The Medieval Story Of One Dir...

By BeklesF

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Rebekah Wynters is an average young woman, living under the Monarchs rule in the small kingdom of London. She... More

The Medieval Story Of One Direction
Chapter One- The Announcement and Chester the Rabbit
Chapter Two- Mistakes and Murder
Chapter Three- Grey Sludge and Searing Pain
Chapter Four- The Lullaby and Executions
Chapter Five- Mr Divine and Dinner Plans
Chapter Six- Dinner for Eight and Jealousy
Chapter Seven- The Surprise and Forgiveness
Chapter Eight- Flames and a Blueberry Breakfast
Chapter Nine- The Raven Haired and Golden-Eyed Boy
Chapter Ten- Scary Faces and Matchmaking
Chapter Eleven- Mr Mature and Comforting Hugs
Chapter Twelve- The Carrot Eater Beka's Announcement and a Disappearing Paul
Chapter Thirteen- Notes, a Kitten and Plans for a Ball
Chapter Fourteen- Evil Cat Cookie and Practical Jokester
Chapter Fifteen- Harry's Blanky and Authority
Chapter Sixteen- Food and Chester's Return
Chapter Seventeen- Checkmate and Combat
Chapter Eighteen- Becoming a part of The Family
Chapter Nineteen- Golden Dress and Silver Crown
Chapter Twenty- Marina Carley Lee Ackland-Gay-Burgenmire
Chapter Twenty-One- Sox and Bad First Impressions
Chapter Twenty-Two- The Ballet Dancer
Chapter Twenty-Three- Make-Out Session and Gouging Out Eyeballs
Chapter Twenty-Four- The Raven Haired and Golden-Eyed Girl
Chapter Twenty-Six- Losing Track of the Time
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Sibling Rivalry
Chapter Twenty- Eight- Truth or Dare
Chapter Twenty- Nine- Emotional Roller-coaster
Chapter Thirty- Scavenger Hunt
Chapter Thirty-One- Scavenger Hunt (Part 2)
Chapter Thirty- Two- Scavenger Hunt (Part 3)
Chapter Thirty- Three- Scavenger Hunt (Part 4)
Chapter Thirty-Four- Scavenger Hunt (Part 5)
Chapter Thirty- Five- A Great Way to Ruin a Great Day
Author's Notes

Chapter Twenty-Five- Cookie Dough Ice Cream

1.8K 37 5
By BeklesF

Niall's POV-

I was talking to the former King of France, Beka's Grandfather, Chance, when Beka sighed tiredly.

"What's wrong, child?" Chance asked, concerned. He looked tired, maybe from his trip here, or from just old age.

Beka looked up at her grandfather with equally tired eyes and she sighed again, slouching. "I'm exhausted. The boys have had me running all over the place, trying to sort out all their problems all night." she complained.

"Maybe your energy's low, because you haven't eaten. When's the last time you ate?" I suggested, feeling hungry myself, but that didn't really make a difference. I was always hungry.

Beka had a second to think. "I haven't eaten since getting ready this morning. Helena and I shared some fruit." she realised.

Chance chuckled. "Go take care of my Granddaughter, Niall, I must talk to Simon and ask about his date." He said, and I nodded, offering my arm out, Beka hooking her arm around it.

The two of us walked off, arm in arm, passed Zayn and Ally, towards the buffet table. I had been there several times that night, so I knew what there was to offer. It was the usual meats, soups, sweets, desserts, and pastries. I had a craving for something sweet now that the night had developed passed the dinner stage, so I went straight for the dessert, pastry, and sweets end, Beka following quietly while examining the food. I looked over the table piled full of good things to eat, indecisive. It was when I reached the very end of the table was when I saw it, the best dessert ever possible, cookie dough ice cream. I squeaked with joy, and reached for the bowl excitedly.

Another hand reached for it at the same time, the two of us looking up at each other simultaneously.

