marksung - a really short and...

By xoxoj1sung

309 10 0

mark and jisung have been dating for two years just to find out to mark it was all a joke More

the one and only part

309 10 0
By xoxoj1sung

at this very moment Jisung was in Chenle's room ranting about something Mark did. What exactly did he do? Well..


Mark was sleeping while Jisung was just staring at him, waiting for him to wake up. It was kinda creepy but... let's ignore that! Finally Mark woke up.

"That was nice." Mark said, already coming to his senses.
"What was?" Jisung asked, confused if he had a really good dream or what.

Mark only said "Sleeping."
"Oh.. I wouldn't know."
"I don't sleep that often."

Mark softly smiled staring at Jisung who had the worse dark circles he's ever seen on someone. "I can tell."

"How.." Jisung was obviously oblivious to this sense they always got covered up by make up.

"You have dark circles." Jisung only said a small 'oh.'

"I worry about you." Mark randomly said, suddenly making Jisung feel bad, staying quiet. Jisungs lips slowly turned into a frown. Mark pecked his lips. "Don't make that face."
"But I don't want to make you worried."
"I'm always going to be worried about you."
"Don't." Jisung said, or more like demanded but Mark rolled his eyes at him.

"I will if I want to." Jisung went quiet again, still feeling bad for making the other worry. Mark began to frown too, getting a hug from Jisung. 

"I love you." Mark said.
"I love you too." Mark smiled as Jisung pecked his lips.

"Can we get married now?" Mark suddenly asked, getting a stare from Jisung. Mark gave him a confused look, waiting for him to answer.

"I already told you..." Jisung said recalling the time where he told him he wanted to focus on his career still. Mark only sighed.

"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Mark reassured the other who felt bad just flat out saying that.

"Okay.." Mark could tell something was off about him.
"What..?" He asked, kinda worried he may say something about their relationship, but luckily he didn't.

"I don't know.. is it really fine?" He asked, Mark only being confused, of course.
"Why wouldn't it be-" Jisung only shrugged, his mind obviously got the best of him.

Jisung pecked his lips again, quietly thanking him for being there.

"You're cute." Mark only received an "I know." from the other, which Mark of course taught him to do. Mark pat his head, smiling at the younger.

"Remember before we dated.. we argued a lot?" Mark randomly said.

"Mm, yeah.. what about it?"
"I hated you- like so bad, I couldn't even look at you without getting upset." Why would Mark say this? Of course Jisung only replied with a quiet 'oh'

"But now everytime I see you my heart does little flips." Jisung felt better after he continued. "It's strange..."

"Well, why did you hate me?" Jisung asked.
"Because you were a brat."
"You just were."
"You still are now." Mark said, ruffling Jisung's hair.

"But you can handle me?"
"What made you like me?" Jisung didn't it realize it during the moment, but later on he would regret asking that question.

"I don't even know.. I didn't truly like you until just a few months ago." Jisung stayed quiet for a moment.
"...You dated me for 2 years just to mess with me?"
"No- I thought we were just joking." How could Mark be so stupid?

"I wasn't..! I genuinely loved you! I wanted to be there for you no matter what happened! but you.. you were just a heartless bitch." Jisung was obviously upset, no more than that, heartbroken.

"Why're you raising your voice with me? I'm sorry if it seems shitty but I truly do love you... now." Well that's the problem, Jisung loved him for two years and believed Mark did too, but he was wrong.

Jisung just looked down and started crying. Mark sat up and stared at Jisung, confused. "Why're you crying-?"

Jisung just kept crying. "Leave me alone."
"That's kinda hard to do when we share a room..."

"I'll just leave then." And here we are now


Jisung was laying on top of Chenle, crying. Chenle only frowned and stared at his best friend who looked like he witnessed something horrible.

"Why are you crying?" Chenle asked with a frown.

Jisung only said his name, "Mark." Honestly at this point Chenle couldn't think of what Mark did cause Mark's just so unbelievably stupid.

Although, he still asked. "What did he do?"

"Did you know he didn't love me until a few months ago?" Chenle's frown only grew bigger.

It was quiet for a while until Chenle hugged him, Jisung hugging him back.

"I hate him." Jisung suddenly said, although they both knew that wasn't true.

"No you don't."
"How would you know?"
"Because you love him." That was the problem, loving him was the problem.

"He thought I was joking."

Literal one minute later.

"Mark's a bitch, don't date anyone named Mark EVER." Chenle just sighed.

The door opened, they both hoped it was their other bestie Jeno. But no, it was the said bitch Jisung was just rambling about.

Jisung only stayed quiet waiting for the other to say something. Mark hugged the younger but received no hug back.
"Stop being angry, I'm sorry." He said, pouting.

Jisung only stared at him and sighed, still keeping quiet.

"Please, I love you." Jisung had enough of this and kissed him as a way to say I forgive you. Mark was shocked but kissed back, cause that's all he wanted right? His Jisung back?

Jisung frowned into the kissed as Mark pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked with a pout, staring at him with only worry in his eyes.

"...I missed you." Jisung said quickly hugging the other. Chenle only rolled his eyes at the two, he suddenly missed this bitch huh? That's not what he heard.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry for saying that.." Mark hugged him tighter. As he saw the other look sadder again, obviously thinking about it.
"I'm sorry." He said again


Chenle suddenly got up and started pushing the two. "Go do this somewhere that isn't my room."

Jisung only giggled while Mark was kinda embarrassed just cause he remembered Jisung kissed him in front of Chenle.

:) <33 bye that's it LOVE YOUUUUU

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