Emerging │ Young!Sterek

By 831Tea

23.8K 918 484

A week after the eventful night, a new member of the Argent family arrives in Beacon Hills. Scott and Allison... More

Omega: Part I
Omega: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part I
Shape Shifted: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part III
Ice Pick: Part I
Ice Pick: Part II
Abomination: Part I
Abomination: Part II
Venomous: Part I
Venomous: Part II
Frenemy: Part II
Restraint: Part I
Restraint: Part II

Frenemy: Part I

1K 42 24
By 831Tea

Beacon Hills
Industrial Sector

The young Alpha runs as fast as he can with his Beta following behind closely with Scott. They rush after the Kanima, knowing they have to stop the creature from going on a murdering spree on innocent. Ahead of the werewolves, they saw the chain-link fence however, that didn't stop them. Instead, once they reach it, Derek leaps over a chain-link fence with an acrobatic flip and drops to the other side. The young Alpha landed on all fours with glowing scarlet-red eyes as Isaac grabbed the top of the fence, flip over and land on his feet while Scott climbs over the fence effortlessly, swing his legs over it and crouch on the ground. Two Betas are in their werewolf forms as golden-yellow eyes glowing.

Three teenage werewolves almost immediately spot the glowing eyes of the Kanima peering back at them in the distance. The werewolves watch Kanima release inhuman screeches at them then he bounds up the side of a building. They lope after it as fast as they could while in the close distance, a teal-blue Jeep soars into view.

Stiles' hands gripping the wheel with nervousness and uneasiness. He has been driving for a while ever since he and the werewolves left McCall's house to chase after Jackson. Ahead of the road, he could see his friends running after the Kanima.

Which Stiles couldn't believe that Kanima is Jackson, Jackson is Kanima because holy shit! How is that possible?!

"There has to be an explanation about this... why Jackson? How?" the lanky teen mumbled, baffled.

He hopes he could find the answers soon.







Martin's Residence

Allison pulls her car to the curb in front of the Martin home and turns to Lydia who is sitting in the passenger seat quietly. Erica is sitting at the back in silence. The huntress took a breather and then stares at Lydia with a solemn face. "I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened." She pleaded with her best friend.

"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened." Lydia rebuked with a raised eyebrow in slightly irritated. Erica just leaned back quietly, not wanting to get involved in the possible drama between the best friends.

The brunette is hesitant for a brief moment. "It's—It's kind of complicated."

The redhead scoffed incredulity. "Well, how about you start with why you and Scott acting so weird? Or where Jackson was? Or why is Stiles freaking out?" she asked a few things with a grim face. Allison stares at her quietly with hesitation once again, struggles to find words and Lydia narrowed her eyes at her. "Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" she dryly remarked.

Allison shakes her head. "Part of the reason why I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay? So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself." She begged her best friend with pleading eyes.

"Fine." Lydia sighed heavily exasperatedly. "I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend—which is nothing— to myself." She gives in and starts grabbing the door handle.

However, the huntress grabbed Lydia, pulled her back, and turned her head to Allison with impatient irks. "Hey... he's not just my boyfriend. You get that, right?"

"Let me go." Lydia demanded, coldly.

Allison closes her eyes. "Just, for one second, please, try and remember—"

"Remember what?" Lydia snapped impatiently, wanting to get out of the car, to her house and sleep in her own bed.

The brunette opens her eyes and stares at her best friend's green eyes. "Remember what it feels like... all those time in school when you see him standing down the hall, and you cannot breathe until you're with him. Or those times in class when you—you can't stop looking at the clock, because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you. Don't you remember what that's like?"

Lydia stares at her blankly. "No."

"What do you mean, "no"? You've had boyfriends." Allison pointed it out, confusedly.

The redhead shakes her head. "None like that." She admitted, pulls free from Allison, and climbed out of the car. She slammed the door shut and walk away to her house without another look back.

Allison watches her best friend with a bewildered and sad face.

