too. He had let Tawan get to his head. These two weeks without Porsche has been hell and he needs Porsche to understand it.

Porsche tries shaking off the other when Kinn tightly holds the tanned arms in his. "I'm sorry, Porsche. I'm so sorry. And I know no matter what I say it won't change that I've been a moron."

Pete and Vegas wordless scoff. That is true.

Taking a deep breath, Kinn continues. "I've been an idiot for letting Tawan control me and my feelings. And trust me when I say that was the last time. Tawan is never getting between us." Not when Tankhun has made sure of it. But Kinn decides to keep that little information to himself. "I was an idiot. I thought you'd understand. You're my friend right?"

Glaring at the idiot infront of him, Porsche yanks his hands away. "Friends? Friends don't fuck eachother, you asshole!"

Kinn's gulps. Porsche is seething now. "And friendship doesn't work one way! When you expect me to understand you, you're supposed to understand me too!"

Kinn nods solemnly. He knows. He's not just been an idiot, but he has also been a bad friend to Porsche. "I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry!" Porsche wants to rip his hair out. But he has wasted a lot of money on the hair products, so he simply grips on Kinn's hair. "You are an asshole!"

Kinn flinches at his hair being tugged. But remains quiet until he's close enough to hug Porsche. Porsche tries wriggling out, but it's no use when the man holding him is strong. Kinn sighs, happy having the man of dreams closer. "I'm not asking you to forgive me, Porsche. But please give me a chance. Let me court you!"

To say Porsche was shocked would be the understatement of the year. He can feel Pete and Vegas trying to keep their gasps and squealing to themselves. But honestly, Pete is bad at trying to be invisible when time requires. So needless to say, they fail, causing Porsche to pull away from the tight hug.

Glaring one last time at the idiot infront of him, Porsche stomps away leaving his bestfriend to deal with his own problems. "Do whatever the fuck you want! I'm out of here!"

Kinn watches stunned at the retreating back of the tanned man. Now to any other passerby, it would sound like Porsche didn't care enough. But to Kinn ( and Pete and Vegas) who has known Porsche for so many years now, it sounded utterly close to 'fine I'll allow you to court me. But the last decision lies with me. So be careful!' in Porsche's dictionary.

Now if Kinn didn't have a reputation to maintain, he would have been jumping up and down like a five year old who just got his favourite toy for a gift. Settling for a small fist pump, Kinn turns around smiling from ear to ear.

But when something hard as thrown at his face, he goes spiralling down on the hard floor. "What the fuck, Ai'Pete!"

Pete laughs. His hand slightly aching from being connected with the strong jaw at such a great force. But it felt great! "That punch was for making him cry!"

By the time Vegas has helped a groaning Kinn off the floor, Pete is nowhere to be seen. Though Kinn grumbles, he's glad that Pete isn't too mad at him. Because no matter what Pete is a friend one wouldn't want to loose.

Vegas's face splits into two as he laughs silently at Pete's antics. Gosh he missed this.


Too long? (6109 words). Hopefully the next one would be short!

Thank you for reading! (if you're still reading that is >∆<)

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