Axel's Promise

By AliciaLaBatti

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(This wonderful cover was made by @AnecdoteofAstrina) For Xenia, I will fight; for Xenia, I will die. I prom... More



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By AliciaLaBatti

Axel and Fable made it back to the hotel. They opened the door and sat on their bed, staring at the floor for what seemed like hours before they looked at each other.

"What in Xenia's name just happened?"

"What in Xenia's name just happened?" 

After asking that question in unison, Axel and Fable continued to stare at one another until one of them broke the silence. 

"It seems as if the remainder of Caldrufini's men are trying to take over this part of the Giant Realm," Axel said. "Now, since they know we're here, they might continue to attack this place until we are dead."

"Not so much me, Axel. I think they want you," Fable replied. "Remember, you finished what Caldrufini started, and now, his subordinates want to avenge him." Fable put a hand on Axel's shoulder. "You must be ready to fight, Axel."

"Fable..." Axel's voice drifted off before he sighed. "I don't want to fight anymore. I've fought enough. I just want to start a new life. I want to praise Xenia in this new life, Fable. I want peace. I want to start anew." Axel then grabbed Fable's bloodied hands. "I want you, our new job, and Xenia's grace forever and ever."

"Axel...I..." Fable became choked up with emotions. "I...I love you." 

"I love you, too, my sweet." Axel would hug Fable before letting her go. "So, what do you want to do tomorrow? I was thinking about exploring the area a bit more; maybe we can trek into the mountains and see what cool new species we can find."

"That would be fun, Axel!" Fable exclaimed. "I love taking hikes with you!"

"Yea. With you, it will be even better," Axel replied before kissing Fable on the cheek. Axel stretched, yawned, and placed his staff under his side of the bed before lying down on it. "I'm going to rest my eyes for a second. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to...meditate in the garden. I don't know when I'll be back," Fable replied before she collected a ruby of prayer, some incense, and a candle before going to the door, blowing Axel a kiss, then exiting, leaving Axel to rest. 

Axel sighed, then closed his eyes; the softness of the mattress and the coziness of the blanket on top of him quickly brought the White Dove into a deep sleep, but a deep sleep in this realm can open doors, doors no one wants to open. 

Axel began to have a vivid dream about being encapsulated in a glass case, surrounded by cursed water, which spoke in distorted, mysterious tongues. Axel then heard an ominous cackling, followed by a gentle touch on the chin. Axel wanted to stop the mysterious being from touching him, but his arms seemed paralyzed. 

"Get away from me!" Axel demanded, but his voice was quickly silenced by a lump in his throat. Axel's breathing began to get shallow as the figure appeared in the flesh. The figure wielded two black roses, which hummed with black magic.

"You cannot evade the approaching fire, Axel," said the figure, who suddenly wielded a black, flickering flame. The figure wiped a hand over their nonexistent face, which revealed a singular blue eye. "I am the very thing you fear; your future."

Axel wanted to scream, but he couldn't. Axel tried to move, but he couldn't. The figure's despicable hand covered Axel's eyes, shielding him from the horror that was about to transpire. Axel then felt a hot, putrid hexed cross touch his chest, where his beating heart raced wildly like a jackrabbit. Axel's teeth gritted as the metal object slowly began to pierce his heart.

"Axel! Come to my embrace, my dearest," said the voice. The voice suddenly became distorted. "I've been expecting you."

"We've been expecting you."

Suddenly, Axel sprung awake, hyperventilating, gripping his chest like he was shot by a rifle. Axel looked around for Fable but didn't see her, as she was still meditating in the garden. Axel jumped out of bed and made his way to the garden. 

In the garden, Fable was on her knees, praying to Xenia. The ruby of prayer glowed and pulsed rhythmically with Fable's breath. Fable took a deep breath in, then out. In. Out. In. Out. In...

"Fable!" Axel cried out, waking Fable from her meditation. 

"What is it?" Fable replied. Axel knelt down beside Fable and shivered a little. 

"I...I had another vivid nightmare. That mysterious voice returned, and It had an owner, a figure who told me that it was my future." 

"Well...maybe we should ask Xenia." Fable took her lover's hand and put it on the ruby of prayer. "Now, close your eyes, Axel. Feel Xenia's presence.

Axel closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply through his nose. The image of Xenia's face began to come to mind. Axel began to speak. 