"I know what those feel like." The brunette was startled when she heard the voice from the backseat. She turned around and saw Erica smiles shyly at her. "I get what you are saying." The blonde-haired girl unbuckled the seatbelts and moved forward to climb over on the passenger seat while Allison backed away.

Once Erica settles in the passenger seat, she turned to Allison with a soft smile. "We've been friends for a short time, but I didn't care because every time I see him... my breath just stops until I reach closer to him and smell his cologne which calms me down. How his eyes twinkle whenever he smiles at my stupid joke. How he was so understanding and so sweet when he helps me with my schoolwork when I missed my classes. And that he never fails to give me courageous words every time we see each other..." Allison's eyes soften with understanding while Erica's smile blooms brighter. "...Because of him, my illness doesn't seem too bad. He makes me feel... like I'm truly a normal girl. He treats me like I'm the most amazing person in his life." She chuckled breathlessly when she recalled how he gave her flowers. "And I want to repay all those back to him is to tell him that I like him. I like him so, so much that I am willing to accept the Bite from Derek."

Allison's eyes widen in surprise. "W-wait? Are you sure? I mean—didn't you say that he treats you normal? It sounds like he accepts you just fine, with all flaws and illness. You don't have to do that, you know?" she said, she doesn't want Erica to regret accepting the Bite.

The blonde-haired girl just smiles at her sadly. "As much as I would love to continue this relationship with him... I can't do that to him. Not when I'm dying. This illness will officially kill me someday. I want to be better; I want to be confident and be healthy. I want to be with him without making him worried about my seizure episodes. Did you know—" she paused, hesitant.

"Know what?" the brunette whispers with gentle eyes as she carefully grabs one of Erica's hands to comfort her.

Erica sends a grateful smile at her as she squeezes their hands together. "When I was Freshmen, during that year... before, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online..." Allison gasped in horror. "...I know, it was so mortifying and awful. It happened during class, I started seizing in my desk, and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth..." the brunette looks sickened. "...until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to 'cause it could break my teeth."

"Oh Erica..." Allison couldn't believe how cruel these high schoolers are toward this sweet, shy girl.

The blonde-haired girl chuckled humorlessly as her wide brown eyes teary. "What happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing." Allison wants to hug this poor girl so badly. "You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them... until some brilliant jerk-off had to go and put cameras in everybody's phone." She spat in the end with hurt and anger.

Allison instantly hugs the blonde-haired girl. "I... I wish I could use a bow and shoot the arrows on those assholes." She said, serious yet empathic. "I am so sorry you went through such a terrible experience. You don't deserve it at all."

"...thanks." Erica sniffed and they break the hugs. "I've been thinking about the Bite. I did. And I want it. I want to be free, confident, and sexy." Allison and Erica chuckle softly. "And I want to be with him. For as long as I can. As long as he lets me in and stays in his heart."

The brunette smiles at her with acceptance and understanding. "All right. I'll support you." Erica looks relieved. "Okay, umm... tell me where you live so I can drop you off. And meanwhile, explain to me who this mysterious guy that caught your heart." Allison said with wiggled eyebrows playfully as she starts the car.

Red tints appeared on Erica's cheeks as a pretty smile appeared on her face. "...his name is Boyd—" she starts gushing off about a sweet and handsome guy to Allison.

Erica couldn't believe it. She has gained another new friend. Her future seems like it going to be a bit brighter than dark.




Beacon Hills
Industrial Sector

The puddles splash up beneath Derek's combat boots, landing on the puddle-strewn pavement along with two Betas following closely. The werewolves close their distance between them and the Kanima. Isaac immediately charges forward, feet leaving the ground as the creature bounds up in retreat however, Scott lurch forward as his hand swiping out, grabs the Kanima's ankle, and slammed it down to the pavement.

However, the creature whirls up instantly back on his feet and shirks in defiance at the werewolves. The young Alpha bared his fangs at the creature and released his roars in response. The Betas' yellow-golden are blazing bright when they hear the strong powerful roar from the Alpha.