A beautiful young girl stood in front of me, and my jaw went limp, and swung wide open. She stared up at me with kind, and mysterious blue-grey, stormy, eyes. My breathing hitched, and my voice became stuck in my throat as she smiled brightly at me, showing her perfectly white teeth. The girl pushed her straight, blonde hair behind her ear, showing more snow-white colour of her skin. I swallowed, trying to recover myself from my trance.

"Prince Niall," she bowed. "The ice cream is all yours, please; take it." she continued, pushing the bowl towards me

"No, no. It'd be rude if I did. Take it. It's yours." I smiled, pushing the bowl back.

"No you have it." she persisted, pushing the bowl.

"No you have it." I argued, pushing the bowl.

"No you."

"No you."

Beka sighed heavily beside me, and walked off, but I was too preoccupied to focus on her.

"No you have it." she said a little annoyed.

"I'm being a gentleman. You have it." I said, annoyed as well.

"Well I'm being a woman. You have it." she said, shoving the bowl towards me, creasing the tablecloth.

Beka strode back to us, looking more annoyed than the blonde and I did. "Well I'm being Beka." she interrupted. "Why don't you just share?" she said, holding up two metal spoons.

I looked at the blonde girl, and she nodded her head in agreement. The two of us took the spoons and the bowl to a nearby table. I pulled out the chair for her, and she blushed while taking her seat gracefully. Sitting opposite, I took a spoonful of the ice cream. I could tell that she wanted some to, but was acting polite, and that really bugged me. I hated that people were never themselves around me because of my title. I put the spoon down and shoved the bowl toward her. She shook her head. I rolled my eyes.

"So, you seem to know my name, but yours still remains a mystery to me." I pushed, making conversation after the silence hung.

"My name is Brittany Robinson." she replied shyly. "It's nice to meet you Prince Niall."

"You can just call me Niall." I smiled encouragingly.

"That'd be informal of me, especially when there is a possibility of you becoming King someday. My older sister, who is to be married in three weeks, would have my head if she knew of my informality. I'm not allowed to call you by your first name." she replied with a frown.

"I don't think that a person's status should determine how a person acts, or talks, when they're with another person."

Brittany smiled widely, showing her perfect teeth again. "You are very kind, Prince- I mean Niall." she said with another smile.

I felt satisfied hearing that, and took another mouthful of the ice-cream. "Thank you. I try to be nice to everybody, even if they aren't particularly acting in the same way." I informed Brittany.

She gave me a disbelieving look. "Why? I think that people who are mean shouldn't have the pleasure of your kindness. They don't deserve it." she stated, scooping a spoonful into her mouth.

"Yes, those are always my initial thoughts, but people are always watching for your reactions, and if you retaliate, then people are going to see you as the bad person. If you don't take the bait, then they have have nothing against you. As my father would say, you kill them with kindness."

Brittany thought over my advice for a couple of seconds. "I guess you're right." she agreed, nodding her head. "I like talking to you Niall, it seems easy, effortless." she continued.

"I'm a laid back person. I don't do much really, so everything I do is effortless." I said with a little shrug.

"What are the things you like then?" Brittany asked, wiping some ice cream off her lip with her finger, before putting it into her mouth. I swallowed nervously, as dirty thoughts travelled through my head. It was obvious that I thought she was attractive. I wasn't normally one to do well in conversation with people I didn't know, but they was something about the Brittany girl that made me feel at ease around her.

I cleared my throat, trying to regain my thoughts. "Um...I like to eat...a lot, singing with my brothers, while my sister plays the piano. I like to play soccer, my nickname, Nialler, laughing uncontrollably. The colour green, and blue, I like to play the guitar. I like natural beauties, a girl who doesn't wear make up all the time. I like to mimic accents, and I like potatoes." I said listing my favourite things on my fingers. Brittany sat back in her chair, trying to catch up on what I just said.

"You also like to talk." she said gobsmacked. I laughed at her expression, and she smiled sweetly.

"No, not usually. Only when I'm nervous. What do you like?" I asked her interestedly.

