Rekindling Old Flames (BWWM)

由 mss_amalee

173K 6.2K 435

"I need to teach you a lesson for defying me," Beau says, and in an instant, my leg on his thigh drops down b... 更多

Chapter 10
Chapter 11


4.5K 182 21
由 mss_amalee

Saturday comes as quickly as I had hoped. I've spent all day getting ready, so now I just need to add a few finishing touches to my face. Luckily, I'm very skilled with makeup, so I was able to do my own, and Tamara had helped me to style my hair in a sexy updo a few hours ago. Once I am done applying my red lipstick, I close the tube and admire how the color accents my skin. Now all that's left is to put on the dress. Camila had helped me lay it out on my bed earlier. She and Tamara are also coming to the party, so they'll have a front row seat for what I have in store for Beau. I smile as I look at the dress. Beau is absolutely going to hate it. It's a sleeveless, nude tulle gown with black flowers, sequins, applique, and a deep V-neck. The back is also open in the same style as the front, with a slit on the side exposing my leg. A thrill of anticipation runs through me as I put it on. I slip on my black heels and then walk to the full-length mirror to take a look at the full ensemble before walking to the door. A smile curves my lips, It's perfect. Beau won't know what hit him. I open the door, but stop short once I see Tamara.

"He's here?" I voice the words I'm guessing Tamara came to say. She nods her head, confirming my suspicion.

"He is never late. One of the things I used to admire about him," I say, stepping out of my room into the hall.

"True. By the way, Camila already left with Danny. She will meet us there."

"And you?" Why don't you come with Beau and me instead of waiting for my driver to pick you up?" My driver was supposed to take Tamara to the party, but he's running late.

"I would love to, but I feel it's best to stay away from anything that will remind me of...him, and they look so much alike." Harvey really must be giving her a hard time at work if she's that desperate to avoid even the thought of him.

"Alright, if you say so. I'll try Enzo one more time to find out where he is." I fetch my phone out of my purse and dial my driver's number.

"Thank you."

We walk downstairs while I'm talking to Enzo. He says he's only a minute away, so Tamara won't be too far behind Beau and me. I give her a kiss goodbye before walking outside. A black Rolls Royce sits in the driveway. The back door opens while I'm taking in the beauty of the car. Beau steps out, and I try my best to deny how good he looks. His black hair is gelled back, making his face more visible than usual. Even in the dark, I can see how sharp his jawline is from where I stand. The Burberry suit he's wearing hugs his body and does little to hide how ripped he is underneath it. And those beautiful gray eyes shine under the moonlight. I bite my lip as I take in the gorgeousness of the man before me. A big smile appears on my face as his eyes darken. If eyes were laser beams, my dress would be up in flames right now. My smile deepens as his brows pull together and his face hardens into a deep frown.

"NO!" Beau says once he fully takes in my outfit.

"Yes," I reply, still smiling.

"There is no way in hell you are leaving this house dressed like that. Are you kidding me?" He's enraged. I can barely contain my excitement at how well my plan is going.

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" I fold my arms across my chest.

"How dare you dress like this when you know how much I hate it."

"Just in case you've forgotten, let me remind you. I am not your girlfriend, so my assets do not belong to you. I'll show them off any way I please."

"Oh, really? That's what you believe?" Beau laughs dryly.

"It's the truth."

A minute goes by, and he doesn't say a word. He just stares at my dress.

"We'll see about that; let's go." He walks towards me and wraps an arm around my waist, steering me towards the car.

"Huh?" I'm confused. I can't believe he didn't fight me harder. Something is not right; Beau would never allow me to go out like this.

"Come on, honey. The party can't start without us," Beau says, holding the car door open for me. I glance at him and try to figure out why he gave in so quickly, but his face gives away nothing. He definitely wouldn't tell me if I asked.

Giving up, I release a deep sigh before getting into the car. Beau slides in after me, and once he's settled, the driver pulls the car out of my family's driveway. Beau leans over and whispers deadly words into my ear.

"You will wish you had listened to me and didn't wear this dress by the time I am done with you tonight, Cher." He nibbles my ear before taking his mouth away.

A cold shiver runs down my spine as his words sink in. He called me 'Cher.' Beau is from Texas, but his mother is Cajun French, so he learned the term from her and used to call me that when we were together. But he hasn't' called me that once since walking back into my life. Why did he suddenly use it tonight?

A sinking feeling takes over as I begin to realize my plan might be backfiring What could Beau be playing at? Turning to stare at him, I notice the smirk on his face has never looked bigger. I move away from him, feeling a little scared. I don't have a single clue about what his words could mean, which terrifies me.


After a few minutes of driving, the car arrives at the venue. I grab Beau's outstretched hand and step out. The thought to refuse his help occurred to me but I changed my mind. Beau puts his hand on my exposed back and walks us to the hotel entrance.

"Your skin feels so smooth, my love," he whispers.

I roll my eyes at him. "Your hand is supposed to be on my waist, not my upper back."

"I know, but I want to feel your skin under my fingertips." He caresses my spine. A shiver passes through my body as my gaze locks with his. Those gray eyes light up, and I try my best to ignore the feeling of his hand on my skin. I roll my eyes at him once again in an attempt to show him he doesn't affect me.

Once inside, Beau and I walk around and thank people for coming. A few minutes later, I excuse myself and find Camila so I can do the same with her. Camila is my partner after all, so it's only proper we thank people for coming together. Also, I'd never met the people Beau and I spoke with. I want to talk with people I actually know.