Derek steps forwards and swings his fist which Kanima easily dodges. Two Betas watch the young Alpha throwing punch after punch until he smashed through the brick walls, sending dust and debris flying.

The Kanima, however, ducks and parries each blow, whipping his talon-like claws toward Derek. The creature has his venom dripped from the tips of his claws as the young Alpha duck back. The paralytic droplets just miss his head as Derek bends back, head almost touching the ground. When the Hale werewolf comes up, however, the Kanima flips around and kicks him right in the chest.

Derek fell back as the puddle around him splashed as the creature turns to run however, Scott easily lifted the broken car door while Isaac growled angrily at the Kanima who dares to harm his Alpha. Isaac instantly swing his fist forward at the Kanima but the creature dodged it smoothly.

The Kanima shrieked frustratedly as he leaps over to Scott, swinging his claws at the car door which Scott uses as his shield to protect himself from touching by the paralytic venom. The Kanima hisses angrily as he grabbed the edge of the car door as Scott refuses to release it. The creature heaved the Beta along with its car door, and threw them across the airborne until Scott crashed against Isaac. The werewolves slammed against the pavement as they groaned from the pain.

The creature shrieked an inhuman scream and then whirled around until gunshots hit Kanima's chest multiple times until he fall on his back motionlessly to the wet pavement. The headlights' illumination switched on and revealed Chris Argent who pulled the trigger on the creature.

Chris sauntered forward calmly as he gazed around and noticed the alleyway is empty except for the Kanima laying behind him. He frowned when he noticed there are no werewolves in sight while Kanima slowly rose to his feet.

Meanwhile, Derek, Isaac, and Scott were hiding behind one of the brick pillars as they were watching the Kanima making noises. Chris whips the gun up and pulls the trigger again as he whirled around. However, he was out of ammunition. Chris quickly empties the clip out which falls and clatters to the pavement as he yanks a new one from his coat. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough.

The Kanima surges toward him and with one precise hit, sends Chris crashing to the pavement. The Kanima turns to face the elder Argent who stood still in front of the creature. The creature carefully surveys the elder Argent as his claws tick against the pavement.

The creature shrieked at Gerard and then set off in retreat while the elder man stares at the creature quietly. Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he wondered why the Kanima didn't attack the senior hunter.

While the werewolves exchange their glances and quickly maneuver around without the Argents' awareness as they continue to chase after the Kanima.




Night Club — JUNGLES
Moment Later...

It took three werewolves to reach a new area as they turned a corner but Derek paused gracefully as Isaac stumbled to stop and Scott slid clumsily to a halt. They heard voices nearby, they quickly went to the edge of the building and saw a crowd of people gather outside.

The neon lit faced a building that was easily identified as one of the nightclubs. Derek surveyed around warily as Scott searches around to try to find the creature while Isaac perked up when he sniffed the familiar scent. The puppy werewolf jerked his head over his shoulder as his eyes lit up when he saw Stiles who races out of the darkness, gasping for air. "H-hey..." he greeted his werewolves friends while panting from the run.

Stiles parked his Jeep at a safe distance from the building, just in case. Isaac step closer to his human friend while Scott was startled by his best friend's appearance. Derek sends his disapproved glance at Stiles. The young Alpha doesn't want Stiles to be here at the risk of where the Kanima could be anywhere.

"Did you see where he went?" the lanky teen placed his hands on his hips, trying to get his oxygen in his lungs as much possible as he could.

Derek huffed. "No. We lost him." He grumbled, disappointed. His hazel eyes examined around while subtly sniffing the creature's scent out but it was useless.

"What?" Stiles frowned. "You couldn't catch his scent?" he asked the werewolves, bewildered.

Isaac whines as Scott shakes his head. "I don't think he has one." The McCall werewolf announced, grimly.