"For one, I like your's contagious." she giggled cutely, and I gave her an adoring smile back. Even though I had heard it several times throughout my life, even a few times tonight, coming from her, it made me flush slightly. "I like the usual things girls in the town square, dancing, and listening to music. I also like the colour blue, but I'm fascinated by the colour purple. I love the smell of freshly baked cookies, recently mowed grass, and the month of August. My birthday is August seventh, and I'm seventeen this year. I like any type of food, but I'm particularly enjoying this ice cream." She stated, taking another mouthful. "I love to spend time with my best friend, Marina. The two of us are inseparable. We do everything together, we're very similar. We like the same things, except for boys. She likes brunettes, I like blondes. I also think blue eyes are intriguing...come to think about it. I haven't seen Marina since she was talking to your brother Harry. How odd...?" She said simply, and I let out a little laugh. Brittany's eyes met mine again, and she gave me a look over, realizing she had just described me without realising, and blushed deeply. " didn't say that. Just ignore what I just said." She exclaimed, fretting.

I laughed heartedly. "Don't worry about it, Brit-"I started

"I can't believe I just did that! In front of a Prince of London!" She continued

"Brittany...?" I waited patiently

"I mean, I just made the biggest idiot out of myself. You probably think I'm really weird now?" she said, turning her statement into a question.

"Brittany...?" I asked, but she didn't hear, again. I could now tell why Brittany and Marina were good friends. They could both talk their mouths off.

"I don't blame you. Who wouldn't think I'm weird? You're the Prince of London, and even though I'm a princess, I'm not as prestigious as you are," she continued, running her mouth. I smiled at her awkwardness, because I found it cute, but she was still talking. I rolled my eyes, smirking. I was going to have to shut her up. I stood from my chair, and walked around the table, so I was standing beside her.

She kept talking, looking up at me. "It's pretty obvious that you're way out of my league, but I thought that for some reason I had a shot with you." I held out my hand, helping Brittany up from the chair. Her head reached the height of my chest, and I smiled down at her. I tilted her head up, by placing a finger, delicately, under her chin. "I was wrong, and I'm stupid..."

I started to lean forward, looking at Brittany's soft lips the whole time, hoping she would approve of this. "I'm so stupid, that I shouldn't be able to talk to you,'re about to kiss-"I interrupted her sentence with my lips, and an electrifying sensation raced over my skin. After a brief hesitation, Brittany kissed me back, lacing her fingers at the back of my neck. I pulled her closer to me, and she tugged lightly on my hair.

I was aware of the crowd of people in the ball room, so I broke the kiss off soon after. Brittany stared up at me, pouting, and I laughed admiringly at her. "Why don't we get out of here, then I can interrupt your one-man conversation again." I smirked, flirtatiously. Brittany didn't say anything, but nodded, her blush tingeing her cheeks.

I took her hand in mine, and the two of us hurried from the ballroom, leaving the ice cream, the two of us fought over, on the table, letting it melt in the bowl.


Hello My Friends,

It's been a while. I know you are probably annoyed that I haven't been updating, but schools really taking over this year, and plus I was having troubles with my best friend and my boyfriend, Jared. The fight between my boyfriend and I was resolved, and we are very happy now. We had a very nice valentines day together.

I would like to say thank you to all the people that helped me during my struggles with Jared, including @MarinaAckland, @Iram15, and @Ally1D. You guys are the best.

This Chapter is dedicated to Brittany Robinson. She doesn't have wattpad, but is a good friend of @MarinaAckland's so she reads my story off her phone...I think, but to Brittany, I hope you liked the chapter. I had to try and make some stuff up about you, because Marina's description wasn't very descriptive lol (Ily Marina)

P.s (wow this is a long author's note!) A couple of people have been wondering what's happening to Beka. They've been wondering who she ends up falling in love with, and I can tell you now, it's not any of the princes. You'll all just have to wait for book two and find out who it is, but don't worry, it's seriously isn't that far away. Oh and look out in the new male chapter in the next chapter. >.<

Please leave your thoughts, or comments below, leave a suggestion in my inbox if you'd like, and please if you love this story, tell your friends, or family...or you can eat poo....NO DON'T DO THAT! I WAS ONLY JOKING!

Love Always,



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