My Hero Academia: Darkest Hou...

By IzukuMidoriyaYagi

153 3 2

"I've got Russian Fighter Jets over I-95! HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET THROUGH?!" 35 years after All Might beca... More

Just a Normal Day! Right?

Aspen Hado: Hero to Seal...

47 1 1
By IzukuMidoriyaYagi

Art by @Aspen_Zoldyck One of my best friends :)))

Pov: Aspen Hado

Location: Downtown Brooklyn, New York, United States

Time: 8:20 AM

I have been running for what feels like forever, I am still running. Adrenaline is the only thing keeping me going at this point. This is Horrible! I am horrified of everything I see! On my way here I've seen pretty much everything! Dead Bodies, Bullet Casings on the ground, Plane Parts, Everything...

Third Person POV:

8:24 AM

Aspen is still running, she is just about to get on the Brooklyn Bridge, and use it to cross to Manhattan, where she knows the Symbol of Peace probably is right now...

She suddenly hears a voice behind her...

A/N Underlined text means it is spoken in Russian

Russian Infantry: Halt! By Demand of the New Red Army!

Aspen turns around and looks at the Russian Soldiers, She turns and runs again...



A Gunshot is fired, The Bullet gets Halfway to Aspen's Leg, before suddenly turning around and hitting the man who shot it in the head...

Aspen Saw this over her soldier, she can't believe her quirk worked in this situation...

ASPEN HADO! Quirk: Astral Projection!

Aspen has the ability to project her soul and use it to Possess and move objects to her will! She can possess up to 2 objects at once! However, This does give her a weak spot, The Heart that glows on her chest and in the soul when it's projected can be damaged, making her more tired and prone to attacks, It could even kill her if it is damaged too much...

Aspen I kinda changed the quirk slightly, I hope you don't mind...

Aspen now uses her chance to run, She makes a run for the Bridge, hoping she can get away... when she suddenly hears the troops start running at her, and shouting at her...

Russian Infantry: She is Cursed! We must kill her!


Aspen was extremely confused by this, Why would anyone think of quirks as curses?

She looks behind herself and sees The Russian Infantry running faster than her...

Aspen Panics, She tries to run faster, Using as much of her adrenaline as she can... but it is all in vain...

Aspen get tackled to the ground by the Russian Soldiers, They lift her back up and hold her against her will...

Russian Infantry: Aim! Ready..!

Aspen braces for the pain of dozens of Bullets hitting her, In her mind she says goodbye to her mom, her friends and other family members...

Then She hears it...


She Opens her eyes and she's alive!

She sees all of the Russian troops on the Ground... Dead...

Aspen is both relieved and freaked out... What happened?!

???: We have a Civilian Over Here!

???: Got it!!

Aspen is staring at the bodies in front of her, she is sick to her stomach...

Suddenly a pair of hands grab her shoulders...

???: Kid You Okay?!

Aspen starts hyperventilating...

???: Kid! Breath, slow down... It's Okay...

after a few seconds she calms down...

Aspen finally realizes who is talking to her...

Aspen: Wait?! You're Red Riot!

Kirishima (Red Riot): Yeah Kid, That's Me! We'll keep you safe okay...

it's only now Aspen Realizes Mina Ashido, AKA Pro Hero Alien Queen, was next to him...

Kirishima: Sandman! Thanks for covering Fire!

Sandman, the head of Team Metal, Walks towards them...

Sandman: I saw what you did back there kid, reflecting the bullet right back at him was genius. We could use your help kid.

Sandman Reaches forward, Handing Aspen an MP5 Submachine Gun...

Sandman: Welcome to the Navy Seals, Your assigned to Team Metal Miss...

Aspen grabs the Submachine Gun, She's played call of duty, so she generally knows how a gun is held... She probably doesn't need to learn all too much...

Aspen Slaps down the Charging Handle, The Gun Clacks and is ready to fire...

Aspen: Hado, Call Me Hado...

Mina Suddenly interrupts...

Mina: Wait, Hado, as in Nejire Hado?

Aspen: you know Auntie Nejire?

Mina: Yeah I interned with her Agency...

Aspen: Heh Small World!

Another Man from Team metal Approaches...

Truck: Enough chit chat, we need to get to the stock exchange, get in the Humvee!

The Rest of team Metal, which now includes Eijirou, Mina, and Aspen, Get into the Humvee, Eijirou is put on the Minigun up top, since his quirk will allow him to tank bullets.

Time: 8:49 AM

Aspen Suddenly wakes up, she's in the Humvee but it's flipped, suddenly she looks, to where she believes, is up, and sees Sandman

Sandman: Come on! The Stock Exchange is only 2 blocks away! We need to Bail on the Humvee!