"Which makes it impossible to find him." The curly-haired werewolf mumbled, worried. How will they ever going to find the creature that has no scent? Isaac brushes his arm against Stiles for comfort silently. Derek glanced at his Beta with concern, knowing that Isaac is very anxious and nervous. The Hale werewolf is glad that Stiles is with them because the human teen's scent helps calm Isaac's anxiety.

The paled, lanky teen sighed heavily as his whiskey-brown eyes scanned around the crowded people from the distance. "All right, any clue where he's going?" he asked his friends, questioning.

"To kill someone." Scott answered which made Derek and Isaac glance at him with faces as it was obvious while Stiles made a faux-understanding gasp.

"Ah." The human teen nods his head sagely. "That explains the claw, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now." Stiles sarcastically said.

Derek's lips twitch while Isaac controls his snigger as Scott gives Stiles a stern face which Stiles noticed instantly. "What? Scott, come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone—sarcasm is my only defense!" then Stiles pointed at each of the werewolves. "And I'm the only human being among you supernatural crazy power-up werewolves." He added, slightly irked. Stiles doesn't like being useless, but he knew he can fight in his own battle. Somehow.

The McCall shakes his head slightly exasperatedly. "Can you just help us find it?"

"Not it. Jackson." Stiles corrected his best friend.

Isaac frowns heavily. "How did Jackson become the Kanima?" he has been wondering about this for a while ever since he learned that creature was Jackson.

Stiles turned his attention to Derek. "Hey, Derek." The Alpha shifted his hazel eyes to Stiles' whiskey-brown eyes with questioning. "Any idea how Jackson became a terrifying nightmare of reptile monster?" he asked, curious.

Derek tutted as he leaned against the brick wall and crossed his arms. "I know that Kanima—it's a shapeshifter. In a way. Just more—issues. Complex. It failed to accept the Bite and it became something else." He attempted to recall the rumors and stories he heard from his uncle long ago.

"That—" the lanky teen pointed it out with bewildered. "—that is what I'm mostly confused about... did Jackson receive the Bite?" Isaac furrowed his eyebrows while Scott eyed Derek suspiciously.

The Hale werewolf noticed Scott's reaction and he narrowed his eyes at the Beta. "I didn't give Jackson the Bite." Scott blinked in surprise as Isaac and Stiles turned their attention to the McCall werewolf. "Just so you know. That way, you can't blame me for something I didn't do." Derek dryly added. He and Scott do tolerate each other, and even trust is involved but their bond isn't strong.

Stiles frowned at Scott and Derek with confusion and suspicion while Isaac tilted his head with lost puppy eyes. However, they spot a tail arc in the moonlight which they slowly simultaneously stare at it. The lanky teen waves his hand, attempting to get young Alpha and the stubborn Beta's attention. "Uh... dude?" Stiles' called out weakly as he and Isaac took a step backward.

"Don't call me dude." Derek grumbled out of habit as his hazel orbs shifted over to stupefied Stiles and nervous Isaac. Scott turned his head over to his best friend with puzzled.

The lanky teen ignores the Hale werewolf as he nods his head to the roof of the club. Which made Derek and Scott step back as well and spotted the Kanima glide into the air conditioning vent and vanished inside. "You see that?" Stiles asked his werewolves friends, concerned and slightly fear.

Scott nod his head while Derek frowned deeply and Isaac just stared at it. "What's he gonna do in there?" the human teen asked, baffled and lost. Wondering why the Kanima is inside the nightclub.

"...Armani." Isaac speaks up in horrified realization as caught a whiff of a familiar scent.

Stiles blinked at the puppy werewolf. "What?"

The curly-haired werewolf lowered his gaze to his packmates and Alpha with concern. "I can easily recognize that scent since he was my locker neighborhood." He confessed.

"W-who?" Scott asked, worried.

Isaac bit his inner cheek as his gaze turn to Derek. "...Danny." He answered, gravelly.

"Oh, shit." Stile blurted it out in shock.