Before dinner commences, Beau, Camilla, and I all give a speech. After I finish speaking, I walk back to my assigned table consisting of Beau, Camila, Danny, Tamara, a beautiful blonde woman I don't know, and the devil himself—Harvey. Beau must have invited him. I take my seat beside Beau, and as he watches a performer on the stage, I tug his arm to bring his ear down to mouth level.

"How could you have invited Harvey without telling me?" I demand through gritted teeth.

"I didn't know I had to go through my guest list with you."

"You didn't think it would be wise to inform me he was coming?"

"Delilah, it's been seven years. I am sure Tamara can sit at the same table as Harvey.

"Easy for you to say, since you are a devil, too," I huff, annoyed at Harvey's mere presence.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Beau seems hurt by my words. Why should he be hurt by them? It's the truth; he and his cousin are both the devil incarnate. What they did to Tamara and me was so heartbreaking. I'm surprised I can even sit beside him and not be planning his death a hundred times over.

"What it implies." I respond before turning my attention back to the stage.


A few minutes into the party, I stand up from my seat to head to the bathroom. Nature calls. I don't take more than a step away from my chair before Beau grabs my hand.

"Where are you going?" he asks, holding my hand firmly in his.

"The restroom," I reply, tugging my hand out of his grasp.

"Let me come with you."

"Excuse me?" I look at Beau, wondering why the hell he'd say such thing.

"Come on, let's go." Still holding my hand, he pulls me towards the bathroom.

"Are you seriously taking me to the bathroom right now?" I ask, unable to believe what he's doing.

"No." Beau replies simply before abruptly stopping.

"What do—" I'm cut off as Beau backs me into a wall in a dark corner. "What the hell, Beau?"

"Shh," Beau says, placing a finger against my lips. I slowly blink my eyes, staring at him, confused about what's happening. "Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?" Beau asks, whispering into my ear. His hot breath fans my neck, and the heat spreads across my body.

I swallow a lump as it forms in my throat. "Yes."

"I'll say it again. You look ravishing tonight, darlin'." His hand moves up my exposed knee and wraps around my waist. What the hell is going on?

"Beau," I rasp out.

"Yes, Cher?" he answers, bending down and leaving a hot kiss on my neck. My back arches as my skin burns.

"Please take your hands off me."

"Why?" Beau slowly brings his head back up and locks gazes with me.

"Because I said so." I hold his stare and try to ignore the hands resting on my waist.

"Didn't you wear this dress so it would be easy for me to fuck you tonight?"

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, Cher?" Beau moves his lips to my ear and nips. My eyes shut tightly as a wave of pleasure surges through my body.

"What are..." I trail off as Beau moves his hand and rests it against my core. My heart rate speeds up, wondering if he would really touch me there. I hate that a part of me wants him to.

"I am getting you ready, Cher," Beau says, slowly rubbing my core through my underwear.

"Beau," I unexpectedly moan. I quickly look around, praying no one passes the area. I can't believe I just did that.

"Don't worry, Cher. I just want to remind you what you are missing," Beau says, but just as I'm about to ask him what he means, I hear voices close by. I try to push at Beau's chest to get away before someone sees us, but he doesn't budge. He looks down at me, smirking as their footsteps get closer. Is he mad? Why won't he move?

"Move before—" I choke on my words as Beau rubs his index finger on the center of my core. I grab his shirt as another moan threatens to rip out of me. I don't even dare to open my mouth and try to speak. It would be so embarrassing if the two people who are now standing only three feet away from us hear me.

I lock gazes with Beau once again and plead with him through my eyes to stop. This is wrong on all levels; how can he be teasing me while we are in public? I feel so ashamed right now—for two reasons. One, because I like his fingers there and I'm not supposed to, and two because—for some odd reason—I feel more turned on than ever before, and I'm not sure if it's because we are in public or not.

"Promise you will never wear such a dress outside again, and I'll take my fingers away." Beau rubs my core again. My eyes roll to the back of my head. I bite my lip hard to muffle the moan threatening to escape. Nothing on this earth is going to make me release that sound. I shake my head in response to his question. I refuse to give him what he wants.

"I don't think that's a good answer, Cher. You're already dripping wet, I bet only a few thrusts in and out of you, and you would be moaning into these walls for everyone to hear. Do you want that?" He asks, moving his head to the side, smirking. This bastard. My hand tightens into a fist as I realize he's right. That can't happen. Even though it pains me to agree to his demand, I nod my head.

"Say it," he says, moving my G-string to the side. A gasp escapes my lips as I feel cool air touch my core. Beau is going to be the death of me.

"I promise not to dress like this again."

"Good girl." He takes his fingers away from me. I release a breath of relief, but my celebration is short-lived. My widening eyes follow Beau as he bends to the ground, pulling my underwear down my legs. He helps me to step out of my panties and takes them off. I am too baffled by his bold move to even find the words to speak. I watch as he brings them to his face and sniffs my soaked G-string. Oh my God! This is so embarrassing. I don't even want to think about how dripping wet I am right now.

"Just as amazing as I remember," Beau says, pocketing my underwear. I push at his shoulders and run to the bathroom to clean myself up.

While in one of the bathroom stalls, I can't help the tears that form in my eyes. How could my body react that way? Has my heart forgotten what Beau did? It's like history is repeating itself. This was the same way things started between Beau and me when I was sixteen. It was just attraction before it grew into love, but unfortunately for me, only I fell in love. And I can't afford to do that with Beau again. I throw my head back as I try to stop the tears streaming down my face. But as I sniff and wipe my eyes, only more tears fall. I feel so lost and confused right now. I don't know what to do. God! Please help me. I can't fall for Beau again; I'll lose it if I do.


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