"Oh, Lady Xenia. Please come forth, for I have a question to ask you," Axel said as he waited for Xenia to respond. Fable placed a hand on Axel's back and gently rubbed it. Axel continued to wait. Finally, Xenia came through. 

"Axel. It is a pleasure to speak to you. What is troubling you, White Dove?" Xenia asked in a motherly tone, eliciting calmness in Axel. 

"I...keep having nightmares. Nightmares relating to death. Can you help me?" Axel replied. Xenia hummed softly. 

"Well, to keep it short, something bad is coming. Death is a bad omen. You must be careful, Axel," Xenia replied. Xenia then bowed. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, Xenia. That'll do," Axel replied before ending the prayer and opening his eyes. Axel stared blankly at the bush in front of him, sighed, but said nothing. Fable put a hand on Axel's shoulder. 

"What did Xenia say?" Fable asked, concerned. Axel's eyes shifted to Fable. 

"A bad thing is coming, Fable. We need to be careful," Axel replied. Axel sighed again, then stood up. "We should get inside before these damn bugs bite us to death." Axel went inside. Fable collected her things and followed behind him. 

Once inside, Axel went into the bedroom, but Fable stood at the door. 

"I'm going to grab us something to eat. You stay here," Fable said before turning around and leaving. Axel lied down on the bed and stared at the ivory ceiling; he didn't get it. Why was he hearing and seeing these things? Was he drugged? Was he cursed? Only Xenia knew the truth, but the truth would harm Axel's being. Axel put his hands over his face and sighed into them before allowing said hands to slump to his sides. Axel shook his head. 

"What in Xenia's name does this all mean?" Axel asked himself. "Where am I going? What does this 'thing' want from me? Who is it? What is it? How can I stop it?" These questions ran rampant in Axel's mind. Axel shook his head and sat up, then balled his fist and punched a massive hole in the wall, alerting one of the hotel managers. 

"Is something the matter, sir?" Said a woman's voice. Axel turned to the owner of the voice and sighed.

"Yea. Everything is splendid. Don't worry."

The woman noticed the massive hole in the wall, said nothing, and left. Axel sat back down and put his hands on his head. Axel growled behind his lips. 

"Why do all of the bad things fall upon me?!" Axel exclaimed. "Why? Why must every moment of my life end up in chaos?!"

"Axel? Are you alright?" Fable said, standing at the door with two bowls of soup. Fable entered the room and put the soup bowls on a folding silver table. Axel sat up and looked Fable in the eye. 

"I'm...not alright, hun," Axel replied. "I'm...worried, you know?"

"About those silly nightmares?" Fable said; Fable didn't know the seriousness of the dreams because she's never heard the voice that resided in them. "C'mon, Axel. Have some soup and calm down. I'm sure they can't be that scary."

"Fable...I don't think you know the full story," Axel retorted. Axel picked up his spoon and took a spoonful of soup, blew on it, then put it into his mouth; the salty broth, plus the flavor of chicken, gave pleasant feelings of homeliness, even if they were miles away from The Roost. "At least the soup is good." Axel picked up another spoonful. "You know, I'm feeling better already."

"See? A bowl of soup can solve many problems," Fable replied before tucking into her soup. 

"I suppose it can." Axel took another bite of his soup. "So, about those hikes. We should go on one very soon."

"That can be arranged," Fable replied before slurping up a large series of noodles. Fable then pushes her bowl aside. "Maybe tomorrow because I can sense a blizzard in the air, so spending time around the fire and enjoying freshly baked treats would be enough for me."

"A blizzard? Oh, poor Lobo and Chelly. They'll freeze out there!" Axel stated. "I hope Leo has a shelter for them."

"Axel, they can withstand temperatures as low as negative one-hundred degrees," Fable replied. Dove Wolves were created to withstand harsh conditions." 

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Axel replied. Axel finished his soup and pushed the bowl aside. "We should head to the lounge and grab some hot chocolate."

"Sure." Fable stood up. Axel took Fable's hand and led the way. The two walked down the long hallway all the way to the lounge, which contained a few dozen White Doves sitting in soft, wolf fur chairs, holding cups of hot chocolate decorated with marshmallows. Axel went to the counter with Fable. 