Three werewolves and a human teen glance at each other then quickly rush around the building to the back alley to locate the rear door. Isaac spotted it and they dart to it. Stiles extends his hands to the doorknob and tugs a few times. He clicked his tongue frustrated and disappointed. "It's locked." Then he recalled that one night at school when he and others were trapped in the Chemistry class.

'What a fond memory.' He mused, sarcastically then jerked his head to Derek. "Hey, Der. Use your super werewolf strength to break this off." He practically ordered the young Alpha who cocked his eyebrow at him. Stiles steps aside as he waves his hand at the door, waiting for the young Alpha to work his super werewolf power.

Derek just rolled his eyes and step forward, he reached the doorknob and pulled it down. Less than a second, a sound of metallic crunch was heard in the dark alley as the handle was easily detached from the door. Isaac yanks the door open, and Scott darts in along with the curly-haired werewolf following closely.

"That was pretty damn impressive." Stiles muttered with amazement and awe and Derek's lip twitches with slightly preening by Stiles' genuine praise. "Come on." The lanky teen jerked his head at the door as he opens and Derek dropped the handle on the pavement. They hurried inside and the door shut behind them.




Night Club — JUNGLE

Under the pulsing boom of house music, and the flask of laser lights, colorful spotlights, and crowded partyers. Three werewolves and a human teen search around as they attempt to blend in. Isaac paused when he realized something and raise his eyebrow with curiosity and intrigue. Derek just shakes his head as he shoves his hands in his leather jacket's pocket yet mirth in his eyes when he noticed Stiles' situation.

It took Scott a moment to realize something odd. The McCall werewolf halted and slowly examined his surroundings. "Dude... everyone in here is dude." Scott proclaimed innocently surprise. "I think we're in a gay club." The McCall werewolf turned his head to his best friend who is in the middle of a huddled of drag queens. They were busying gushing and petting over Stiles who stared at Scott with a deader than deadpanned face.

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh Scott?" Stiles remarked, sarcastically and glares at Isaac who attempts to hide his uncontrollable snigger. Derek cleared his throat to control his laughter with lips twitches.

Scott raises his eyebrows and then starts focusing on searches around for the creature and also for Danny. "We need to find Jackson and Danny." He turned his attention to Isaac and Derek while Stiles attempted to get away from the drag queens as nicely as he possibly can.

"This club is large, so we need to separate and search for them." The young Alpha speaks up, calmly. "Isaac, search for Danny." Isaac nods his head with a serious face as his spine straightens up. "And Scott, look for the Kanima." The McCall werewolf understood. "I'll keep an eye out for any possible danger and Stiles will stay with me." Derek said, as the Betas agreed with the plan since they knew that Stiles will be safe with an Alpha.

Isaac smoothly dances his way through the crowds with a charming smirk on his face while keeping his eyes out for a Hawaiian teen. Scott awkwardly walks around with a shy smile whenever the clubbers caught his eyes as his dark-brown eyes scan for a certain creature.

Derek ambled toward Stiles and finally managed to free himself from the drag queens' petting hands. "Alright, what's going on?" the lanky teen reaches to Derek's side and glanced around to tried friend his other two friends. "Where are Scott and Isaac?"

"Scott is searching for Jackson while Isaac is looking for Danny." The Hale werewolf answered, calmly while scanning around with his werewolf senses open for any potential danger.

The lanky teen turned his whiskey-brown gaze to Derek with curiosity. "Then what is our—" he waves his hand between him and Derek. "—job in here?"

"Distraction." Derek simply answered then sauntered toward the front of the bar and Stiles nearly stumbled after the young Alpha.

When they arrived at the bar, the bartender walked toward them as he is cleaning the glass with a dishtowel. "What can I get you?" the man behind the bar asked, politely.

Derek leaned his side against the bar with his arms crossed while Stiles lifted up two fingers with a smile. "Two beers."

"IDs?" the bartender asked, throwing the dish towel over his shoulder. Stiles went to grab his wallet while Derek just shakes his head, silently telling the bartender he doesn't want any drink. The lanky teen plucks out his fake ID, placed it on the counter, and pushed it toward the man.