Aspen Runs out and takes cover, only to look back and see the Humvee get crushed by a chunk of Skyscraper... Specifically a piece of 20 Exchange...

Aspen regains focus and looks forward to see the enemy in front of her and her squad...

Aspen is hesistant to pull the trigger, She wanted to help people as a Hero...

However, before she can continue to think, a sound snaps her out of this thought, the sound of a jet, followed by bombs... This Makes Apsen realize something, These Men have attacked her Country, killed civilians, and destroyed cities... By Killing These Men, She is saving Thousands of People...

Aspen lifts up her gun and Fires


Aspen's shots have already made contact, cutting down 2 Russian Soldiers...

Aspen Reloads, She is having a little trouble with the magazine, but she figures it out...

Aspen Re-opens Fire...

After Taking down a few more soldiers, Sandman Orders the team to advance...

Unfortunately for them, The Russians had redirected their Armored Vehicles to attack Team Metal...

Sandman: Enemy Armor! Use the Grenade Launcher!

The Armored Vehicle Opens Fire, Thankfully, they have Red Riot...


Eijirou takes the Shell fired from the Enemy Armor, He completely blocks the shell...

Aspen then gets an Idea, she Runs Right next to Eijirou...

Frost: Kid! What are you doing!?

Aspen: Doing what a Hero is supposed to!

The Enemy Armor Fires again, it gets halfway to Eijirou and Aspen, When it just gets sent right back...

The Round Hits the Turret of the Vehicle...

Sandman: Great Move Hado! Alien Queen! Move in and use your Acid to finish it off!

Mina: Right! ACID VEIL!

Mina Hits the Armored Vehicle with Acid, The Vehicle Melts, Allowing team Metal to advance...

Over the Course of the next half hour, Team Metal would fight intensely through the city and the stock exchange... They Finally Get to the Roof of the Building...

Aspen: There's Guys up here!


Sandman: Clear out the Roof! We need to take out the Radio Jammer!


Mina Arches her arms to basically Lob Acid onto enemies behind cover...

Eijirou: Invulnerable Charge!

Eijirou goes Unbreakable and sprints at a few enemies throwing them off the building.

Aspen is suddenly grabbed from behind by an enemy Soldier

Her Hero Training kicks in, and she proceeds to throw the guy over his shoulder, and kill him with her gun

Aspen: Nice Try Shithead!

The Gunfight continues for the next few minutes...

Aspen: Clear!

All enemies on the stock exchange have been eliminated...

Sandman: Truck! Plant the Charges!

Truck Plants C4 Charges onto the signal Jammer

Sandman: Frost! Hit it!



The C4 Explodes, and in just 8 seconds, the signal Jammer Tower comes crashing down!

Suddenly The COMM's erupt with multiple Squads calling for Air support

Baseplate: Well Done Metal 2-1, COMM's are back up and running, we are sending in UH-60 Blackhawks for exfil over...

Aspen: Uhh...

Eijirou: They're using helicopters to get us out of here!

Aspen: oh, Great! I really have a lot to learn don't I?

Eijirou: it's all good, It took me awhile to learn all that military talk!

A UH-60 BlackHawk Flies up to the side of the Stock Exchange...

Eijirou: Get to the Choppa!

They all hop in to the Helicopter, They start to fly off to the South...

Baseplate: Metal 2-1 Actual, be advised we are seeing multiple bogies in your area!

Eijirou: Shit... Enemy Choppers...

Sandman: Red Riot, You're on left Gun!, Hado, you're on Right Gun! Take down that Hind!

Aspen adn Eijirou Follow their orders, Getting on the guns and opening fire. Aspen Empties as much ammo as she can into the enemy chopper, After a long 3 minutes of continuous Fire, The Chooper Goes down. Eijirou has finished his chopper too...

Mina: Shit! There's Another One!

Eijirou: It's on your side Aspen! I can't do anything!

Aspen: Dammit!

Aspen Fires on the enemy chopper! Even more bullets fly, after 2 minutes, both choppers arrive above a construction site for an upcoming skyscraper... 

Aspen Keeps Laying Fire upon the enemy Chopper, Shooting between Steel Columns and Scaffolding, Eventually the Chopper finally Goes Down... But Something Goes Wrong...

Sandman: Great Work! Let's get moving-

Aspen: We Have an Issue!

The Enemy Chopper doesn't go straight down, spinning out of Control and hitting the back of their chopper...

Sandman: Shi-

The Chopper is hit, and begins to drift West... The Chopper Descends while Spinning, Eijirou is Holding on as he hangs outside the chopper...

Aspen: Shit!

The Chopper then ends it's flight, crashing and scratching along a wall of Steel Bars and Class, before hitting the ground at the base of the Tower...

To Be Continued...

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