"Can we have two cups of hot chocolate?" Axel asked. The man behind the counter went to a warming tray, gave Axel two cups of hot chocolate, and walked away. Axel noticed a sign that said 'free hot chocolate. Axel took the cups and went to find a seat near the fire. Axel found a spot next to a large, potted plant and sat next to it. Fable joined him and took one of the cups. 

"The fire feels nice," Fable stated before wiggling her bare toes in front of the warm, ruby fire. Axel nodded in agreement before sipping his hot chocolate. A woman entered the room, but she didn't look like any woman they'd ever seen before. The woman looked like a cross between a human and an elf, a Huelf, if you will. 

"Greetings, White Doves and Huelves alike. If this is your first time joining us, my name is Monika." Monika bowed. "Now, I know I've come in here unannounced, but I implore you all to listen." Monika held a white feather in her left hand, which then turned into an orb that displayed a map of Ice Storm Village. "Caldrufini's men attacked not long ago. We need to prepare to defend this place, even if it kills us." 

"Monika? Can I say something?" Asked a White Dove. 

"Sure! Go ahead!"

"What if we don't defend Ice Storm Village?"

"Then...I...I don't know," Monika's voice trailed off. 

"Then where would we go? The Red Timber Forest is still flooded, and the surrounding areas are littered with black magic. This is our only outpost, Monika." The White Dove allowed their dove wings to appear. "You need to summon our dragon to help us defend ourselves."

"That won't be necessary," Monika replied. "I'm sure our infantry, as well as you guys, can handle it."

"Monika!" exclaimed another White Dove. "We need more than that! We need our dragon! Yes, we have wolves, but I don't think they'll be able to kill a dragon if they're too high up!" The White Dove sighed. "But, since you're the mayor of this town, you're the boss, I suppose."

Monika allowed the orb to disappear, then she lowered herself into a chair and folded her long, elegant legs. "Now, since  we've come to an understanding, I think we can keep our village safe from the clutches of Caldrufini and his men."

"Caldrufini is dead, Monika," Axel chimed in. "I killed him."

The room filled his gasps, and Monika's head snapped in Axel's direction. " killed Caldrufini? Then...who is controlling his men?"

"I'm unsure, but whoever or whatever it is, we need to take them out," Axel replied. "We cannot let this army build up again, so we need to act now." Axel looked at Fable, then back at Monika. "Scout out the area. Make sure there aren't any spies around."

Monika stared daggers into Axel before looking at the masses. "Right. Look for spies. Make sure we snuff them out before they do the same to us." 

Axel sipped the last few drops of his hot chocolate before standing up. Axel turned to Fable. "I'm going to head back to our room. Are you ready?"

"Yea. I'm coming, hun," Fable replied before standing up and following Axel. Fable ran up behind Axel, then grabbed his hand. "So, Monika thinks Caldrufini's men are no big deal. Has she seen anything he can do to a White Dove, or an ecosystem, for that matter?"

"I don't think she understands," Axel replied. "He's not just your typical villain in a cheesy, poorly written action movie; he's a man with the power to destroy worlds, galaxies even."

"I'm glad he's dead," Fable said. "But...who's leading  them now?"

"That's what I was thinking, Fable," Axel replied before opening the door to their room. Axel threw the empty cup away before sitting on the bed. Fable joined him. The two of them began to think.

As they sat in thought, a Shadow Dove riding on a dragon was watching them from afar. The Shadow Dove turned to their subordinate, nodded, then flew back to wherever they came from. The subordinate followed behind them. Once they flew off, a bright flash was left in their wake, which alerted Axel and Fable.

"What was that?" Axel inquired.

"Maybe just a star?" Fable replied. "We shouldn't worry about it. Flashes in the sky are pretty common."

"But, none are that bright..." Axel's voice trailed off before he began to rub his hands nervously. "I think it's some kind of bad sign from the divine."

"Don't worry about it too much, Axel. That's your problem, you worry," Fable said before hugging Axel and kissing him on the cheek. Fable then went to sit in a chair that was in the corner of the room, leaving Axel on the bed. Axel laid down and stared at the ceiling. 

"So yea...hiking tomorrow," Axel chimed in. "That ease my mind."

"Sure thing, Axel. Sure thing," Fable replied before proceeding to read a book. Axel decided to take another nap; he hoped he didn't hear those voices again. 

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