The bartender picked it up and stared at it then his gaze up at grinning Stiles. "How about a coke?" he suggested.

"Rum and coke, sure!" the bartender glares unimpressed at Stiles who cleared his throat. "...Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway." Stiles bop to the music and the bartender left to get the drink.

Derek couldn't help it as he is curious while grabbing the fake ID and lifting it up. It was the worst-looking fake IDs to ever come out of a cheap inkjet printer. The Hale werewolf raises his eyebrow at Stiles with judging eyes.

Stiles frown at him. "What?" Derek flipped the fake ID with a tilted head as if saying, 'Really?' gesture. The lanky teen snatched his ID back with irked glares. "Well, excuse me for being talentless to create a fake ID when I couldn't afford to buy an expensive convincing fake ID." Stiles said, defensive as he shove Derek's shoulder back playfully. Derek smirks at Stiles with amusement when the lanky teen failed to move the werewolf from his spot.

Then the bartender returns with drinks and slides the coke to Stiles while sliding the other one with beer to Derek. Stiles looks offended while Derek raises his eyebrows puzzling. "That one's paid for." The man explained as he pointed at the beer to the guy down the bar who raised his drink in cheers.

Stiles huffed as he picked up his coke while Derek just tipped his head with acknowledgment and glanced at the bartender. "Flatter but not interested, sorry." The young Alpha informed the bartender who half-smile at him with understanding.

"I understand. Not uncommon for someone who is obviously dating." The bartender said as he glanced at Stiles who is sipping his soda through a straw sulking while his back on them.

Derek blinked at the man in surprise. "Oh... no. W-we're friends." He attempts to correct the misunderstanding. Unaware that Stiles placed his drink on the counter and walk forward to the crowd when he thought he spot Danny.

The bartender hummed skeptically. "Are you sure? 'Cause you look at him as if he's your world." He pointed it out, curious.

"No. I just—I care about him. Nothing like that." The werewolf denied it.

The man behind the counter glanced over Derek's shoulder. "So, you wouldn't mind if someone sweeps his feet off?"

Derek furrowed his eyebrows with confusion. The bartender jerked his chin over which Derek follows as he turned around and noted Stiles wasn't standing near him. In fact, a lanky teen is pursued by an older man who seems really interested in Stiles.

The werewolf narrowed his eyes warily at the older man as his fingers curled into fists. He doesn't like seeing someone, some stranger getting too close to the son of the Sheriff. Stiles looks uncomfortable when the older man dances very close to him.

"Excuse me." Derek muttered as he marched toward Stiles while the bartender watched them knowingly glint in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Stiles doesn't know how to refuse the guy who is obviously interested in him which Stiles finds flatter but uninterested. Before Stiles could do or say anything, he yelped in surprise when two firm yet gentle hands touched his waist, and pulled him back against the warm chest. Derek growled slightly possessively and angrily at the older man who nearly grinds into Stiles. The older man backed off with a frightened face.

The spotlights dramatically changed into bright neon blue, red, and yellow as Stiles blinked bewildered and confused while Derek tucks his face into the back of Stiles' neck. "Der?" Stiles asked, curious as he attempts to look over his shoulder, but failed rather miserably.

Coincidentally, it shines upon the young Alpha and lanky human. Stiles could feel Derek's arms around his waist while shakily. "Hey, Sourwolf... you alright?" Derek opened his eyes halfway, revealing his bright turmoil scarlet-red.

The werewolf knew that he is protective of his pack, it's instinct, an Alpha thing. However, he was never this protective nor even activated such possessive trait toward Stiles. He wondered if it was because Stiles is the only human being in his pack. Derek recalled having humans in Hale Pack, from birth to ten-year-old, and knew that werewolves tend to get overprotective of humans. Not released such possessive act. Derek questioned if there was more to this type of feeling toward Stiles.

However, his muse was interrupted when he caught words from his Beta. "Derek. I found Danny." Isaac's voice reached his ears. Derek jerked his head over to his left and easily spotted Isaac who leaned against the pillar. Isaac's yellow-golden eyes flickers and jerked his chin in the direction where Danny is dancing with a half-naked man.

"There's Danny." Derek whispered to Stiles' ear who shivers. The lanky teen's whiskey-brown eyes scanned around but didn't spot a Hawaiian teen. The werewolf lifted his hand to Stiles' chin, gently move to his left, and released it from the human's chin. "There." Derek pointed in the direction where Danny is.

"Oh. There he is." The lanky teen mumbled as he started to feel strange flutters inside of his stomach which he assumed he is just hungry. Stiles ignores it as he could easily feel the muscles behind his back which are still colliding with Derek's chest. "S-so... Jackson?" he questioned, wondering if one of his friends spot the Kanima yet.

The scarlet-red orbs scan around cautiously as he is mentally thankful that no one noticed his Alpha eyes since he doesn't want to expose the werewolves exist to the human world. It would bring nothing but limitless chaos.

Somewhere in the dancing crowd, Scott continues searching fruitlessly until he paused when he reached frustrated. However, it didn't last long when he noticed something above him. Scott's gaze slowly shifted upward to the ceiling. The Kanima moves like a spider across the ceiling, stealthily making its way toward the dance floor above the light fixture.

"I found Jackson." Scott announced calmly, hoping his message reached two werewolves somewhere in the club while his gaze fixed on the Kanima. "On the ceiling."

Two werewolves instantly lifted their gazes upward and found Kanima perched on the ceiling as his tail swung lazily.

The brooding Alpha's chest rumbles as he clings Stiles close to him. His inner wolf howls protectively as his scarlet-red orbs brighten. "Beta." He hisses under his breath, and ordered his Beta without any need details instruction.

Isaac's yellow-golden shines without averting his eyes on Kanima. "Understood, Alpha." He is unsheathing his claws.

Scott quickly moved his gaze away to a curly-haired werewolf with a heavy frown. "Wait—" he protests but noticed Isaac ignored him as he steps into the crowd.

The pounding music intensifies, bodies twisting in the crowd as Stiles' heart beating fast out of nervousness and flustered. "D-Derek?" his back is very warm against the young Alpha's tone chest.

"Jackson's on the ceiling." The survivor of Hale Pack leaned close to the lanky human's ear.

Stiles quickly glances up and fear appeared in his whiskey-brown eyes. Almost immediately, he found the Kanima. "Oh shit." He whispered, alarmed.

The Kanima creeps amid the light fixtures above as oblivion clubbers on the ground. Except for the werewolves and a human teen. Scott wants to go after the Kanima but he is also concerned for Danny. His worried eyes dart around until it landed on the Hawaiian who is dancing with a half-naked boy. The McCall werewolf step into the crowd, and presses through toward Danny, however, quickly loses sight of him.

"Danny? Danny!" he tries to call out for the Hawaiian teenager, but it was useless much to his disappointment and worry.

While Isaac and Derek never take their eyes off the ceiling and Stiles gulped anxiety as he flickers his whiskey-brown down and try to find Danny. He knew that Jackson is looking for a Hawaiian teenager. However, Stiles can't find Danny and he is panicking searching around in the crowded place.

Suddenly, plumes of fog blast out from a smoke machine, obscuring the werewolves' view. Strobing lights create an almost nightmare quality to the dancing bodies. "Fuck!" the brooding Alpha and curly-haired Beta curse when they lost sight of the Kanima.

"W-what?!" Stiles forced himself to turn halfway while Derek's hands are still on his waist. "Sourwolf, what's wrong?!" he asked, anxiety and dread.

The scarlet-red orbs searched wildly on the ceiling, looking at every corner but the fog won't allow him to see the creature. "I lost it. Fucking smoke machine." He growls, frustrated and worried.

Stiles' made panic noises from the back of his throat. "That's not good at all!" he muttered, fear and alarmed.

Somewhere in a dancing club where dancers pack tighter, moving faster and faster with the beat of the music. The Kanima appears, teeth bared as a flash of light start to brighten up for brief blinded. Isaac whips around, trying to find the creature while carefully avoiding his claws not to harm any oblivion humans.

Scott searches for Danny and Kanima with anxiety and worried while Derek made sure to crowd around Stiles in his arms, his wolf hackles in protective and possessive around their human. The lanky paled human is starting to feel a bit smothered in his surroundings.

The werewolves caught the brief sight of the Kanima in the crowd but whenever a bright flash of light appears, the creature is everywhere. Isaac could've sworn that the Kanima is next to him but not. Scott thought he saw the creature standing by the bar, but it wasn't there.

The young Alpha's scarlet-red blazing brightly when the Kanima is getting too close to his human, but another flash of light and the creature is gone.

"Derek—" Derek step back quickly, dragging Stiles with him as the human teen yelped in astonished surprise, and stumbled further into the Alpha's arms.

The smoke billows out once again much to the werewolves' apprehension and frustration. "Fuck it." Derek growled, and decided to use his heighten enhancement to tap into his inner wolf's sight. Now, using his wolf's sight as his scarlet-red glimmer while scanning around. He focuses on heat signatures coming off the dancing bodies until he found a sinewy cold-blooded silhouette moving stealthily through the crowd. "I see the Kanima." He announced to his Beta and McCall werewolf while Stiles perks up with relief and warily.

"Where?" Stiles glances around, hoping to spot the Kanima. The fog cleared slowly, and the lanky human turn his head and saw the dancing crowd, one by one, people begin dropping. "Oh my God!" his eyes widen in horror.

Bodies fall paralyzed to the floor in a path leading right toward unaware Danny. Derek forced himself to quickly release Stiles from his protection arms and power-walked toward the direction. Stiles suddenly feels cold without the brooding Alpha's warmth. The human teen shook that muse away and focus on them with worried.

Before Derek could stop the Kanima—

Danny's head snaps forward, falls to the ground, and blinks at the ceiling. The Hawaiian teen didn't know what was happening to his body as he is stumped. The Kanima rises as its baring fangs.

"Jackson." Derek snapped as he appeared in front of the creature with warning growls as his fangs emerges.

The creature blinks, hearing its name under the pulsing music. For a brief second, its eyes return to those of Jackson's human eyes, gazing at Derek in confusion and then looking around. When its eyes return back to cautious Derek.

The brooding werewolf noticed that the Kanima and Jackson is fighting against each other until their claws started to scratch themselves rather harshly and violently. Derek flinch back when the creature screeches as black blood spills through its claws as the bright flash of light appeared—

The Kanima vanished and Derek jerked around, desperately searching for the creature with his wolf eyes. While people stop dancing amid the prostrate bodies on the floor. The music stops. Witnesses look around, confused, shouts of panic rising over the crowd.

The paralyzed people are on the ground, shouting and pleading for their help. Some help while others are calling an ambulance as people are panicking and scared at the sudden occur happens in the club.

"Derek!" the last Hale turned around as he shifted his sight back to the human as it returns to its original color. He almost found Stiles who is standing between Scott and Isaac at a safe distance. Derek strode toward them and scanned his Beta's appearance just to make sure he is physically safe from harm. Then he is eyeing over the human and is relieved that Stiles is safe. His inner wolf growls softly with satisfaction but still remains guard up.

"Where is he?" Scott asked, deep frowning with urgency while staring at the young Alpha.

Derek scowled. "The Kanima escaped..." he tries to look for the creature but none so far until Isaac spots something.

"What's that?" Isaac pointed at the ground ahead of them suspicious yet curious.

All eyes turn to where the curly-haired werewolf pointed at—

Its was drops of glistening blood on the dance floor, leading to an open exit door.

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